839 resultados para Invertebrados aquáticos
Omnivory is a predominant feeding strategy among tropical fishes, but knowledge about its causes and consequences of this pattern is scarce. In this study we hypothesized that tropical fish feed lower in food web as a way to compensate a higher energetic demand, which increases with increasing water temperature and body size. Information about 8172 freshwater and marine fish species from whole world, from tropical and temperate ecosystems, showed that the trophic position of non-carnivore fish decreases with increasing body size in tropical but not in temperate ecosystems. This result indicates that the higher energetic demand of large-bodied tropical fish should exert a selective force in favor of omnivory. As a consequence, trophic dynamics in tropical freshwater ecosystems should have different patterns comparing to temperate ones, with major implications for water management and restoration of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems. Another hypothesis of this work was that effects of tropical omnivorous planktivorous fish on planktonic communities depend of primary producers stoichiometric composition, which depends of light availability relative to nutrients ratios. A mesocosm experiment, manipulating light availability and planktivorous fish presence, confirmed our hypothesis indicating that resource stoichiometric composition (consequently nutritional quality), determine trophic structure of pelagic food webs in tropical lakes. Finally another mesocosm experiment indicated that the removal of omnivorous benthivorous fish should be more efficient than removal of omnivorous planktivorus fish, as a way to improve water quality in tropical lakes and reservoirs. This last experiment showed that omnivorous planktivorous fish increase phytoplankton biomass due to trophic cascade interactions, without increasing nutrient concentrations in the water column. On the other hand, omnivorous benthivorous fish, feeding on detritus and other benthonic food sources and excreting nutrients in the water column, are responsible for translocate nutrient from sediments to the water column, increasing phosphorus pool and phytoplankton biomass. Thereby, internal phosphorus supply should be reduced and water quality of eutrophicated lakes could be improved by removing omnivorous benthivorous fish.
Dissertação (Mestrado)
Extracto de pulpo como suplemento para el cultivo y criopreservación de tejido y de células en suspensión de invertebrados marinos. La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento para obtención de un suplemento para el cultivo in vitro y criopreservación de tejido y de células en suspensión de invertebrados marinos a base de extracto acuoso de pulpo homogeneizado y la utilización de dicho suplemento preparación de medios para la criopreservación de células en suspensión y de tejidos de organismos invertebrados marinos.
O cobre é um metal essencial para as plantas, porém considerado tóxico quando em elevadas concentrações na água. No caso de macrófitas aquáticas já foi demonstrado que este metal inibe o processo fotossintético e provoca alterações pigmentares. Neste contexto, expusemos (96h) a macrófita aquática Potamogeton pectinatus (L.) à diferentes concentrações de cobre 1, 10, 100 e 1000 µM para avaliar o potencial bioacumulador da planta, e às concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM de Cu para verificar os possíveis efeitos do metal na taxa fotossintética (24 e 96h) em diferentes intensidades luminosas (17, 100, 300 e 500 µmol/m2 /s), no teor pigmentar (96h) e no crescimento das macrófitas (30 dias). Para os experimentos de bioacumulação mantivemos um grupo de plantas controle (sem adição de cobre no meio), enquanto que para os outros testes mantivemos um grupo controle e um grupo em solução nutritiva de Hoagland 100%, que contem cobre e outros micronutrientes em concentrações ideais para sobrevivência e crescimento de P. pectinatus. Nossos resultados mostram que a macrófita P. pectinatus é capaz de acumular altas concentrações de cobre, sendo que este