974 resultados para Installation Art


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A digitalização das mídias e a influência da tecnologia ocasionaram a difusão de um novo modelo de cinema, conjunto complexo de mudanças pautadas na lógica econômica e em um processo de cognição específico. Nesse contexto, na nova disposição do cinema, observa-se uma transformação no processo narrativo fílmico para além de novos formatos e conteúdos audiovisuais. Para investigar o fenômeno da polidimensionalidade do conceito da narrativa no cinema contemporâneo, a presente dissertação realiza uma análise qualitativa de exemplos significativos do cinema comercial, considerando a não-linearidade, a transnacionalização, a transmídia, além de destacar a vertente da multiplicidade narrativa, da polidimensionalidade, no cinema experimental e nas instalações artísticas. Como recorte do objeto de pesquisa, optou-se pela análise do filme Slumdog Millionaire (2008), nos itens transnacionalização e não-linearidade; dos filmes Watchmen (2009) e Batman (The Dark Knight, 2008), como franquias de transmídia; além da multiplicidade do cinema experimental What we will e instalações. O critério de seleção dos filmes foi o destaque que obtiveram nas respectivas categorias nos últimos dois anos, nas grandes bilheterias do cinema comercial pelos sites Filme B e The Internet Movie Database


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ArtInTec es una organización creativa que ofrece servicios complementarios de apoyo pedagógico mediante instalaciones artísticas que integran arte y tecnología, unión que permite abarcar tres conceptos fundamentales: interactividad, lograda a través de herramientas tecnológicas convencionales y no convencionales; experiencias cognitivas significativas, mediante la generación de procesos de aprendizaje innovadores que permitan la construcción de saberes de trascendencia, y desarrollo de contenidos de diferentes temáticas que fortalezcan el aprendizaje. En su primera etapa, ArtInTec estará enfocada en el diseño, producción, comercialización, divulgación y venta de servicios transversales de apoyo pedagógico que impliquen la intermediación del arte y la tecnología, partiendo del concepto de instalación artística como género del arte contemporáneo que utiliza directamente el espacio de exposición como escenario para ser transitado por el espectador, logrando así una experiencia interactiva. Los tres servicios comparten características que se constituyen como columna vertebral de su naturaleza: tienen un objetivo altamente pedagógico, las temáticas son desarrolladas previo consenso entre la institución y ArtInTec, su componente artístico es el hilo conductor de la experiencia y se desarrollan en las instalaciones de la institución contratante. A continuación se enuncia cada uno de los servicios ofrecidos: a. Taller asistido por nuevas tecnologías. b. Instalación interactiva en gran formato. c. Instalación interactiva para dispositivos móviles.


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The central theme of this dissertation encompasses the importance of space, particularly the exhibition space, and how it has become part of the subject matter, as well as a medium in art. Some artistic practices of the 20th century, mainly in the 20s and 60s, both in Europe and the United States of America have provided the contextual foundation. The close relation between the architectural and exhibition spaces has become an intrinsic link to establish the existence of the three-dimensional work of art. The overarching importance of space in the contemporary artistic practice is visible through the creative and exhibition installation process, most notably in the artistic movements of Installation art and Site-specific. By carrying over the transformative contemporary art scene concepts to an institutional and museological context, paired with the inherent evolution of its practices, these have allowed for a convergence of the museological fields. With the intention of providing audiences a unique experience, curators and museologists have relied on site-specific practices. By inviting artists (typically featured in the current artistic scene) to develop projects specially thought for a specific museum space, this simultaneously allows for a dialogue between the work of art and the space. These temporary exhibitions have garnered the attention a more diverse audience. As a result sustainability and independence of the museums are a constant source of debate. The result of which has allowed for the broadening of the notions of how museums function and have integrated the audience as a main element of the strategies of the museum programming. The principles of the cultural marketing provide museums a clearer vision of the understanding of the different audience and their needs. Thus, the main goal of this study is to perceive the importance of the museum space in the relation to the artistic practice. While existing as a strategic resource of the museological program, insofar as having the ability to lure new audiences. It also matters to notice, if the fact of the artist working directly inside the museum, contribute to a narrowing of the artist/audience relationship, being the museum the mediation element


