987 resultados para Independent Brisbane: Four Plays


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In a A-type system employing a two-photon pump field, a four-wave mixing field can be generated simultaneously and, hence, a closed-loop system forms. We study theoretically the effect of the relative phase between the two incident fields on the generated four-wave mixing field and the electromagnetically induced transparency. It is found that the phase of the generated four-wave mixing field is the sum of the incident relative phase and a fixed phase that is irrelative to the incident relative phase. Hence, the total phase of the closed-loop system is independent of the incident relative phase. As a result, the incident relative phase has no effect on the electromagnetically induced transparency, which is different from the case of a A-type loop system closed by a third incident field. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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Seasonal trawling was conducted randomly in coastal (depths of 4.6–17 m) waters from St. Augustine, Florida, (29.9°N) to Winyah Bay, South Carolina (33.1°N), during 2000–03, 2008–09, and 2011 to assess annual trends in the relative abundance of sea turtles. A total of 1262 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) were captured in 23% (951) of 4207 sampling events. Capture rates (overall and among prevalent 5-cm size classes) were analyzed through the use of a generalized linear model with log link function for the 4097 events that had complete observations for all 25 model parameters. Final models explained 6.6% (70.1–75.0 cm minimum straight-line carapace length [SCLmin]) to 14.9% (75.1–80.0 cm SCLmin) of deviance in the data set. Sampling year, geographic subregion, and distance from shore were retained as significant terms in all final models, and these terms collectively accounted for 6.2% of overall model deviance (range: 4.5–11.7% of variance among 5-cm size classes). We retained 18 parameters only in a subset of final models: 4 as exclusively significant terms, 5 as a mixture of significant or nonsignificant terms, and 9 as exclusively nonsignificant terms. Four parameters also were dropped completely from all final models. The generalized linear model proved appropriate for monitoring trends for this data set that was laden with zero values for catches and was compiled for a globally protected species. Because we could not account for much model deviance, metrics other than those examined in our study may better explain catch variability and, once elucidated, their inclusion in the generalized linear model should improve model fits.


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Background: Various evolutionary models have been proposed to interpret the fate of paralogous duplicates, which provides substrates on which evolution selection could act. In particular, domestication, as a special selection, has played important role in crop cultivation with divergence of many genes controlling important agronomic traits. Recent studies have indicated that a pair of duplicate genes was often sub-functionalized from their ancestral functions held by the parental genes. We previously demonstrated that the rice cell-wall invertase (CWI) gene GIF1 that plays an important role in the grain-filling process was most likely subjected to domestication selection in the promoter region. Here, we report that GIF1 and another CWI gene OsCIN1 constitute a pair of duplicate genes with differentiated expression and function through independent selection. Results: Through synteny analysis, we show that GIF1 and another cell-wall invertase gene OsCIN1 were paralogues derived from a segmental duplication originated during genome duplication of grasses. Results based on analyses of population genetics and gene phylogenetic tree of 25 cultivars and 25 wild rice sequences demonstrated that OsCIN1 was also artificially selected during rice domestication with a fixed mutation in the coding region, in contrast to GIF1 that was selected in the promoter region. GIF1 and OsCIN1 have evolved into different expression patterns and probable different kinetics parameters of enzymatic activity with the latter displaying less enzymatic activity. Overexpression of GIF1 and OsCIN1 also resulted in different phenotypes, suggesting that OsCIN1 might regulate other unrecognized biological process. Conclusion: How gene duplication and divergence contribute to genetic novelty and morphological adaptation has been an interesting issue to geneticists and biologists. Our discovery that the duplicated pair of GIF1 and OsCIN1 has experiencedsub-functionalization implies that selection could act independently on each duplicate towards different functional specificity, which provides a vivid example for evolution of genetic novelties in a model crop. Our results also further support the established hypothesis that gene duplication with sub-functionalization could be one solution for genetic adaptive conflict.


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The compositions and contents of astaxanthin esters and fatty acids in four types of Haematococcus pluvialis cells were studied by HPLC and GC-MS. Results showed that the synthesis and accumulation of astaxanthin was independent of the formation of cysts, but was highly correlated with the synthesis and accumulation of fatty acids, though it is an well known phenomenon that the accumulation of astaxanthin is usually accompanied by the formation of cyst. The red cysts contain more than 30% of fatty acids, with 81% of the unsaturated fatty acids. Taken together, besides a resource of astaxanthin, H. pluvialis would be a good resource of valuable fatty acids.