acúmulo aumenta com a elevação dos níveis do metal na água. Apesar de basicamente não haver diferença estatística entre a concentração do metal nos diferentes órgãos da planta, as raízes mostraram-se capazes de acumular mais cobre que as folhas e caule com base no fator de bioconcentração. Com relação aos teores de clorofila “a”, “b” e carotenoides, estes foram menores nas folhas das plantas controle em comparação com as plantas em solução de Hogland, mas esta diferença só foi significativa nas plantas expostas ao cobre, que apresentaram menor concentração dos teores pigmentares já à 1 µM de Cu. Quanto à fotossíntese, em 24h de exposição, novamente observamos um efeito negativo da ausência e presença de cobre nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM, bem como, um efeito da luminosidade, de forma que as plantas em solução de Hoagland apresentaram maior taxa fotossintética quando em 100 µmol/m2 /s. Em virtude de um aumento na respiração em 96h, a fotossíntese, quando ocorreu, foi menor que em 24h e não diferiu entre os grupos e luminosidade. Em relação ao crescimento, as plantas perderam biomassa, mas mantiveram seus comprimentos e apenas aquelas em solução de Hoagland aumentaram seu número de folhas. Ainda, verificou-se clorose e necrose nas plantas controle e expostas ao cobre. Diante do exposto, concluímos que a macrófita P. pectinatus acumula altas concentrações de cobre, principalmente na raiz, sendo capaz e refletir as concentrações do metal no meio. Esta condição, sugere seu uso no biomonitoramento e fitorremediação de locais contaminados por cobre. Por outro lado, elas mostram-se sensíveis ao metal pela redução no teor pigmentar e fotossíntese, sugerindo estes como mecanismos toxicidade do cobre.
Freshwater mussel (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionoida) populations are one of the most endangered faunistic groups. Mussels play an important role in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, because they are responsible for the filtration and purification of water. They have a complex life cycle, with a parasitic larvae and usually limited host fish species. The real status of these populations is still poorly understood worldwide. The objectives of the present work were the study of bioecology of duck mussel (Anodonta anatina L.) populations of Tua Basin (NE Portugal). It was made the characterization of the ecological status of Rabaçal, Tuela and Tua Rivers, selecting 15 sampling sites, equally distributed by the three rivers. Samplings were made in the winter of 2016, and several physico-chemical water parameters measured and two habitat quality indexes calculated (GQC and QBR indexes). Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were sampled based on the protocols established by the Water Framework Directive. Host fish populations for duck mussel were determined in laboratorial conditions, testing several native and exotic fish species. The results showed that several water quality variables (e.g. dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, and nutrients) can be used for the classification of river typology. Other responsive metrics were also determined to identify environmental degradation. For instances, hydromorphological conditions (GQC and QBR indexes) and biota related metrics (e.g. composition, distribution, abundance, diversity of invertebrate communities) contributed to the evaluation of the ecological integrity. The upper zones of Rabaçal and Tuela rivers were classified with excellent and good ecological integrity, while less quality was found in downstream zones. The host fish tests showed that only native species are effective hosts, essential for the conservation purposes of this mussel species. Threats, like pollution, sedimentation and river regularization (3 big dams are in construction or in filling phase), are the main cause of habitat loss for native mussel and fish populations in the future. Rehabilitation and mitigation measures are essential for these lotic ecosystems in order to preserve the prioritary habitats and the native species heavily threatened.
