918 resultados para In vivo assay


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Populations in the Amazon are exposed to organic mercury via consumption of contaminated foods. These ethnic groups consume a specific plant seed annatto which contains certain carotenoids. The aim of this study was to find out if these compounds (bixin, BIX and norbixin, NOR), protect against DNA-damage caused by the metal. Therefore, rats were treated orally with methylmercury (MeHg) and with the carotenoids under conditions that are relevant to humans. The animals were treated either with MeHg (30 mu g/kg/bw/day), BIX (0.110 mg/kg/bw/day), NOR (0.011.0 mg/kg/bw/day) or combinations of the metal compound and the carotenoids consecutively for 45 days. Subsequently, the glutathione levels (GSH) and the activity of catalase were determined, and DNA-damage was measured in hepatocytes and leukocytes using single cell gel electrophoresis assays. Treatment with the metal alone caused a decrease in the GSH levels (35%) and induced DNA damage, which resulted in increased DNA migration after electrophoresis in liver and blood cells, whereas no effects were seen with the carotenoids alone. When BIX or NOR were given in combination with organic mercury, the intermediate and the highest concentrations of the carotenoids (1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg/bw/day BIX and 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg/bw/day NOR) protected against DNA-damage. Furthermore, we found with both carotenoids, a moderate increase in the GSH levels in both metal-treated and untreated animals, while the activities of catalase remained unchanged. Our results indicate that consumption of BIX and NOR may protect humans against the adverse health effects caused by exposure to organic mercury. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The direct killing of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) plays a fundamental role in protective immunity to viral, bacterial, protozoan and fungi infections, as well as to tumor cells. In vivo cytotoxic assays take into account the interaction of target and effector cells in the context of the proper microenvironment making the analysis biologically more relevant than in vitro cytotoxic assays. Thus, the development, improvement and validation of in vivo methods are necessary in view of the importance of the results they may provide. We describe and discuss in this manuscript a method to evaluate in vivo specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing. We used as model system mice immunized with human recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus 5 (HAd5) containing different transgenes as the trigger of a CTL-mediated immune response. To these mice, we adoptively transferred syngeneic cells labeled with different vital fluorescent dyes. Donor cells were pulsed (target) or not (control non-target) with distinct CD8 T-cell epitopes, mixed in a 1:1 ratio and injected i.v. into immunized or non-immunized recipient mice. After 18-24h, spleen cells are collected and analysed by flow cytometry. A deviation from the 1:1 ratio of control and target cell populations indicates antigen specific lysis of target cells