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The four species of "river dolphins" are associated with six separate great river systems on three subcontinents and have been grouped for more than a century into a single taxon based on their similar appearance. However, several morphologists recently questioned the monophyly of that group. By using phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences from three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes, we demonstrate with statistical significance that extant river dolphins are not monophyletic and suggest that they are relict species whose adaptation to riverine habitats incidentally insured their survival against major environmental changes in the marine ecosystem or the emergence of Delphinidae.


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We present a comprehensive numerical study on the all-optical wavelength conversion based on the degenerate four-wave-mixing with continuous-wave pumping in the silicon nanowire waveguide. It is well known that the conversion efficiency and the 3-dB bandwidth can be greatly affected by the phase-matching condition. Through proper design of the waveguide cross-section, its dispersion property can be adjusted to satisfy the phase-matching condition and therefore effective wavelength conversion can be achieved in a large wavelength range. Generally, the group velocity dispersion plays a dominant role in the wavelength conversion. However, the fourth-order dispersion takes an important effect on the wavelength conversion when the group velocity dispersion is near the zero-point. Furthermore, the conversion efficiency and the 3-dB bandwidth can also be affected by the interactive length and the initial pump power. Through the numerical simulation, the optimal values for the interactive length and the initial pump power, which are functions of the propagation loss, are obtained to realize the maximum conversion efficiency. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the one-dimensional tight-binding model;rnd chi-3 approximation, we have calculated four-wave-mixing (FWM) signals for a semiconductor superlattice in the presence of both static and high-frequency electric fields. When the exciton effect is negligible, the time-periodic field dynamically delocalizes the otherwise localized Wannier-Stark states, and accordingly quasienergy band structures are formed, and manifest in the FWM spectra as a series of equally separated continua. The width of each continuum is proportional to the joint width of the valence and conduction minibands and is independent of the Wannier-Stark index. The realistic homogeneous broadening blurs the continua into broad peaks, whose line shapes, far from the Lorentzian, vary with the delay time in the FWM spectra. The swinging range of the peaks is just the quasienergy bandwidth. The dynamical delocalization (DDL) also induces significant FWM signals well beyond the excitation energy window. When the Coulomb interaction is taken into account, the unequal spacing between the excitonic Wannier-Stark levels weakens the DDL effect, and the FWM spectrum is transformed into groups of discrete lines. Strikingly, the groups are evenly spaced by the ac field frequency, reflecting the characteristic of the quasienergy states. The homogeneous broadening again smears out the line structures, leading to the excitonic FWM spectra quite similar to those without the exciton effect. However, all these features predicted by the dynamical theory do not appear in a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 301 (1997)], in which, by using the static approximation the observed Wannier-Stark ladder with delay-time-dependent spacing in the FWM spectra is attributed to a temporally periodic dipole field, produced by the Bloch oscillation of electrons in real space. The contradiction between the dynamical theory and the experiments is discussed. In addition, our calculation indicates that the dynamical localization coherently enhances the time-integrated FWM signals. The feasibility of using such a technique to study the dynamical localization phenomena is shown. [S0163-1829(99)10607-6].


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We show the four-dimensional Newton's constant obtained naturally from five-dimensional brane world with a tinily sloping extra dimension, which is independent of the bulk Weyl tensor. The corresponding universe is stiff fluid dominated when the slope of extra dimension is very small. Otherwise, the universe may be undergoing a self-acceleration at present epoch and have a decelerated phase in very recent past.


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Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 is the major insulin-like growth factor (IGF) carrier protein in the bloodstream. IGFBP-3 prolongs the half-life of circulating IGFs and prevents their potential hypo-glycemic effect. IGFBP-3 is also expressed in many peripheral tissues in fetal and adult stages. In vitro, IGFBP-3 can inhibit or potentiate IGF actions and even possesses IGF-independent activities, suggesting that local IGFBP-3 may also have paracrine/autocrine function(s). The in vivo function of IGFBP-3, however, is unclear. In this study, we elucidate the developmental role of IGFBP-3 using the zebrafish model. IGFBP-3 mRNA expression is first detected in the migrating cranial neural crest cells and subsequently in pharyngeal arches in zebrafish embryos. IGFBP-3 mRNA is also persistently expressed in the developing inner ears. To determine the role of IGFBP-3 in these tissues, we ablated the IGFBP-3 gene product using morpholino-modified antisense oligonucleotides (MOs). The IGFBP-3 knocked down embryos had delayed pharyngeal skeleton morphogenesis and greatly reduced pharyngeal cartilage differentiation. Knockdown of IGFBP-3 also significantly decreased inner ear size and disrupted hair cell differentiation and semicircular canal formation. Furthermore, reintroduction of a MO-resistant form of IGFBP-3 "rescued" the MO-induced defects. These findings suggest that IGFBP-3 plays an important role in regulating pharyngeal cartilage and inner car development and growth in zebrafish.


