904 resultados para Inclusive education--Ireland
Recent studies conducted in Europe using communicative methodology highlight that different ways of grouping students has a direct effect on their academic output. This article analyzes how said research methodology identifies and analyzes those student groupings that provide greater academic success and improve classroom coexistence at Spanish educational centers. Said methodology entails all of the research participants researchers, teachers, families, and students reflecting on the consequences of streaming, mixture, and inclusion for student academic achievement. Following this, our conclusions are compared with the policies and educational practices implemented in Spanish schools, which are not based on scientific knowledge and do not usually lead to academic success. Finally, recommendations are presented for future educational policies with the aim of providing an alternative for teachers and educational managers that would substantially improve student academic success.
Les següents pàgines tracten buscar sota quins referents teòrics i metodològics es fonamenta el mètode de “l’Emoció de conèixer i el desig d’existir”, un enfocament educatiu de caràcter global creat pel professor de la Universitat de Bolonya Nicola Cuomo. En primera instància, en forma de marc teòric, s’intenta recollir tots aquells postulats que Cuomo ha utilitzat per elaborar aquest mètode, i així el lector pot captar sota quins paradigmes i teories neix. En segon terme, i amb l’objectiu de buscar els punts de contacte i discrepància, es compara tot aquest marc teòric amb els principals arguments de tres referents mundials en educació inclusiva. En tercer lloc, i seguint amb l’objectiu del punt anterior, es compara aquesta base teòrica amb quatre didàctiques específiques, i així, trobar la relació entre les idees de Cuomo i els arguments que defineixen aquestes didàctiques. Com a últim apartat, s’estableixen unes conclusions que intenten definir, justificar i validar els referents teòrics i metodològics de “l’Emoció de conèixer...”, per tal d’evidenciar que el mètode pot ser un referent, un model, una pauta a tenir molt en consideració.
Actualment, és cada vegada més present en la nostra societat la paraula inclusió i més concretament en el nostre àmbit educatiu, el concepte d’educació inclusiva. Aquest treball pretén presentar una eina adaptada i traduïda al català anomenada Student Program Observation Tools, la qual serveix per fer un anàlisi d’una de les mesures d’atenció a la diversitat: els Plans Individualitzats, per tal de millorar-ne el contingut i ésser una ajuda per a les escoles però també perquè els alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials puguin tenir accés al currículum ordinari com la resta dels seus companys de classe.
El nostre estudi és una investigació educativa amb metodologia qualitativa que, a través de l’anàlisi de contingut, vol determinar si existeixen indicadors que tenen un pes específic més rellevant per assolir un alt grau de participació a l’aula, entenent que aquesta és un element d’atenció a la diversitat en la perspectiva de l’educació inclusiva. La mostra analitzada consta de quaranta-nou experiències educatives extretes de la Revista Infàn- ci-a de l’Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, en l’apartat Escola 3-6, des del novembre-desembre del 2009 i fins al novembre-desembre del 2013. L’instrument d’anàlisi ha estat una fitxa d’observació formada per una sèrie d’indicadors extrets del marc teòric. Els resultats mostren que hi ha uns indicadors que tenen una major rellevància quan es fan activitats d’ensenyament-aprenentatge amb un alt grau de participació. Per tant, els docents hauran de tenir en compte aquests indicadors per portar a terme pràctiques educatives inclusives amb alts índex de participació.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és analitzar les diferències i semblances que hi ha entre les concepcions dels professors que treballen fent servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu a l’aula, les d’aquells que no ho fan i les dels seus alumnes, respecte l’educació inclusiva i l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. També s’analitzarà si el temps que porta un professor treballant cooperativament a l’aula influeix en aquestes concepcions. Per tal de fer això es realitza un estudi de cas múltiple, a través set d’entrevistes a professors i tres focus groups amb alumnes. Aquets subjectes provenen de de tres escoles d’educació primària de Mataró les quals s’han seleccionat en funció del grau d’experiència que tenen aquestes amb l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. Els resultats d’aquests estudi ens mostren algunes línies de treball per analitzar les diferències en les concepcions del professorat i els alumnes en funció del grau en que aquests fan servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu.