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Less invasive and more effective cancer treatments have been the aim of research in recent decades, e.g. photothermal tumour ablation using gold nanorods. In this study we investigate the cell death pathways activated, and confirm the possibility of CTAB-coated nanoparticle use in vivo. Nanorods were synthesized by the seeding method; some of them were centrifuged and washed to eliminate soluble CTAB. The MTT cytotoxicity test was performed to evaluate cytotoxicity, and the particles' viability after their synthesis was assessed. Once it had been observed that centrifuged and washed nanorods are harmless, and that nanoparticles must be used within 48 h after their synthesis, in vivo hyperthermic treatment was performed.After irradiation, a tumour biopsy was subjected to a chemiluminescence assay to evaluate membrane lipoperoxidation, and to a TRAP assay to evaluate total antioxidant capacity. There was a 47 ºC rise in temperature observed at the tumour site. Animals irradiated with a laser (with or without nanorods) showed similar membrane lipoperoxidation, more intense than in control animals. The antioxidant capacity of experimental animal tumours was elevated. Our results indicate that necrosis is possibly the cell death pathway activated in this case, and that nanorod treatment is worthwhile.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung, welche Rolle endogen gebildete oxidative DNA-Modifikationen bei der Kanzerogenese spielen. Dazu wurden Cockayne Syndrom B-knockout-Mäuse (Csb-/-), 8-Hydroxyguanin-DNA-Glykosylase-knockout-Mäuse (Ogg1-/-) und Csb-/-/Ogg1-/- Mäuse generiert, die das bakterielle lacI-Gen (Big Blue®) tragen und somit für in vivo Mutationstests eingesetzt werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es in den Lebern der Ogg1-/- Mäuse zu einem 2,1-fachen und in Csb-/-/Ogg1-/- Mäusen zu einem statistisch signifikanten 3,3-fachen Anstieg der Mutationsfrequenz kommt. Die gefundene Erhöhung der Mutationsfrequenz war vor allem auf eine Erhöhung der G:C zu T:A Transversionen zurückzuführen, die typischerweise aus nicht repariertem 8 Hydroxyguanin (8-oxoG) entstehen. Aus mechanistischer Sicht verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse, dass OGG1 das primäre Abwehrsystem gegen oxidative DNA-Modifikationen darstellt und dass das CSB-Protein einen Ausfall von OGG1, selbst in nicht transkribierter DNA, teilweise kompensieren kann. Aus der Korrelation der gefundenen oxidativen DNA-Schäden - bestimmt mittels Alkalischer Elution und der bakteriellen Formamidopyrimidin-DNA-Glykosylase (Fpg-Protein) - mit der Mutationsfrequenz konnte abgeleitet werden, dass bereits weniger als 0,2 Fpg-sensitive DNA-Modifikationen pro 1 Million Basenpaare ausreichen, die spontane Mutationsfrequenz in vivo zu verdoppeln. Zur Untersuchung, welche Rolle die erhöhte Mutationsfrequenz bei der Krebsentstehung spielt, wurden Csb-/-/Ogg1-/- und Wildtyp-Mäuse mit dem Peroxisomenproliferator und spezifischem Leberpromotor WY-14,643 behandelt um spontan initiierte Hepatozyten zur Proliferation anzuregen. Als Endpunkt einer malignen Entartung wurde das Auftreten von Glucose-6-Phosphatase positiven und negativen Läsionen beobachtet. Es zeigte sich, dass Csb-/-/Ogg1-/- Mäuse signifikant mehr enzymveränderte Läsionen in ihren Lebern aufwiesen, als die Wildtyp-Kontrollen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass endogen gebildete oxidative DNA-Modifikationen und daraus resultierende Mutationen grundsätzlich einen erheblichen Anteil zur hohen spontanen Krebsinzidenz in der Bevölkerung leisten könnten.


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Oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden endogen in allen Zellen gebildet. Die beobachtbaren Spiegel ergeben sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen der Bildung durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), sowie der gleichzeitigen Reparatur der DNA-Schäden. Durch ihr hohes mutagenes Potential, tragen oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen zur spontanen Mutationsrate bei. Der Ausfall wichtiger DNA-Reparaturmechanismen führt in Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Knockout-Mäusen zu einem Anstieg von 8 oxoG und der spontanen Mutationsrate.rnIn dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob die basalen Spiegel an oxidativen Basenmodifikationen und die spontanen Mutationsraten in vivo durch die orale Gabe von Resveratrol moduliert werden können. Resveratrol ist ein Pflanzeninhaltsstoff (u.a. aus Rotwein) mit einer Vielzahl von Wirkungen, der bereits in zahlreichen Studien ein chemopräventives Potential gezeigt hat und antioxidativ wirkt.rnAn verschiedenen Mausgenotypen wurden zum einen eine Kurzzeit-Behandlung (7 Tage mit 100 mg/kg per Gavage) und zum anderen eine Langzeit-Behandlung (3-9 Monate mit 0,04% ad libitum) mit Resveratrol durchgeführt. Die oxidativen DNA Schäden wurden in primären Maushepatozyten mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Alkalischen Elution, mit der bakteriellen Formamidopyrimidin-DNA Glykosylase als Sonde, bestimmt. Zur Analyse der Mutationsrate wurde der BigBlue® Mutationsassay mit anschließender Sequenzierung der Mutationen verwendet.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kurzzeit- und die Langzeit-Behandlung mit Resveratrol die basalen Spiegel oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen senken. Die Reduktion ist jeweils wesentlich ausgeprägter in den reparaturdefizienten Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Mäusen zu erkennen. Auch die spontane Mutationsrate wird durch eine mehrmonatige Behandlung mit Resveratrol um ungefähr 20-30% reduziert.rnAnschließende mechanistische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass dieser Schutz wahrscheinlich auf einer Induktion der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen begründet ist. So wurde gefunden, dass primäre Hepatozyten aus mit Resveratrol behandelten Mäusen wesentlich besser gegen exogen herbeigeführten oxidativen Stress geschützt sind, als Hepatozyten von unbehandelten Tieren. Ein weiterer Hinweis ist die Hochregulation der mRNA-Spiegel von verschiedenen antioxidativen Schutzenzymen, wie Superoxiddismutase 1 / 2, Hämoxygenase 1, Glutathionperoxidase 1, nach der Gabe von Resveratrol in Mäuselebern. Außerdem sind die oxidativen Markermutationen (GC->TA-Transversionen) stärker von der Reduktion der spontanen Mutationsrate betroffen, als andere Mutationen (z.B. GC->AT-Transitionen).rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass spontane Mutationen in vivo durch Fremdstoffe in der Nahrung reduziert werden können. Im Falle von Resveratrol wird diese Reduktion wahrscheinlich durch eine Stimulation der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen ausgelöst.rn