Aquatic ecosystems are final collectors of all kinds of pollution as an outcome of anthropogenic inputs, such us untreated industrial and municipal sewage and agricultural pollutants. There are several aquatic ecosystems that are threatened by mineral and organic pollution. In Northeastern Portugal, near Bragança, different watercourses are suffering negative impacts of human activities. It has been developed several studies in the monitoring of environmental impacts in these river basins, namely in Rio Fervença, affected by organic pollution, and in Portelo stream, affected, since 2009, by the collapse and continuous input of mining deposits. In this sense, the present study aimed to continue the monitoring study of ecological status of freshwater ecosystems of Northeastern Portugal, namely the following objectives: a) mineral pollution effects of mining deposits sudden incorporated into Portelo stream; b) organic pollution due to domestic and industrial inputs in River Fervença. Also, since fish are useful experimental models to evaluate toxicological mechanisms of contaminants, c) acute toxicity tests with Cu were conducted in laboratory conditions. During 2015/2016, it was made abiotic and biotic characterization of 16 sampling sites distributed by both Portelo and Fervença rivers, tributaries of main River Sabor (Douro Basin). Several physicochemical parameters were determined and Riparian Quality (QBR Index) and Channel Quality (GQC) Indexes were determined for habitat evaluation. Fish and invertebrate communities were sampled, according to protocols of Water Framework Directive (WFD). Several metrics were determined, with particular emphasis on the Biotic Index IBMWP and the Northern Portuguese Invertebrate Index (IPtIN). Acute toxicity tests were conducted with an Iberian fish species, common barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei) and some plasmatic electrolytes levels were evaluated, to assess their contribution to mitigate osmoregulatory adverse effects of Cu. Also, same electrolytes were measured after changing to clean water, in attempt to assess fish capacity to reverse this situation. Results obtained for both rivers showed a significant level of disturbance that affected decisively water, habitat and biological quality of aquatic ecosystems. Mineral and Organic Pollution in River Sabor (NE Portugal): Ecotoxicological Effects on Freshwater Fauna Due to this change of environmental conditions in Portelo stream (extreme pH values, high conductivity and presence of heavy metals), several biological metrics (e.g. taxonomic richness, abundance, diversity, evenness) confirmed, comparatively with reference sites, a substantial decrease on ecological integrity status. The same pattern was found for Fervença River; however other water parameters, namely the content of most limiting nutrients (e.g. N and P) seemed to have more influence in the composition and structure of macroinvertebrate and fish communities. In fact, despite the operation of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Bragança, Fervença River presented significant levels of disturbance that affected decisively the quality and ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. The synergic effect of domestic and industrial pollution, intensive agriculture, regulation and degradation of aquatic and riparian habitats contributed to the decrease of ecological condition, namely in the downstream zones (after Bragança). The results for acute toxicity, showed that fish can change Na+ and K+ levels face to Cu exposition and, depending of Cu concentration tested, can also return to normal levels, providing some insights to that are believed to occurred in fish population, near the Portelo mines. The low ecological integrity status detected in the lotic ecosystems in NE Portugal as a result of mineral and organic pollution deserves the development of several measures for rehabilitation and improving of water quality. On the other hand, environmental education actions are needed to contribute to improvement of ecological integrity of the river and its conservation.
O herbicida Atrazina (ATR) é um agrotóxico utilizado há cerca de 50 anos, responsável pelo controle seletivo de plantas daninhas em cultivo de arroz, milho e cana-de-açúcar, principalmente. Estudos recentes apontam diversos efeitos desse herbicida em invertebrados e vertebrados, através da contaminação do solo, bem como da lixiviação para os ecossistemas aquáticos. Foi demonstrado que a ATR é um desregulador endócrino, além de causar efeitos como estresse oxidativo, imunotoxicidade e distúrbios no metabolismo energético. No presente estudo, a espécie nativa Poecilia vivipara foi utilizada como modelo experimental para identificar e analisar a expressão de genes atuantes na via esteroidogênica (StAR e Cyp19a1) e genes atuantes no sistema de defesa antioxidante enzimático (SOD-1 e CAT), frente a exposição à diferentes concentrações de ATR. Sequências parciais dos genes-alvo foram obtidas e comparadas com sequências disponíveis de espécies próximas. Foram analisadas a expressão órgãoespecífica para cada um dos genes isolados, bem como a expressão dos genes frente à exposição ao herbicida atrazina. Os animais foram expostos a ATR em concentrações de 2, 10 e 100 µg/L e a expressão dos genes em gônadas e fígado desses animais foram analisadas em 24 e 96 horas de exposição. As sequências obtidas dos genes StAR, Cyp19a1, SOD-1 e CAT apresentaram 821, 80, 954, 350 pares de bases respectivamente, com identidades que variam de 86 a 100% com espécies filogeneticamente próximas a P. vivipara. Os animais apresentaram uma maior expressão dos genes StAR e Cyp19a1 nas gônadas e no fígado, enquanto a menor expressão se mostrou em órgãos como intestino e baço. Já os genes SOD e CAT apresentaram uma maior expressão no fígado, e menor expressão no intestino. Em relação à expressão gênica frente à exposição à ATR, os resultados apontaram para uma indução dos genes StAR, SOD e CAT em 24 horas, nas gônadas e no fígado, enquanto 8 que a expressão do gene Cyp19a1 foi aumentada apenas após 96 horas de exposição. Foi demonstrado que o herbicida ATR, mesmo em baixas concentrações, é capaz de desregular a expressão de genes que codificam tanto para proteínas componentes da via de síntese de hormônios esteróides, quanto para enzimas atuantes na resposta antioxidante celular de P. vivipara.
