398 resultados para IgM
Coxiella burnetii and members of the genus Rickettsia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Since cultivation of these organisms requires dedicated techniques, their diagnosis usually relies on serological or molecular biology methods. Immunofluorescence is considered the gold standard to detect antibody-reactivity towards these organisms. Here, we assessed the performance of a new automated epifluorescence immunoassay (InoDiag) to detect IgM and IgG against C. burnetii, Rickettsia typhi and Rickettsia conorii. Samples were tested with the InoDiag assay. A total of 213 sera were tested, of which 63 samples from Q fever, 20 from spotted fever rickettsiosis, 6 from murine typhus and 124 controls. InoDiag results were compared to micro-immunofluorescence. For acute Q fever, the sensitivity of phase 2 IgG was only of 30% with a cutoff of 1 arbitrary unit (AU). In patients with acute Q fever with positive IF IgM, sensitivity reached 83% with the same cutoff. Sensitivity for chronic Q fever was 100% whereas sensitivity for past Q fever was 65%. Sensitivity for spotted Mediterranean fever and murine typhus were 91% and 100%, respectively. Both assays exhibited a good specificity in control groups, ranging from 79% in sera from patients with unrelated diseases or EBV positivity to 100% in sera from healthy patients. In conclusion, the InoDiag assay exhibits an excellent performance for the diagnosis of chronic Q fever but a very low IgG sensitivity for acute Q fever likely due to low reactivity of phase 2 antigens present on the glass slide. This defect is partially compensated by the detection of IgM. Because it exhibits a good negative predictive value, the InoDiag assay is valuable to rule out a chronic Q fever. For the diagnosis of rickettsial diseases, the sensitivity of the InoDiag method is similar to conventional immunofluorescence.
Differences in parasite transmission intensity influence the process of acquisition of host immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria and ultimately, the rate of malaria related morbidity and mortality. Potential vaccines being designed to complement current intervention efforts therefore need to be evaluated against different malaria endemicity backgrounds. The associations between antibody responses to the chimeric merozoite surface protein 1 block 2 hybrid (MSP1 hybrid), glutamate-rich protein region 2 (GLURP R2) and the peptide AS202.11, and the risk of malaria were assessed in children living in malaria hyperendemic (Burkina Faso, n = 354) and hypo-endemic (Ghana, n = 209) areas. Using the same reagent lots and standardized protocols for both study sites, immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgG and IgG sub-class levels to each antigen were measured by ELISA in plasma from the children (aged 6-72 months). Associations between antibody levels and risk of malaria were assessed using Cox regression models adjusting for covariates. There was a significant association between GLURP R2 IgG3 and reduced risk of malaria after adjusting age of children in both the Burkinabe (hazard ratio 0.82; 95 % CI 0.74-0.91, p < 0.0001) and the Ghanaian (HR 0.48; 95 % CI 0.25-0.91, p = 0.02) cohorts. MSP1 hybrid IgM was associated (HR 0.85; 95 % CI 0.73-0.98, p = 0.02) with reduced risk of malaria in Burkina Faso cohort while IgG against AS202.11 in the Ghanaian children was associated with increased risk of malaria (HR 1.29; 95 % CI 1.01-1.65, p = 0.04). These findings support further development of GLURP R2 and MSP1 block 2 hybrid, perhaps as a fusion vaccine antigen targeting malaria blood stage that can be deployed in areas of varying transmission intensity.
