991 resultados para Inf-convolution
Background. Despite advances in immunosuppressive therapy in the past decade, allograft rejection remains an important cause of kidney graft failure. Cytokines play a major role in the inflammatory and immune responses that mediate allograft outcomes. Several studies have shown that the production of cytokines varies among individuals. These variations are determined by genetic polymorphisms, most commonly within the regulatory region of cytokine genes. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of allelic variation on acute rejection episodes (ARE) or chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) after kidney transplantation. Methods. To determine a possible correlation between the interferon (INF)-gamma +874 polymorphism and kidney allograft outcome, we isolated genomic DNA from 74 patients who underwent isolated kidney allografts and were classified into 2 groups-a rejection and a nonrejection group-for comparison with a control group of 163 healthy subjects. Results. We genotyped INF-gamma +874 polymorphisms in all groups. The transplant group showed a significantly increased homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0118) compared with healthy controls. Similarly, considering only patients with CAN, the homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0067) was significantly increased compared with the healthy controls. The rejection group indicated a significant increased homozygous genotype Tic compared with the control group (P = .0061). Conclusion. Homozygous genotype T/T was associated with increased levels of INF-gamma and greater numbers among the rejection and CAN cohorts.
Background: We have previously shown that 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is immunogenic in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected mothers and provides vaccine-induced antibodies to the infant. We compared the nasopharyngeal pneumococcal colonization (NPC) rates in <6-month-old infants born to HIV-infected mothers, according to immunization with PPV during pregnancy. Methods: NPC was evaluated in 45 term infants born to vaccinated women (PPV+) and in 60 infants in a control group (PPV-), at 2 months (+/- 30 days), 4 months (+/- 30 days), and 6 months (+/- 30 days) of age. Results: A total of 82 infants completed the study (at least 2 of 3 evaluations), 35 (77%) in the PPV+ and 47 (78.3%) in the PPV- groups, respectively. Infant gender, HIV infection status, number of adults, children, and smokers in the household, day-care attendance, occurrence of respiratory signs, and cotrimoxazole use were similar in both groups. NPC rates increased equally with age in both groups (2 months = 26.7% vs. 25.6%; 4 months = 34.5% vs. 38.6%; 6 months = 38.7% vs. 56.3%, in PPV+ and PPV-, respectively). After controlling for potential confounders, we found no association between maternal vaccination and infant pneumococcal carriage (adjusted odds ratio = 0.70; 95% confidence interval: 0.23, 2.21) Conclusions: Vaccination of HIV-infected mothers with PPV did not protect infants younger than 6 months of age from nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage.
In this study, we investigated the hematopoietic response of rats pretreated with CV and exposed to the impact of acute escapable, inescapable or psychogenical stress on responsiveness to an in vivo challenge with Listeria monocytogenes. No consistent changes were observed after exposure to escapable footshock. Conversely, the impact of uncontrollable stress (inescapable and psychogenical) was manifested by an early onset and increased severity and duration of myrelossuppression produced by the infection. Small size CFU-CM colonies and increased numbers of clusters were observed, concurrently to a greater expansion in the more mature population of bone marrow granulocytes. No differences were observed between the responses of both uncontrollable stress regimens. CV prevented the myelossuppression caused by stress/infection due to increased numbers of CFU-GM in the bone marrow. Colonies of cells tightly packed, with a very condensed nucleus; in association with a greater expansion in the more immature population of bone marrow granulocytes were observed. Investigation of the production of colony-stimulating factors revealed increased colony-stimulating activity (CSA) in the serum of normal and infected/stressed rats treated with the algae. CV treatment restored/enhanced the changes produced by stress/infection in total and differential bone marrow and peripheral cells counts. Further studies demonstrated that INF-gamma is significantly reduced, whereas IL-10 is significantly increased after exposure to Uncontrollable stress. Treatment with CV significantly increased INF-gamma levels and diminished the levels of IL-10. Uncontrollable stress reduced the protection afforded by CV to a lethal dose of L. monocytogenes, with survival rates being reduced from (50%) in infected rats to 20% in infected/stressed rats. All together, our results suggest Chlorella treatment as an effective tool for the prophylaxis of post-stress myelossupression, including the detrimental effect of stress on the course and outcome of infections. