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Efficacy of the d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association against mites in naturally co-infested rabbits
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association against Psoroptes ovis, Cheyletiella parasitivorax, and Leporacarus gibbus infestations in naturally co-infested rabbits. Twenty crossbreed (New Zealand White x California) rabbits concurrently infested by the three mite species were randomly divided in two groups. All rabbits presented with hyperemia, erythema and formation of crusts in the ear canals caused by P. ovis. Infestations by both C. parasitivorax and L. gibbus were considered asymptomatic in all animals.Ten animals were treated with a 4.4% d-phenothrin and 0.148% pyriproxyfen spray formulation until have their body surface uniformly sprayed, including external ear canals. The other ten rabbits remained untreated, serving as control group. Observations were done on days +7, +14, +21, +28, and +35 post-treatment. The d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen association showed 100% efficacy against the three mite species and was responsible for the remission of psoroptic mange lesions on treated animals. No signs of intoxication were observed. The results indicate that d-phenothrin/pyriproxyfen spray formulation in a single application is an effective and clinically safe option for the control of different mite infestations in rabbits.
Julkaisussa: Dell' arcano del mare di Ruberto Dudleo ... parte qvarta del libro sesto. Vol III
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementary vitamin D therapy in addition to amitriptyline on the frequency of migraine attacks in pediatric migraine patients. Fifty-three children 8-16 years of age and diagnosed with migraine following the International Headache Society 2005 definition, which includes childhood criteria, were enrolled. Patients were classified into four groups on the basis of their 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels. Group 1 had normal 25(OH)D levels and received amitriptyline therapy alone; group 2 had normal 25(OH)D levels and received vitamin D supplementation (400 IU/day) plus amitriptyline; group 3 had mildly deficient 25(OH)D levels and received amitriptyline plus vitamin D (800 IU/day); and group 4 had severely deficient 25(OH)D levels and was given amitriptyline plus vitamin D (5000 IU/day). All groups were monitored for 6 months, and the number of migraine attacks before and during treatment was determined. Calcium, phosphorus alkaline phosphatase, parathormone, and 25(OH)D levels were also determined before and during treatment. Results were compared between the groups. Data obtained from the groups were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance. The number of pretreatment attacks in groups 1 to 4 was 7±0.12, 6.8±0.2, 7.3±0.4, and 7.2±0.3 for 6 months, respectively (all P>0.05). The number of attacks during treatment was 3±0.25, 1.76±0.37 (P<0.05), 2.14±0.29 (P<0.05), and 1.15±0.15 (P<0.05), respectively. No statistically significant differences in calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, or parathormone levels were observed (P>0.05). Vitamin D given in addition to anti-migraine treatment reduced the number of migraine attacks.
A lo largo de estos años de existencia del grupo de investigación se han ido desarrollando un volumen de casos donde se comenzó a evidenciar un hecho: niños y adolescentes llegaban derivados a la consulta por problemas de aprendizaje, pero éstos no siempre respondan a que tuvieran unos procesos cognitivos por debajo de la media. Por tanto, no se explicaba su bajo rendimiento escolar. Ante estos casos nos planteamos como intervenir en esta realidad educativa. Indagando descubrimos que la mayoría de estos también tenían problemas a nivel emocional. La pregunta inmediata que nos hicimos fue: podemos llegar a pensar que quizás los procesos emocionales influyen directamente en los procesos cognitivos? El estado emocional influye directamente en los procesos cognitivos?Los procesos cognitivos y emocionales son un todo inseparable? Estas dudas son las que me llevaron a proponer esta investigación: ver la relación que puede haber entre los procesos cognitivos y los procesos emocionales, evidentemente, siempre centrados desde el Modelo Humanista- Estratégico (modelo del grupo de investigación): a nivel cognitivo, Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; a nivel emocional, la Teoría del Procesamiento Cerebral de las Emociones. Se plantea la tesis estructurada en dos partes: Parte teórica: explicación de la Unidad de Neuropsicopedagogía del Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (UNPP) donde se realiza la investigación, revisión teórica de procesamiento cognitivo, procesamiento emocional y su relación mutua. 2.