955 resultados para Image analysis toolbox


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Drill cores are essential for the study of deep-sea sediments and on-land sites because often no suitable outcrop is available or accessible. These cores form the backbone of stratigraphical studies using and combining various dating techniques. Cyclostratigraphy is usually based on fast and inexpensive measurements of physical sediment properties. One indirect but highly valuable proxy for reconstructing the sediment composition and variability is sediment color. However, cracks and other disturbances in sediment cores may dramatically influence the quality of color data retrieved either directly from photospectrometry or derived from core image analysis. Here we present simple but powerful algorithms to extract color data from core images, and focus on routines to exclude cracks from these images. Results are discussed using the example of an ODP core from the Ceara Rise in the Central Atlantic. The crack correction approach presented highly improves the quality of color data and allows the easy incorporation of cracked cores into studies based on core images. This facilitates the quick and inexpensive generation of large color datasets directly from quantified core images, for cyclostratigraphy and other purposes.


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"Report no. FHWA-IL-UI-278"--Technical report documentation page.


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The density of axons in the optic nerve, olfactory tract and corpus callosum was quantified in non-demented elderly subjects and in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using an image analysis system. In each fibre tract, there was significant reduction in the density of axons in AD compared with non-demented subjects, the greatest reductions being observed in the olfactory tract and corpus callosum. Axonal loss in the optic nerve and olfactory tract was mainly of axons with smaller myelinated cross-sectional areas. In the corpus callosum, a reduction in the number of ‘thin’ and ‘thick’ fibres was observed in AD, but there was a proportionally greater loss of the ‘thick’ fibres. The data suggest significant degeneration of white matter fibre tracts in AD involving the smaller axons in the two sensory nerves and both large and small axons in the corpus callosum. Loss of axons in AD could reflect an associated white matter disorder and/or be secondary to neuronal degeneration.


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The aim of this project was to carry out a fundamental study to assess the potential of colour image analysis for use in investigations of fire damaged concrete. This involved:(a) Quantification (rather than purely visual assessment) of colour change as an indicator of the thermal history of concrete.(b) Quantification of the nature and intensity of crack development as an indication of the thermal history of concrete, supporting and in addition to, colour change observations.(c) Further understanding of changes in the physical and chemical properties of aggregate and mortar matrix after heating.(d) An indication of the relationship between cracking and non-destructive methods of testing e.g. UPV or Schmidt hammer. Results showed that colour image analysis could be used to quantify the colour changes found when concrete is heated. Development of red colour coincided with significant reduction in compressive strength. Such measurements may be used to determine the thermal history of concrete by providing information regarding the temperature distribution that existed at the height of a fire. The actual colours observed depended on the types of cement and aggregate that were used to make the concrete. With some aggregates it may be more appropriate to only analyse the mortar matrix. Petrographic techniques may also be used to determine the nature and density of cracks developing at elevated temperatures and values of crack density correlate well with measurements of residual compressive strength. Small differences in crack density were observed with different cements and aggregates, although good correlations were always found with the residual compressive strength. Taken together these two techniques can provide further useful information for the evaluation of fire damaged concrete. This is especially so since petrographic analysis can also provide information on the quality of the original concrete such as cement content and water / cement ratio. Concretes made with blended cements tended to produce small differences in physical and chemical properties compared to those made with unblended cements. There is some evidence to suggest that a coarsening of pore structure in blended cements may lead to onset of cracking at lower temperatures. The use of DTA/TGA was of little use in assessing the thermal history of concrete made with blended cements. Corner spalling and sloughing off, as observed in columns, was effectively reproduced in tests on small scale specimens and the crack distributions measured. Relationships between compressive strength/cracking and non-destructive methods of testing are discussed and an outline procedure for site investigations of fire damaged concrete is described.


