233 resultados para Intraoral


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Since bovine teeth have been used as substitutes for human teeth in in vitro dental studies, the aim of this study was to compare the radiographic density of bovine teeth with that of human teeth to evaluate their usability for radiographic studies. Thirty bovine and twenty human teeth were cut transversally in 1 millimeter-thick slices. The slices were X-rayed using a digital radiographic system and an intraoral X-ray machine at 65 kVp and 7 mA. The exposure time (0.08 s) and the target-sensor distance (40 cm) were standardized for all the radiographs. The radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin of each slice were obtained separately using the histogram tool of Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. The mean radiographic densities of the enamel, coronal dentin and radicular dentin were calculated by the arithmetic mean of the slices of each tooth. One-way ANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences for the densities of bovine and human enamel (p < 0.05) and for bovine and human coronal dentin (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found for the bovine and human radicular dentin (p > 0.05). Based on the results, the authors concluded that: a) the radiographic density of bovine enamel is significantly higher than that of human enamel; b) the radiodensity of bovine coronal dentin is statistically lower than the radiodensity of human coronal dentin; bovine radicular dentin is also less radiodense than human radicular dentin, although this difference was not statistically significant; c) bovine teeth should be used with care in radiographic in vitro studies.


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AIM: The aim of this report is to describe the restorative treatment of an 18-year-old patient diagnosed with autosomal recessive hypocalcified-hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). BACKGROUND: Esthetic and functional rehabilitations in AI cases are challenging and should consider individual aspects, such as age, socioeconomic status, AI type, and intraoral condition. REPORT: AI was diagnosed in an 18-year-old patient. SUMMARY: Considering the short length of crowns and roots, patient life expectancy, minimal invasiveness, amount of treatment time required, and lower costs, oral rehabilitation with overdentures provided an adequate functional and esthetic rehabilitation of the patient. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This report demonstrated overdentures to be a viable, relatively inexpensive, and non-invasive treatment choice of a patient with AI with concerns about treatment longevity, invasiveness, cost, esthetics, and long-term maintenance.


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Introduction: The snoring is produced by the vibration of the soft palatum and/or other oropharyngeal tissues, during the air passage, in the breathing function. OSAHS is defined as the closing of 30%, at least, of the nasal/ buccal airway for 10 seconds or more, in spite of existing inspiratory effort, accompanied by oxyhemoglobin de- saturation of 4% or more. Objectives: To evaluate the available scientific evidence about the use of mandibular advancement intraoral appliances in the treatment of the snoring and/or OSAHS. Methodology: Electronic search strategy using predefined key-words and criteria was realized including studies published until October of 2008. It was also used the qualitative evaluation of the articles methodology. Results: Although a significant number of articles has studied this subject, only 7 articles showed methodological quality to be included in this systematic review. Conclusions: The intraoral appliances are widely prescribed for the treatment of snoring and OSAHS as primary therapy and as an alternative to patients who are unable to tolerate the positive airway pressure therapy.


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Aim: To evaluate caries experience and prevalence associated to social and preventive factors in 3-6-year-old children of a Pastoral Community from Limeira, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out through an epidemiologic research about the oral conditions of 110 children registered at the Children's Pastoral Community from the city of Limeira, SP, Brazil. Intraoral examination was performed by a trained dentist and the parents/caregivers filled out a questionnaire in order to outline the children's profile with respect to gender, parental education and oral health. Results: Differences related to gender were not detected (p= 0.3404). The most frequent periods of breastfeeding were 0 to 2 months (36.36%) and 2 to 6 months (35.45%), corresponding to 71.81% of the cases. The time bottle feeding pointed to two most frequent categories: 1) more than 12 months (35.45%) and 2) between 2 and 6 months (22.63%). Regarding parental education, the majority of the sample has not completed primary school (38.32%). It was observed a larger number of decayed teeth in male children (63.39%). Caries experience was significantly higher in children who were breastfed for only 2 months of life (41.96%). Children that did not use baby bottle or did not use a baby bottle for more than 1 year presented a smaller dmft, corresponding to 29.17% and 28.33%, respectively. Time of use of bottle and pacifier presented a significant association (p<0.05). Conclusions: The implementation of adequate strategies and actions is needed to reinforce oral health conditions in risk groups.


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Maxillomandibular reconstructions are traditionally performed by means of autogenous bone grafts collected from intraoral donor areas and extraoral donor areas such as clavicle, iliac bone, rib, and tibia. The calvarial bone has been studied as an alternative donor area, with a low incidence of complications and minimal postoperative morbidity. Complications such as dural lacerations associated with cerebrospinal fluid leakage and extradural and subdural bleeding were minimized due to the use of surgical trepan, allowing the diploic layer delimitation before the osteotomy, preserving the internal calvarial cortical. The purpose of this article is to suggest a new technique for the obtainment of calvarial bone grafts with surgical trepan.