Background. West Nile Virus (WNV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, is one of an increasing number of infectious diseases that have been emerging or re-emerging in the last two decades. Since the arrival ofWNV to Canada to present date, the Niagara Region has only reported 30 clinical cases, a small number compared to the hundreds reported in other regions of similar conditions. Moreover, the last reported human case in Niagara was in 2006. As it has been demonstrated that the majority of WNV infections are asymptomatic, the question remains whether the lack of clinical cases in Niagara truly reflects the lack of transmission to humans or if infections are still occurring but are mostly asymptomatic. Objectives. The general objective of this study was to establish whether or not active WNV transmission could be detected in a human population residing in Niagara for the 2007 transmission season. To fullfil this objective, a cross-sectional seroprevalence study was designed to investigate for the presence of anti-WNV antibodies in a sample of Mexican migrant agricultural workers employed in farms registered with the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). Due to the Mexican origin of the study participants, three specific research objectives were proposed: a) determine the seroprevalence ofanti-WNV antibodies as well as anti-Dengue virus antibodies (a closely related virus prevalent in Mexico and likely to confound WNV serology); b) analyze risk factors associated with WNV and Dengue virus seropositivity; and c) assess the awareness of study participants about WNV infection as well as their understanding of the mode of transmission and clinical importance of the infection. Methodology: After obtaining ethics clearance from Brock University, farms were visited and workers invited to participate. Due to time constraints, only a small number of farms were enrolled with a resulting convenience and non-randomized study sample. Workers' demographic and epidemiological data were collected using a standardized questionnaire and blood samples were drawn to determine serum anti-WNV and anti- Dengue antibodies with a commercial ELISA. All positive samples were sent to the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba for confirmation with the Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT). Data was analyzed with Stata 10.0. Antibody determinations were reported as seroprevalence proportions for both WNV and Dengue. Logistic regression was used to analyze risk factors that may be associated with seropositivity and awareness was reported as a proportion of the number of individuals possessing awareness over the total number of participants. Results and Discussion. In total 92 participants working in 5 farms completed the study. Using the commercial ELISA, seropositivity was as follows: 2.2% for WNV IgM, 20.7% for WNV IgG, and 17.1 % for Dengue IgG. Possible cross-reactivity was demonstrated in 15/20 (75.0%) samples that were positive for both WNV IgG and Dengue IgG. Confirmatory testing with the PRNT demonstrated that none of the WNV ELISA positive samples had antibodies to WNV but 13 samples tested positive for anti-Dengue antibodies (14.1 % Dengue sereoprevalence). The findings showed that the ELISA performance was very poor for assessing anti-WNV antibodies in individuals previously exposed to Dengue virus. However, the ELISA had better sensitivity and specificity for assessing anti-Dengue antibodies. Whereas statistical analysis could not be done for WNV seropositivity, as all samples were PRNT negative, logistic regression demonstrated several risk factors for Dengue exposure_ The first year coming to Canada appeared to be significantly associated with increased exposure to Dengue while lower socio-economic housing and the presence of a water basin in the yard in Mexico appeared to be significantly associated with a decreased exposure to Dengue_ These seemingly contradictory results illustrate that in mobile populations such as migrant workers, risk factors for exposure to Dengue are not easily identified and more research is needed. Assessing the awareness of WNV and its clinical importance showed that only 23% of participants had some knowledge of WNV, of which 76% knew that the infection was mosquito-borne and 47% recognized fever as a symptom. The identified lack of understanding and awareness was not surprising since WNV is not a visible disease in Mexico. Since WNV persists in an enzootic cycle in Niagara and the occurrence of future outbreaks is unpredictable, the agricultural workers remain at risk for transmission. Therefore it important they receive sufficient health education regarding WNV before leaving Mexico and during their stay in Canada. Conclusions. Human transmission of WNV could not be proven among the study participants even when due to their occupation they are at high risk for mosquito bites. The limitations of the study sample do not permit generalizable conclusions, however, the study findings are consistent with the absence of clinical cases in the Niagara Region, so it is likely that human transmission is indeed neglible or absent. As evidenced by our WNV serology results, PRNT must be utilized as a confirmatory test since false positivity occurs frequently. This is especially true when previous exposure to Dengue virus is likely.