- Parte práctica: objetivos, metodología, resultados, análisis- discusión, implicaciones educativas y conclusiones. El objetivo general es establecer una relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional a partir de la relación de los procesos cognitivos PASS con problemas emocionales en niños y niñas de entre 5 y 16 años. Para conseguirlo se pretende: 1. Establecer la relación entre procesamiento PASS y los efectos de la intervención emocional según el Modelo Humanista - Estratégico; 2. Analizar la relación entre procesamientos cognitivos PASS y los efectos de la intervención cognitiva según la Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; 3.Comprobar si los procesos PASS varían en el transcurso de más de seis meses sin ningún tipo de intervención ni emocional ni cognitiva, 4. Comprobar si los resultados obtenidos en los tres primeros objetivos se diferencian entre ellos para determinar el componente emocional en los procesos cognitivos PASS, y 5. Establecer orientaciones prácticas para la intervención psicopedagògica considerando la relación de procesos emocionales, cognitivos y aprendizaje. Para poder llevar a cabo esta investigación, la metodologia utilizada es: una metodologia cuantitativa ya que se realiza una investigación experimental enmarcada como un diseño mixto 3x2 con el primer factor ínter sujeto y el segundo factor intra sujeto. Y por otra parte, una metodologia cualitativa. ya que en la primera muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagógica en base emocional a cuarenta casos de la UNPP, y en la segunda muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagògica en base cognitiva a treinta casos de la UNPP. Los resultados comparativos nos corraboran afirmativamente la hipotesis y objetivos, facilitando realizar un analisis-discusión muy interesante aportando las implicaciones educativas que acarrean, y por consiguiente llegando a las conclusiones. De entre éstas destacamos principalmente: 1. La intervención emocional es eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo, si tenemos en cuenta que a pesar que no se ha realizado intervención cognitiva se ha producido una mejora en el rendimiento escolar. 2. La intervención cognitiva PASS es eficaz para la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo y la desaparación de las dificultades de aprendizaje cuando el origen de estas es cognitivo. 3. En las diferencias en planificación se observa que se ha producido un incremento mayor y sustancial en el grupo que ha recibido intervención emocional. 4. Y por consiguiente, podemos decir que la emoción se interrelaciona con la cognición a través del procesamiento cognitivo de planificación.
Els polímers són una sèrie de compostos que troben un ampli ventall d'aplicacions en la indstria actual. Un exemple són les espumes de poliuretà, estructures de tipus cel·lular obtingudes mitjançant la reacció química entre compostos de tipus isocianat i compostos de tipus poliol (polièters amb diferent nombre de grups hidroxil). És imprescindible l'ús d'additius d'estructura tensioactiva (surfactants de silicona) per estabilitzar el procés d'espumació i per proporcionar una estructura cel·lular ordenada i homogènia en mida i distribució. La síntesis i caracterització de les molècules precursores (polihidrosiloxans i polièters al·lílics), l'estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via d'obtenció dels diferents surfactants per reacció d'addició entre els polihidrosiloxans i els polièters al·lílics i la caracterització i avaluació en formulacions comercials de poliuretà dels surfactants sintetitzats han constituït els objectius del present treball. MEMÒRIA La Tesi Doctoral ha estat presentada seguint el següent esquema: CAPÍTOL I. INTRODUCCIÓ A LA QUÍMICA DEL POLIURETÀ. Es presenten els principis de la química del poliuretà, fent esment dels recents avenços en la síntesis i caracterització d'aquests compostos polimèrics, així com un apartat concret centrat en els surfactants de silicona. Es presenten les estructures habituals d'aquests compostos comercials i es detallen les reaccions de síntesi i les característiques físiques que aquests compostos proporcionen a les espumes de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL II. OBJECTIUS. 1.- Síntesis y caracterització d'una àmplia gamma de poliglicols al·lílics i de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, ambds precursors d'estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant. 2.- Estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via de formació d'enllaços Si-C no hidrolitzables, mitjançant la reacció d'addició entre els substrats al·lílics insaturats i els polisiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius. 3.- Caracterització de les estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant sintetitzades i avaluació d'aquestes en formulacions de poliuretà, a fi de relacionar l'estructura química d'aquests oligómers amb els efectes físics que originen en l'espuma de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL III. