394 resultados para Impianti geotermici climatizzazione condominiale TRNSYS


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Man kan förbättra energibesparingen på årsbasis för ett traditionellt svenskt kombisolvärmesystem från knappt 20 % för ett referenssystem till över 25 %. Alla de studerade systemen har 10 m2 solfångare, lika stor tank, och samma värme- och tappvarmvattenlast. Skillnaderna består endast i systemutformning. Arbetet har utförts genom mätningar i värmelaboratorium och simuleringsberäkningar. Inom området optisk design av solenergisystem har metoder utvecklats för: - analys av solinstråningens himmelsfordelning och asymmetriska årsfordelning - optimering av sollangare med reflektorer - optimering av solceller med tillsatsreflektorer Programmet PRESIM, grafisk indatabehandlare till simuleringsprogrammet TRNSYS, har vidareutvecklats i linje med användarnas önskemål, men förutsättningarna för fortsatt utveckling har försämrats. En förbättrad version, delvis finansierad av Statens energimyndighet och anpassad till TRNSYS 15.0, kommer att släppas under år 2000, men därefter kommer aktiviteten att ligga på en lägre nivå.


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Del 1:Innehållsförteckning och korta sammanfattningarDEL 2:Verksamhetsberättelsen för perioden maj 1992 till april 1993 beskriver de arbeten som har gjorts av villasolvärmegruppen på SERC efter den inledande studie (SERC/UCFB-91/0039), där villasolvärmesystem kartlades. Följande arbeten beskrivs:- Utveckling av lågflödessystem och internationella kontakter- Uppbyggnad av värmelaboratorium på SERC- Praktiska test av värmelagringsenheten- Praktiska test av nya systemkomponenter i solvärmekretsen- Datasimulering inkluderande nyutvecklade systemkomponenterI verksamhetsplanen beskrivs huvudmålet för de arbeten som ska utföras under trårsperioden 93 - 96. Mera detaljerat beskrivs de arbeten som ska utföras under budgetåret 1993/94:- Beräkningsprogram för nogrannare dimensionering av finrörsvärmeväxlare- Konstruktion av maskiner för värmeväxlartillverkning- Utveckling av värmeväxlare för tappvarmvatten- Simuleringsberäkningar för hela systemet med PRESIM/TRNSYS.DEL 3:Del 3 innehåller en redovisning av mätresultat för den undersökta kombitanken. Temperaturförloppen på olika höjd i tankens har studerats vid uppvärmning genom solvärmeväxlaren och nedkylning genom tappning av varmvatten. Resultaten diskuteras kvalitativt och redovisas kvantitativt i form av diagram. Mätresultaten på två prototyper av den på SERC utvecklade finrörsvärmeväxlaren redovisas och diskuteras i jämförelse till traditionell värmeväxlare. De erhållna mätresultaten används som ingångsvärden för simuleringsberäkningar med PRESIM/TRNSYS. Problemen med de i PRESIM/TRNSYS befintliga modellerna diskuteras. De utförda modellberäkningarna tillåter en uppskattning av möjliga förbättringar i form av höjd årsverkningsgrad för ett svenskt villasolvärmesystem med kombitank. I del 3 redovisas dessutom de mätningar som har utförts på otika pumpar vilka skulle kunna användas i solfångarkretsen. Sex olika pumpar analyseras och diskuteras. Del 3 har följande rubriker:- Beskrivning av den undersökta lagringstanken- Mätningar på tappvarmvattenväxlare- Mätningar på solvärmeväxlare (kamflänsrör och finrörsvärmeväxlare)- Simuleringsberäkningar- PumpmätningarDEL 4:Del 4 innehåller publicerade rapporter under 1992 och 93 samt patentansökan för SERC?s finrörsvärmeväxlare: - NORTH SUN 1992, Solar Energy at High Latitudes, June 24-26 1992 Trondheim, Norway. Domestic solar heating system - a systematic study i progress Patentansökan på finrorsvärmeväxlare till Patent- och Registreringsverket från 93 01 23. ISES SOLAR WORLD CONGRESS, 23-27 augusti 1993, Budapest, HUNGARY Criteria for cost efficient small scale solar hot water installations.DEL 5:Del 5 hänvisar till rapporterna från IEA Task-1 4 mötena om solfångarsystem i- Hameln, Tyskland, augusti 1992 och- Rom, Italien, januari 1993.I rapporterna beskrivs aktiviteten inom den internationella arbetsgruppen speciellt med hänsyn på utveckling av villasolvärmesystem. I Rom presenterades principlösningen för den på SERC utvecklade finrörsvärmeväxlare. De har publicerats separat som nr 42 och 46 i SERCs rapportserie.