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A combination of modelling and analysis techniques was used to design a six component force balance. The balance was designed specifically for the measurement of impulsive aerodynamic forces and moments characteristic of hypervelocity shock tunnel testing using the stress wave force measurement technique. Aerodynamic modelling was used to estimate the magnitude and distribution of forces and finite element modelling to determine the mechanical response of proposed balance designs. Simulation of balance performance was based on aerodynamic loads and mechanical responses using convolution techniques. Deconvolution was then used to assess balance performance and to guide further design modifications leading to the final balance design. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigate the difference between classical and quantum dynamics of coupled magnetic dipoles. We prove that in general the dynamics of the classical interaction Hamiltonian differs from the corresponding quantum model, regardless of the initial state. The difference appears as nonpositive-definite diffusion terms in the quantum evolution equation of an appropriate positive phase-space probability density. Thus, it is not possible to express the dynamics in terms of a convolution of a positive transition probability function and the initial condition as can be done in the classical case. It is this feature that enables the quantum system to evolve to an entangled state. We conclude that the dynamics are a quantum element of nuclear magnetic resonance quantum-information processing. There are two limits where our quantum evolution coincides with the classical one: the short-time limit before spin-spin interaction sets in and the long-time limit when phase diffusion is incorporated.
O contexto pol??tico e social brasileiro, desde as ??ltimas d??cadas do s??culo passado, tem sido marcado pelo processo de redefini????o do papel do Estado, a partir da universaliza????o dos direitos de cidadania, descentraliza????o administrativa e gest??o democr??tica das pol??ticas p??blicas. Trata-se, assim, de um novo formato institucional, legitimado pela Constitui????o Federal de 1988, integrante do processo de implementa????o da gest??o participativa, que ocorreu no Brasil principalmente a partir dos anos 90, nas esferas municipal, estadual e federal. Nesse novo formato institucional, surgem os Conselhos de Pol??ticas P??blicas como um novo padr??o de intera????o entre governo e sociedade, exigindo-se dos cidad??os uma atua????o efetiva, por meio de processos interativos, no ??mbito da gest??o p??blica. Esse modelo de gest??o absorve em sua estrutura v??rios segmentos da sociedade, constituindo o novo locus de articula????o pol??tica na defesa pela democratiza????o da gest??o das pol??ticas p??blicas, atrav??s dos quais sujeitos diversos interagem no processo de delibera????o, implementa????o, monitoramento, avalia????o e controle social das pol??ticas p??blicas, nas diversas tem??ticas e ??reas sociais. Este trabalho pretende analisar a capacidade do principal espa??o interinstitucional da inf??ncia e adolesc??ncia do Brasil de influenciar a agenda governamental e as pol??ticas p??blicas federais: o Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Crian??a e do Adolescente (criado na d??cada de 1990). Para esta an??lise, a pesquisa foca no papel do Conanda na defesa, promo????o e prote????o dos direitos de crian??as e adolescentes no ??mbito do debate sobre grandes eventos esportivos no Brasil. Esta an??lise revela as possibilidades e limites do Conselho de influenciar na constitui????o da agenda p??blica na tem??tica, na decis??o dos agentes de Estado e na formula????o de pol??ticas, na perspectiva da efetiva????o dos direitos fundamentais constitucionais de crian??as e adolescentes
Myocardial infarction leads to compensatory ventricular remodeling. Disturbances in myocardial contractility depend on the active transport of Ca2+ and Na+, which are regulated by Na+-K+ ATPase. Inappropriate regulation of Na+-K+ ATPase activity leads to excessive loss of K+ and gain of Na+ by the cell. We determined the participation of Na+-K+ ATPase in ventricular performance early and late after myocardial infarction. Wistar rats (8-10 per group) underwent left coronary artery ligation (infarcted, Inf) or sham-operation (Sham). Ventricular performance was measured at 3 and 30 days after surgery using the Langendorff technique. Left ventricular systolic pressure was obtained under different ventricular diastolic pressures and increased extracellular Ca2+ concentrations (Ca2+e) and after low and high ouabain concentrations. The baseline coronary perfusion pressure increased 3 days after myocardial infarction and normalized by 30 days (Sham 3 = 88 ± 6; Inf 3 = 130 ± 9; Inf 30 = 92 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.05). The inotropic response to Ca2+e and ouabain was reduced at 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction (Ca2+ = 1.25 mM; Sham 3 = 70 ± 3; Inf 3 = 45 ± 2; Inf 30 = 29 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), while the Frank-Starling mechanism was preserved. At 3 and 30 days after myocardial infarction, ventricular Na+-K+ ATPase activity and contractility were reduced. This Na+-K+ ATPase hypoactivity may modify the Na+, K+ and Ca2+ transport across the sarcolemma resulting in ventricular dysfunction.