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A tese teórico-prática de doutoramento apresentada contempla a investigação, a criação, a produção e a conceptualização da instalação artística interativa intitulada Por baixo da pele outra pele. A Obra é constituída por três objetos tridimensionais concebidos à escala humana. Recorre a materiais flexíveis, como têxteis, convidando o público (interator), à envolvência física, numa relação corporal sensorial e sensual com a obra. Os objetos contêm dispositivos técnicos interativos e sensores tácteis, que, ao serem utilizados, desencadeiam estímulos multissensoriais no espectador. A instalação interativa focaliza a experiência háptica e íntima do interator considerando os seus mecanismos sensoriais e cognitivos como um potencial aparato na construção de experiências fenomenológicas, singulares e individuais. A autora considera a interatividade enquanto elemento potenciador da experiência estética visual háptica. Na argumentação conceitual da obra, reflete-se sobre o tema da visualidade háptica interativa a partirdos conceitos de ecrã, corpo e interface, assim como de endossensorialidade. Instrumentam-se metodologias de investigação em ação, experimentais e observacionais. Apresentam-se os processos investigativos, criativos e técnicos necessários ao desenvolvimento e à materialização da instalação artística. A investigação revela-se de grande interesse para o avanço da pesquisa de novas linguagens experimentais apresentando estratégias de criação artística que, ao privilegiarem o corpo físico e fenomenológico do interator, transpõe a experiência háptica interativa para um grau interno de imersão motoro-sensorial; Underneath the skin another skin: art installation. Body, screen and interface towards an interactive haptic visuality. Abstract: The theoretical-practical doctorate dissertation presents the research and conceptual framework behind, and the processes leading to, the creation and production of the interactive installation art piece Underneath the skin, another skin. The piece is presented in the shape of three human-scale tridimentional objects. It is made from flexible materials, such as textiles, inviting the (interacting) audience, to physically engage in a bodily sensorial, and sensuous, relationship with the artwork. The objects enclose interactive devices and tactile sensors that, when used, trigger in the interactor multiple sensorial stimuli. The interactive installation focuses on the interactor's intimate haptic experience taking in consideration his or hers sensorial and cognitive mechanisms as a potential apparatus in the construction of unique individual phenomenological experiences. The author understands interactivity as a triggering element into an haptic visual aesthetical experience. The supporting conceptual reasoning deals with thought and criticism on interactive haptic visuality applied to the concepts of screen, body and interface, as well as with that of endo-sensoriality. The dissertation describes the use of experimental and observation research methodologies. It also elaborates on the research, creative and technical processes at play in the installation's development and realization. The research at hand has shown great potential for the further development of new experimental languages, as it presents art-creation strategies privileging the interactor's physical and phenomenological body, and thus able to take the interactive haptic experience onto an greater inner level of motor-sensorial immersion.


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This project is a public art work commissioned by Harbinger Consultants and installed at Translink's North Lakes bus station. It comprises 4 reflective stainless steel spheres of various sizes, and 2 screens covering the bus drivers' tea room.


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This practice-led research was initiated in response to a series of violent encounters that occurred between my fragile installations and viewers. The central focus of this study was to recuperate my installation practice in the wake of such events. This led to the development of a ‘responsive practice’ methodology, which reframed the installation process through an ethical lens developed from Emmanuel Levinas’ ethical phenomenology. The central propositions of this research are the reconceptualisation of ‘violent encounters’ in terms of difference whereby I accept viewers responses, even those which are violent, destructive or damaging, and secondly that the process operates as a generative excess for practice through which recuperative strategies can be found and implemented. By re-examining this process as it unfolded in the three phases of the practical component, I developed strategies whereby violated, destroyed or damaged works could be recuperated through the processes of reconfiguration, reparation and regeneration. Therefore my installations embody and articulate vulnerability but also demonstrate resilience and renewal.


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Divining the Martyr is a project developed in order to achieve the Master of Arts (Research) degree. This is composed of 70% creative work displayed in an exhibition and 30% written work contained in this exegesis. The project was developed through practice-led research in order to answer the question “In what ways can creative practice synthesize and illuminate issues of martyrdom in contemporary makeover culture?” The question is answered using a postmodern framework about martyrdom as it is manifested in contemporary society. The themes analyzed throughout this exegesis relate to concepts about sainthood and makeover culture combined with actual examples of tragic cases of cosmetic procedures. The outcomes of this project fused three elements: Mexican cultural history, Mexican (Catholic) religious traditions, and cosmetic makeover surgery. The final outcomes were a series of installations integrating contemporary and traditional interdisciplinary media, such as sound, light, x-ray technology, sculpture, video and aspects of performance. These creative works complement each other in their presentation and concept, promoting an original contribution to the theme of contemporary martyrdom in makeover culture.