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The study reported here is part of a large project for evaluation of the Thermo-Chemical Accumulator (TCA), a technology under development by the Swedish company ClimateWell AB. The studies concentrate on the use of the technology for comfort cooling. This report concentrates on measurements in the laboratory, modelling and system simulation. The TCA is a three-phase absorption heat pump that stores energy in the form of crystallised salt, in this case Lithium Chloride (LiCl) with water being the other substance. The process requires vacuum conditions as with standard absorption chillers using LiBr/water. Measurements were carried out in the laboratories at the Solar Energy Research Center SERC, at Högskolan Dalarna as well as at ClimateWell AB. The measurements at SERC were performed on a prototype version 7:1 and showed that this prototype had several problems resulting in poor and unreliable performance. The main results were that: there was significant corrosion leading to non-condensable gases that in turn caused very poor performance; unwanted crystallisation caused blockages as well as inconsistent behaviour; poor wetting of the heat exchangers resulted in relatively high temperature drops there. A measured thermal COP for cooling of 0.46 was found, which is significantly lower than the theoretical value. These findings resulted in a thorough redesign for the new prototype, called ClimateWell 10 (CW10), which was tested briefly by the authors at ClimateWell. The data collected here was not large, but enough to show that the machine worked consistently with no noticeable vacuum problems. It was also sufficient for identifying the main parameters in a simulation model developed for the TRNSYS simulation environment, but not enough to verify the model properly. This model was shown to be able to simulate the dynamic as well as static performance of the CW10, and was then used in a series of system simulations. A single system model was developed as the basis of the system simulations, consisting of a CW10 machine, 30 m2 flat plate solar collectors with backup boiler and an office with a design cooling load in Stockholm of 50 W/m2, resulting in a 7.5 kW design load for the 150 m2 floor area. Two base cases were defined based on this: one for Stockholm using a dry cooler with design cooling rate of 30 kW; one for Madrid with a cooling tower with design cooling rate of 34 kW. A number of parametric studies were performed based on these two base cases. These showed that the temperature lift is a limiting factor for cooling for higher ambient temperatures and for charging with fixed temperature source such as district heating. The simulated evacuated tube collector performs only marginally better than a good flat plate collector if considering the gross area, the margin being greater for larger solar fractions. For 30 m2 collector a solar faction of 49% and 67% were achieved for the Stockholm and Madrid base cases respectively. The average annual efficiency of the collector in Stockholm (12%) was much lower than that in Madrid (19%). The thermal COP was simulated to be approximately 0.70, but has not been possible to verify with measured data. The annual electrical COP was shown to be very dependent on the cooling load as a large proportion of electrical use is for components that are permanently on. For the cooling loads studied, the annual electrical COP ranged from 2.2 for a 2000 kWh cooling load to 18.0 for a 21000 kWh cooling load. There is however a potential to reduce the electricity consumption in the machine, which would improve these figures significantly. It was shown that a cooling tower is necessary for the Madrid climate, whereas a dry cooler is sufficient for Stockholm although a cooling tower does improve performance. The simulation study was very shallow and has shown a number of areas that are important to study in more depth. One such area is advanced control strategy, which is necessary to mitigate the weakness of the technology (low temperature lift for cooling) and to optimally use its strength (storage).