Sulfated Polysaccharides with unique chemical structures and important biological activities has been found in a diversity of sea invertebrates. For that, to exist a huger interest on the biotechnology field in the research theses sulfated compounds isolated from sea organisms. Despite the privileged brazilian position for these compounds attainment, there are still a few scientific informations about the isolated substances and their biological activities. A head the displayed, the present work has for objectives, to evaluate the pharmacological properties of the glycosaminoglycans isolated from the sea shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti on homeostasis, blood coagulation, leukocytes migration and platelet/leukocyte adhesion. For this, yhe glycosaminoglycans were extracted from crustacean tissues by proteolysis, fractionation with acetone and later submitted to pharmacological assays. The crustacean tissues showed compounds heparin-like, with anticoagulant activity of 45 IU/mg and 90 IU/mg, respectively. These molecules showed low residual hemorrhagic effects in the tested concentration (100 µg/mL), when compared to unfractionated commercial heparin (UFH). Another dermatan sulfate-like compound, predominately constituted for disulfated disaccharides, was isolated from crustacean abdomen. This compound showed an efficient effect on leukocytes migration inhibition, in the concentration of 15 µg/mL, reducing the cellular infiltration in 65% when compared to the controlled animals. In this same concentration, the DS reduced in 60% the protein concentration of the peritoneal exudates. In the concentration, this compound of 0.5 mg/mL, it was capable to reduce in 40% platelet/leukocytes adhesion. Our data demonstrate that these sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the shrimp L. schimitti will can be used as bioactive compounds, appearing as active principles for pharmacological development, anticoagulants and inflammatory response regulators
The screening for genes in metagenomic libraries from soil creates opportunities to explore the enormous genetic and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Rivers are ecosystems with high biological diversity, but few were examined using the metagenomic approach. With this objective, a metagenomic library was constructed from DNA soil samples collected at three different points along the Jundiaí-river (Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil). The points sampled are from open area, rough terrain and with the direct incidence of sunlight. This library was analyzed functionally and based in sequence. For functional analysis Luria-Bertani solid medium (LB) with NaCl concentration varied from 0.17M to 0.85M was used for functional analysis. Positives clones resistant to hypersaline medium were obtained. The recombinant DNAs were extracted and transformed into Escherichia coli strain DH10B and survival curves were obtained for quantification of abiotic stress resistance. The sequences of clones were obtained and submitted to the BLASTX tool. Some clones were found to hypothetical proteins of microorganisms from both Archaea and Bacteria division. One of the clones showed a complete ORF with high similarity to glucose-6-phosphate isomerase which participates in the synthesis of glycerol pathway and serves as a compatible solute to balance the osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells. Subsequently, in order to identify genes encoding osmolytes or enzymes related halotolerance, environmental DNA samples from the river soil, from the water column of the estuary and ocean were collected and pyrosequenced. Sequences of osmolytes and enzymes of different microorganisms were obtained from the UniProt and used as RefSeqs for homology identification (TBLASTN) in metagenomic databases. The sequences were submitted to HMMER for the functional domains identification. Some enzymes were identified: alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase, L-ectoina synthase (EctC), transaminase L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acid (EctB), L-2 ,4-diaminobutyric acetyltransferase (EctA), L-threonine 3 dehydrogenase (sorbitol pathway), glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, inositol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, chaperones, L-proline, glycine