995 resultados para Interior point
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar algunos de los saberes, las prácticas y las estrategias judiciales que distintos comerciantes pusieron en juego dentro del fuero consular. Estos provenían en buena medida de la propia actividad comercial, por lo que los consideramos como una extensión de su función económica como comerciantes. Tomaremos aquí las trayectorias de dos comerciantes porteños de reconocimiento en la plaza porteña, que ocuparon, en distintos momentos, cargos de importancia dentro del Consulado porteño. Asimismo, mostraremos quiénes son sus oponentes en los pleitos citados y detallaremos las características que asumen los conflictos en cada caso
El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una evaluación realista de la incertidumbre en los ensayos de ruido transmitido al interior de una sala según el Anexo IV del Real Decreto 1367/2007, contemplando todas las posibles causas que intervienen en la incertidumbre de forma que las imprecisiones observadas en los ejercicios de intercomparación se cubran con un único ensayo. Otra parte fundamental del trabajo es cuantificar la fuente de incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medición. En primer lugar se realiza la medición del nivel continuo equivalente ponderado A en habitaciones de distinto tamaño, a la que llegan los distintos tipos de ruido emitido desde el exterior de las mismas. El siguiente paso es realizar un análisis de los niveles medidos, tanto en su distribución espacial como en su evolución temporal, incidiendo en los valores máximos, LAeq,5s. A continuación se comprueba si la distribución de los niveles medidos se ajusta a una distribución normal mediante el software de análisis estadístico STATGRAPHICS. Determinando, en base al tamaño de las muestras escogidas, por medio de análisis estadísticos, la aportación a la incertidumbre generada en la elección del punto de medida, cuantificando su valor. Por último se realiza una medición del ruido de actividades según el Real Decreto 1367/2007, aportando una evaluación de la incertidumbre, teniendo en cuenta todas las fuentes que la generan, mediante el enfoque clásico de la GUM. ABSTRACT. The objective of this work is to carry out a realistic assessment of the uncertainty in the trials of noise transmitted into the interior of a room according to Annex IV of the Royal Decree 136772997, considering all of the causes involved in uncertainty in such a way that the inaccuracies observed in intercomparison exercises are covered with a single trial. Another fundamental part of the work is to quantify the source of uncertainty in the choice of the point of measurement. First is the weighted equivalent of the continuous level measurement in rooms of different sizes, which reach different types of noise emitted from outside of them. The next step is to perform an analysis of the measured levels, both in their spatial distribution and their temporal evolution, influencing the maximum values, LAeq,5s. Then it is checked to see whether the distribution of the measured levels conforms to a normal distribution using the STATGRAPHICS statistical analysis software. Determining therefore, based on the size of the selected samples, through statistical analysis, the contribution to the uncertainty generated in the choice of the measurement point, quantifying its value. At last is the measure of the noise of activities according to the Royal Decree 1367/2007, providing an assessment of the uncertainty, taking into account all sources that generate it, using the classical approach to the GUM.
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Tendo como recorte o Vale do Cariri nos anos de 1930 a 1950, esta pesquisa visa contribuir para a história da inserção da Igreja Batista Regular no Brasil. A referência ao Vale do Cariri é necessária para captar o contexto e as relações sociais vigentes na chegada do missionário batista regular ao local. A inserção batista regular em solo brasileiro, mais especificamente em Juazeiro do Norte, de certa forma, se deu em terreno já preparado com a religiosidade nordestina construída num longo período. Tentamos observar os costumes, as crenças, as dores, os medos e os sonhos do carirense, como ponto de partida para identificarmos suas ações e reações à nova religiosidade oferecida pelos batistas regulares. Intentamos mostrar que o espaço deixado por Pe. Cícero e certa semelhança entre algumas posturas do missionário batista com aquelas do padre carismático foram pontos fundamentais para inserção e posterior institucionalização dos batistas regulares no nordeste brasileiro.
A qualidade do ar interior (QAI) em edifícios é uma preocupação que acompanha o Homem desde há séculos. A qualidade do ar interior nas escolas, em particular, tem vindo a provocar um crescente interesse, dado que o grupo populacional pertence a um grupo etário mais suscetível de ser afetado. A utilização de ferramentas numéricas de modelação na avaliação da QAI é uma mais valia, pois permite estimar as concentrações dos poluentes no interior dos edifícios. O principal objetivo deste estudo consiste na avaliação da qualidade do ar interior através da aplicação de uma ferramenta a um caso de estudo. Neste caso de estudo estimou-se a concentração de material particulado (PM10) numa sala de aula da Escola Básica nº 1 da Glória, em Aveiro. Neste âmbito, foi aplicado o modelo INDEX, Indoor Exposure model, que possibilita o cálculo de concentrações interiores de poluentes atmosféricos. Os resultados da aplicação indicam que as concentrações do ar interior são influenciadas pelas concentrações exteriores e pela velocidade do vento. Note-se, contudo, que os valores simulados cumprem os valores legislados na Portaria nº 353-A/2013, de 4 de Dezembro. Embora os resultados simulados não revelem uma má qualidade do ar interior na sala de aula da Escola Básica nº 1 da Glória, a avaliação de outros poluentes seria um ponto de extrema importância, de forma a verificar se os requisitos da qualidade do ar interior estarão a ser garantidos.