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This practice-led research project examines some of the factors and issues facing artists working in the public domain who wish to engage with the community as audience. Using the methodology of action research, the three major creative projects in this study use art as a socio-political tool with the aim of providing an effective vehicle for broadening awareness, understanding forms of social protest and increasing tolerance for diversity. The three projects: Floodline November 7, 2004, Look in, Look out, and The Urban Terrorist Project, dealt with issues of marginalisation of communities, audiences and graffiti artists respectively. The artist/researcher is outlined as both creator and collaborator in the work. Processes included ephemeral elements, such as temporary installation and performance, as well as interactive elements that encouraged direct audience involvement as part of the work. In addition to the roles of creator and collaborator, both of which included audience as well as artist, the presence of an outside entity was evident. Whether local, legal authorities or prevailing attitudes, outside entities had an unavoidable impact on the processes and outcomes of the work. Each project elicited a range of responses from their respective audiences; however, the overarching concept of reciprocity was seen to be the crucial factor in conception, artistic methods and outcomes.


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The broad research questions of the book are: How can successful, interdisciplinary collaboration contribute to research innovation through Practice-led research? What contributes to the design, production and curation of successful new media art? What are the implications of exhibiting it across dual sites for artists, curators and participant audiences? Is it possible to create an 'intimate transaction' between people who are separated by vast distances but joined by interfaces and distributed networks? Centred on a new media work of the same name by the Transmute Collective (led by Keith Armstrong), this book provides insights from multidisciplinary perspectives. Visual, sound and performance artists, furniture designers, spatial architects, technology systems designers, and curators who collaborated in the production of Intimate Transactions discuss their design philosophies, working processes and resolution of this major new media work. Analytical and philosophical essays by international writers complement these writings on production. They consider how new media art, like Intimate Transactions, challenges traditional understandings of art, curatorial installation and exhibition experience because of the need to take into account interaction, the reconfiguration of space, co-presence, performativity and inter-site collaboration.


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The article discusses the art career and works of Brisbane artist Christopher Howlett. Howlett has engaged with a number of political issues in a range of media. Issues include the artist as 'labourer', art in the age of tabloid media, art and celebrity culture in media such as performance, installation, sound works, and digital frameworks.


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The Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) in Brisbane, Australia’s third largest city, recently staged ‘21st Century: Art of the First Decade’. The gallery spaces were replete with a commissioned slide by Carsten Höller, an installation of Rivane Neuenschwande’s I Wish Your Wish (2003), a table of white Legos, a room of purple balloons and other participatory or interactive artworks designed to engage multiple publics and encourage audience participation in a variety of ways. Many of the featured projects used day-to-day experiences and offered new conceptions about art practice and what they can elicit in their public – raise awareness about local issues, help audiences imagine different ways of negotiating their environs or experi-ence a museum in a new way. At times, the bottom floor galleries resembled a theme park – adults and children playing with Legos and using Höller’s slide. This article examines the benefits and limitations of such artistic interventions by relating the GoMA exhibition to Brisbane City Council’s campaign of ‘Together Brisbane’ (featuring images of Neunenschwande’s ribbons); a response to the devastation brought to the city and its surrounds in January 2011. During the Brisbane floods, GoMA’s basement was damaged, the museum closed and upon reopening, visitor numbers soared. In this context, GoMA’s use of engaged art practice – always verging on the ephemeral and ‘fun’ – has been used to project a wider notion of a collective urban public. What questions does this raise, not only regarding the cultural politics around the social and participatory ‘turn’ in art practice, but its use to address a much wider urban public in a moment of crisis.


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This research project explores how interdisciplinary art practices can provide ways for questioning and envisaging alternative modes of coexistence between humans and the non-humans who together, make up the environment. As a practiceled project, it combines a body of creative work (50%) and this exegesis (50%). My interdisciplinary artistic practice appropriates methods and processes from science and engineering and merges them into artistic contexts for critical and poetic ends. By blending pseudo-scientific experimentation with creative strategies like visual fiction, humour, absurd public performance and scripted audience participation, my work engages with a range of debates around ecology. This exegesis details the interplay between critical theory relating to these debates, the work of other creative practitioners and my own evolving artistic practice. Through utilising methods and processes drawn from my prior career in water engineering, I present an interdisciplinary synthesis that seeks to promote improved understandings of the causes and consequences of our ecological actions and inactions.


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Technical images such as photography, film and video, are dependent on apparatuses for their production and dissemination, yet the apparatus itself is often hidden or obscured in the experience of the work and the discourse that surrounds it. This practice-led research identifies key practice strategies to foreground the apparatus both in the production of work and in its presentation. It therefore develops critical and generative strategies to explore and interrogate the workings of the 'apparatus-audience complex,' and the particular modes of spectatorship that this entails.