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Luftuppvärmning är ett utbrett sätt att använda solenergi,bl a i husuppvärmning, luftkonditionering och torkning av jordbruksprodukter.I denna rapport framläggs ett nytt sätt att beräkna värmeprocessen i en luftsolfångare, vilket ger möjlighet till riktigare simulering av icke symmetrisk luftuppvärmning i luftsolfångarens kanaler.En bearbetad analytisk-numerisk metod av tvådimensionell icke stationär temperaturfältsberäkning presenteras, vilket ger möjlighet att göra kompletteringar till simuleringsprogrammet TRNSYS, speciellt avpassat för det sätt som luftsolfångare uppvärmer luften.Vid sidan om den teoretiska analysen av luftsolfångare, framläggs i denna rapport, medodik för experimentella undersökningar av luftsolfångare. Vidare diskuteras krav på mätutrustning vid experimentella mätningar av luftsolfångares termiska prestanda.


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SolNET var den första europeiska forskarskolan för termisk solvenergi med 10 doktorander, där sju gemensamma doktorandkurser utvecklades och genomfördes under projektets gång. Projektet stöddes av EU-programmet Marie-Curie från juni 2006 till maj 2010.Centrum för solenergiforskning SERC vid Högskolan Dalarna deltog med en doktorand, Janne Paavilainen. SERC genomförde den första av doktorandkurserna, om dynamisk systemsimulering. 30 studenter deltog från 16 länder varav 22 var doktorander och tre var från industri.Under 2007 genomförde Paavilainen en teknoekonomisk utvärdering av mellanstora pellet- och solvärmesystem för närvärme som presenterades vid konferensen Eurosun 2008. Resultaten visar under vilka förutsättningar som solvärme kan vara ekonomisk lönsamt i närvärmesystem i Sverige och Finland. Paavilainen har varit medförfattare till en tidsskriftsartikel om SERCs simuleringsmodell för pelletspannor och –kaminer samt varit medförfattare till två tidsskriftsartiklar tillsammans med SPF (Schweiz) och TU Graz (Österrike) om en ny pannmodell för gas, olja och pellets. Dessa två validerade modeller i programmet TRNSYS används nu rutinmässigt i Sverige av SP och SERC och i Europa av ett flertal forskargrupper. Den nya pannmodellen som utvecklades med SPF och TU Graz har också införlivats i programmet Polysun som används av flera hundra användare runt hela världen, inkl. SERCs magisterstudenter.


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The aim of this study was to investigate how electricallyheated houses can be converted to using wood pellet and solarheating. There are a large number of wood pellet stoves on themarket. Many stoves have a water jacket, which gives anopportunity to distribute the heat to domestic hot water and aradiator heating system. Three typical Swedish houses with electric resistanceheating have been studied. Fourteen different system conceptsusing wood pellet stoves and solar heating systems have beenevaluated. The systems and the houses have been simulated indetail using TRNSYS. The houses have been divided in up to 10different zones and heat transfer by air circulation throughdoorways and open doors have been simulated. The pellet stoveswere simulated using a recently developed TRNSYS component,which models the start- and stop phases, emissions and thedynamic behaviour of the stoves. The model also calculates theCO-emissions. Simulations were made with one stove without awater jacket and two stoves with different fractions of thegenerated heat distributed in the water circuit. Simulations show that the electricity savings using a pelletstove are greatly affected by the house plan, the systemchoice, if the internal doors are open or closed and thedesired level of comfort. Installing a stove with awater-jacket connected to a radiator system and a hot waterstorage has the advantage that heat can be transferred todomestic hot water and be distributed to other rooms. Suchsystems lead to greater electricity savings, especially inhouses having a traditional layout. It was found that not allrooms needed radiators and that it was more effective in mostcases t use a stove with a higher fraction of the heatdistributed by the water circuit. The economic investigation shows that installing a woodpellet stove without a water jacket gives the lowest totalenergy- and capital costs in the house with an open plan (fortoday's energy prices and the simulated comfort criteria). Inthe houses with a traditional layout a pellet stove givesslightly higher costs than the reference house having onlyelectrical resistance heating due to the fact that less heatingcan be replaced. The concepts including stoves with a waterjacket all give higher costs than the reference system, but theconcept closest to be economical is a system with a bufferstore, a stove with a high fraction of the heat distributed bythe water circuit, a new water radiator heating system and asolar collector. Losses from stoves can be divided into: flue gas lossesincluding leakage air flow when the stove is not in operation;losses during start and stop phases; and losses due to a highair factor. An increased efficiency of the stoves is importantboth from a private economical point of view, but also from theperspective that there can be a lack of bio fuel in the nearfuture also in Sweden. From this point of view it is alsoimportant to utilize as much solar heat as possible. Theutilization of solar heat is low in the simulated systems,depending on the lack of space for a large buffer store. The simulations have shown that the annual efficiency ismuch lower that the nominal efficiency at full power. Thesimulations have also shown that changing the control principlefor the stove can improve efficiency and reduce theCO-emissions. Today's most common control principle for stovesis the on/off control, which results in many starts and stopsand thereby high CO-emissions. A more advanced control varyingthe heating rate from maximum to minimum to keep a constantroom temperature reduces the number of starts and stops andthereby the emissions. Also the efficiency can be higher withsuch a control, and the room temperature will be kept at a moreconstant temperature providing a higher comfort.