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As a key issue in spatial cognitive developmental research, the coding of object location plays an important role in children's cognitive development. The development of location coding is a precondition for children's adaptation to their environments, and the development of corresponding ability could enhance children's adaptation ability and improve their synthetic diathesis. In this paper, under the improved paradigm of object searching, 7-, 9- and 11-year-olds of urban primary school students were involved in two studies including the total of four experiments. The children were examined upon the ability to encode target location in terms of the distance between two landmarks, three points on a line, the intersection of two lines, or the corresponding points on two parallel lines. The experiments were designed to explore the primary school children's cognitive developmental process upon spatial object location and the correlative restricting factors. From the studies, the following conclusions were drawn: 1)The ability of 7-year-olds to represent target location in terms of the relationships of points and lines is in the inceptive stage and appears unstable. Meanwhile, the same ability of 9-year-olds is in a state of fast developing. The 9-year-olds' performance depends on how difficult the task is. It is stable when task is easy while unstable when task becomes difficult. The ability of 11-year-olds reaches much-developed state and the group's performance is independent of the difficulty of tasks. 2) The correlate coefficient is significant between Raven Standard Inference ability levels and the performance of representing target location in terms of the relationships of points. Those children with good performance in Raven Standard Inference Test have good performance in target location coding. The case is true for all different age groups. As of the task in terms of the relationships of lines, the correlate coefficient between Raven Standard Inference ability levels and children's performance of representing target location is found significant only for the 7-year-olds' group. The case is not true for the groups of 9- and 11-year-olds. It is also found that the correlate coefficient is significant between the sum of performance and Raven Standard Inference ability levels, and that is true for all age groups. 3) Effects from task variable exist upon children's above-mentioned cognitive performance. The effects are different according to different difficulty levels of tasks. Also, they are different according to the different ages. 4) The subjects who failed in the 'no cues for encoding given' situation were able to improve their performances when the cues of encoding were given. Therefore it is possible to improve the primary school children's corresponding cognitive performance by providing the cues of encoding. 5) Two kinds of efficient strategies were used to solve the problem. They are trial-comparison strategy and anticipation-directed strategy.


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Brian Huntley, Rhys E. Green, Yvonne C. Collingham, Jane K. Hill, Stephen G. Willis , Patrick J. Bartlein, Wolfgang Cramer, Ward J. M. Hagemeijer and Christopher J. Thomas (2004). The performance of models relating species geographical distributions to climate is independent of trophic level. Ecology Letters, 7(5), 417-426. Sponsorship: NERC (awards: GR9/3016, GR9/04270, GR3/12542, NER/F/S/2000/00166) / RSPB RAE2008


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Poor oxygenation (hypoxia) is a common characteristic of human solid tumours, and is associated with cell survival, metastasis and resistance to radio- and chemotherapies. Hypoxia-induced stabilisation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) leads to changes in expression of various genes associated with growth, vascularisation and metabolism. However whether HIF-1α plays a causal role in promoting hypoxic resistance to antitumour therapies remains unclear. In this study we used pharmacological and genetic methods to investigate the HIF-1α contribution to radio- and chemoresistance in four cancer cell lines derived from cervical, breast, prostate and melanoma human tumours. Under normoxia or hypoxia (<0.2% or 0.5% oxygen) the cells were exposed to either a standard irradiation dose (6.2 Gy) or chemotherapeutic drug (cisplatin), and subsequent cell proliferation (after 7 days) was measured in terms of resazurin reduction. Oxygen-dependent radio- and chemosensitivity was evident in all wild type whereas it was reduced or abolished in HIF-1α (siRNA) knockdown cells. The effects of HIF-1α-modulating drugs (EDHB, CoCl2, deferoxamine to stabilise and R59949 to destabilise it) reflected both HIF-1α-dependent and independent mechanisms. Collectively the data show that HIF-1α played a causal role in our in vitro model of hypoxia-induced radioresistance whereas its contribution to oxygendependent sensitivity to cisplatin was less clear-cut. Although this behavior is likely to be conditioned by further biological and physical factors operating in vivo, it is consistent with the hypothesis that interventions directed at HIF-1α may improve the clinical effectiveness of tumour treatments.