La present recerca té com a bases teòriques la Concepció Constructivista de l’Ensenyament i Aprenentatge Escolar en una perspectiva d’educació Inclusiva. Consisteix en un estudi de cas focalitzat a una classe de segon de secundària d’una escola específica. L’escola parteix de l’atenció a la diversitat del seu alumnat a partir del recurs propi d’Unitat de Suport a l’Educació Especial. L’estudi pretén donar resposta a les situacions de millora de les intervencions d’aquest recurs a l’aula en concret en referència a l’atenció a la diversitat.
Recerca centrada en l’anàlisi de característiques concretes de l’educació inclusiva en un entorn d’educació no formal, com és el futbol base. El criteri que s’ha utilitzat per realitzar l’anàlisi són els agrupaments. Des de l’educació inclusiva es promouen els agrupaments heterogenis, una forma d’agrupar a l’alumnat tenint en compte les seves diferències, per tal d’enriquir-se entre tot l’alumnat i treure profit d’elles. A la vegada aquest agrupament es caracteritza per fomentar la igualtat d’oportunitats en l’aprenentatge dels alumnes. En canvi, al futbol base predominen els agrupaments homogenis, distribuint als jugadors segons el seu nivell en diferents equips. A la recerca es fa una comparació entre l’opinió de diferents membres involucrats en el món del futbol base de dues entitats esportives, un club de futbol, on es fan els grups de forma homogènia, i una escola de futbol, on es fan els agrupaments de forma heterogènia. Els resultats mostren que realitzant agrupaments homogenis no s’assegura que tots els jugadors tinguin les mateixes oportunitats d’aprenentatge i que el nivell competencial dels jugadors en edat de formació pot ser un element que fomenti desigualtats en el seu procés d’aprenentatge esportiu.
Las investigaciones centradas en el análisisde buenas prácticas de inclusión laboral depersonas con discapacidad demuestran laimportancia de la formación previa, y específicamente la recibida en la etapa de secundaria. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de una investigación sobre las características básicas de la formación laboralque reciben los jóvenes con discapacidadintelectual en la ESO. En el primer apartado se realiza una aproximación al papel de la educación secundaria en el desarrollo del rollaboral desde una óptica inclusiva. A continuación, se presenta la investigación realizada con el objeto de obtener datos sobre la adecuación de la formación socio-laboral que se realiza en la ESO (objetivos, método y resultados). Por último se plantean las orientaciones dirigidas a mejorar las oportunidades futuras de inclusión laboral desde el sistema educativo
Característiques principals de la nova societat, com ara la incorporació de les noves generacions de catalans fills de pares immigrants, el predomini dels valors individualistes en la societat i en els infants, la percepció del que passa al món on time o les noves maneres de representar el coneixement, entre d’altres, no actuen com a motor de renovació i enfortiment de l’ensenyament dels aspectes socials i culturals del medi a l’escola d’infantil i primària
To create a more inclusive school, an increase in multidisciplinary cooperation is needed. One possible form of collaboration could encompass the special education teacher taking on the role of a consultant for other teachers in need of support in working with heterogeneous groups of pupils. Previous research shows that special education teachers see the role as consultant as diffuse and complex. The overarching aim of the present study involves deepening the knowledge on how consultation in a special educational context can be understood and developed based on teachers’ descriptions on this particular form of activity interpreted against various perspectives on consultation. The study is qualitative in nature and rests on a hermeneutic interpretive research tradition in combination with an abductive approach. The theoretical framework consists of two different approaches to consultation: the directive and the non-directive approach. The approaches differ regarding particular emphasis on advice and reflection during the consultation and with respect to who or what should be the focus of the consultation. The two approaches are here studied through various theories such as social learning theory, Bruner's theory of scaffolding, Roger’s humanist psychology, and constructivism. Semi-structured interviews were held with eighteen special education teachers (n=9) and class teachers (n=9) working in the compulsory school. The overall interpretation of the results shows that special education consultation can be understood as three different types of consultation. Consultation as counseling which harmonizes with the directive perspective on consultation is the most prominent type. In the consultation as counseling conversation, the special educational knowledge transfer is central and the focus is placed on the pupil. Although special education knowledge transfer emerges as a unique aspect of special education consultation, there are several inherent challenges in this type of consultation that can be addressed in that teachers also describe two other types of consultation. In the reflective consultation, there is a move away from the pupil focus and toward a focus on the class teacher and the use of reflection. The reflective consultation harmonizes with the non-directive approach to consultation. This type of consultation does not as of yet have a prominent place in the Finland-Swedish school context and at this stage it is not seen as a legitimate type of consultation according to the teachers’ descriptions. Despite this, certain aspects of the reflective conversation could be given more space in the development of consultation within special educational contexts. The co-operative consultation is characterized by the teachers acting as teammates and using professional exchange as a strategy for consultation. Both teachers' knowledge is seen as central, and rather than the special education teacher acting as the expert and moderator, the teachers control the consultation together and jointly move the work along. The co-operative consultation enables the focus to move from the pupil toward the context, which can lead to the development of inclusive practices. The results indicate that this type of consultation holds potential in the development of special educational consultation that takes place between equal colleagues. The co-operative consultation opens up for a third collaborative approach to consultation, where aspects of the directive and non-directive perspective can merge and develop. The thesis concludes with the proposal that special pedagogical consultation can be understood from an integrated perspective. The characteristics of the consultation can vary depending on the type of problem or situation, while co-operative consultation can be seen as the ideal as equal colleagues meet in consultation conversations. In order to develop the co-operative consultation, both teachers are required to have knowledge of consultation as a practice, to be part of a collaborative school climate, and that teachers are provided with enough time to take part in consultations.