betaine binding ABC transporter, myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase protein of proline simportadora / PutP sodium-and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase These proteins are commonly related to saline environments, however the identification of them in river environment is justified by the high salt concentration in the soil during prolonged dry seasons this river. Regarding the richness of the microbiota the river substrate has an abundance of halobacteria similar to the sea and more than the estuary. These data confirm the existence of a specialized response against salt stress by microorganisms in the environment of the Jundiaí river
En la Región la Libertad, la mayor producción pesquera artesanal descansa en tres pesquerías del ámbito costero: cangrejo violáceo, caracol negro y pulpo. La pesca de altura de la pota, es importante por los volúmenes que aporta a la pesquería. La evaluación, se realizó en el litoral de la Región La Libertad, desde Chérrepe (7°9’35,4”S – 79°41’8,2”W) hasta isla Corcovado (8°56’25,8”S - 78°41’49,4”W), del 8 al 28 de octubre 2012. El trabajo se efectuó en dos etapas: 16 días por mar y 5 días por mar somero, y comprendió los diversos tipos de muestreos en las estaciones, tanto biológicas como oceanográficas. El estudio se efectuó en treinta y nueve bancos de invertebrados marinos: siete de caracol negro, cuatro de pulpo, dos de concha de abanico, dos de almeja, dos de muy muy, cuatro de pepino de mar, y dieciocho de cangrejo violáceo.
La evaluación de los bancos naturales, se realizó entre 07°10’27”S, 79°41’18”W (Punta Chérrepe) y 08°45’44,9”S, 78°47’42,2”W (Isla Chao), del 13 al 24 de diciembre 2011. Se evaluó ocho especies de invertebrados de importancia comercial en 15 bancos naturales. Las especies fueron: Platyxanthus orbignyi cangrejo violáceo, Stramonita chocolata caracol negro, Octopus mimus pulpo, Argopecten purpuratus concha de abanico, Semele sp. almeja, Emerita analoga muy muy, Pattalus molli pepino de mar, Donax sp. palabritas.
Diversidade da fauna edáfica e epigeica de invertebrados em consórcio de mandioca com adubos verdes.
En la microcuenca El Coyote localizada en el municipio de Condega, Estelí, se evaluó la calidad del agua superficial de sde febrero del 2010 a febrero del 2011. El propósito fue la identificación de indicadores que faciliten la vigilancia y monitoreo de la calidad del agua . Se integró un sistema multimétrico utilizando las características físicoquímicas y bacteriológicas, macro invertebrados acuáticos, la caracterización morfométrica de la microcuenca y la información resultante a nivel de comunidad (cambios en el uso del suelo). En la determinación de la relación de la calidad del agua con la estructura de la macrofauna acuática (macroinvertebrados) se usó el método Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP/Col ) . La microcuenca tiene 144 afluentes con una forma oval - oblonga - alargada, y su curva hipsométrica refleja un estado de equilibrio relativo de juvenil a madurez. El uso del suelo es inadecuado y su entorno natural fue valorado como subóptimo. Aunque los parámetros fisico químicos indicaron que las aguas son alcalinas, con un nivel aceptable de oxigeno disuelto, categorizadas según el Diagrama de Riverside como aguas aptas par a riego (C2 - S1), y aceptables según valores determinados para DBO 5 y DQO; sin embargo, requieren de un tratamiento de descontaminación previo a su uso doméstico y agropecuario. Además, debido a la presencia de coliformes fecales estas aguas no están aptas para consumo humano . Los macroinvertebrados varían, según la estacionalidad, en riqueza, abundancia y distribución, presentando una disminución en el número de individuos en la época lluviosa (t= 5.21, p<2.18E - 07). E l 6 8 . 91 % de los macroinvertebrados bioin dicadores se distribuyeron en cinco familias : Leptohyphidae , Baetidae , Hydropsychidae , Chironomidae y Physidae , siendo el cariotipo piedra el que present ó mayor diversidad y abundancia . El promedio del BMWP /Col fue de 60.06, indicando una calidad del agua entre dudosa y aceptable , y el índice ASPT de 6.71 señala una contaminación moderada ; estos resultados coincide n con los obtenidos utilizando la batería de indicadores fisicoquímicos y bacteriológicos .
