989 resultados para Interferon-alpha-2b plus ribavirin


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Das Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) ist ein umhülltes RNA Virus aus der Familie der Flaviviridae. Sein Genom kodiert für ein ca. 3000 Aminosäuren langes Polyprotein, welches co- und posttranslational in seine funktionellen Einheiten gespalten wird. Eines dieser viralen Proteine ist NS5A. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein stark phosphoryliertes Protein, das eine amphipatische α-Helix im Amino-Terminus trägt, welche für die Membran-Assoziation von NS5A verantwortlich ist. Welche Rolle die Phosphorylierung für die Funktion des Proteins spielt, bzw. welche Funktion NS5A überhaupt ausübt, ist zur Zeit noch unklar. Beobachtungen lassen Vermutungen über eine Funktion von NS5A bei der Resistenz infizierter Zellen gegenüber Interferon-alpha zu. Weiterhin wird vermutet, das NS5A als Komponente des membranständigen HCV Replikasekomplexes an der RNA Replikation beteiligt ist. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war es, die Funktion von NS5A für die RNA Replikation zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Serie von Phosphorylierungsstellen-Mutanten generiert, die auf Ihre Replikationsfähigkeit und den Phosphorylierungsstatus hin untersucht wurden. Wir fanden, dass bestimmte Serin-Substitutionen im Zentrum von NS5A zu einer gesteigerten RNA Replikation führten, bei gleichzeitig reduzierter NS5A Hyperphosphorylierung. Weiterhin studierten wir den Einfluß von Mutationen in der Amino-terminalen amphipatischen α-Helix von NS5A auf die RNA-Replikation, sowie Phosphorylierung und subzelluläre Lokalisation des Proteins. Wir fanden, dass geringfügige strukturelle Veränderungen der amphipatischen Helix zu einer veränderten subzellulären Lokalisation von NS5A führten, was mit einer reduzierten oder komplett inhibierten RNA Replikation einherging. Zudem interferierten die strukturellen Veränderungen mit der Hyperphosphorylierung des Proteins, was den Schluß nahe legt, dass die amphipatische Helix eine wichtige strukturelle Komponente des Proteins darstellt, die für die korrekte Faltung und Phosphorylierung des Proteins essentiell ist. Als weitere Aspekte wurden die Trans-Komplementationsfähigkeit der verschiedenen viralen Komponenten des HCV Replikasekomplexes untersucht, sowie zelluläre Interaktionspartner von NS5A identifiziert. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit, dass NS5A eine wichtige Rolle bei der RNA-Replikation spielt. Diese Funktion wird wahrscheinlich über den Phosphorylierungszustand des Proteins reguliert.


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Therapeutic vaccination for chronic hepatitis B in the Trimera mouse modelrnRaja Vuyyuru and Wulf O. BöcherrnHepatitis B is a liver disease caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV). It ranges in severity from a mild illness, lasting a few weeks (acute), to a serious long-term (chronic) illness that can lead either to liver disease or liver cancer. Acute infection is self limiting in most adults, resulting in clearance of virus from blood and liver and the development of lasting immunity. However 5% of acutely infected patients do not resolve primary HBV infection, leading to chronic infection with persistent viral replication in the liver. The strength of the initial antiviral immune response elicited to Hepatitis B determines the subsequent clinical outcome. A strong and broad T cell response leads to spontaneous resolution. Conversely, a weak T cell response favours viral persistence and establishment of chronic disease. While treatments using interferon-alpha or nucleos(t)ide analogues can reduce disease progression, they rarely lead to complete recovery. The lack of a suitable small animal model hampered efforts to understand the mechanisms responsible for immune failure in these chronic patients.rnIn current study we used Trimera mice to study the efficacy of potential vaccine candidates using HBV loaded dendritic cells in HBV chronic infection in vivo. The Trimera mouse model is based on Balb/c mice implanted with SCID mouse bone marrow and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HBV patients, and thus contains the immune system of the donor including their HBV associated T cell defect.rnIn our present study, strong HBV specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses were enhanced by therapeutic vaccination in chronic HBV patients. These T cell responses occurred independently of either the course of the disease or the strength of their underlying HBV specific T cell failure. These findings indicate that the Trimera mouse model represents a novel experimental tool for evaluating potential anti-HBV immunotherapeutic agents. This in vivo data indicated that both the HBV specific CD4+ cell and CD8+ responses were elicited in the periphery. These HBV specific T cells proliferated and secreted cytokines upon restimulation in Trimera mice. The observation that these HBV specific T cells are not detectable directly ex vivo indicates that they must be immune tolerant or present at a very low frequency in situ. HBV specific T cell responses were suppressed in Trimera mice under viremic conditions, suggesting that viral factors might be directly involved in tolerizing or silencing antiviral T cell responses. Thus, combination of an effective vaccine with antiviral treatment to reduce viremia might be a more effective therapeutic strategy for the future. Such approaches should be tested in Trimera mice generated in HBV or HBs expressing transgenic mice before conducting clinical trials.rn