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This study considers the application of image analysis in petrography and investigates the possibilities for advancing existing techniques by introducing feature extraction and analysis capabilities of a higher level than those currently employed. The aim is to construct relevant, useful descriptions of crystal form and inter-crystal relations in polycrystalline igneous rock sections. Such descriptions cannot be derived until the `ownership' of boundaries between adjacent crystals has been established: this is the fundamental problem of crystal boundary assignment. An analysis of this problem establishes key image features which reveal boundary ownership; a set of explicit analysis rules is presented. A petrographic image analysis scheme based on these principles is outlined and the implementation of key components of the scheme considered. An algorithm for the extraction and symbolic representation of image structural information is developed. A new multiscale analysis algorithm which produces a hierarchical description of the linear and near-linear structure on a contour is presented in detail. Novel techniques for symmetry analysis are developed. The analyses considered contribute both to the solution of the boundary assignment problem and to the construction of geologically useful descriptions of crystal form. The analysis scheme which is developed employs grouping principles such as collinearity, parallelism, symmetry and continuity, so providing a link between this study and more general work in perceptual grouping and intermediate level computer vision. Consequently, the techniques developed in this study may be expected to find wider application beyond the petrographic domain.


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Purpose-To develop a non-invasive method for quantification of blood and pigment distributions across the posterior pole of the fundus from multispectral images using a computer-generated reflectance model of the fundus. Methods - A computer model was developed to simulate light interaction with the fundus at different wavelengths. The distribution of macular pigment (MP) and retinal haemoglobins in the fundus was obtained by comparing the model predictions with multispectral image data at each pixel. Fundus images were acquired from 16 healthy subjects from various ethnic backgrounds and parametric maps showing the distribution of MP and of retinal haemoglobins throughout the posterior pole were computed. Results - The relative distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins in the subjects were successfully derived from multispectral images acquired at wavelengths 507, 525, 552, 585, 596, and 611?nm, providing certain conditions were met and eye movement between exposures was minimal. Recovery of other fundus pigments was not feasible and further development of the imaging technique and refinement of the software are necessary to understand the full potential of multispectral retinal image analysis. Conclusion - The distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins obtained in this preliminary investigation are in good agreement with published data on normal subjects. The ongoing development of the imaging system should allow for absolute parameter values to be computed. A further study will investigate subjects with known pathologies to determine the effectiveness of the method as a screening and diagnostic tool.


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Objective. Using an image analysis system to determine whether there is loss of axons in the olfactory tract (OT) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Design. A retrospective neuropathological study. Patients Nine control patients and eight clinically and pathologically verified AD cases. Measurements and Results. There was a reduction in axon density in AD compared with control subjects in the central and peripheral regions of the tract. Axonal loss was mainly of axons with smaller (<2.99 µm2) myelinated cross-sectional areas. Conclusions. The data suggest significant degeneration of axons within the OT involving the smaller sized axons. Loss of axons in the OT is likely to be secondary to pathological changes originating within the parahippocampal gyrus rather than to a pathogen spreading into the brain via the olfactory pathways.