George William Schram (1809-1885), son of Garrett Schram and Leah Van Etten, married Orpha Pearson on Nov.13, 1835. His son Marsena John Schram (farmer) was born in May of 1840, in Canada. He died on Nov. 17, 1926 in Wexford County, Michigan. He was married in 1867 to Sarah (1825-1887).Marsena married again on April 18, 1910 to Ann Clarinda Warner (1861-1924). He was working as a carpenter at this time. They had another son, William who was born about 1838 and he married Sabina Chambers on Jan. 21, 1862. The 1861 census for Wainfleet lists siblings of Marsena John Schram as Sarah J. (age 14), Georgiana (age 5), and William (age 21). The Schrams lived on Concession 5 and owned approximately 144 acres of land. David Thompson was born Feb. 4, 1873 and died Feb. 19, 1951. He married Sally Ann Wilson on Sept. 7, 1825 in Pelham. She died about 1840 in Indiana Ontario (near Cayuga). Lemuel Victor Hogue was born Dec.1, 1854 and died Jan. 12, 1929. He was married to Elizabeth Wills who was born Aug. 2, 1861 and died Mar. 8, 1926. Sources: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=99294842 http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=seadragon5&id=I91708
Streptococcus suis et Streptococcus du groupe B (GBS) sont deux bactéries encapsulées qui induisent des pathologies similaires chez l’homme et/ou l’animal, incluant septicémies et méningites. La capsule polysaccharidique (CPS) est un facteur de virulence clé de ces deux pathogènes et les anticorps (Ac) anti-CPS présentent un bon potentiel protecteur. Néanmoins, ces molécules sont faiblement immunogéniques et les mécanismes de la génération de la réponse humorale anti-CPS demeurent méconnus. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était d’évaluer les caractéristiques et les mécanismes du développement de la réponse Ac dirigée spécifiquement contre les CPS de S. suis et GBS, ainsi que l’effet de la biochimie de la CPS dans cette réponse. Nous avons étudié S. suis types 2 et 14 et GBS types III et V, dont les CPS présentent plusieurs similarités dans leurs compositions et leurs structures, incluant la présence d’acide sialique, un sucre potentiellement immunosuppresseur, tout en possédant une antigénicité propre. Nous avons tout d’abord analysé la nature de la réponse Ac anti-CPS sérique face à la bactérie entière. Les souris infectées par S. suis développent une réponse très faible (S. suis type 2) voire insignifiante (S. suis type 14) de profil isotypique restreint à l’IgM et sont incapables de monter une réponse mémoire efficace face à une seconde infection. Un profil similaire est obtenu chez le porc infecté par S. suis type 2. On détecte des titres d’IgM anti-CPS significatifs chez les souris infectées par GBS (type III ou V). Toutefois, la magnitude de la réponse reste globalement faible et aucune commutation de classe n’est observée. Nous avons ensuite examiné l’influence de la biochimie de la CPS sur ces profils de réponse en conduisant des expériences avec la CPS hautement purifiée de ces pathogènes. Tandis que la CPS de GBS type III administrée aux souris conserve des propriétés immunogéniques similaires à celles observées durant l’infection par la bactérie intacte, les CPS de S. suis type 2 et GBS type V perdent toute capacité à induire une réponse Ac spécifique. L’analyse de l’interaction in vitro des CPS avec les cellules dendritiques (DC) murines, des acteurs clés dans la détection des pathogènes et l’orchestration des réponses immunitaires subséquentes, révèle que ces molécules stimulent la production de niveaux conséquents de chémokines via différents récepteurs. Néanmoins, les CPS sont inaptes à induire la sécrétion de cytokines et elles interfèrent avec la capacité des DC à exprimer BAFF, une cytokine clé dans la différenciation des lymphocytes B en plasmocytes. L’utilisation de CPS chimiquement désialylées démontre que l’acide sialique ne joue aucun rôle immunosuppresseur majeur dans le développement de la réponse Ac dirigée contre les CPS purifiées de S. suis ou GBS, ni sur l’interaction des CPS avec les DC in vitro, ni sur profil de la réponse in vivo. D’autres propriétés biochimiques intrinsèques à ces CPS seraient responsables de l’inaptitude de l’hôte infecté à monter une réponse Ac adéquate et les identifier constituera un outil précieux pour une meilleure compréhension de l’immunopathogénèse de S. suis et GBS ainsi que pour développer des moyens de lutte efficaces contre ces bactéries.