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE SUBSTRATS AL·LÍLICS INSATURATS DE TIPUS POLIGLICOL. S'han caracteritzat per HPLC-UV una sèrie de polietilenglicols comercials. S'ha estudiat la reacció de derivatització al·lílica sobre els grups hidroxil dels polièters comercials (PEG, PPG i copolímers PEG-PPG) i s'han caracteritzat exhaustivament els productes sintetitzats (1H,13C-RMN, GC, GC-MS, FTIR, ESI-MS, HPLC-UV). S'ha iniciat un estudi de polimerització aniònica sobre nous epòxids amb un punt de diversitat molecular, sintetitzant-se i caracteritzant-se els corresponents nous polièters obtinguts. CAPÍTOL IV. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE POLIHIDROSILOXANS REACTIUS. S'estudia la síntesis de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, mitjançant la reacció de polimerització aniònica d'obertura d'anell ("AROP, anionic ring opening polimerization") i mitjançant la reacció de polimerització per equilibració catiònica. Es presenta una caracterització exhaustiva dels productes sintetitzats i es descriu la naturalesa de la microestructura polimèrica a partir de la distribució bivariant dels copolímers PDMS-co-PHMS (poli(dimetilsiloxà)-co-poli(hidrometilsiloxà)). CAPÍTOL V. ESTUDI SISTEMÀTIC DE LA REACCIÓ D'HIDROSILILACIÓ. S'ha estudiat la reacció d'hidrosililació amb la finalitat de sintetitzar estructures copolimèriques poliglicol-polisiloxà a partir de la reacció de polisiloxans hidrur reactius i polièters al·lílics. S'han provat diferents catalitzadors (Pt/C 5%, cat. de Speier i cat. de Karstedt), s'han sintetitzat diferents estructures tensoactives (lineals i ramificades) i s'ha modelitzat les diferents reaccions secundries observades, per presentar un estudi mecanístic de la reacció d'hidrosililació aplicada a la síntesis de molècules d'elevat PM a partir de la reacció entre substrats al·lílics insaturats i polihidrosiloxans. CAPÍTOL VI. AVALUACIÓ DELS SURFACTANTS EN FORMULACIONS DE POLIURETÀ. S'ha estudiat la idoneïtat dels surfactants de silicona sintetitzats en diferents formulacions de poliuretà comercials. S'ha relacionat el comportament físic d'aquests surfactants en les espumes de poliuretà amb la seva estructura química a partir de l'anàlisi per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig. CAPÍTOL VII. CONCLUSIONS. S'han esposat les conclusions extretes de cada capítol.
Les lesions cerebrals per traumatismes craniencefàlics són la causa més freqüent de defunció en els accidents de trànsit en els que estan implicats vehicles de dues rodes. Malgrat la provada eficàcia de l'ús del casc per amortir les lesions en cas d'accidents, molts adolescents i joves no el fan servir o fan un ús incorrecte. El principal objectiu d'aquesta investigació és identificar les variables que millor prediuen l'ús del casc entre els adolescents. En la recerca es combinen la metodologia quantitativa i qualitativa i consta de dues fases. A la primera fase participen 876 estudiants de secundria (46,8% nois) amb edats compreses entre 14 i 18 anys. A la segona fase, s'estudien quatre casos d'adolescents que han patit un accident greu circulant amb ciclomotor i que no portaven el casc o feien un ús incorrecte. Els resultats suggereixen que l'edat i la influència social són les variables més rellevants per predir l'ús continuat del casc entre els adolescents. De l'estudi se'n deriven estratègies d'intervenció per incrementar l'ús del casc entre els dolescents.
Phytoextraction, the use of plants to extract heavy metals from contaminated soils, could be an interesting alternative to conventional remediation technologies. However, calcareous soils with relatively high total metal contents are difficult to phytoremediate due to low soluble metal concentrations. Soil amendments such as ethylene diaminetetraacetate (EDTA) have been suggested to increase heavy metal bioavailability and uptake in aboveground plant parts. Strong persistence of EDTA and risks of leaching of potentially toxic metals and essential nutrients have led to research on easily biodegradable soilamendments such as citric acid. In our research, EDTA is regarded as a scientific benchmark with which degradable alternatives are compared for enhanced phytoextraction purposes. The effects of increasing doses of EDTA (0.1, 1, 10 mmol kg(-1) dry soil) and citric acid (0.01, 0.05,0.25,0.442, 0.5 mol kg(-1) dry soil) on bioavailable fractions of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were assessed in one part of our study and results are presented in this article. The evolution of labile soil fractions of heavy metals over time was evaluated using water paste saturation extraction (similar to soluble fraction), extraction with 1 M NH4OAc at pH 7 (similar to exchangeable fraction), and extraction with 0.5 M NH4OAc + 0.5 M HOAc + 0.02 M EDTA atpH 4.65 (similar to potentially bioavailable fraction). Both citric acid and EDTA produced a rapid initial increase in labile heavy metal fractions. Metal mobilization remained constant in time for soils treated with EDTA, but metal fractions was noted for soils treated with citric acid. The half life of heavy metal mobilization by citric acid varied between 1.5 and 5.7 d. In the following article, the effect of heavy metal mobilization on uptake by Helianthus annutis will be presented.
