915 resultados para Inequalities in life expectancy


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Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and SouthAbout the research:This research, led by Professor Paddy Hillyard, Emeritus Professor Queen’s University Belfast, was carried out with funding from CARDI’s Grants Programme Call 2. The purpose of the study was to analyse the impact of the recession on older people in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and the extent to which inequalities within the older population have been affected by the economic crisis.Research Brief:This brief, authored by CARDI staff, is based on the findings of the research project and also contains additional information of interest.Research Team:Professor Paddy Hillyard, Emeritus Professor Queen’s University Belfast - lead researcher;Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant;Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant;Sarah Machniewski, Researcher;David Taylor, Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant;Dr Maureen Lyons, Research Manager, School of Social Justice, UCD.Methodology and availability of data:Several methods were used in the research, including:�� a review of relevant literature;����a detailed analysis of many databases relevant to older people’s incomes and lives;��building a model to assess the impact of the recession on older people;surveys of financial advisers in voluntary, private and public sectors;��six focus groups, three each in NI and RoI.Availability of data:Despite the huge amount of information which is officially collected and published in NI and RoI, very little is directly comparable. ��The development of a mechanism to encourage the production of more comparable data North and South would be very beneficial.��For example, this study identified a basket of 25 factors that can be used to compare the living standards of older people in NI and RoI and to monitor changes in future yearsTo access the full report please click on the following link:Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and SouthPlease find the presentation from the launch below:Inequalities, Pensions and the Recession by Prof Paddy Hillyard, Queen’s University Belfast and Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant, Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant.��������


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On October 20th, 2010, CARDI hosted an event entitled��'Inequalities in old age - old news or new debate?’. The event marked the launch of a CARDI funded research report Inequalities in Old Age: the impact of the recession on older people in Ireland, North and South��and the launch of a discussion paper prepared for CARDI by Dr. Maria Pierce and Dr.��Virpi Timonen, Trinity College Dublin��Theories of Ageing and Approaches to Welfare in Ireland, North and South [summary]. The event also featured a number of other presentations. Please find a selection of the presentations from the day below:Theories of Ageing: Lenses for Understanding, Signposts for Reforming Social Protection in Old Age by Dr Virpi Timonen, Director of SPARC and Dr Maria Pierce, Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin.Inequalities, Pensions and the Recession by Prof Paddy Hillyard, Queen’s University Belfast and Dr Demi Patsios, Policy Research Consultant, Dr Francesca Lundstr̦m, Research Consultant.Pensions and Older Women by Dr Aine N�_ L̩ime, Programme Co-ordinator, ICSG (Irish Centre for Social Gerontology), NUI Galway.����


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This report by Trent Cancer Registry and EMPHO provides important information on variations in the incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers diagnosed in people living in the East Midlands (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate). In particular, it highlights large differences in incidence and mortality rates between different parts of the Region and identifies significant gaps in survival after diagnosis between the most affluent and most deprived areas.


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This tool is designed to assess the health risks of housing and the residential environment at the scale of a neighbourhood, housing stock or administrative area. For each health risk, the tool enables a judgement to be recorded about the level of health risk attributable to unhealthy or unsafe housing conditions, and for this to be compared with the adequacy of local practice in mitigating the risk.


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This publication is a companion to Addressing inequalities through health impact assessment (Taylor et al., 2003a), which described what a focus on inequalities could achieve, offered case study examples, and outlined promising practice. This bulletin discusses recent publications and presents a further two case studies that attempt to address health inequalities through the use of HIA. .


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The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study was established 22 years ago. It is cross-national research conducted by an international network of teams in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe. Its aim is to gain new insight into young people۪s health, wellbeing and health behaviour, including links with their social context. Researchers from three countries started the HBSC study in 1982 and since then, a growing number of countries and regions have joined the study. This report presents findings from the 2001/2 English part of the study, which was carried out on behalf of the Health Development Agency by BMRB Social Research. This is the third time the survey has been carried out in England; previous surveys took place in 1995 and 1997.


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This report focuses on inequalities in primary care as indicated by the Quality and Outcomes Framework.


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This briefing describes inequalities in access to revascularisation using data from both the NHS and the independent sector.


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This document describes the methodology for examining inequalities in access to revascularisation in the NHS and in the independent sector. It is a technical report.


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This study reveals a picture of inequalities in infant mortality across London.


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This report explores the factors that contribute to infant mortality in the capital and ways in which commissioners might monitor the contribution of their local NHS to the national infant mortality target as well as contributing to maternity policy.


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In November 2008, Professor Sir Michael Marmot was asked to advise the Secretary of State for Health on the future development of a health inequalities strategy in England post-2010. The consultation relates to the first phase of the review and is based on submissions from nine task groups, who considered the evidence base across the social determinants of health. This document discusses issues raised during this first phase of the review and identifies key questions for respondents. The consultation document is set out in the following sections: Section 1 The Review Consultation: Aims and consultation questions Section 2 The Strategic Review of Health inequalities: The Background to the Review, the remit, structure, context and the social determinants approach to health inequalities. Section 3 Key Strategic Themes: A summary of a thematic analysis of proposals made by the Review task groups. Each task group was asked to assess national and international evidence about interventions and policies from within their policy area, which would likely lead to reductions in health inequalities. Section 4 Cross-Cutting Challenges for the Review: A summary of challenges currently under consideration by the Review.


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This is the first in a planned series of reports on the subject of cancer inequalities in the South East region. This report focuses on inequalities in cancer incidence, mortality and survival for the four most common cancers (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate cancer) across the South East region in relation to deprivation and geographical distribution. The report is aimed at Cancer Networks and Primary Care Trusts and is intended to inform the debate about priorities for reducing inequalities in the cancer burden and in outcomes for cancer patients in local communities in the South East region.


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The publication shows how to narrow the health inequalities gap in infant mortality by looking at current examples of best practice.


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This is the second in a series of reports describing cancer inequalities across South Central Strategic Health Authority. Focusing on the four most common cancers (lung, colorectal, breast and prostate), it examines inequalities in access to and quality of care, in relation to age, sex, deprivation and area of residence.