A hierarchical matrix is an efficient data-sparse representation of a matrix, especially useful for large dimensional problems. It consists of low-rank subblocks leading to low memory requirements as well as inexpensive computational costs. In this work, we discuss the use of the hierarchical matrix technique in the numerical solution of a large scale eigenvalue problem arising from a finite rank discretization of an integral operator. The operator is of convolution type, it is defined through the first exponential-integral function and, hence, it is weakly singular. We develop analytical expressions for the approximate degenerate kernels and deduce error upper bounds for these approximations. Some computational results illustrating the efficiency and robustness of the approach are presented.
Mestrado em Radioterapia.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Imagem Digital por Radiação X.
The use of non-standard CT conversion ramps for Monte Carlo verification of 6 MV prostate IMRT plans
Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation algorithms have been widely used to verify the accuracy of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) dose distributions computed by conventional algorithms due to the ability to precisely account for the effects of tissue inhomogeneities and multileaf collimator characteristics. Both algorithms present, however, a particular difference in terms of dose calculation and report. Whereas dose from conventional methods is traditionally computed and reported as the water-equivalent dose (Dw), MC dose algorithms calculate and report dose to medium (Dm). In order to compare consistently both methods, the conversion of MC Dm into Dw is therefore necessary. This study aims to assess the effect of applying the conversion of MC-based Dm distributions to Dw for prostate IMRT plans generated for 6 MV photon beams. MC phantoms were created from the patient CT images using three different ramps to convert CT numbers into material and mass density: a conventional four material ramp (CTCREATE) and two simplified CT conversion ramps: (1) air and water with variable densities and (2) air and water with unit density. MC simulations were performed using the BEAMnrc code for the treatment head simulation and the DOSXYZnrc code for the patient dose calculation. The conversion of Dm to Dw by scaling with the stopping power ratios of water to medium was also performed in a post-MC calculation process. The comparison of MC dose distributions calculated in conventional and simplified (water with variable densities) phantoms showed that the effect of material composition on dose-volume histograms (DVH) was less than 1% for soft tissue and about 2.5% near and inside bone structures. The effect of material density on DVH was less than 1% for all tissues through the comparison of MC distributions performed in the two simplified phantoms considering water. Additionally, MC dose distributions were compared with the predictions from an Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS), which employed a pencil beam convolution (PBC) algorithm with Modified Batho Power Law heterogeneity correction. Eclipse PBC and MC calculations (conventional and simplified phantoms) agreed well (<1%) for soft tissues. For femoral heads, differences up to 3% were observed between the DVH for Eclipse PBC and MC calculated in conventional phantoms. The use of the CT conversion ramp of water with variable densities for MC simulations showed no dose discrepancies (0.5%) with the PBC algorithm. Moreover, converting Dm to Dw using mass stopping power ratios resulted in a significant shift (up to 6%) in the DVH for the femoral heads compared to the Eclipse PBC one. Our results show that, for prostate IMRT plans delivered with 6 MV photon beams, no conversion of MC dose from medium to water using stopping power ratio is needed. In contrast, MC dose calculations using water with variable density may be a simple way to solve the problem found using the dose conversion method based on the stopping power ratio.