The groups within Finnish vocational upper secondary education and training (VET) are often heterogeneous with respect to the student's need for support in their studies. According to the national core curricula, Special Education Needs (SEN) students should in the first place, get their education in the same group as everyone else. This dissertation aims to clarify and create an understanding about how the ideals and intention of equality in education is constructed in communication among teachers in VET in the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland. Through this understanding it should be possible to highlight a potential which could ultimately contribute to a positive development of a more inclusive education within VET. The epistemological platform of the study is to be found within the post structuralist philosophy of language that is considered as subsumed in a social constructionist thinking. The data has been collected through focus group discussions in groups of 3–6 participants (teachers) in seven schools in Finnish-Swedish VET. The analyses are based on a discursive psychological analysis combined with an analysis based on Michel Foucault's concepts with an emphasis on the subject, government and power. Four discourser where identified in the analysis of teachers' constructions of the educational assignment in relation to SEN students. The most dominant was discussing the educational assignment as a pragmatic project i.e. as a matter of transmission of knowledge. The discourse included both interpretative repertoires where the heterogeneous group was constructed as self-evident and possible to manage as well as a constructed as an impossible project. The educational assignment was also constructed as a holistic project, as part of a democratic project, and as a labor market project. Each discourse contains both including as well as excluding features in relation to SEN students. The development of an inclusive practice can and should therefore include elements from all of them. Three discourses were identified in the analysis concerning teachers' versions of SEN students: students with difficulties and problems; students who do not use or do not have ability and students who are irresponsible and lack the will to study. Within the various discourses and interpretative repertoires were both constructs when teachers described a concern and kindness in relation to the individual SEN student and constructions where teachers mainly expressed fears that other students in the group would be negatively affected by students in need of special support. Results from the third research question conclude the results from the two others, the analysis is done out of a government perspective. In the material use of different government techniques are identified: disciplinary power through direct reprimands; pastoral power by a desire of insight in order to promote the opportunities for consultation and the use of bio-power that primarily focuses on what is best for the population and whose tool racism results in a legitimation of the exclusion of SEN students. The conclusion is that teachers in VET need to pay attention to inclusive and exclusive elements identified in various discourses.
The number of persons with visual impairment in Tanzania is estimated to over 1.6 million. About half a million of these persons are children aged 7-13. Only about 1% of these children are enrolled in schools. The special schools and units are too few and in most cases they are far away from the children’s homes. More and more regular schools are enrolling children with visual impairment, but the schools lack financial resources, tactile teaching materials and trained special education teachers. Children with visual impairment enrolled in regular schools seldom get enough support and often fail in examinations. The general aim of this study was to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding about how teachers can change their teaching practices and thus facilitate the learning of children with visual impairment included in regular classrooms as they participate in an action research project. The project was conducted in a primary school in a poor rural region with a high frequency of blindness and visual impairment. The school was poorly resourced and the average number of pupils per class was 90. The teachers who participated in the collaborative action research project were the 14 teachers who taught blind or visually impaired pupils in grades 4 and 6, in total 6 pupils. The action research project was conducted during a period of 6 months and was carried out in five cycles. The teachers were actively involved in all the project activities; identifying challenges, planning solutions, producing teaching materials, reflecting on outcomes, collaborating and evaluating. Empirical data was collected with questionnaires, interviews, observations and focus group discussions. The findings of the study show that the teachers managed to change their teaching practices through systematic reflection, analysis and collaboration. The teachers produced a variety of tactile teaching materials, which facilitated the learning of the pupils with visual impairment. The pupils learned better and felt more included in the regular classes. The teachers gained new knowledge and skills. They grew professionally and started to collaborate with each other. The study contributes to new knowledge of how collaborative action research can be conducted in the area of special education in a Tanzanian school context. The study has also relevance to the planning of school-based professional development programs and teacher education programs in Tanzania and in other low-income countries. The results also point at strategies which can promote inclusion of children with disabilities in regular schools.
