366 resultados para Interconnection


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Interconnection of loads and small size generation forms a new type of distribution systems, the Microgrid. The microgrids can be operated together with the utility grid or be operated autonomously in an island. Thesesmall grids present a new paradigm of the construction of the low voltage distribution systems. The microgrids in the distribution systems can become small, controllable units, which immediately react to the system's changes. Along with that the microgrids can realize the special properties, such as increasing the reliability, reducing losses, voltage sag correction, uninterruptible supplying. The goals of the thesis are to explain the principles of the microgrid's functioning, to clarify the main ideas and positive features of the microgrids, to find out and prove their advantages and explain why they are so popular nowadays all over the world. The practical aims of the thesis are to construct and build a test setup of a microgrid based on two inverters from SMA Technologie AG in the laboratory and to test all the main modes and parameters of the microgrid's operating. Also the purpose of the thesis is to test the main component of the microgrid - the battery inverter which controls allthe processes and energy flows inside a microgrid and communicates with the main grid. Based on received data the main contribution of the thesis consists of the estimation of the established microgrid from the reliability, economy and simplicity of operating points of view and evaluation ofthe advisability of its use in different conditions. Moreover, the thesis assumes to give the recommendations and advice for the future investigations of the built system.


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La migració internacional contemporània és integrada en un procés d'interconnexió global definit per les revolucions del transport i de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació. Una de les conseqüències d'aquesta interconnexió global és que les persones migrants tenen més capacitat per a processar informació tant abans com després de marxar. Aquests canvis podrien tenir implicacions inesperades per a la migració contemporània pel que fa a la capacitat de les persones migrants per a prendre decisions més informades, la reducció de la incertesa en contextos migratoris, el desdibuixament del concepte de distància o la decisió d'emigrar cap a llocs més llunyans. Aquesta recerca és important, ja que la manca de coneixement sobre aquesta qüestió podria contribuir a fer augmentar la distància entre els objectius de les polítiques de migració i els seus resultats. El paper que tenen els agents de la informació en els contextos migratoris també podria canviar. En aquest escenari, perquè les polítiques de migració siguin més efectives, s'haurà de tenir en compte la major capacitat de la població migrant de processar la informació i les fonts d'informació en què es confia. Aquest article demostra que l'equació més informació equival a més ben informat no es compleix sempre. Fins i tot en l'era de la informació, les fonts no fiables, les expectatives falses, la sobreinformació i els rumors encara són presents en els contextos migratoris. Tanmateix, defensem l'argument que aquests efectes no volguts es podrien reduir complint quatre requisits de la informació fiable: que sigui exhaustiva, que sigui rellevant, que s'hi confiï i que sigui actualitzada.


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Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu eri kenttäväylätekniikoita, sekä niiden hyödyntämisellä saatavia taloudellisia ja teknisiä etuja Finreilan tuotevalikoimaan kuuluvien prosessilaitosten ohjausjärjestelmissä. Työssä on vertailtu laitosautomaation toteutuskustannukset sekä perinteisellä että kenttäväyliä hyödyntävillä ohjausjärjestelmillä. Kustannukset on huomioitu läpi koko projektin, sähkösuunnittelusta laitoksen käyttöönottoon. Markkinoilla on tänä päivänä useita, erityyppisiä väyläratkaisuja. Väyläratkaisujen tarpeen ja niille asetettujen vaatimuksien selvittämiseksi esitellään työssä ensin ohjausjärjestelmien rakenne, yleisimmät kenttälaitteet sekä tiedonsiirron kerrosmalli. Kenttäväylätekniikasta esitellään perusrakenteet ja –komponentit, standardointi sekä kaupalliset kenttäväyläsovellukset. Kustannusten ja suunnitteluprosessin painotusten selvittämiseksi suunnitellaan esimerkkilaitokseen ohjausjärjestelmä, hyödyntäen kenttäväylätekniikkaa. Vertailua varten on haettu tiedot vuonna 1998 perinteisellä automaatiolla toteutetun laitoksen kustannuksista Finreila Oy:n taloushallintajärjestelmästä ja projektiaineistosta. Kenttäväylätoteutuksen kustannusarviot perustuvat laitetoimittajien tarjouksiin, sähkö- ja automaatiosuunnittelijoiden haastatteluihin sekä saatuihin käyttökokemuksiin kenttäväylistä. Työ on laadittu siten, että sitä voidaan käyttää yrityksen uusien työntekijöiden koulutuksessa, mikäli laitoksissa siirrytään käyttämään kenttäväylätekniikkaa. Kustannusvertailujen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kyseisen tyyppisessä laitoksessa saavutetaan noin 17 % kustannussäästö automaatiojärjestelmän toteutuksessa. Suurin hyöty kenttäväylistä saadaan kuitenkin järjestelmän käyttöaikana tarkentuneiden mittausten ja paremmin kohdennettavien huoltotoimenpiteiden kautta tulevista säästöistä.