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Host-parasite interactions in the E. multilocularis-intermediate host model depend on a subtle balance between cellular immunity, which is responsible for host's resistance towards the metacestode, the larval stage of the parasite, and tolerance induction and maintenance. The pathological features of alveolar echinococcosis. the disease caused by E. multilocularis, are related both to parasitic growth and to host's immune response, leading to fibrosis and necrosis, The disease spectrum is clearly dependent on the genetic background of the host as well as on acquired disturbances of Th1-related immunity. The laminated layer of the metacestode, and especially its carbohydrate components, plays a major role in tolerance induction. Th2-type and anti-inflammatory cytokines, IL-10 and TGF-beta, as well as nitric oxide, are involved in the maintenance of tolerance and partial inhibition of cytotoxic mechanisms. Results of studies in the experimental mouse model and in patients suggest that immune modulation with cytokines, such as interferon-alpha, or with specific antigens could be used in the future to treat patients with alveolar echinococcosis and/or to prevent this very severe parasitic disease.


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OBJECTIVE: To measure maximum binding capacity (B(max)) and levels of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes in ileal and colonic muscle layers of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Ileal and colonic muscle specimens from 6 freshly slaughtered cows. PROCEDURES: Ileal and colonic muscle layers were obtained by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness tissue specimens. Level of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-AR subtypes was measured by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis and expressed relative to the mean mRNA expression of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin, and 18S ribosomal RNA. Binding studies were performed with tritiated RX821002 ((3)H-RX821002) and subtype-selective ligands as competitors. RESULTS: mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes was similar in ileal and colonic muscle layers. The mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-AR was significantly greater than that for alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes, representing 92%, 6%, and 2%, respectively, of the total mRNA. Binding competition of (3)H-RX821002 with BRL44408, imiloxan, and MK-912 was best fitted by a 1-site model. The B(max) of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-AR sub-types was greater than that of alpha(2B)-AR. The B(max) and level of mRNA expression were only correlated (r = 0.8) for alpha(2AD)-AR. Ratio of B(max) to mRNA expression for alpha(2C)-AR was similar to that for alpha(2B)-AR, but significantly greater than for alpha(2AD)-AR. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subtypes of alpha(2)-AR in bovine intestinal muscle layers are represented by a mixture of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-ARs and of alpha(2B)-AR at a lower density. Information provided here may help in clarification of the role of AR subtypes in alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanisms regulating bovine intestinal motility.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution of mRNA coding for 9 adrenoceptor subtypes in the intestines of healthy dairy cows and cows with cecal dilatationdislocation (CDD). SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness specimens of the intestinal wall were obtained from the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and external loop of the spiral colon (ELSC) of 15 cows with CDD (group 1) and 15 healthy (control) cows (group 2, specimens collected during laparotomy; group 3, specimens collected after slaughter). PROCEDURES: Concentrations of mRNA for 9 adrenoceptor subtypes (alpha(1A), alpha(1B), alpha(1D), alpha(2AD), alpha(2B), alpha(2C), beta(1), beta(2), and beta(3)) were measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR assay. Results were expressed relative to mRNA expression of a housekeeping gene. RESULTS: Expression of mRNA for alpha(1B)-, alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, beta(1)-, and beta(2)-adrenoceptors was significantly lower in cows with CDD than in control cows. In the ileum, these receptors all had lower mRNA expression in cows with CDD than in control cows. The same effect was detected in the ELSC for mRNA for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, beta(1)-, and beta(2)-adrenoceptors, and in the cecum and PLAC for alpha(2B)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Groups did not differ significantly for alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors. The mRNA expression for alpha(1D)-, alpha(2C)-, and beta(3)-adrenoceptors was extremely low in all groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in expression of mRNA coding for adrenoceptors, most pronounced in the ileum and spiral colon, between cows with CDD and control cows support the hypothesis of an implication of adrenergic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of CDD in dairy cows.