IGM Web S.L. és una empresa tecnològica capdavantera en la gestió automatitzada de bitllets i les reserves hoteleres. Desenvolupa des de l'any 2000 solucions informàtiques pel sector del turisme i l'oci. Avui dóna feina a quinze persones i ha estat la primera empresa a instal·lar-se en el Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona (UdG)
determina las posibles estrategias a seguir por las industrias de alimentos lácteos colombianas para ingresar al mercado peruano con alimentos lácteos de larga vida con base en: Un estudio general de la economía peruana durante los últimos cinco años
Introducción: La mastitis granulomatosa idiopática es una enfermedad crónica benigna, rara y de etiología desconocida; tiende a confundirse con otras enfermedades debido a síntomas similares. Este estudio pretende identificar y cuantificar las características demográficas, los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos relevantes y las manifestaciones clínicas prediagnósticas de esta enfermedad Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con análisis agrupado de datos tipo meta análisis. Se utilizó una estrategia de búsqueda en PubMed. Todos los estudios relacionados con la definición, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de la mastitis granulomatosa idiopática fueron elegibles. Las variables de interés fueron edad, país, antecedente de contracepción hormonal, tiempo de evolución, tiempo desde el último embarazo, diagnóstico inicial, y manifestaciones clínicas previas a la consulta. No hubo restricción en fechas de publicación. Resultados: Fueron incluidas 641 mujeres con diagnóstico de MGI reportadas en 68 publicaciones que cumplieron los criterios de selección. La edad media fue 35.9 años, 14.1% de ellas estaba embarazada o lactando, el antecedente de consumo de anticonceptivos hormonales fue 21% y el tiempo promedio desde el último parto fue de 3.9 años. La afectación ocurre principalmente en mama izquierda y en cuadrante superoexterno. El cáncer de mama y el absceso mamario son diagnósticos diferenciales en la consulta. Discusión: El diagnóstico de MGI es un reto para el ginecólogo desde la consulta inicial. Debido a que sus manifestaciones clínicas no son específicas, su diagnóstico parece apuntar a la necesidad de un proceso de descarte de otras patologías más frecuentes e incluso de peor pronóstico. Palabras clave mastitis granulomatosa idiopática
Background: Total enteral nutrition (TEN) within 48 h of admission has recently been shown to be safe and efficacious as part of the management of severe acute pancreatitis. Our aim was to ascertain the safety of immediate TEN in these patients and the effect of TEN on systemic inflammation, psychological state, oxidative stress, plasma glutamine levels and endotoxaemia. Methods: Patients admitted with predicted severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II score 15) were randomised to total enteral (TEN; n = 8) or total parenteral nutrition (TPN; n = 9). Measurements of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), fatigue ( visual analogue scale), oxidative stress ( plasma thiobarbituric acid- reactive substances), plasma glutamine and anti-endotoxin IgG and IgM antibody concentrations were made on admission and repeated on days 3 and 7 thereafter. Clinical progress was monitored using APACHE II score. Organ failure and complications were recorded. Results: All patients tolerated the feeding regime well with few nutrition-related complications. Fatigue improved in both groups but more rapidly in the TEN group. Oxidative stress was high on admission and rose by similar amounts in both groups. Plasma glutamine concentrations did not change significantly in either group. In the TPN group, 3 patients developed respiratory failure and 3 developed non-respiratory single organ failure. There were no such complications in the TEN group. Hospital stay was shorter in the TEN group [ 7 (4-14) vs. 10 (7-26) days; p = 0.05] as was time to passing flatus and time to opening bowels [1 (0-2) vs. 2 (1-5) days; p = 0.01]. The cost of TEN was considerably less than of TPN. Conclusion: Immediate institution of nutritional support in the form of TEN is safe in predicted severe acute pancreatitis. It is as safe and as efficacious as TPN and may be beneficial in the clinical course of this disease. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP.
Background The process of weaning causes a major shift in intestinal microbiota and is a critical period for developing appropriate immune responses in young mammals.Objective To use a new systems approach to provide an overview of host metabolism and the developing immune system in response to nutritional intervention around the weaning period.Design Piglets (n=14) were weaned onto either an egg-based or soya-based diet at 3 weeks until 7 weeks, when all piglets were switched onto a fish-based diet. Half the animals on each weaning diet received Bifidobacterium lactis NCC2818 supplementation from weaning onwards. Immunoglobulin production from immunologically relevant intestinal sites was quantified and the urinary (1)H NMR metabolic profile was obtained from each animal at post mortem (11 weeks).Results Different weaning diets induced divergent and sustained shifts in the metabolic phenotype, which resulted in the alteration of urinary gut microbial co-metabolites, even after 4 weeks of dietary standardisation. B lactis NCC2818 supplementation affected the systemic metabolism of the different weaning diet groups over and above the effects of diet. Additionally, production of gut mucosa-associated IgA and IgM was found to depend upon the weaning diet and on B lactis NCC2818 supplementation.ConclusionThe correlation of urinary (1)H NMR metabolic profile with mucosal immunoglobulin production was demonstrated, thus confirming the value of this multi-platform approach in uncovering non-invasive biomarkers of immunity. This has clear potential for translation into human healthcare with the development of urine testing as a means of assessing mucosal immune status. This might lead to early diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis and with subsequent intervention, arrest disease development. This system enhances our overall understanding of pathologies under supra-organismal control.