A series of experiments was completed to investigate the impact of addition of enzymes at ensiling on in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. Two commercial products, Depot 40 (D, Biocatalysts Ltd., Pontypridd, UK) and Liquicell 2500 (L, Specialty Enzymes and Biochemicals, Fresno, CA, USA), were used. In experiment 1, the pH optima over a pH range 4.0-6.8 and the stability of D and L under changing pH (4.0, 5.6, 6.8) and temperature (15 and 39 degreesC) conditions were determined. In experiment 2, D and L were applied at three levels to whole crop maize at ensiling, using triplicate 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. A completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of treatments was used. One set of treatments was stored at room temperature, whereas another set was stored at 40 degreesC during the first 3 weeks of fermentation, and then stored at room temperature. Silages were opened after 120 days. Results from experiment I indicated that the xylanase activity of both products showed an optimal pH of about 5.6, but the response differed according to the enzyme, whereas the endoglucanase activity was inversely related to pH. Both products retained at least 70% of their xylanase activity after 48 h incubation at 15 or 39 degreesC. In experiment 2, enzymes reduced (P < 0.05) silage pH, regardless of storage temperature and enzyme level. Depol 40 reduced (P < 0.05) the starch contents of the silages, due to its high alpha-amylase activity. This effect was more noticeable in the silages stored at room temperature. Addition of L reduced (P < 0.05) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents. In vitro rumen degradation, assessed using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), showed that L increased (P < 0.05) the initial 6 h gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD), but did not affect (P > 0.05) the final extent of OMD, indicating that this preparation acted on the rumen degradable material. In contrast, silages treated with D had reduced (P < 0.05) rates of gas production and OMD. These enzymes, regardless of ensiling temperature, can be effective in improving the nutritive quality of maize silage when applied at ensiling. However, the biochemical properties of enzymes (i.e., enzymic activities, optimum pH) may have a crucial role in dictating the nature of the responses. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of diet and breed on the concentration of water-soluble flavour precursors, namely sugars, free amino acids, ribonucleotides, creatinine, carnosine and creatine, were studied in beef longissimus hanborum muscle. Diet had a significant effect on the concentration of free amino acids, with animals fed on grass silage having higher free amino acid levels than animals fed on a concentrate diet, whereas animals fed concentrates had a higher total reducing sugar content. Differences between a beef breed (Aberdeen Angus x Holstein-Friesian) and a dairy breed (Holstein-Friesian) were generally small. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The thermal properties, crystallization, and morphology of amphiphilic poly(D-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino- 2-ethyl methacrylate) (PDLA-b-PDMAEMA) and poly (L-lactide)-b-poly(N,N-dimethylamino-2-ethyl methacrylate) (PLLA-b-PDMAEMA) copolymers were studied and compared to those of the corresponding poly(lactide) homopolymers. Additionally, stereocomplexation of these copolymers was studied. The crystallization kinetics of the PLA blocks was retarded by the presence of the PDMAEMA block. The studied copolymers were found to be miscible in the melt and the glassy state. The Avrami theory was able to predict the entire crystallization range of the PLA isothermal overall crystallization. The melting points of PLDA/PLLA and PLA/PLA-b-PDMAEMA stereocomplexes were higher than those formed by copolymer mixtures. This indicates that the PDMAEMA block is influencing the stability of the stereocomplex structures. For the low molecular weight samples, the stereocomplexes particles exhibited a conventional disk-shape structure and, for high molecular weight samples, the particles displayed unusual star-like shape morphology.
For the first time, it has been unequivocally shown that multiple-feed second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides were ineffective against a population of rats in N.W. Berkshire, UK because of an unusually high prevalence and high degree of resistance. Use of the non-anticoagulant rodenticide calciferol led to a substantial reduction in the population, although primary poisoning of small birds appeared to be greater than with anticoagulant baits. There was strong evidence that many of the surviving rats had developed an aversion towards calciferol-treated bait. A reduction in the degree of anticoagulant resistance in the population was evident after a period of 17 months without anticoagulant use. The long-term strategy to manage the resistant population should integrate non-anticoagulant and anticoagulant rodenticide use to take advantage of possible pleiotropic costs of resistance.