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We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.


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We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.


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Contexto Una central nuclear, al igual que cualquier otro tipo de central generadora de energía eléctrica, mediante turbinas de vapor, está basada en un proceso termodinámico. El rendimiento de las mismas es función del salto entálpico del vapor, para mejorarlo las centrales están constituidas por un ciclo compound formado por turbina de alta presión y turbinas de baja presión, y un ciclo regenerativo consistente en calentar el agua de alimentación antes de su introducción a los generadores de vapor. Un ciclo regenerativo está basado en etapas de calentadores o cambiadores de calor para aprovechar al máximo la energía térmica del vapor, este proyecto está basado en la mejora y optimización del proceso de control de estos para contribuir a mejorar el rendimiento de la central. Objetivo Implementar un sistema de control que nos permita modernizar los clásicos sistemas basados en controles locales y comunicaciones analógicas. Mejorar el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo de la central, aprovechando las mejoras tecnológicas que ofrece el mercado, tanto en el hardware como en el software de los sistemas de instrumentación y control. Optimizar el rendimiento de los lazos de control de cada uno de los elementos del ciclo regenerativo mediante estrategias de control. Procedimiento Desarrollo de un sistema de control actualizado considerando, como premisa principal, la fiabilidad del sistema, el análisis de fallos y la jerarquización del riesgo. Análisis y cálculo de los lazos de control considerando las premisas establecidas. Configuración de los lazos mediante estrategias de control que nos permitan optimizar y minimizar los efectos del fallo. Para ello se han utilizado parámetros y datos extraídos de la Central Nuclear de Ascó. Conclusiones Se ha modernizado y optimizado el sistema de control mejorando el rendimiento del ciclo regenerativo. Se ha conseguido un sistema más fiable, reduciendo el riesgo del fallo y disminuyendo los efectos de los mismos. El coste de un proyecto de estas características es inferior al de un sistema convencional y ofrece más posibilidades. Es un sistema abierto que permite utilizar e interconectar equipos de diferentes fabricantes, lo que favorece tanto el mantenimiento como las posibles ampliaciones futuras del sistema.