Este proyecto propone el diseño de un jardín interior en una vivienda del Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de Cuenca partiendo de una consideración histórica, conceptual y referencial, es decir, trataremos acerca de los jardines a lo largo de la historia sus características y funcionalidad; un análisis tipológico de acuerdo con el uso del jardín en nuestra ciudad y a través de un muestreo, observación y análisis de viviendas conseguiremos un registro claro del estado de conservación actual de estos espacios. Luego, en un segundo momento, y a partir de conceptos y directrices para la generación de formas en el diseño del jardín interior generaremos una fuente de apoyo para finalmente realizar una propuesta útil y armónica que mantenga características y vegetación adecuada a nuestras condiciones y medios ambientales, además se intentara representar los criterios aprendidos a lo largo del proyecto para que puedan servir como guía en el diseño de cualquier jardín
É num quadro internacional caracterizado pela crescente multi/interculturalidade das populações escolares, que se inscreve o presente trabalho de investigação, que tem como tema a inclusão da diversidade linguística no ensino básico, no contexto específico da Escola Básica com Jardim-de-infância de Ammaia, situada no interior rural de Portugal, mais precisamente no Alto Alentejo. A pesquisa, alicerçada no paradigma interpretativo, caracterizou-se por uma investigação de cariz qualitativo, mais precisamente um estudo de caso, que teve como principal fonte de recolha de dados as entrevistas em profundidade, realizadas a quatro docentes e a um encarregado de educação imigrante, as quais foram objecto de análise de conteúdo posterior. Entre os objectivos do estudo encontravam-se a identificação de algumas respostas educativas organizadas pelas escolas, no âmbito da sua autonomia, com vista a inclusão dos alunos migrantes e dos principais factores de favorecimento e de obstrução à inclusão dos mesmos, na perspectiva e concepção dos mais directos intervenientes no processo, nomeadamente os professores e os pais ou encarregados de educação destes alunos. Da análise e interpretação dos resultados ficou expresso o esforço que as comunidades educativas vêm fazendo com vista a adaptarem-se à inclusão da multi/interculturalidade, designadamente a linguística, não obstante as dificuldades com que se debatem, tais como a falta de formação da docente e a escassez de recursos para garantir o sucesso destes alunos. Além disso, permitiu comprovar alguns dados apontados pela investigação, nomeadamente a disseminação desta população por todo o território nacional e a generalização da prática denominada por «desclassificação», através da colocação dos alunos em níveis inferiores aos que frequentavam no estrangeiro. Foi igualmente possível apontar alguns dos factores que mais contribuirão para a sua inclusão, dos quais se destaca o estabelecimento de relações afectivas sólidas por parte destes alunos com os seus pares e a necessidade de fazer uso de métodos progressivos e flexíveis, adaptados às necessidades e capacidades dos alunos, capazes de lhes garantirem um nível adequado de proficiência da língua portuguesa, enquanto factor essencial ao seu sucesso educativo. ABSTRACT: It is in an international context, characterized by the growing cultural, ethnical, linguistic diversity and other aspects of school populations, which lead educational communities to severe changes, that the present investigational work refers to, whose topic is the inclusion of language diversity in the basic teaching, in the specific context of Escola Básica com Jardim de Infância de Ammaia, located in the rural interior of Portugal, to be more accurate, in the North Alentejo region. The research, based on the interpretational paradigm, is characterized by a qualitative investigation, more precisely in a case study, which had as a main source of data gathering the interviews done to four teachers and an immigrant parent, which were subjected to posterior content analysis. Among the aims of the study were the identification of some educational responses organized by schools, in the extent of its autonomy, regarding the inclusion of migrant pupils and the main favoring and obstruction factors to the inclusion of these same pupils, in the perspective, conception and comprehension of the most direct intervenient in the process, namely teachers and parents of these pupils. From the analysis and interpretation of the results it is visible the effort educational communities have been making in order to adapt themselves to the inclusion of the multi/interculturality, namely linguistic, in spite of the difficulties they find, such as the lack of formation of teachers and the scarcity of resources to guarantee the success of this new school population. Likewise, it allowed to prove some data pointed out by the investigation, namely the dissemination of this population throughout the national territory and the generalization of the practice called "disqualification”, by placing pupils in inferior levels to those they attended abroad. It was also possible to point out some of the factors that most contribute to their inclusion, of which stand out the establishment of solid affective relationship between these pupils and their peers and the necessity to use progressive and flexible methods, adapted to the needs and capacities of the pupils, able to guarantee an adequate proficiency level of the Portuguese language, as the key factor to their educational success.
Traditional information retrieval (IR) systems respond to user queries with ranked lists of relevant documents. The separation of content and structure in XML documents allows individual XML elements to be selected in isolation. Thus, users expect XML-IR systems to return highly relevant results that are more precise than entire documents. In this paper we describe the implementation of a search engine for XML document collections. The system is keyword based and is built upon an XML inverted file system. We describe the approach that was adopted to meet the requirements of Content Only (CO) and Vague Content and Structure (VCAS) queries in INEX 2004.