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In a Nordic climate, space heating (SH) and domestic hot water (DHW) used in buildings constitute a considerable part of the total energy use in the country. For 2010, energy used for SH and DHW amounted to almost 90 TWh in Sweden which corresponds to 60 % of the energy used in the residential and service sector, or almost 24 % of the total final energy use for the country. Storing heat and cold with the use of thermal energy storage (TES) can be one way of increasing the energy efficiency of a building by opening up possibilities for alternative sources of heat or cold through a reduced mismatch between supply and demand. Thermal energy storage without the use of specific control systems are said to be passive and different applications using passive TES have been shown to increase energy efficiency and/or reduce power peaks of systems supplying the heating and cooling needs of buildings, as well as having an effect on the indoor climate. Results are however not consistent between studies and focus tend to be on the reduction of cooling energy or cooling power peaks. In this paper, passive TES introduced through an increased thermal mass in the building envelope to two single family houses with different insulation standard is investigated with building energy simulations. A Nordic climate is used and the focus of this study is both on the reduction of space heating demand and space heating power, as well as on reduction of excess temperatures in residential single family houses without active cooling systems. Care is taken to keep the building envelope characteristics other than the thermal mass equal for all cases so that any observations made can be derived to the change in thermal mass. Results show that increasing the sensible thermal mass in a single family house can reduce the heating demand only slightly (1-4 %) and reduce excess temperatures (temperatures above 24 degrees C) by up to 20 %. Adding a layer of PCM (phase change materials) to the light building construction can give similar reduction in heating demand and excess temperatures, however the phase change temperature is important for the results.


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This research was carried out by studying possible renovation of a two-storey detached multifamily building by using passive solar design options in a cold climate in Borlänge, Sweden where the heating Degree Days are 4451 (base 20°C). Borlänge`s housing company, Tunabyggen, plans to renovate the project house located inthe multicultural district, Jakobsgårdarna. The goal of the thesis was to suggest a redesign of the current building, decrease the heating energy use, by applying passive solar design and control strategies, in a most reasonable way. In addition ensure a better thermal comfort for the tenants in the dwellings. Literatures have been studied, from which can be inferred that passive design should be abasic design consideration for all housing constructions, because it has advantages to ensure thermal comfort, and reduce the energy use. In addition further savings can be achieved applying different types of control strategies, from which the house will be more personalized, and better adapted to the user’s needs.The proposed method is based on simulations by using TRNSYS software. First a proper building model was set up, which represents the current state of the project building. Then the thermal insulation and the windows were upgraded, based on today's building regulations. The developments of the passive solar options were accomplished in two steps. First of all the relevant basic passive design elements were considered, then those advantages were compared to the advantages of applying new conventional thermostat, and shading control strategies.The results show that there is significant potential with the different types of passive solar design; their usage depends primarily on the location of the site as well as the orientation of the project building. Applying the control strategies, such as thermostat, and shading control, along the thermal insulation upgrade, may lead to significant energy savings (around 40 %), by comparison to the reference building without any upgrade.