Weaning is associated with a major shift in the microbial community of the intestine, and this instability may make it more acquiescent than the adult microbiota to long-term changes. Modulation achieved through dietary interventions may have potentially beneficial effects on the developing immune system, which is driven primarily by the microbiota. The specific aim of the present study was to determine whether immune development could be modified by dietary supplementation with the human probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis NCC2818 in a tractable model of weaning in infants. Piglets were reared by their mothers before being weaned onto a solid diet supplemented with B. lactis NCC2818, while sibling controls did not receive supplementation. Probiotic supplementation resulted in a reduction in IgA (P,0·0005) and IgM (P,0·009) production by mucosal tissues but had no effect on IgG production (P.0·05). Probiotic- supplemented pigs had more mast cells than unsupplemented littermates (P,0·0001), although numbers in both groups were low. In addition, the supplemented piglets made stronger serum IgG responses to fed and injected antigens (P,0·05). The present findings are consistent with B. lactis NCC2818 reducing intestinal permeability induced by weaning, and suggest that the piglet is a valuable intermediate between rodent models and human infants. The results also strongly suggest that measures of the effect of probiotic supplementation on the immune system need to be interpreted carefully as proxy measures of health benefit. However, they are useful in developing an understanding of the mechanism of action of probiotic strains, an important factor in predicting favourable health outcomes of nutritional intervention.
Background: The process of weaning causes a major shift in intestinal microbiota and is a critical period for developing appropriate immune responses in young mammals. Objective: To use a new systems approach to provide an overview of host metabolism and the developing immune system in response to nutritional intervention around the weaning period. Design: Piglets (n¼14) were weaned onto either an eggbased or soya-based diet at 3 weeks until 7 weeks, when all piglets were switched onto a fish-based diet. Half the animals on each weaning diet received Bifidobacterium lactis NCC2818 supplementation from weaning onwards. Immunoglobulin production from immunologically relevant intestinal sites was quantified and the urinary 1H NMR metabolic profile was obtained from each animal at post mortem (11 weeks). Results: Different weaning diets induced divergent and sustained shifts in the metabolic phenotype, which resulted in the alteration of urinary gut microbial co-metabolites, even after 4 weeks of dietary standardisation. B lactis NCC2818 supplementation affected the systemic metabolism of the different weaning diet groups over and above the effects of diet. Additionally, production of gut mucosa-associated IgA and IgM was found to depend upon the weaning diet and on B lactis NCC2818 supplementation. Conclusion: The correlation of urinary 1H NMR metabolic profile with mucosal immunoglobulin production was demonstrated, thus confirming the value of this multiplatform approach in uncovering non-invasive biomarkers of immunity. This has clear potential for translation into human healthcare with the development of urine testing as a means of assessing mucosal immune status. This might lead to early diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis and with subsequent intervention, arrest disease development. This system enhances our overall understanding of pathologies under supra-organismal control.