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Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli selvittää: - Miten televerkkojen yhteenliittämismaksu tulisi muodostaa Suomen telemarkkinoilla ? - Millaisia ovat televerkkojen yhteenliittämisen hinnoittelussa käytettävät hinnoittelumallit ? Tutkielmassa esitellään Tutkielmassa esitellään ensin telemarkkinoiden rakenne sekä televerkkojen yhteenliittämistä säätelevän lainsäädännön, teleyrityksille asettamat vaatimukset. Tutkielman varsinaisessa teoriaosassa käsitellään mm. yrityksen taloustavoitteita ja niiden yhteyttä hinnoitteluun, tuotekustannuslaskentaa, nykyarvolaskentaa, tuotantokapsiteetin huomioimista sekä yleisten hinnoittelustrategioiden ominaisuuksia. Tutkielmaan ei sisälly varsinaista laajaa empiirista osaa. Yhteenliittämisen hinnoittelumallien vertailu on toteutettu kuviteltuja lukuja sisältävän esimerkkilaskelman avulla. Televerkkojen yhteenliittämismaksujen tulee lainsäädännön mukaan perustua pitkän tähtäyksen keskimääräisiin lisäkustannuksiin.Tällöin yhteenliittämismaksun suuruuteen vaikuttaa oleellisesti vakiintuneen teleyrityksen yhteenliittämisen toteutushetken kapasiteettitilanne. Ratkaiseva tekijä yhteenliittämismaksujen muodostamisen osalta on pitkän tähtäyksen keskimääräisten lisäkustannusten lisäksi veloitettava hinnanlisä/kate, jonka suuruus on käytettävästä hinnoittelumallista riippuvainen. Lainsäädännön mukainen käsite ”kohtuullinen kate” on epätarkasti määritelty, mikä antaa teleyritykselle mahdollisuuden kattaa esimerkiksi yhteenliittämisen aiheuttamat vaihtoehtoiskustannukset tai osan teleyrityksen yleiskustannuksista korkeamman hinnanlisän/katteen avulla.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is a major therapeutic target that plays pivotal roles in prostate cancer (PCa) and androgen insensitivity syndromes. We previously proposed that compounds recruited to ligand-binding domain (LBD) surfaces could regulate AR activity in hormone-refractory PCa and discovered several surface modulators of AR function. Surprisingly, the most effective compounds bound preferentially to a surface of unknown function [binding function 3 (BF-3)] instead of the coactivator-binding site [activation function 2 (AF-2)]. Different BF-3 mutations have been identified in PCa or androgen insensitivity syndrome patients, and they can strongly affect AR activity. Further, comparison of AR x-ray structures with and without bound ligands at BF-3 and AF-2 showed structural coupling between both pockets. Here, we combine experimental evidence and molecular dynamic simulations to investigate whether BF-3 mutations affect AR LBD function and dynamics possibly via allosteric conversation between surface sites. Our data indicate that AF-2 conformation is indeed closely coupled to BF-3 and provide mechanistic proof of their structural interconnection. BF-3 mutations may function as allosteric elicitors, probably shifting the AR LBD conformational ensemble toward conformations that alter AF-2 propensity to reorganize into subpockets that accommodate N-terminal domain and coactivator peptides. The induced conformation may result in either increased or decreased AR activity. Activating BF-3 mutations also favor the formation of another pocket (BF-4) in the vicinity of AF-2 and BF-3, which we also previously identified as a hot spot for a small compound. We discuss the possibility that BF-3 may be a protein-docking site that binds to the N-terminal domain and corepressors. AR surface sites are attractive pharmacological targets to develop allosteric modulators that might be alternative lead compounds for drug design.


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The expansion of broadband speed and coverage over IP technology, which extend over transport and terminal access networks, has increased the demand for applications and content which by being provided over it, uniformly give rise to convergence. These shifts in technologies and enterprise business models are giving rise to the necessity for changing the perspective and scope of the Universal Service and of the regulation frameworks, with this last one based in the same principles as always but varying its application. Several aspects require special and renewed attention, such as the definition of relevant markets and dominant operators, the role of packages, interconnection of IP networks, network neutrality, the use of the spectrum with a vision of value for the citizenship, the application of the competition framework, new forms of licensing, treatment of the risk in the networks, changes in the regulatory authorities, amongst others. These matters are treated from the perspective of the actual trends in the world and its conceptual justification.