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Exposition von Endothelzellen mit ionisierender Strahlung (IR) oder Behandlung mit inflammatorischen Zytokinen (z. B. TNFa) induziert über eine Rho-GTPasen abhängige NF-kB-Aktivierung die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle, u. a. auch von E-Selektin. E-Selektin vermittelt die Adhäsion von Tumorzellen (TC) an Endothelzellen und ist daher vermutlich an der Extravasation von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen beteiligt. HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine), welche eine breite klinische Anwendung als Lipidsenker erfahren, sind in der Lage, Rho-GTPasen und die durch sie vermittelten Signalwege zu hemmen. Daher sollten Statine wie Lovastatin auch Zell-Zell-Adhäsionsvorgänge beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Mechanismen, mit denen IR und TNF in Endothel- und/oder Tumorzellen pro-adhäsive Faktoren induzieren können und ob diese Effekte durch Lovastatin beeinflussbar sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mittels eines ELISA-basierenden Zelladhäsions-Assays die Auswirkung von IR und TNF auf Zell-Zell-Kontakte zwischen humanen Tumorzellen (u. a. Kolonkarzinomzellen (HT29)) und humanen, venösen Nabelschnurendothelzellen (HUVEC) analysiert. Zudem wurden die Effekte einer Lovastatinvorbehandlung von TC und/oder HUVEC auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden die Wirkungen des sLex-Mimetikums Glycyrrhizin und des Rac1-spezifischen „small-molecule“ Inhibitors NSC23766 auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion überprüft. Zusätzlich wurde die strahleninduzierbare mRNA-Expression von diversen Zelladhäsionsmolekülen, Metastasierungsfaktoren und DNA-Reparatur-Genen mittels qRT-PCR (Real-Time Analysen) quantitativ erfasst. Um die erhaltenen in vitro Ergebnisse auch in vivo zu bestätigen, untersuchten wir den Effekt einer Ganzkörperbestrahlung (TBI) von BALB/c-Mäusen auf die Expression von pro-adhäsiven Faktoren. Zur Analyse der Tumorzell-Extravasation wurden Tumorzellen in die laterale Schwanzvene immundefizienter Mäuse injiziert und anschließend eine Ganzkörperbestrahlung durchgeführt (4 Gy). Nach einer Wartezeit von 4 Wochen wurde ein erhöhtes Auftreten von Lungenmetastasen beobachtet, welches durch Vorbehandlung der Tiere mit Statinen, NSC23766 oder Glycyrrhizin blockiert werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte somit ein Einfluss von IR auf die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle in vitro und auf die Extravasation zirkulierender Tumorzellen in vivo festgestellt werden. Diese pro-metastatischen Strahleneffekte konnten durch pharmakologische Hemmung Rho-regulierter Signalwege abgeschwächt werden.


