310 resultados para Invariants


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In this article we study the azimuthal shear deformations in a compressible Isotropic elastic material. This class of deformations involves an azimuthal displacement as a function of the radial and axial coordinates. The equilibrium equations are formulated in terms of the Cauchy-Green strain tensors, which form an overdetermined system of partial differential equations for which solutions do not exist in general. By means of a Legendre transformation, necessary and sufficient conditions for the material to support this deformation are obtained explicitly, in the sense that every solution to the azimuthal equilibrium equation will satisfy the remaining two equations. Additionally, we show how these conditions are sufficient to support all currently known deformations that locally reduce to simple shear. These conditions are then expressed both in terms of the invariants of the Cauchy-Green strain and stretch tensors. Several classes of strain energy functions for which this deformation can be supported are studied. For certain boundary conditions, exact solutions to the equilibrium equations are obtained. © 2005 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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We determine the affine equivalence classes of the eight variable degree three homogeneous bent functions using a new algorithm. Our algorithm applies to general bent functions and can systematically determine the automorphism groups. We provide a partial verification of the enumeration of eight variable degree three homogeneous bent functions obtained by Meng et al. We determine the affine equivalence classes of these functions.


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We present an approach for detecting sensor spoofing attacks on a cyber-physical system. Our approach consists of two steps. In the first step, we construct a safety envelope of the system. Under nominal conditions (that is, when there are no attacks), the system always stays inside its safety envelope. In the second step, we build an attack detector: a monitor that executes synchronously with the system and raises an alarm whenever the system state falls outside the safety envelope. We synthesize safety envelopes using a modified machine learning procedure applied on data collected from the system when it is not under attack. We present experimental results that show effectiveness of our approach, and also validate the several novel features that we introduced in our learning procedure.


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There is a major effort in medical imaging to develop algorithms to extract information from DTI and HARDI, which provide detailed information on brain integrity and connectivity. As the images have recently advanced to provide extraordinarily high angular resolution and spatial detail, including an entire manifold of information at each point in the 3D images, there has been no readily available means to view the results. This impedes developments in HARDI research, which need some method to check the plausibility and validity of image processing operations on HARDI data or to appreciate data features or invariants that might serve as a basis for new directions in image segmentation, registration, and statistics. We present a set of tools to provide interactive display of HARDI data, including both a local rendering application and an off-screen renderer that works with a web-based viewer. Visualizations are presented after registration and averaging of HARDI data from 90 human subjects, revealing important details for which there would be no direct way to appreciate using conventional display of scalar images.


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Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q and let K/Q be a finite Galois extension with Galois group G. The equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for h(1)(E x(Q) K)(1) viewed as amotive over Q with coefficients in Q[G] relates the twisted L-values associated with E with the arithmetic invariants of the same. In this paper I prescribe an approach to verify this conjecture for a given data. Using this approach, we verify the conjecture for an elliptic curve of conductor 11 and an S-3-extension of Q.


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Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external constant axial-vector field is considered. The close similarity of the operator-product expansion with and without an external field is shown to arise from the chiral invariance of gauge interactions in perturbation theory. Several sum rules corresponding to various invariants both for the nucleon and the hyperons are derived. The analysis of the sum rules is carried out by two independent methods, one called the ratio method and the other called the continuum method, paying special attention to the nondiagonal transitions induced by the external field between the ground state and excited states. Up to operators of dimension six, two new external-field-induced vacuum expectation values enter the calculations. Previous work determining these expectation values from PCAC (partial conservation of axial-vector current) are utilized. Our determination from the sum rules of the nucleon axial-vector renormalization constant GA, as well as the Cabibbo coupling constants in the SU3-symmetric limit (ms=0), is in reasonable accord with the experimental values. Uncertainties in the analysis are pointed out. The case of broken flavor SU3 symmetry is also considered. While in the ratio method, the results are stable for variation of the fiducial interval of the Borel mass parameter over which the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the sum rules are matched, in the continuum method the results are less stable. Another set of sum rules determines the value of the linear combination 7F-5D to be ≊0, or D/(F+D)≊(7/12). .AE


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Polarization properties of Gaussian laser beams are analyzed in a manner consistent with the Maxwell equations, and expressions are developed for all components of the electric and magnetic field vectors in the beam. It is shown that the transverse nature of the free electromagnetic field demands a nonzero transverse cross-polarization component in addition to the well-known component of the field vectors along the beam axis. The strength of these components in relation to the strength of the principal polarization component is established. It is further shown that the integrated strengths of these components over a transverse plane are invariants of the propagation process. It is suggested that cross- polarization measurement using a null detector can serve as a new method for accurate determination of the center of Gaussian laser beams.