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En aquest projecte crearem un sistema per automatitzar els diferents dispositius que podem trobar en una casa. En primer lloc dissenyarem el hardware que serà el sistema nerviós des del que controlarem els dispositius a través del port USB d’un ordinador. Aquest sistema nerviós serà el punt d’interconnexió entre els dispositius de la casa i l’ordinador central que els controlarà. A nivell de hardware, a més a més del mòdul d’entrades i sortides d’interconnexió amb els dispositius que hem esmentat, ens trobem amb la necessitat d’instal•lar un ordinador central i diferents aparells repartits per la casa per poder realitzar les nostres necessitats (accions dels diferents dispositius) des de qualsevol punt de la casa. Amb aquests requeriments haurem d’estudiar les diferents possibilitats per fer el nostre sistema el màxim d’eficaç possible. Finalitzat l’estudi del hardware necessari pel nostre projecte, el següent pas és dissenyar el software. Aquest software serà l’aplicació encarregada de controlar tot el maquinari que hem dissenyat anteriorment i rebrà el nom de DOMO HOGAR. Aquest estarà format per dos programes diferents, DOMO HOGAR SERVER i DOMO HOGAR TERMINAL, cadascun d’ells amb unes funcions específiques. DOMO HOGAR SERVER serà l’aplicació que residirà a l’ordinador central i que permetrà a l’administrador gestionar totes les parts de les que forma part el nostre sistema: dispositius, tasques, pre-condicions, etc... També des d’aquesta aplicació editarem el panell tàctil que mostrarem des dels diferents terminals de l’habitatge. Per últim, aquesta aplicació també s’encarregarà de resoldre les peticions que farem, tant de l’ordinador central com dels terminals, i gestionar les diferents sortides en funció de l’acció a realitzar. Paral•lelament ens trobarem l’aplicació DOMO HOGAR TERMINAL que residirà en cada un dels terminals que hi hagi a la casa. Aquesta aplicació s’inicialitzarà llegint la configuració del panell tàctil de la base de dades de l’aplicació servidor resident a l’ordinador central i reconstruint una rèplica d’aquest panell tàctil. Finalment des d’aquesta aplicació terminal podrem donar ordres que seran emmagatzemades a la llista de tasques pendents de l’ordinador central perquè les resolgui des de l’aplicació del servidor. DOMO HOGAR ha estat creat per facilitar i confortar la vida quotidiana de les persones agilitzant el nostre dia a dia i permetent-nos invertir el nostre temps en les coses realment importants.


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Nowadays, the huge part of the most important research is done in the area of interaction of two or more fields of research. They open doors for new ideas and help to find that was not possible to find before, explain simple things, which was missed because of narrow vision. This research investigates the interconnection of strategy study and knowledge management. Well-known researches (e.g. Michael Zack, 2003) point out that organization should align its' knowledge management to strategy to gain success. But this is not well developed area yet. This research contributes to the growing knowledge of knowledge management - strategy alignment. The research tests the relation between strategic orientation of knowledge management and performance of the company. It also investigates the nature of strategy typology influence on strategic orientation of knowledge management. These two points have critical importance for development of this area. Moreover, it has management implication for those practitioners, who cares about sustainable success of their company based on knowledge.


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Älykkäiden sähköverkkojen (Smart Grid) avulla pyritään vastaamaan sähkönkäytön tehostamisvaatimuksiin. Pientuotanto on yksi tärkeimmistä älykkäiden sähköverkkojen osatekijöistä. Suomessa yksityishenkilöiden innostus omaan sähköntuotantoon ei ole vielä virinnyt, monista eri tekijöistä johtuen. Tulevaisuuden sähköverkoissa pientuotannon rooli on kuitenkin merkittävä. Diplomityössä tarkastellaan pientuotannon yleistymisen edellytyksiä ja tuotannon pienjänniteverkkoon liittämistä. Pientuotannon potentiaalia tarkastellaan eri tuotantomuotojen ja niiden kannattavuuden näkökulmasta. Työn tärkein osuus keskittyy verkkoonliittämismääräyksiin ja sähköturvallisuuteen. Pienjänniteverkkoon liitetty tuotantolaitos on uusi syöttöpiste verkossa ja aiheuttaa esimerkiksi suojaushaasteita. Lisäksi aihepiiri on vielä uusi ja toimintamenetelmät ovat osin vaillinaisia. Työssä esitetään tärkeimmät haasteet, pohditaan niiden merkittävyyttä ja käydään läpi ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja. Selviä teknisiä esteitä pientuotannon yleistymiselle ei Suomessa ole.