Cultural policy settings attempting to foster the growth and development of the Australian feature film industry in era of globalisation are coming under increasing pressure. Global forces and emerging production and distribution models are challenging the “narrowness” of cultural policy – mandating a particular film culture, circumscribing certain notions of value and limiting the variety of films produced through cultural policy driven subvention models. Australian horror film production is an important case study. Horror films are a production strategy well suited to the financial limitations of the Australian film industry with competitive advantages for producers against international competitors. However, emerging within a “national” cinema driven by public subsidy and social/cultural objectives, horror films – internationally oriented with a low-culture status – have been severely marginalised within public funding environments. This paper introduces Australian horror film production, and examines the limitations of cultural policy, and the impacts of these questions for the Producer Offset.
Monitoring unused or dark IP addresses offers opportunities to extract useful information about both on-going and new attack patterns. In recent years, different techniques have been used to analyze such traffic including sequential analysis where a change in traffic behavior, for example change in mean, is used as an indication of malicious activity. Change points themselves say little about detected change; further data processing is necessary for the extraction of useful information and to identify the exact cause of the detected change which is limited due to the size and nature of observed traffic. In this paper, we address the problem of analyzing a large volume of such traffic by correlating change points identified in different traffic parameters. The significance of the proposed technique is two-fold. Firstly, automatic extraction of information related to change points by correlating change points detected across multiple traffic parameters. Secondly, validation of the detected change point by the simultaneous presence of another change point in a different parameter. Using a real network trace collected from unused IP addresses, we demonstrate that the proposed technique enables us to not only validate the change point but also extract useful information about the causes of change points.
In this study, the authors propose a novel video stabilisation algorithm for mobile platforms with moving objects in the scene. The quality of videos obtained from mobile platforms, such as unmanned airborne vehicles, suffers from jitter caused by several factors. In order to remove this undesired jitter, the accurate estimation of global motion is essential. However it is difficult to estimate global motions accurately from mobile platforms due to increased estimation errors and noises. Additionally, large moving objects in the video scenes contribute to the estimation errors. Currently, only very few motion estimation algorithms have been developed for video scenes collected from mobile platforms, and this paper shows that these algorithms fail when there are large moving objects in the scene. In this study, a theoretical proof is provided which demonstrates that the use of delta optical flow can improve the robustness of video stabilisation in the presence of large moving objects in the scene. The authors also propose to use sorted arrays of local motions and the selection of feature points to separate outliers from inliers. The proposed algorithm is tested over six video sequences, collected from one fixed platform, four mobile platforms and one synthetic video, of which three contain large moving objects. Experiments show our proposed algorithm performs well to all these video sequences.
This research reports on a project concerned with the relationship between the person and the environment in the context of achieving a contemplative or existential state – a state which can be experienced either consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study originated with the desire to contribute to the design of multicultural spaces which could be used for a range of activities within the public and the personal arena, activities including contemplation, meditation and prayer. The concept of ‘sacred’ is explored in the literature review and in primary interviews with the participants of this study. Given that the word ‘sacred’ is highly value-laden and potentially alienating for some people, it was decided to use the more accessible term ‘contemplative’. The outcomes of the study inform the practice of interior design and architecture which tends currently to neglect the potential for all spaces to be existentially meaningful. Informed by phenomenological methodology, data were collected from a diverse group of people, using photo-elicitation and interviews. The technique of photo-elicitation proved to be highly effective in helping people reveal their everyday lived experience of contemplative spaces. Reflective analysis (Van Manen 2000) was used to explore the data collected. The initial stage of analysis produced three categories of data: varying conceptions of contemplation, aspects of the person involved in the contemplation, and aspects of environment involved in contemplation. From this, it was found that achieving a state of contemplation involves both the person and the environment in a dialectic process of unfolding. The unfolding has various physical, psycho-social, and existential dimensions or qualities which operate sequentially and simultaneously. Two concepts emerged as being central to unfolding: ‘Cleansing’ and ‘Nothingness’. Unfolding is found to comprise the Core; Distinction; Manifestation; Cleansing; Creation; and Sharing. This has a parallel with Mircea Eliade’s (1959) definition of sacred as something that manifests itself as different from the profane. The power of design, re-contextualization through utility and purpose, and the existential engagements between the person and environment are used as a basis for establishing the potential contribution of the study to interior design. In this way, the study makes a contribution to our understanding of how space and its elements inspire, support and sustain person environment interaction – particularly at the existential level – as well as to our understanding of the multi-dimensional and holistic nature of this interaction. In addition, it points to the need for a phenomenological re-conceptualisation of the design/client relationship. In summary, the contributions of this research are: the exploration of contemplative experience as sacred experience; an understanding of the design of space as creating engagement between person and environment; a rationale for the introduction of a phenomenological approach to the relationship between designer and clients; and raising awareness of the spiritual in a holistic approach to design.