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Areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC., are present on the peripheral prothallus (marginal areolae) and also aggregate to form confluent masses in the centre of the thallus (central areolae). To determine the relationships between these areolae and whether growth of the peripheral prothallus is dependent on the marginal areolae, the density, morphology, and size frequency distributions of marginal areolae were measured in 23 thalli of R. geographicum in north Wales, UK using image analysis (Image J). Size and morphology of central areolae were also studied across the thallus. Marginal areolae were small, punctate, and occurred in clusters scattered over the peripheral prothallus while central areolae were larger and had a lobed structure. The size-class frequency distributions of the marginal and central areolae were fitted by power-law and log-normal models respectively. In 16 out of 23 thalli, central areolae close to the outer edge were larger and had a more complex lobed morphology than those towards the thallus centre. Neither mean width nor radial growth rate (RaGR) of the peripheral prothallus were correlated with density, diameter, or area fraction of marginal areolae. The data suggest central areolae may develop from marginal areolae as follows: (1) marginal areolae develop in clusters at the periphery and fuse to form central areolae, (2) central areolae grow exponentially, and (3) crowding of central areolae results in constriction and fragmentation. In addition, growth of the peripheral prothallus may be unrelated to the marginal areolae. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Aims: To establish the sensitivity and reliability of objective image analysis in direct comparison with subjective grading of bulbar hyperaemia. Methods: Images of the same eyes were captured with a range of bulbar hyperaemia caused by vasodilation. The progression was recorded and 45 images extracted. The images were objectively analysed on 14 occasions using previously validated edge-detection and colour-extraction techniques. They were also graded by 14 eye-care practitioners (ECPs) and 14 non-clinicians (NCb) using the Efron scale. Six ECPs repeated the grading on three separate occasions Results: Subjective grading was only able to differentiate images with differences in grade of 0.70-1.03 Efron units (sensitivity of 0.30-0.53), compared to 0,02-0.09 Efron units with objective techniques (sensitivity of 0.94-0.99). Significant differences were found between ECPs and individual repeats were also inconsistent (p<0.001). Objective analysis was 16x more reliable than subjective analysis. The NCLs used wider ranges of the scale but were more variable than ECPs, implying that training may have an effect on grading. Conclusions: Objective analysis may offer a new gold standard in anterior ocular examination, and should be developed further as a clinical research tool to allow more highly powered analysis, and to enhance the clinical monitoring of anterior eye disease.


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Aim: To use previously validated image analysis techniques to determine the incremental nature of printed subjective anterior eye grading scales. Methods: A purpose designed computer program was written to detect edges using a 3 × 3 kernal and to extract colour planes in the selected area of an image. Annunziato and Efron pictorial, and CCLRU and Vistakon-Synoptik photographic grades of bulbar hyperaemia, palpebral hyperaemia roughness, and corneal staining were analysed. Results: The increments of the grading scales were best described by a quadratic rather than a linear function. Edge detection and colour extraction image analysis for bulbar hyperaemia (r2 = 0.35-0.99), palpebral hyperaemia (r2 = 0.71-0.99), palpebral roughness (r2 = 0.30-0.94), and corneal staining (r2 = 0.57-0.99) correlated well with scale grades, although the increments varied in magnitude and direction between different scales. Repeated image analysis measures had a 95% confidence interval of between 0.02 (colour extraction) and 0.10 (edge detection) scale units (on a 0-4 scale). Conclusion: The printed grading scales were more sensitive for grading features of low severity, but grades were not comparable between grading scales. Palpebral hyperaemia and staining grading is complicated by the variable presentations possible. Image analysis techniques are 6-35 times more repeatable than subjective grading, with a sensitivity of 1.2-2.8% of the scale.


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Aim: To examine the use of image analysis to quantify changes in ocular physiology. Method: A purpose designed computer program was written to objectively quantify bulbar hyperaemia, tarsal redness, corneal staining and tarsal staining. Thresholding, colour extraction and edge detection paradigms were investigated. The repeatability (stability) of each technique to changes in image luminance was assessed. A clinical pictorial grading scale was analysed to examine the repeatability and validity of the chosen image analysis technique. Results: Edge detection using a 3 × 3 kernel was found to be the most stable to changes in image luminance (2.6% over a +60 to -90% luminance range) and correlated well with the CCLRU scale images of bulbar hyperaemia (r = 0.96), corneal staining (r = 0.85) and the staining of palpebral roughness (r = 0.96). Extraction of the red colour plane demonstrated the best correlation-sensitivity combination for palpebral hyperaemia (r = 0.96). Repeatability variability was <0.5%. Conclusions: Digital imaging, in conjunction with computerised image analysis, allows objective, clinically valid and repeatable quantification of ocular features. It offers the possibility of improved diagnosis and monitoring of changes in ocular physiology in clinical practice. © 2003 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.