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Craniofacial osseointegrated implants enabled producing implant-retained facial prosthesis, namely the orbital prosthesis. Aim: To evaluate the length and width of the bone structure of the peri-orbital region and to present the method validation. Methods: Computed tomography scans of 30 dry human skulls were obtained in order to register linear length and width measurements of the periorbital region. Two examiners made the measurements twice with intervals of at least 7 days between them. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and the paired Student's t-test was used as inferential technique (SAS, α =0.05). Results: In most cases, the intra- and inter-examiner variations were not significant (p>0.05). Therefore, the method proposed was considered as precise and valid for the measurement of the peri-orbital region. The measured points correspond to the hours of a clock. The major lengths were observed at 1 h (18.32 mm) for the left peri-orbital bone and at 11h (19.28 mm) for the right peri-orbital bone, followed by the points situated at 2h (13.05 mm) and 12h (11.37 mm) for the left side and at 10 h (12.34 mm) and 12 h (11.56 mm) for the right side. It was verified that the three points with lowest values followed the same anatomical sequence in the supraorbital rim for the right and left orbits, showing compatibility with the insertion of the intraoral osseointegrated implants. The medial wall of both orbits did not present sufficient length to allow the insertion of intraoral or craniofacial implants. Conclusions: The largest width points were observed in the supraorbital rim and in the infralateral region of both orbits and those of smallest width were found in the supralateral region of both orbits.


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Fragile X syndrome is a cytogenetic abnormality related to chromosomal X. This syndrome is frequently associated to intellectual disability, psychological problems, as well as heart, skeletal and join alterations. Intraoral anomalies include malloclusion, ogival palate, cleft palate, presence of mesiodens, dental hypomineralization and abrasion of the occlusal surfaces and incisai edges. The study of characteristics of this syndrome is important for the dentist in order to guide dental treatment and prevention. The aim of this study is to present a myofunctional therapy protocol, evaluated by surface electromyography. A case of a 21 year-old young man who attended the Training Program in Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities, School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos/UNESP is reported. He underwent myofunctional therapy before dental treatment and the masticatory muscles were evaluated by surface electromyography. The exercises of myofunctional therapy consisted of active and passive simple movements of opening and closing the mouth, tongue protrusion and retrusion, digital manipulation and also by using an electric massager on intraoral and perioral region of the masseter, buccinator and orbicularis oris. Action potentials of the masticatory muscles decreased in almost all the muscles and values for the bite force and mandibular opening capacity increased. This study showed that brief and immediate myofunctional therapy optimized clinical practice with positive repercussion on dental care.


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Purpose: This study was performed to compare the inverted digital images and film-based images of dry pig mandibles to measure the periodontal bone defect depth. Materials and Methods: Forty 2-wall bone defects were made in the proximal region of the premolar in the dry pig mandibles. The digital and conventional radiographs were taken using a Schick sensor and Kodak F-speed intraoral film. Image manipulation (inversion) was performed using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. Four trained examiners made all of the radiographic measurements in millimeters a total of three times from the cementoenamel junction to the most apical extension of the bone loss with both types of images: inverted digital and film. The measurements were also made in dry mandibles using a periodontal probe and digital caliper. The Student's t-test was used to compare the depth measurements obtained from the two types of images and direct visual measurement in the dry mandibles. A significance level of 0.05 for a 95% confidence interval was used for each comparison. Results: There was a significant difference between depth measurements in the inverted digital images and direct visual measurements (p>|t|=0.0039), with means of 6.29 mm (IC95%:6.04-6.54) and 6.79 mm (IC95%:6.45-7.11), respectively. There was a non-significant difference between the film-based radiographs and direct visual measurements (p>|t|=0.4950), with means of 6.64mm (IC95%:6.40-6.89) and 6.79mm(IC95%:6.45-7.11), respectively. Conclusion: The periodontal bone defect measurements in the inverted digital images were inferior to film-based radiographs, underestimating the amount of bone loss. copy; 2012 by Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.


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Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of ultrasonic activation of bleaching agents during ex vivo internal bleaching. Methodology: Fifty canine human teeth were artificially stained, root filled and divided into five groups (n = 10) that received SP - sodium perborate plus deionized water (control group), CP - 37% carbamide peroxide gel, CPUS - 37% carbamide peroxide gel plus ultrasonic application, HP - 35% hydrogen peroxide gel or HPUS - 35% hydrogen peroxide gel plus ultrasonic application. In groups CP and HP, the bleaching agent was left inside the pulp chamber for three applications of 10 min. In groups CPUS and HPUS, the same process was performed, but ultrasonic vibration was applied to the bleaching agent by an alloy tip for 30 s, with 30 s intervals. Two sessions were performed. The colour was measured initially and after each session by an intraoral dental spectrophotometer. The variation (Δ) of the colour parameters based on the CIELab system L*, a* and b*, and the colour alteration ΔE* were calculated after first and second section. Data were analysed by one-way anova and Tukey's test. Results: There was no significant difference amongst groups for ΔL*, Δa* and ΔE*, but there was a significant difference for Δb* in the first and second sessions (P = 0.0006 and 0.0016, respectively). After the first session, Δb* was significantly greater for groups HP and HPUS, without a significant difference between them. For the second session, group HPUS had the greatest Δb* values, but they were similar to groups HP and SP; group CP had the lowest values, which were similar to groups CPUS and SP. Conclusion: Ultrasonic activation of bleaching agents during ex vivo internal bleaching was no more effective than conventional internal bleaching procedures, without activation. © 2012 International Endodontic Journal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)