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The importance of investigating cost reduction in materials and components for solar thermal systems is crucial at the present time. This work focuses on the influence of two different heat exchangers on the performance of a solar thermal system. Both heat exchangers studied are immersed helically coiled, one made with corrugated stainless steel tube, and the other made with finned copper tube with smooth inner surface.A test apparatus has been designed and a simple test procedure applied in order to study heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of both coils. Thereafter, the resulting experimental data was used to perform a parameter identification of the heat exchangers, in order to obtain a TRNSYS model with its corresponding numerical expression. Also a representative small-scale combisystem model was designed in TRNSYS, in order to study the influence of both heat exchangers on the solar fraction of the system, when working at different flow rates.It has been found that the highest solar fraction is given by the corrugated stainless steel coil, when it works at the lowest flow rate (100 l/hr). For any higher flow rate, the studied copper coil presents a higher solar fraction. The advantageous low flow performance of stainless steel heat exchanger turns out to be beneficial for the particular case of solar thermal systems, where it is well known that low flow collector loops lead to enhanced store stratification, and consequently higher solar fractions.Finally, an optimization of the stainless steel heat exchanger length is carried out, according to economic figures. For the given combisystem model and boundary conditions, the optimum length value is found between 10 and 12 m.


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This paper focuses on the study of cascade heat pump systems in combination with solar thermal for the production of hot water and space heating in single family houses with relatively high heating demand. The system concept was developed by Ratiotherm GmbH and simulated with TRNSYS 17. The basic cascade system uses the heat pump and solar collectors in parallel operation while a further development is the inclusion of an intermediate store that enables the possibility of serial/parallel operation and the use of low temperature solar heat. Parametric studies in terms of compressor size, refrigerant pair and size of intermediate heat exchanger were carried out for the optimization of the basic system. The system configurations were simulated for the complete year and compared to a reference of a solar thermal system combined with an air source heat pump. The results show ~13% savings in electricity use for all three cascade systems compared to the reference. However, the complexity of the systems is different and thus higher capital costs are expected.


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Emissions from residential combustion appliances vary significantly depending on the firing behaviours and combustion conditions, in addition to combustion technologies and fuel quality. Although wood pellet combustion in residential heating boilers is efficient, the combustion conditions during start-up and stop phases are not optimal and produce significantly high emissions such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon from incomplete combustion. The emissions from the start-up and stop phases of the pellet boilers are not fully taken into account in test methods for ecolabels which primarily focus on emissions during operation on full load and part load. The objective of the thesis is to investigate the emission characteristics during realistic operation of residential wood pellet boilers in order to identify when the major part of the annual emissions occur. Emissions from four residential wood pellet boilers were measured and characterized for three operating phases (start-up, steady and stop). Emissions from realistic operation of combined solar and wood pellet heating systems was continuously measured to investigate the influence of start-up and stop phases on total annual emissions. Measured emission data from the pellet devices were used to build an emission model to predict the annual emission factors from the dynamic operation of the heating system using the simulation software TRNSYS. Start-up emissions are found to vary with ignition type, supply of air and fuel, and time to complete the phase. Stop emissions are influenced by fan operation characteristics and the cleaning routine. Start-up and stop phases under realistic operation conditions contribute 80 – 95% of annual carbon monoxide (CO) emission, 60 – 90% total hydrocarbon (TOC), 10 – 20% of nitrogen oxides (NO), and 30 – 40% particles emissions. Annual emission factors from realistic operation of tested residential heating system with a top fed wood pelt boiler can be between 190 and 400 mg/MJ for the CO emissions, between 60 and 95 mg/MJ for the NO, between 6 and 25 mg/MJ for the TOC, between 30 and 116 mg/MJ for the particulate matter and between 2x10-13 /MJ and 4x10-13 /MJ for the number of particles. If the boiler has the cleaning sequence with compressed air such as in boiler B2, annual CO emission factor can be up to 550 mg/MJ. Average CO, TOC and particles emissions under realistic annual condition were greater than the limits values of two eco labels. These results highlight the importance of start-up and stop phases in annual emission factors (especially CO and TOC). Since a large or dominating part of the annual emissions in real operation arise from the start-up and stop sequences, test methods required by the ecolabels should take these emissions into account. In this way it will encourage the boiler manufacturers to minimize annual emissions. The annual emissions of residential pellet heating system can be reduced by optimizing the number of start-ups of the pellet boiler. It is possible to reduce up to 85% of the number of start-ups by optimizing the system design and its controller such as switching of the boiler pump after it stops, using two temperature sensors for boiler ON/OFF control, optimizing of the positions of the connections to the storage tank, increasing the mixing valve temperature in the boiler circuit and decreasing the pump flow rate. For 85 % reduction of start-ups, 75 % of CO and TOC emission factors were reduced while 13% increase in NO and 15 % increase in particle emissions was observed.