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Remembering past events - or episodic retrieval - consists of several components. There is evidence that mental imagery plays an important role in retrieval and that the brain regions supporting imagery overlap with those supporting retrieval. An open issue is to what extent these regions support successful vs. unsuccessful imagery and retrieval processes. Previous studies that examined regional overlap between imagery and retrieval used uncontrolled memory conditions, such as autobiographical memory tasks, that cannot distinguish between successful and unsuccessful retrieval. A second issue is that fMRI studies that compared imagery and retrieval have used modality-aspecific cues that are likely to activate auditory and visual processing regions simultaneously. Thus, it is not clear to what extent identified brain regions support modality-specific or modality-independent imagery and retrieval processes. In the current fMRI study, we addressed this issue by comparing imagery to retrieval under controlled memory conditions in both auditory and visual modalities. We also obtained subjective measures of imagery quality allowing us to dissociate regions contributing to successful vs. unsuccessful imagery. Results indicated that auditory and visual regions contribute both to imagery and retrieval in a modality-specific fashion. In addition, we identified four sets of brain regions with distinct patterns of activity that contributed to imagery and retrieval in a modality-independent fashion. The first set of regions, including hippocampus, posterior cingulate cortex, medial prefrontal cortex and angular gyrus, showed a pattern common to imagery/retrieval and consistent with successful performance regardless of task. The second set of regions, including dorsal precuneus, anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, also showed a pattern common to imagery and retrieval, but consistent with unsuccessful performance during both tasks. Third, left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex showed an interaction between task and performance and was associated with successful imagery but unsuccessful retrieval. Finally, the fourth set of regions, including ventral precuneus, midcingulate cortex and supramarginal gyrus, showed the opposite interaction, supporting unsuccessful imagery, but successful retrieval performance. Results are discussed in relation to reconstructive, attentional, semantic memory, and working memory processes. This is the first study to separate the neural correlates of successful and unsuccessful performance for both imagery and retrieval and for both auditory and visual modalities.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the experiences of trainees taking part in an extended (four-year) general practice training programme introduced in the South Eastern region of the Republic of Ireland to replace the previous traditional (three-year) programme. In a qualitative design, eight homogeneous focus groups were held to determine the value of the additional year of training. The first cohort of trainees was interviewed towards the start and at the end of their fourth year. Trainees finishing the following year were also interviewed, as were graduates from the final three-year programme. GP trainers and the four members of the programme directing team comprised two further independent focus groups. Trainees reported that the integration of hospital posts and general practice attachments over the four years was particularly beneficial. The exposure to a variety of different general practices and the opportunity to take part in specialty clinics were considered extremely useful. The fourth year of training was felt to be less pressurised than previous years. Professional and personal development was enhanced; improved readiness to practise and confidence were noted. Perceived disadvantages of extended training included a lack of acknowledgment for doctors in their fourth year and excessive emphasis placed on research during the final year of training. The addition of an extra year of vocational training improves professional and personal development and changes the learning experience for doctors. Doctors felt more confident and ready to enter independent practice at the end of the fourth year of training.


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ARTD1 (PARP1) is a key enzyme involved in DNA repair through the synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) in response to strand breaks, and it plays an important role in cell death following excessive DNA damage. ARTD1-induced cell death is associated with NAD(+) depletion and ATP loss; however, the molecular mechanism of ARTD1-mediated energy collapse remains elusive. Using real-time metabolic measurements, we compared the effects of ARTD1 activation and direct NAD(+) depletion. We found that ARTD1-mediated PAR synthesis, but not direct NAD(+) depletion, resulted in a block to glycolysis and ATP loss. We then established a proteomics-based PAR interactome after DNA damage and identified hexokinase 1 (HK1) as a PAR binding protein. HK1 activity is suppressed following nuclear ARTD1 activation and binding by PAR. These findings help explain how prolonged activation of ARTD1 triggers energy collapse and cell death, revealing insight into the importance of nucleus-to-mitochondria communication via ARTD1 activation.