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During the last twenty years a scientific basis for the anecdotal reports of an interaction between the brain and the immune system has established neuroimmunemodulation as a new field of study in the biomedical sciences. A means for the brain to exert a regulatory influence upon various lymphoid reactions has been well established by many investigators world wide. This dissertation was geared to test the central hypothesis that the immune system, in turn, produces signals which affect CNS functions. Specifically, it is shown through several different experiments, behavioral and electrophysiologic, that the immune modifiers interferon-alpha, gamma irradiation, cyclosporine-A and muramyl-dipeptide modify brain opioid related activities. Each agent attenuates naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal following either systemic or intracranial injection. Each agent also has effects upon either the acute antinociceptive or hypothermic activities of morphine. Finally, each agent modifies baseline evoked electrical activity of several brain areas of awake freely-behaving rats. Later studies demonstrate that muramyl-dipeptide modifies the unit firing rate of single neurons in the brain following either systemic or localized administration within the brain. These results suggest that the immune system produces signals which affect brain activity; and thus, support the contention of a bi-directional interaction between the brain and the immune system. ^


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A method employing isotopically- and photoaffinity-labeled probes and polyclonal and monoclonal antibody to the probes for the identification, isolation and recovery of protein receptors is described. Antibody was raised against N-(3-(p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)) propionate (AIPP) coupled to and photolyzed to BSA. The antibodies specifically bound AIPP-derivatized proteins. An isolation system was developed utilizing this probe and two antigenically identical reversible analogues. N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) reacts with primary amines and N-(((3-p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodophenyl)propionyl)amidoethyl)dithiopyridine ($\sp{125}$I-AIPP-PDA) reacts with reduced thiols. The applicability of the system was established by derivatizing known ligands (Transferrin and Interferon-alpha) with one of the probes. The ligand-probe was then allowed to interact with its receptor by incubation with SS5 lymphoma cells and cross-linked by photolysis at 300 nm. The photolyzed ligand/probe/receptor preparation was then recovered with AIPP antibody. Utilization of N-(3-((p-azido-m-($\sp{125}$I) -iodo-phenyl-propionyl)-amidoethyl-1,3-dithiopropionyl) succinimide (Reversible $\sp{125}$I-AIPPS) allowed the components of the photolyzed complex to be separated by treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol in the SDS-PAGE solubilization buffer. Ligand and receptor labeling were then assessed by Coomassie staining and autoradiography. Results of receptor assays suggest that $\sp{125}$I-AIPP was, indeed, transferred to moieties that represent the receptors for both Transferrin and Interferon-alpha. ^