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The objective of this thesis is the development of a multibody dynamic model matching the observed movements of the lower limb of a skier performing the skating technique in cross-country style. During the construction of this model, the formulation of the equation of motion was made using the Euler - Lagrange approach with multipliers applied to a multibody system in three dimensions. The description of the lower limb of the skate skier and the ski was completed by employing three bodies, one representing the ski, and two representing the natural movements of the leg of the skier. The resultant system has 13 joint constraints due to the interconnection of the bodies, and four prescribed kinematic constraints to account for the movements of the leg, leaving the amount of degrees of freedom equal to one. The push-off force exerted by the skate skier was taken directly from measurements made on-site in the ski tunnel at the Vuokatti facilities (Finland) and was input into the model as a continuous function. Then, the resultant velocities and movement of the ski, center of mass of the skier, and variation of the skating angle were studied to understand the response of the model to the variation of important parameters of the skate technique. This allowed a comparison of the model results with the real movement of the skier. Further developments can be made to this model to better approximate the results to the real movement of the leg. One can achieve this by changing the constraints to include the behavior of the real leg joints and muscle actuation. As mentioned in the introduction of this thesis, a multibody dynamic model can be used to provide relevant information to ski designers and to obtain optimized results of the given variables, which athletes can use to improve their performance.


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Rapid ongoing evolution of multiprocessors will lead to systems with hundreds of processing cores integrated in a single chip. An emerging challenge is the implementation of reliable and efficient interconnection between these cores as well as other components in the systems. Network-on-Chip is an interconnection approach which is intended to solve the performance bottleneck caused by traditional, poorly scalable communication structures such as buses. However, a large on-chip network involves issues related to congestion problems and system control, for instance. Additionally, faults can cause problems in multiprocessor systems. These faults can be transient faults, permanent manufacturing faults, or they can appear due to aging. To solve the emerging traffic management, controllability issues and to maintain system operation regardless of faults a monitoring system is needed. The monitoring system should be dynamically applicable to various purposes and it should fully cover the system under observation. In a large multiprocessor the distances between components can be relatively long. Therefore, the system should be designed so that the amount of energy-inefficient long-distance communication is minimized. This thesis presents a dynamically clustered distributed monitoring structure. The monitoring is distributed so that no centralized control is required for basic tasks such as traffic management and task mapping. To enable extensive analysis of different Network-on-Chip architectures, an in-house SystemC based simulation environment was implemented. It allows transaction level analysis without time consuming circuit level implementations during early design phases of novel architectures and features. The presented analysis shows that the dynamically clustered monitoring structure can be efficiently utilized for traffic management in faulty and congested Network-on-Chip-based multiprocessor systems. The monitoring structure can be also successfully applied for task mapping purposes. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the presented in-house simulation environment is flexible and practical tool for extensive Network-on-Chip architecture analysis.


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Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and devices in our everyday lives. These small computing devices are ne-tuned to perform a particular task and are increasingly reaching our society at every level. For example, home appliances such as programmable washing machines, microwave ovens etc., employ several sensors to improve performance and convenience. Similarly, cars have on-board computers that use information from many di erent sensors to control things such as fuel injectors, spark plug etc., to perform their tasks e ciently. These individual devices make life easy by helping in taking decisions and removing the burden from their users. All these objects and devices obtain some piece of information about the physical environment. Each of these devices is an island with no proper connectivity and information sharing between each other. Sharing of information between these heterogeneous devices could enable a whole new universe of innovative and intelligent applications. The information sharing between the devices is a diffcult task due to the heterogeneity and interoperability of devices. Smart Space vision is to overcome these issues of heterogeneity and interoperability so that the devices can understand each other and utilize services of each other by information sharing. This enables innovative local mashup applications based on shared data between heterogeneous devices. Smart homes are one such example of Smart Spaces which facilitate to bring the health care system to the patient, by intelligent interconnection of resources and their collective behavior, as opposed to bringing the patient into the health system. In addition, the use of mobile handheld devices has risen at a tremendous rate during the last few years and they have become an essential part of everyday life. Mobile phones o er a wide range of different services to their users including text and multimedia messages, Internet, audio, video, email applications and most recently TV services. The interactive TV provides a variety of applications for the viewers. The combination of interactive TV and the Smart Spaces could give innovative applications that are personalized, context-aware, ubiquitous and intelligent by enabling heterogeneous systems to collaborate each other by sharing information between them. There are many challenges in designing the frameworks and application development tools for rapid and easy development of these applications. The research work presented in this thesis addresses these issues. The original publications presented in the second part of this thesis propose architectures and methodologies for interactive and context-aware applications, and tools for the development of these applications. We demonstrated the suitability of our ontology-driven application development tools and rule basedapproach for the development of dynamic, context-aware ubiquitous iTV applications.