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Increasing energy use has caused many environmental problems including global warming. Energy use is growing rapidly in developing countries and surprisingly a remarkable portion of it is associated with consumed energy to keep the temperature comfortable inside the buildings. Therefore, identifying renewable technologies for cooling and heating is essential. This study introduced applications of steel sheets integrated into the buildings to save energy based on existing technologies. In addition, the proposed application was found to have a considerable chance of market success. Also, satisfying energy needs for space heating and cooling in a single room by using one of the selected applications in different Köppen climate classes was investigated to estimate which climates have a proper potential for benefiting from the application. This study included three independent parts and the results related to each part have been used in the next part. The first part recognizes six different technologies through literature review including Cool Roof, Solar Chimney, Steel Cladding of Building, Night Radiative Cooling, Elastomer Metal Absorber, and Solar Distillation. The second part evaluated the application of different technologies by gathering the experts’ ideas via performing a Delphi method. The results showed that the Solar Chimney has a proper chance for the market. The third part simulated both a solar chimney and a solar chimney with evaporation which were connected to a single well insulated room with a considerable thermal mass. The combination was simulated as a system to estimate the possibility of satisfying cooling needs and heating needs in different climate classes. A Trombe-wall was selected as a sample design for the Solar Chimney and was simulated in different climates. The results implied that the solar chimney had the capability of reducing the cooling needs more than 25% in all of the studied locations and 100% in some locations with dry or temperate climate such as Mashhad, Madrid, and Istanbul. It was also observed that the heating needs were satisfied more than 50% in all of the studied locations, even for the continental climate such as Stockholm and 100% in most locations with a dry climate. Therefore, the Solar Chimney reduces energy use, saves environment resources, and it is a cost effective application. Furthermore, it saves the equipment costs in many locations. All the results mentioned above make the solar chimney a very practical and attractive tool for a wide range of climates.


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É muito difícil falar sobre aquecimento de água usando energia solar, sem falar em energia de apoio, ou auxiliar. Essa indispensável energia auxiliar, que pode ser eletricidade, gás ou um outro combustível qualquer, tem por objetivo substituir a energia solar nos dias nublados, ou complementá-la nos períodos de baixa radiação solar. Sua finalidade é manter um certo volume de água quente dentro das condições mínimas de temperatura para uso imediato. Essa energia, tão importante para a eficácia do sistema, tem sempre um custo agregado que deve ser considerado no projeto. A escolha do tipo de energia auxiliar recai justamente sobre a eletricidade por sua facilidade de controle e baixo investimento inicial. O custo da energia elétrica, contudo, é hoje alto o suficiente para que a fração elétrica no consumo de energia do sistema seja importante e passe a merecer mais atenção. Esta dissertação visa a estudar estratégias para minimizar o consumo de energia elétrica auxiliar. O trabalho foi desenvolvido através da simulação do atendimento de uma residência unifamiliar, habitada por cinco pessoas, com um consumo de água quente variável ao longo do dia e igual para todos os dias do ano. Empregou-se para as simulações de todos os casos estudados, o software TRNSYS em sua versão 14.2, (KLEIN, 1997) que demonstrou eficácia e coerência nos resultados obtidos Ao longo do trabalho foram simulados mais de setecentos casos, variando-se parâmetros como área de coletores, volume do reservatório, potência elétrica, dentre outros. Com os resultados obtidos nas simulações foram elaboradas tabelas e gráficos dos quais foi possível retirar algumas conclusões relevantes tais como a dependência do consumo de energia auxiliar com o volume do reservatório, número de coletores, potência da resistência de aquecimento e sua altura, bem como a altura do termostato. A partir dos resultados deste trabalho foi possível a elaboração de uma série de recomendações relativas a estudo e a projeto de sistemas de aquecimento solar de água quente para uso doméstico, visando à otimização na utilização do sistema de energia auxiliar.