This work aims at investigating the impact of treating breast cancer using different radiation therapy (RT) techniques – forwardly-planned intensity-modulated, f-IMRT, inversely-planned IMRT and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT – and their effects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB treatment planning system were compared: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Seven left-sided breast patients submitted to breast-conserving surgery were enrolled in the study. For each patient, four RT techniques – f-IMRT, IMRT using 2-fields and 5-fields (IMRT2 and IMRT5, respectively) and DCART – were applied. The dose distributions in the planned target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose–volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose differences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung and heart than tangential techniques. However, IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Differences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the iMC algorithm predicted.
Introduction: In the XXI Century ’s Society the scientific investigation process has been growing steadily , and the field of the pharmaceutical research is one of the most enthusiastic and relevant . Here, it is very important to correlate observed functional alterations with possibly modified drug bio distribution patterns . Cancer, inflammation and inf ection are processes that induce many molecular intermediates like cytokines, chemokines and other chemical complexes that can alter the pharmacokinetics of many drugs. One cause of such changes is thought to be the modulator action of these complexes in t he P - Glyco p rotein activity, because they can act like inducers/inhibitors of MDR - 1 expression. This protein results from the expression of MDR - 1 gene, and acts as an ATP energy - dependent efflux pump, with their substrates including many drugs , like antiretrovirals, anticancers, anti - infectives, immunosuppressants, steroids or opioids . Objectives: Because of the lack of methods to provide helpful information in the investigation of in vivo molecular changes in Pgp activity during infection/infl ammation processes, and its value in the explanation of the altered drug pharmacokinetic, this paper want to evaluate the potential utility of 99m Tc - Sestamibi scintigraphy during this kind of health sciences investigation. Although the a im is indeed to create a technique to the in vivo study of Pgp activity, this preliminary Project only reaches the in vitro study phase, assumed as the first step in a n evaluation period for a new tool development. Materials and Methods: For that reason , we are performing in vitro studies of influx and efflux of 99m Tc - Sestamibi ( that is a substrate of Pgp) in hepatocytes cell line (HepG2). We are interested in clarify the cellular behavior of this radiopharmaceutical in Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulated cells ( well known in vitro model of inflammation) to possibly approve this methodology. To validate the results, the Pgp expression will be finally evaluated using Western Blot technique. Results: Up to this moment , we still don’t have the final results, but we have already enough data to let us believe that LPS stimulation induce a downregulation of MDR - 1, and consequently Pgp, which could conduce to a prolonged retention of 99m Tc - Sestamibi in the inflamed cells . Conclusions: If and when this methodology demonstrate the promising results we expect, one will be able to con clude that Nuclear Medicine is an important tool to help evidence based research also on this specific field .
OBJETIVO Analisar a associação entre mobilidade social, estilo de vida e índice de massa corporal de adolescentes. MÉTODOS Estudo de coorte com 1.716 adolescentes de dez a 17 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos. Os adolescentes eram participantes de um estudo de coorte e nasceram entre 1994 e 1999. Os adolescentes foram avaliados em escolas públicas e privadas entre 2009 e 2011. O estilo de vida foi avaliado por meio de entrevista e a antropometria foi utilizada para o cálculo do índice de massa corporal. Para a classificação econômica na infância e na adolescência foram utilizados critérios preconizados pela Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa. Mobilidade social ascendente foi considerada como aumento em pelo menos uma classe econômica no período de dez anos. Utilizou-se regressão de Poisson para estimar a associação entre a mobilidade social ascendente e os desfechos avaliados. RESULTADOS Dos adolescentes (71,4% de seguimento da coorte), 60,6% apresentaram mobilidade social ascendente. Destes, 93,6% pertenciam à classe econômica D e 99,9% à E. Maior prevalência de ascensão social foi observada para escolares de cor da pele preta (71,4%) e parda (61,9%), matriculados na escola pública (64,3%) e cujas mães apresentaram menor escolaridade na primeira avaliação (67,2%) e na reavaliação (68,7%). A mobilidade social ascendente mostrou-se associada apenas aos comportamentos sedentários (p = 0,02) após ajuste para variáveis de confusão. A classe econômica na infância mostrou-se mais associada aos desfechos avaliados do que a mobilidade social ascendente. CONCLUSÕES A mobilidade social ascendente não mostrou associação com a maioria dos desfechos avaliados, possivelmente por ter sido discreta e porque o período considerado no estudo pode não ter sido suficiente para refletir mudanças substanciais no estilo de vida e no índice de massa corporal dos adolescentes.