- The present study was an investigation into the effect ofschool integration on the friendships ofyouth with developmental disabilities and their peers without disabilities. The youths, their parents, and their teachers provided insights into the youths' friendships. A qualitative paradigm was used in this research. The researcher guided the collection and analysis ofthe data with the phenomenologicallifeworld existentials of body, space, time, and human relation (Van Manen, 1990). Individual interviews were conducted with each youth, and group interviews were conducted with each triad (a youth, their parent(s), and their teacher) to discuss the youth's friendships and the supports necessary to facilitate the friendships. Through phenomenological analysis of the data, four thematic statements emerged: friendships are far from perfect, to have a friend you have to be a friend, parents as choreographers offriendship, and teachers as reluctant partners in friendship facilitation. Based on the results ofthis study, it was concluded that the development of friendships between youth with developmental disabilities and their peers without disabilities was happening in integrated school settings. However, it was also evident that the support ofteachers and parents alike were required to facilitate the development and maintenance ofsuch friendships. Recommendations for practice are discussed, including the need for active participation by the youth's parents in the facilitation offriendships, and the use ofa "circle offriends" to facilitate friendship development. Also discussed are the recommendations for further research, including the need for the youth's friends to be interviewed regarding their friendships with the youth with disabilities, and the need for researcher observation ofth~ friendships in action. Further research could also explore the role ofthe mother versus the father in facilitating friendships, and the role of recreation and leisure opportunities in the ,development offriendships.
Transitioning from elementary to secondary school is a major event in adolescents' lives and can be associated with academic, social, and emotional challenges (Shaffer, 2005; Sirsch, 2003). Considerably less research has focused on the transitional experiences of students with intellectual disabilities (lD) as they enter secondary school and the role of educational inclusion in this process (Noland, Cason, & Lincoln, 2007). Conceivably, students with ID who leave inclusive elementary schools, where they have been educated alongside their peers without ID, and who enter segregated secondary educational placements may experience unique social and emotional challenges (Farmer, Pearl, & Van Acker, 1996; Fryxell & Kennedy, 1995; Shaffer, 2005). This study examined the transitional experiences of 6 students with ID and the role of educational inclusion, with a focus on elementary to secondary school transitions from inclusive to segregated settings and vice versa. This study included the collection of multiple sources of data. Semi-structured interviews with 6 caregivers and students with ID were conducted. Students' Individual Education Transitional Plans were discussed in caregivers' interviews to determine how they shaped students' educational inclusion experiences (Ontario Ministry of Education & Training, 1999/2000/2004). Parts ofthe following questionnaires were "qualitized" (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998) and administered orally: "Youth Self-Report" (YSR; Achenbach, 2001 c) and "Child Behaviour Checklist Caregivers Form" (CBLC/6-18; Achenbach, 200la). The findings of this study contribute to the literature on educational inclusion by highlighting the positive/negative social and emotional impact of congruent and incongruent transitional experiences of students with ID and the role of educational inclusion.
Inclusion promotes equality, provides opportunities, breaks down barriers, and ensures accessibility for all members of a community. Consequently, elementary-school administrators should become inclusion leaders who introduce and maintain inclusive learning environments. This qualitative study profiled and discussed practices and beliefs of 4 elementary school principals in southern Ontario who are recognized leaders of inclusion for students with exceptionalities. The researcher used multiple instruments for triangulation, thematic qualitative data analysis (constant comparative method) of interview responses and reflective field notes, and data from the Principal and Inclusion Survey to interpret qualitative findings. Findings revealed distinct leadership profiles reflective of empathy and compassion among participants who all regard accommodation of students with exceptionalities as a moral obligation and view inclusion as a socially just pedagogical framework. The researcher recommends that senior school board administrators screen and secure principals who value inclusion to create and maintain school cultures that ensure students’ access to inclusive education.