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INTRODUCTION: Chronic hepatitis C infection is a global disease with 160 million people infected worldwide. Until recently, therapy was characterized by long duration, suboptimal success rates and significant adverse drug reactions. The development of direct-acting antivirals initiated a dramatic change in the treatment of hepatitis C. AREAS COVERED: This review covers the development of the novel NS5A inhibitor ombitasvir (ABT-267) and its clinical evaluation in Phase I to III trials as monotherapy and in combination with the NS3/4A inhibitor ABT-450/r and the non-nucleoside NS5B inhibitor dasabuvir (ABT-333) ± ribavirin. EXPERT OPINION: Ombitasvir (ABT-267) is a potent inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus protein NS5A, has favorable pharmacokinetic characteristics and is active in the picomolar range against genotype 1 - 6. In patients with genotype 1 and 4, 12-week combination treatment with ombitasvir, dasabuvir and ABT-450/r plus ribavirin was highly effective and resulted in 12-week sustained virological response rates higher than 95% in treatment-naöve and treatment-experienced patients. In liver transplant recipients with genotype 1 hepatitis C, success rates in the same range can be expected after 24 weeks of treatment according to preliminary trial results. Genotype 1a patients with compensated cirrhosis who were prior nonresponders benefit from a treatment duration of 24 weeks.


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UNLABELLED Patients carrying very rare loss-of-function mutations in interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4), a critical signaling mediator in Toll-like receptor signaling, are severely immunodeficient, highlighting the paramount role of IRAK kinases in innate immunity. We discovered a comparatively frequent coding variant of the enigmatic human IRAK2, L392V (rs3844283), which is found homozygously in ∼15% of Caucasians, to be associated with a reduced ability to induce interferon-alpha in primary human plasmacytoid dendritic cells in response to hepatitis C virus (HCV). Cytokine production in response to purified Toll-like receptor agonists was also impaired. Additionally, rs3844283 was epidemiologically associated with a chronic course of HCV infection in two independent HCV cohorts and emerged as an independent predictor of chronic HCV disease. Mechanistically, IRAK2 L392V showed intact binding to, but impaired ubiquitination of, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6, a vital step in signal transduction. CONCLUSION Our study highlights IRAK2 and its genetic variants as critical factors and potentially novel biomarkers for human antiviral innate immunity.


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Estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are ligand-dependent nuclear transcription factors that can bind to an identical half-site, AGGTCA, of their cognate hormone response elements. By in vitro transfection analysis in CV-1 cells, we show that estrogen induction of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) activity in a construct containing a CAT reporter gene under the control of a minimal thymidine kinase (tk) promoter and a copy of the consensus ER response element was attenuated by cotransfection of TR alpha 1 plus triiodothyronine treatment. This inhibitory effect of TR was ligand-dependent and isoform-specific. Neither TR beta 1 nor TR beta 2 cotransfection inhibited estrogen-induced CAT activity, although both TR alpha and TR beta can bind to a consensus ER response element. Furthermore, cotransfection of a mutated TR alpha 1 that lacks binding to the AGGTCA sequence also inhibited the estrogen effect. Thus, the repression of estrogen action by liganded TR alpha 1 may involve protein-protein interactions although competition of ER and TR at the DNA level cannot be excluded. A similar inhibitory effect of liganded TR alpha 1 on estrogen induction of CAT activity was observed in a construct containing the preproenkephalin (PPE) promoter. A study in hypophysectomized female rats demonstrated that the estrogen-induced increase in PPE mRNA levels in the ventromedial hypothalamus was diminished by coadministration of triiodothyronine. These results suggest that ER and TR may interact to modulate estrogen-sensitive gene expression, such as for PPE, in the hypothalamus.


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5'-Deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (methylthioadeno-sine: ortho-phosphate methylthioribosyltransferase, EC 24.2.28; MTAP) plays a role in purine and polyamine metabolism and in the regulation of transmethylation reactions. MTAP is abundant in normal cells but is deficient in many cancers. Recently, the genes for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p16 and p15 have been localized to the short arm of human chromosome 9 at band p21, where MTAP and interferon alpha genes (IFNA) also map. Homozygous deletions of p16 and p15 are frequent malignant cell lines. However, the order of the MTAP, p16, p15, and IFNA genes on chromosome 9p is uncertain, and the molecular basis for MTAP deficiency in cancer is unknown. We have cloned the MTAP gene, and have constructed a topologic map of the 9p21 region using yeast artificial chromosome clones, pulse-field gel electrophoresis, and sequence-tagged-site PCR. The MTAP gene consists of eight exons and seven introns. Of 23 malignant cell lines deficient in MTAP protein, all but one had complete or partial deletions. Partial or total deletions of the MTAP gene were found in primary T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias (T-ALL). A deletion breakpoint of partial deletions found in cell lines and primary T-ALL was in intron 4. Starting from the centromeric end, the gene order on chromosome 9p2l is p15, p16, MTAP, IFNA, and interferon beta gene (IFNB). These results indicate that MTAP deficiency in cancer is primarily due to codeletion of the MTAP and p16 genes.