Maximising the ability of piglets to survive exposure to pathogens is essential to reduce early piglet mortality, an important factor in efficient commercial pig production. Mortality rates can be influenced by many factors, including early colonization by microbial commensals. Here we describe the development of an intestinal microbiota, the Bristol microbiota, for use in gnotobiotic pigs and its influence on synthesis of systemic immunoglobulins. Such a microbiota will be of value in studies of the consequences of early microbial colonization on development of the intestinal immune system and subsequent susceptibility to disease. Gnotobiotic pig studies lack a well-established intestinal microbiota. The use of the Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF), a murine intestinal microbiota, to colonize the intestines of Caesarean-derived, gnotobiotic pigs prior to gut closure, resulted in unreliable colonization with most (but not all) strains of the ASF. Subsequently, a novel, simpler porcine microbiota was developed. The novel microbiota reliably colonized the length of the intestinal tract when administered to gnotobiotic piglets. No health problems were observed, and the novel microbiota induced a systemic increase in serum immunoglobulins, in particular IgA and IgM. The Bristol microbiota will be of value for highly controlled, reproducible experiments of the consequences of early microbial colonization on susceptibility to disease in neonatal piglets, and as a biomedical model for the impact of microbial colonization on development of the intestinal mucosa and immune system in neonates.
Background Ageing increases risk of respiratory infections and impairs the response to influenza vaccination. Pre- and probiotics offer an opportunity to modulate anti-viral defenses and the response to vaccination via alteration of the gut microbiota. This study investigated the effect of a novel probiotic, Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486, combined with a prebiotic, gluco-oligosaccharide (B. longum + Gl-OS), on the response to seasonal influenza vaccination in young and older subjects in a double-blind, randomized controlled trial, taking into account the influence of immunosenescence markers at baseline. Results Vaccination resulted in a significant increase in total antibody titres, vaccine-specific IgA, IgM and IgG and seroprotection to all three subunits of the vaccine in both young and older subjects, and in general, the increases in young subjects were greater. There was little effect of the synbiotic, although it tended to reduce seroconversion to the Brisbane subunit of the vaccine and the vaccine-specific IgG response in older subjects. Immunological characterization revealed that older subjects randomized to the synbiotic had a significantly higher number of senescent (CD28-CD57+) helper T cells at baseline compared with those randomized to the placebo, and they also had significantly higher plasma levels of anti-CMV IgG and a greater tendency for CMV seropositivity. Moreover, higher numbers of CD28-CD57+ helper T cells were associated with failure to seroconvert to Brisbane, strongly suggesting that the subjects randomized to the synbiotic were already at a significant disadvantage in terms of likely ability to respond to the vaccine compared with those randomized to the placebo. Conclusions Ageing was associated with marked impairment of the antibody response to influenza vaccination in older subjects and the synbiotic failed to reverse this impairment. However, the older subjects randomized to the synbiotic were at a significant disadvantage due to a greater degree of immunosenscence at baseline compared with those randomized to the placebo. Thus, baseline differences in immunosenescence between the randomized groups are likely to have influenced the outcome of the intervention, highlighting the need for detailed immunological characterization of subjects prior to interventions.
The environment where galaxies are found heavily influences their evolution. Close groupings, like the ones in the cores of galaxy clusters or compact groups, evolve in ways far more dramatic than their isolated counterparts. We have conducted a multi-wavelength study of Hickson Compact Group 7 (HCG 7), consisting of four giant galaxies: three spirals and one lenticular. We use Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging to identify and characterize the young and old star cluster populations. We find young massive clusters (YMCs) mostly in the three spirals, while the lenticular features a large, unimodal population of globular clusters (GCs) but no detectable clusters with ages less than a few Gyr. The spatial and approximate age distributions of the similar to 300 YMCs and similar to 150 GCs thus hint at a regular star formation history in the group over a Hubble time. While at first glance the HST data show the galaxies as undisturbed, our deep ground-based, wide-field imaging that extends the HST coverage reveals faint signatures of stellar material in the intragroup medium (IGM). We do not, however, detect the IGM in H I or Chandra X-ray observations, signatures that would be expected to arise from major mergers. Despite this fact, we find that the H I gas content of the individual galaxies and the group as a whole are a third of the expected abundance. The appearance of quiescence is challenged by spectroscopy that reveals an intense ionization continuum in one galaxy nucleus, and post-burst characteristics in another. Our spectroscopic survey of dwarf galaxy members yields a single dwarf elliptical galaxy in an apparent stellar tidal feature. Based on all this information, we suggest an evolutionary scenario for HCG 7, whereby the galaxies convert most of their available gas into stars without the influence of major mergers and ultimately result in a dry merger. As the conditions governing compact groups are reminiscent of galaxies at intermediate redshift, we propose that HCGs are appropriate for studying galaxy evolution at z similar to 1-2.