A Bacia Lusitaniana é uma bacia sedimentar que se desenvolveu na Margem Ocidental Ibérica (MOI) durante parte do Mesozóico, e a sua dinâmica enquadra-se no contexto da fragmentação da Pangeia, mais especificamente da abertura do Atlântico Norte. Caracteriza-se como uma bacia distensiva, pertencente a uma margem continental do tipo atlântico de rift não vulcânica. Ocupa mais de 20 000 km2 na parte central da MOI, alongando-se por cerca de 200 km segundo direcção aproximada NNW-SSE e por mais de 100 km na direcção perpendicular; cerca de 2/3 aflora na área continental emersa e a restante área, encontra-se imersa, na plataforma continental. Trata-se da única bacia das margens do Atlântico Norte com extensa exposição superficial, pelo que tem atraído nas últimas décadas um número considerável de geólogos, especialistas de variados domínios, para a realização de trabalhos de investigação integrados em equipas nacionais e internacionais, muitos delas ligadas à indústria do petróleo. Ao longo das várias décadas de prospecção foram efectuadas cerca de 50 sondagens profundas e mais de 37 000 km de perfis sísmicos de reflexão 2D. A evolução tectónica da Bacia Lusitaniana foi condicionada por falhas que se formaram durante o episódio de gracturação tardi-varisca aproximadamente entre os 300 e os 280 M.a. Este episódio tardi-orogénico resulta de imposição de regime de cisalhamento direito à micro-placa ibérica nos seus paleolimites E-W setentrional e meridional, dos quais resultariam as falhas de desligamento esquerdo de direcção aproximada NNE-SSW a NE-SW. Outras falhas orogénicas variscas de orientação N-S (falha de Porto-Tomar) e NW-SE foram também importantes na estruturação da Bacia Lusitaniana, como adiante ficará patente. Esta é a herança tectónica da Bacia que levou, durante o estiramento crostal mesozóico, à formação do conjunto de bacias marginais na MOI. A evolução tectónica da Bacia Lusitaniana está condicionada pela distensão mesozóica relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Norte, na proximidade do Atlântico Central, domínios oceânicos distintos separados pela Zona de Falha de Açores-Gibraltar (ZFAG). Esta constitui limite transformante entre placas, que numa fase inicial do ciclo alpino, ou seja da rotura da Pangea, separou dois grandes continentes, a Laurásia a Norte e a Gondwana a Sul. A Ibéria localiza-se, assim, durante o Mesozóico, numa posição de charneira, cuja actividade está também relacionada com a evolução dos limites de placa: i) a sul, entre África e a Eurásia, limite transcorrente ao longo da Zona de Falha de Açores Gibraltar e ii) a Oeste, entre a Ibéria e a Terra Nova limite divergente associado à evolução do Atlântico. Nas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento do proto-Atlântico norte, desde o Triásico, a Ibéria encontra-se solidária ao continente norte-americano, mas por estiramento litosférico progressivo, acabará por ocorrer rotura crostal e consequente oceanização no final do Cretácico Inf. Este conjunto de interações será assim responsável por uma evolução também complexa da Margem Ocidental da Ibéria, onde se encontra a Bacia Lusitaniana, bacia intracratónica, interna, separada de uma zona externa por um relevo estrutural, o horst da Berlenga. Desta forma, alguns processos complexos, uns exógenos, outros de clara influência endógena, vão ficando registados na Bacia. Referimo-nos a episódios de inversão tectónica precoce, a um magmatismo muito ténue - para todos os efeitos podendo-se considerar como uma margem continental de rift, não vulcânica - e a diapirismo que se encontra registado na sua área geográfica.