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Angiogenesis is activated during multistage tumorigenesis prior to the emergence of solid tumors. Using a transgenic mouse model, we have tested the proposition that treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors can inhibit the progression of tumorigenesis after the switch to the angiogenic phenotype. In this model, islet cell carcinomas develop from multifocal, hyperproliferative nodules that show the histological hallmarks of human carcinoma in situ. Mice were treated with a combination of the angiogenesis inhibitor AGM-1470 (TNP-470), the antibiotic minocycline, and interferon alpha/beta. The treatment regimen markedly attenuated tumor growth but did not prevent tumor formation; tumor volume was reduced to 11% and capillary density to 40% of controls. The proliferation index of tumor cells in treated and control mice was similar, whereas the apoptotic index was doubled in treated tumors. This study shows that de novo tumor progression can be restricted solely by antiangiogenic therapy. The results suggest that angiogenesis inhibitors represent a valid component of anticancer strategies aimed at progression from discrete stages of tumorigenesis and demonstrate that transgenic mouse models can be used to evaluate efficacy of candidate antiangiogenic agents.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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End-stage liver disease associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is now the leading indication for liver transplantation in adults. However, reinfection of the graft is universal. We aimed to determine predictors of outcome of HCV-Iiver transplant recipients in the Australian and New Zealand communities. The following variables were analysed: demographic factors, coexistent pathology at the time of transplantation, HCV genotype, and donor age. Outcomes measures were: 1. mortality; 2. development of HCV-related complications, which were stage 3 or 4 fibrosis, or mortality from HCV-related graft failure, or both. Between January 1989 and December 30, 1999, 182 patients were transplanted for HCV-associated cirrhosis. The median follow-up period was 4 years (range, 0 to 13 years). Genotype data were available on 157 patients. The distribution of genotypes among the 157 patients was as follows: 36 (23%) genotype la, 30 (19%) genotype 1b, 4 (9%) genotype 1, 17 (11%) genotype 2, 41 (26%) genotype 3a, and 16 (10%) genotype 4. Eight (5%) patients were HCV-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-negative (but HCV-antibody positive). Donor age and genotype 4 were associated with an increased risk of retransplantation or death (P < .001 and.05, respectively). Meanwhile, donor age, genotype 4, and pretransplant excess alcohol were risk factors for the development of HCV-related complications (P = .004, .008, and .02, respectively). In contrast, patients with genotype 3a were less likely to develop HCV-related complications (P = .05). In a population of HCV liver transplant recipients with a heterogeneous genotype distribution, donor age, and genotype 4, were predictors of a worse outcome, whereas genotype 3 was associated with a more favorable outcome.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) regulate various aspects of innate immunity, including natural killer (NK) cell function. Here we define the mechanisms involved in DC - NK cell interactions during viral infection. NK cells were efficiently activated by murine cytomegalovirus ( MCMV) - infected CD11b(+) DCs. NK cell cytotoxicity required interferon-alpha and interactions between the NKG2D activating receptor and NKG2D ligand, whereas the production of interferon-gamma by NK cells relied mainly on DC-derived interleukin 18. Although Toll-like receptor 9 contributes to antiviral immunity, we found that signaling pathways independent of Toll-like receptor 9 were important in generating immune responses to MCMV, including the production of interferon-alpha and the induction of NK cell cytotoxicity. Notably, adoptive transfer of MCMV-activated CD11b(+) DCs resulted in improved control of MCMV infection, indicating that these cells participate in controlling viral replication in vivo.