Los animales silvestres obtienen refugio, hábitat, alimento y agua de la cobertura que les ofrece la vegetación dentro del bosque. En los años 60s, la mayoría de las áreas boscosas de Nandarola fueron deforestadas y usadas en la producción agrícola de granos (frijoles, maíz, arroz) y áreas ganaderas. Los campos fueron recientemente abandonados y están siendo colonizados por un joven bosque secundario (González, 2005). La fauna silvestre también sufre procesos de colonización de las áreas abandonadas, de esta forma, es importante conocer que especies son las primeras en ser parte de esa colonización y evaluar los cambios en composición de las comunidades animales en el tiempo, principalmente porque muchos vegetales dependen de éstos para realizar procesos biológicos y ecológicos tan importantes como lo son la dispersión y la polinización. Hasta el momento se han realizados dos muestreos para el monitoreo de la fauna silvestre en un parche de bosque seco secundario de 3.5 ha en Nandarola, realizándose 17 visitas en el primero (año 2007) y 15 en el segundo (año 2009), distribuidas en ocho meses (octubre-mayo en cada muestreo). El área era agrícola y fue abandonado hace 17 años con fines de convertirlo en área forestal. Para la toma de datos se establecieron seis transectos de 20 x 100 m y seis puntos de conteo de 25 m de radio. Fueron contados e identificados todos los animales silvestres de los grupos mamíferos, aves, reptiles y anfibios mediante la técnica de avistamiento, para los cuales se calculó, se comparó la riqueza, abundancia, diversidad biológica y se describió la composición de especie, la preferencia de hábitat, los hábitos alimenticios y también se determinaron las especies de probable ocurrencia en el área de estudio. En promedio entre los dos muestreos fueron determinaron 113 individuos, agrupados en 35 especies, 34 géneros y 26 familias de fauna silvestre. De estas especies cuatro fueron mamíferos, 21 aves, siete reptiles y tres anfibios. Las familias más representadas según el número de especies fueron: Columbidae (3 especies) e Iguanidae (3). Las especies con mayor promedio de abundancia fueron: Campylorynchus rufinucha (22.5 individuos), Thryothorus pleurostictus (11.5), Calocitta formosa (10.5), Turdus grayi (8), Pachyrampuhus aglaiae (7), Eumomota supersiliosa (6.5) y Trogon melanocephalus (6). La abundancia y la riqueza no varió significativamente entre los muestreos, la diversidad fue mayor en el primero, debido al aumento de la dominancia específica (principalmente por Campylorynchus rufinucha ) en el segundo muestreo. El grupo de los mamíferos, reptiles y anfibios fue poco representado en el área de estudio, pudiéndose deber a factores antropogénicos. El paisaje esta mayormente representado por especies de aves de hábitats abiertos y que se alimentan mayoritariamente de invertebrados y semillas. Por otro lado con una relación menos específica los mamíferos y reptiles fueron principalmente de hábitats generalistas y mayormente consumidores de frutas, hierbas y vertebrados. Entre las especies de probable ocurrencia en el área de estudio se determinaron: Bufo coccifer, Boa constrictor, Ctenosaura similis, Mabuya unimarginata, Amazilia rutila, Aratinga canicularis, Ciccaba virgata, Crax rubra, Polyborus plancus, Dasypus novencintus, Dasyprocta punctata, Felis pardalis, Felis wiedii, Philander opossum, Nasua narica, Odocoileus virginianus, Procyon lotor, Puma concolor, Sylvilagus sp, Tayassu tajacu, entre otros.