High-resolution simulations over a large tropical domain (∼20◦S–20◦N and 42◦E–180◦E) using both explicit and parameterized convection are analyzed and compared to observations during a 10-day case study of an active Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) event. The parameterized convection model simulations at both 40 km and 12 km grid spacing have a very weak MJO signal and little eastward propagation. A 4 km explicit convection simulation using Smagorinsky subgrid mixing in the vertical and horizontal dimensions exhibits the best MJO strength and propagation speed. 12 km explicit convection simulations also perform much better than the 12 km parameterized convection run, suggesting that the convection scheme, rather than horizontal resolution, is key for these MJO simulations. Interestingly, a 4 km explicit convection simulation using the conventional boundary layer scheme for vertical subgrid mixing (but still using Smagorinsky horizontal mixing) completely loses the large-scale MJO organization, showing that relatively high resolution with explicit convection does not guarantee a good MJO simulation. Models with a good MJO representation have a more realistic relationship between lower-free-tropospheric moisture and precipitation, supporting the idea that moisture-convection feedback is a key process for MJO propagation. There is also increased generation of available potential energy and conversion of that energy into kinetic energy in models with a more realistic MJO, which is related to larger zonal variance in convective heating and vertical velocity, larger zonal temperature variance around 200 hPa, and larger correlations between temperature and ascent (and between temperature and diabatic heating) between 500–400 hPa.
Reaction of 5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxy-1,10-phenanthroline (L) with Cu(ClO(4))(2)center dot 6H(2)O in methanol in 3:1 M ratio at room temperature yields light green [CuL(3)](ClO(4))(2)center dot H(2)O (1). The X-ray crystal structure of the hemi acetonitrile solvate [CuL(3)](ClO(4))(2)center dot 0.5CH(3)CN has been determined which shows Jahn-Teller distortion in the CuN(6) core present in the cation [CuL(3)](2+). Complex 1 gives an axial EPR spectrum in acetonitrile-toluene glass with g(parallel to) = 2.262 (A(parallel to) = 169 x 10 (4) cm (1)) and g(perpendicular to) = 2.069. The Cu(II/I) potential in 1 in CH(2)Cl(2) at a glassy carbon electrode is 0.32 V versus NHE. This potential does not change with the addition of extra L in the medium implicating generation of a six-coordinate copper(I) species [CuL(3)](+) in solution. B3LYP/LanL2DZ calculations show that the six Cu-N bond distances in [CuL(3)](+) are 2.33, 2.25, 2.32, 2.25, 2.28 and 2.25 angstrom while the ideal Cu(I)-N bond length in a symmetric Cu(I)N(6) moiety is estimated as 2.25 angstrom. Reaction of L with Cu(CH(3)CN)(4)ClO(4) in dehydrated methanol at room temperature even in 4:1 M proportion yields [CuL(2)]ClO(4) (2). Its (1)H NMR spectrum indicates that the metal in [CuL(2)](+) is tetrahedral. The Cu(II/I) potential in 2 is found to be 0.68 V versus NHE in CH(2)Cl(2) at a glassy carbon electrode. In presence of excess L, 2 yields the cyclic voltammogram of 1. From (1)H NMR titration, the free energy of binding of L to [CuL(2)](+) to produce [CuL(3)](+) in CD(2)Cl(2) at 298 K is estimated as -11.7 (+/-0.2) kJ mol (1).
Forgetting immediate physical reality and having awareness of one�s location in the simulated world is critical to enjoyment and performance in virtual environments be it an interactive 3D game such as Quake or an online virtual 3d community space such as Second Life. Answer to the question "where am I?" at two levels, whether the locus is in the immediate real world as opposed to the virtual world and whether one is aware of the spatial co-ordinates of that locus, hold the key to any virtual 3D experience. While 3D environments, especially virtual environments and their impact on spatial comprehension has been studied in disciplines such as architecture, it is difficult to determine the relative contributions of specific attributes such as screen size or stereoscopy towards spatial comprehension since most of them treat the technology as monolith (box-centered). Using a variable-centered approach put forth by Nass and Mason (1990) which breaks down the technology into its component variables and their corresponding values as its theoretical basis, this paper looks at the contributions of five variables (Stereoscopy, screen size, field of view, level of realism and level of detail) common to most virtual environments on spatial comprehension and presence. The variable centered approach can be daunting as the increase in the number of variables can exponentially increase the number of conditions and resources required. We overcome this drawback posed by adoption of such a theoretical approach by the use of a fractional factorial design for the experiment. This study has completed the first wave of data collection and starting the next phase in January 2007 and expected to complete by February 2007. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.