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Nowadays, soy is one of the most used ingredients in the formulation of fish feed, due to the ample market supply, lower market price, high protein concentration and favorable amino acid composition. Nevertheless, soybean meal products are rich and primary diet source of phytoestrogens, as genistein, which may have a potential negative impact on growth, hormonal regulation and lipid metabolism in fish. The principal aim of this study was to better understand in vivo and in vitro genistein’s effects on lipid metabolism of rainbow trout. In adipose tissue it was showed an unclear role of genistein on lipid metabolism in rainbow trout, and in liver an anti-obesogenic effect, with an up-regulation of autophagy-related genes LC3b (in adipose tissue) and ATG4b (in liver and adipose tissue), a down-regulation of apoptosis-related genes CASP3 (in adipose tissue) and CASP8 (in liver). An increase of VTG mRNA levels in liver was also observed. Genistein partially exerted these effects via estrogen- receptor dependent mechanism. In white muscle, genistein seemed to promote lipid turnover, up-regulating lipogenic (FAS and LXR) and lipolytic (HSL, PPARα and PPARβ) genes. It seemed that genistein could exert its lipolytic role via autophagic way (up-regulation of ATG4b and ATG12l), not through an apoptotic pathway (down-regulation of CASP3). The effects of genistein on lipid-metabolism and apoptosis-related genes in trout muscle were not dose-dependent, only on autophagy-related genes ATG4B and ATG12l. Moreover, a partial estrogenic activity of this phytoestrogen was also seen. Through in vitro analysis (MTT and ORO assay), instead, it was observed an anti-obesogenic effect of genistein on rainbow trout adipocytes, and this effect was not mediated by ERs. Both in vivo and in vitro, genistein exerted its effects in a dose-dependent manner.


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The aquafeed use of raw plant materials, as protein and lipid sources, has been considered and approved as a sustainable alternative to fish products (fish meal and oils) because the current trend to use high-lipid diets has been shown to induce undesirable increase in fat depots or further physiological alterations, such as induction of oxidative stress. In the aquaculture perspective, the addition of natural substances with antioxidant properties is an emerging strategy for protecting biological systems and foodstuffs from oxidative damage. Among natural substances, hydroxytyrosol (HT) and caffeic acid (CA) have attracted considerable attention as food antioxidant additives and modulators of physiological and molecular pathways involved in energy metabolism and adiposity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of CA and HT on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In vitro results showed the potential anti-obesogenic effects of the compounds CA and HT on the adipose tissue of the rainbow trout. To support these data, in vitro assays performed (MTT, ORO, immunofluorescence) resulted in accordance among them; only results from proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) assay were not significant. In vivo results showed a possible anti-obesogenic effect of CA in liver and HT in adipose tissue. Regarding oxidative stress, we could hypothesize a possible anti-oxidant role of CA in liver.


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In recent years, several surveys have highlighted the presence of the rodent carcinogen furan in a variety of food items. Even though the evidence of carcinogenicity of furan is unequivocal, the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. In particular, the role of genotoxicity in furan carcinogenicity is still not clear, even though this information is considered pivotal for the assessment of the risk posed by the presence of low doses of furan in food. In this work, the genotoxic potential of furan in vivo has been investigated in mice, under exposure conditions similar to those associated with cancer onset in the National Toxicology Program long-term bioassay. To this aim, male B6C3F1 mice were treated by gavage for 4 weeks with 2, 4, 8 and 15 mg furan/kg b.w./day. Spleen was selected as the target organ for genotoxicity assessment, in view of the capability of quiescent splenocytes to accumulate DNA damage induced by repeat dose exposure. The induction of primary DNA damage in splenocytes was evaluated by alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) and by the immunofluorescence detection of foci of phosphorylated histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX). The presence of cross-links was probed in a modified comet assay, in which cells were irradiated in vitro with gamma-rays before electrophoresis. Chromosome damage was quantitated through the detection of micronuclei in mitogen-stimulated splenocytes using the cytokinesis-block method. Micronucleus induction was also assessed with a modified protocol, using the repair inhibitor 1-beta-arabinofuranosyl-cytosine to convert single-strand breaks in micronuclei. The results obtained show a significant (P < 0.01) increase of gamma-H2AX foci in mitogen-stimulated splenocytes of mice treated with 8 and 15 mg furan/kg b.w. and a statistically significant (P < 0.001) increases of micronuclei in binucleated splenocytes cultured in vitro. Conversely, no effect of in vivo exposure to furan was observed when freshly isolated quiescent splenocytes were analysed by immunofluorescence and in comet assays, both with standard and radiation-modified protocols. These results indicate that the in vivo exposure to furan gives rise to pre-mutagenic DNA damage in resting splenocytes, which remains undetectable until it is converted in frank lesions during the S-phase upon mitogen stimulation. The resulting DNA strand breaks are visualized by the increase in gamma-H2AX foci and may originate micronuclei at the subsequent mitosis.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is important in the toxicity of pathogenic particles such as fibres. We examined the oxidative potential of straight (50 microm and 10 microm) and tangled carbon nanotubes in a cell free assay, in vitro and in vivo using different dispersants. The cell free oxidative potential of tangled nanotubes was higher than for the straight fibres. In cultured macrophages tangled tubes exhibited significantly more ROS at 30 min, while straight tubes increased ROS at 4 h. ROS was significantly higher in bronchoalveolar lavage cells of animals instilled with tangled and 10 mum straight fibres, whereas the number of neutrophils increased only in animals treated with the long tubes. Addition of dispersants in the suspension media lead to enhanced ROS detection by entangled tubes in the cell-free system. Tangled fibres generated more ROS in a cell-free system and in cultured cells, while straight fibres generated a slower but more prolonged effect in animals.