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For an operator T in the class B-n(), introduced by Cowen and Douglas, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and the covariant derivatives up to a certain order of the corresponding bundle E-T determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T. In a subsequent paper, the authors ask if the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and these covariant derivatives are necessary to determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T is an element of B-n(). Here we show that some of the covariant derivatives are necessary. Our examples consist of homogeneous operators in B-n(). For homogeneous operators, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and all its covariant derivatives at any point w in the unit disc are determined from the simultaneous unitary equivalence class at 0. This shows that it is enough to calculate all the invariants and compare them at just one point, say 0. These calculations are then carried out in number of examples. One of our main results is that the curvature along with its covariant derivative of order (0, 1) at 0 determines the equivalence class of generic homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles over the unit disc.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The use of invariants is an important tool for analysis of distributed and concurrent systems modeled by Petri nets. For a large practical system, the computation of desired invariants by the existing techniques is a time-consuming task. This paper proposes a theoretical foundation for simplified computation of desired invariants. We provide invariant-preserving Petri net reduction rules followed by the conditions for the existence of invariants in various well-structured nets. If an invariant exists, it can be found directly from the net structure using the formulas derived, or by applying the existing techniques on the reduced net.


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This paper proposes a novel and simple definition of general colored Petri nets. This definition is coherent with that of (uncolored) Petri nets, preserves the reflexivity of the original net and is extended to represent inhibitors. Also suggested are systematic and formal merging rules to obtain a well-formed structure of the extended colored Petri net by folding a given uncolored net. Finally, we present a technique to compute colored invariants by selecting colored RP-subnets. On the average, the proposed technique performs better than the existing ones. The analysis procedure is explained through an illustrative example of a three-level interrupt-priority-handler scheme.


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In this paper, we present an algebraic method to study and design spatial parallel manipulators that demonstrate isotropy in the force and moment distributions. We use the force and moment transformation matrices separately, and derive conditions for their isotropy individually as well as in combination. The isotropy conditions are derived in closed-form in terms of the invariants of the quadratic forms associated with these matrices. The formulation is applied to a class of Stewart platform manipulator, and a multi-parameter family of isotropic manipulators is identified analytically. We show that it is impossible to obtain a spatially isotropic configuration within this family. We also compute the isotropic configurations of an existing manipulator and demonstrate a procedure for designing the manipulator for isotropy at a given configuration.


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Distributed computing systems can be modeled adequately by Petri nets. The computation of invariants of Petri nets becomes necessary for proving the properties of modeled systems. This paper presents a two-phase, bottom-up approach for invariant computation and analysis of Petri nets. In the first phase, a newly defined subnet, called the RP-subnet, with an invariant is chosen. In the second phase, the selected RP-subnet is analyzed. Our methodology is illustrated with two examples viz., the dining philosophers' problem and the connection-disconnection phase of a transport protocol. We believe that this new method, which is computationally no worse than the existing techniques, would simplify the analysis of many practical distributed systems.


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We introduce a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model consisting of spins on a two-legged ladder and characterized by Z(2) invariants on the plaquettes of the ladder. We map the model to a fermionic system and identify the topological sectors associated with different Z2 patterns in terms of fermion occupation numbers. Within these different sectors, we investigate the effect of a linear quench across a quantum critical point. We study the dominant behavior of the system by employing a Landau-Zener-type analysis of the effective Hamiltonian in the low-energy subspace for which the effective quenching can sometimes be non-linear. We show that the quenching leads to a residual energy which scales as a power of the quenching rate, and that the power depends on the topological sectors and their symmetry properties in a non-trivial way. This behavior is consistent with the general theory of quantum quenching, but with the correlation length exponent nu being different in different sectors. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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We review work initiated and inspired by Sudarshan in relativistic dynamics, beam optics, partial coherence theory, Wigner distribution methods, multimode quantum optical squeezing, and geometric phases. The 1963 No Interaction Theorem using Dirac's instant form and particle World Line Conditions is recalled. Later attempts to overcome this result exploiting constrained Hamiltonian theory, reformulation of the World Line Conditions and extending Dirac's formalism, are reviewed. Dirac's front form leads to a formulation of Fourier Optics for the Maxwell field, determining the actions of First Order Systems (corresponding to matrices of Sp(2,R) and Sp(4,R)) on polarization in a consistent manner. These groups also help characterize properties and propagation of partially coherent Gaussian Schell Model beams, leading to invariant quality parameters and the new Twist phase. The higher dimensional groups Sp(2n,R) appear in the theory of Wigner distributions and in quantum optics. Elegant criteria for a Gaussian phase space function to be a Wigner distribution, expressions for multimode uncertainty principles and squeezing are described. In geometric phase theory we highlight the use of invariance properties that lead to a kinematical formulation and the important role of Bargmann invariants. Special features of these phases arising from unitary Lie group representations, and a new formulation based on the idea of Null Phase Curves, are presented.