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The successful peptide receptor imaging of tumors, as exemplified for somatostatin receptors, is based on the overexpression of peptide receptors in selected tumors and the high-affinity binding to these tumors of agonist radioligands that are subsequently internalized into the tumor cells in which they accumulate. Although in vitro studies have shown ample evidence that the ligand-receptor complex is internalized, in vivo evidence of agonist-induced internalization of peptide receptors, such as somatostatin receptors, is missing. METHODS: Rats subcutaneously transplanted with the somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2))-expressing AR42J tumor cells were treated with intravenous injections of various doses of the sst(2) agonist [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide (TATE) or of the sst(2) antagonist 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N'',N''',-tetraacetic acid (DOTA)-Bass and were sacrificed at various times ranging from 2.5 min to 24 h after injection. The tumors and pancreas were then removed from each animal. All tissue samples were processed for sst(2) immunohistochemistry using sst(2)-specific antibodies. RESULTS: Compared with the sst(2) receptors in untreated animals, which localized at the plasma membrane in pancreatic and AR42J tumor cells, the sst(2) receptors in treated animals are detected intracellularly after an intravenous injection of the agonist TATE. Internalization is fast, as the receptors are already internalizing 2.5 min after TATE injection. The process is extremely efficient, as most of the cell surface receptors internalize into the cell and are found in endosomelike structures after TATE injection. The internalization is most likely reversible, because 24 h after injection the receptors are again found at the cell surface. The process is also agonist-dependent, because internalization is seen with high-affinity sst(2) agonists but not with high-affinity sst(2) antagonists. The same internalization properties are seen in pancreatic and AR42J tumor cells. They can further be confirmed in vitro in human embryonic kidney-sst(2) cells, with an immunofluorescence microscopy-based sst(2) internalization assay. CONCLUSION: These animal data strongly indicate that the process of in vivo sst(2) internalization after agonist stimulation is fast, extremely efficient, and fully functional under in vivo conditions in neoplastic and physiologic sst(2) target tissues. This molecular process is, therefore, likely to be responsible for the high and long-lasting uptake of sst(2) radioligands seen in vivo in sst(2)-expressing tumors.


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The solution phase parallel synthesis involving reactions of Baylis-Hillman products of 3-substituted-5-isoxazolecarbaldehydes with nucleophiles and their in vivo antithrombotic evaluations are described along with the results of in vitro platelet aggregation inhibition assay of a few compounds. Results of the detailed evaluation of one of the compounds as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation are also presented.


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Progression of liver fibrosis to HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a very complex process which involves several pathological phenomena, including hepatic stellate cell activation, inflammation, fibrosis and angiogenesis. Therefore inhibiting multiple pathological processes using a single drug can be an effective choice to curb the progression of HCC. In the present study, we used the mTOR inhibitor everolimus to observe its effect on the in vitro activation of hepatic stellate cells and angiogenesis. The results of the present study demonstrated that everolimus treatment blocked the functions of the immortalized human activated hepatic stellate cell line LX-2 without affecting the viability and migration of primary human stellate cells. We also observed that treatment with everolimus (20 nM) inhibited collagen production by activated stellate cells, as well as cell contraction. Everolimus treatment was also able to attenuate the activation of primary stellate cells to their activated form. Angiogenesis studies showed that everolimus blocked angiogenesis in a rat aortic ring assay and inhibited the tube formation and migration of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Finally, everolimus treatment reduced the load of tumoral myofibroblasts in a rat model of HCC. These data suggest that everolimus targets multiple mechanisms, making it a potent blocker of the progression of HCC from liver fibrosis.