975 resultados para Identification Key
The original affiliation of the genus Neoscirula Den Heyer to the subfamily Coleoscirinae Den Heyer, 1979 is maintained. Three new species of this genus are described and illustrated, viz. N. flechtmanni sp. nov., N. oliveirai sp. nov. and N. queirozi sp. nov.. A key to the Brazilian and South African species is provided.
A new cunaxid genus from Brazil, Cunaxatricha gen. nov., is erected and its type species, Cunaxatricha tarsospinosa sp. nov. is described and figured. A key to the genera of the subfamily Cunaxinae, to which this new genus belongs, is provided.
In this paper the genus Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, 1948, as delimited by Den Heyer (1979a, 1981b), is revised and divided into five genera, viz. Cunaxoides Baker & Hoffmann, Bunaxella gen. nov., Dunaxeus gen. nov., Funaxopsis gen. nov. and Qunaxella gen. nov.. Two new Neotropical species, Dunaxoides duosetosus and Qunaxella triasetosa are described and figured. Additional southern African material is reported. A key to the genera and species of the new genera of the subfamily Cunaxoidinae is provided.
A new Neotropical genus and its species, Allocunaxa heveae gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured. The generic features are provided. The subfamily Cunaxinae is discussed and a key to it is provided.
The larval development of the spider crab Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards which lives on rocky shores with algae such as Sargassum and Hypeneia, is described. Larvae were obtained from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rearing was carried out at 24 ± 1°C, with an average salinity of 35%. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. Zoeal development was completed in 9.5 days. Analysis indicated that zoeae of E. bituberculatus are very similar to those of E. brasiliensis Dana and Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana). Differences noted between these species pertain to the setation of the carapace, maxillule and second maxilliped. The main morphological features useful for identification are presented together with a summary of features that characterize larvae of majid subfamilies in Brazil. A key for the identification of southwestern Atlantic majid zoeae to the family level is provided.
This is a floristic survey of Myrtaceae in the Serra do Caraça, Minas Gerais. Fifty two species were found belonging to 12 genera - Myrcia with 17 species, Eugenia with nine, Campomanesia and Myrciaria with five species each, Psidium with four, Siphoneugena with three, Blepharocalyx, Calyptranthes, Marlierea and Myrceugenia with two species each, and Accara and Plinia with one species each. Descriptions of the genera and species, identification keys, geographical distributions, illustrations and comments are provided. © 2005 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.
A morphological cladistic analysis of the Neotropical swarm-founding genus Angiopolybia Araujo is presented. A single cladogram resulted from the analysis, with the following ingroup topology: (A. pallens + A. zischkai) + (A. paraensis + A. obidensis). The monophyly of the genus is supported by four synapomorphies. A new identification key is presented for the genus. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.
A new species of Haplometroides (Digenea, Plagiorchiidae) is described from a specimen of Phalotris nasutus (Gomes, 1915) (Serpentes, Colubridae). The host snake was obtained in the municipality of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Trematodes were recovered from esophagus, stomach, and small intestine of the host. The main characteristic of the new species is the vitellaria, which is intercecal, cecal, and extracecal in the preacetabular region. A key for identification of the species in Haplometroides is proposed. © American Society of Parasitologists 2007.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The genus Pseudobonzia Smiley 1975 is revised and divided into two genera. The genus Pseudobonzia Smiley, 1975, with its type species and five other related species, is retained. The remainder of the group is now known as Coleobonzia gen. nov. of which the main characteristics are provided. Coleobonzia argillae (Den Heyer, 1977) is designated as type species for the new genus. Two species from Brazil, viz. Coleobonzia clava sp. nov. and C. moraesi sp. nov. are described and figured. A key to the two genera as well as a key to the Brazilian and South African species of the new genus are provided. Copyright © 2008 Magnolia Press.
The genus Physoclypeus Hendel, 1907 has its distribution restricted to the Neotropical region. In this study, its species have been redescribed, three new combinations have been proposed, three lectotypes have been designated, seven new species have been described, and an identification key to the species is presented. An updated list of species of Physoclypeus is presented as: P. annulatus Hendel, 1925; P. coquilletti (Hendel, 1908); P. farinosus (Hendel, 1925); P. flavus (Wiedemann, 1830); P. hendeli sp. nov. (Type locality, Jamaica, N. Irish Town); P. lineatus (Williston, 1896) new comb.; P. montanus (Becker, 1919) new comb.; P. plaumanni sp. nov. (Type locality, Brazil, Santa Catarina); P. risaraldensis sp. nov. (Type locality, Colombia, Risaralda); P. saltensis sp. nov. (Type locality, Argentina, Salta); P. scutellatus (Curran, 1926) new comb.; P. unimaculatus sp. nov. (Type locality, Mexico, Vera Cruz); P. vitattus sp. nov. (Type locality, Brazil, Santa Catarina) and P. zebrinus sp. nov. (Type locality, Costa Rica, Limón).
Endlicheria lhotzkyi is the first time recorded for the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, collected in the municipal district of Sonora, north of the state. Taxonomic comments and an identification key of Endlicheria species from Mato Grosso do Sul is presented. © 2012 Check List and Authors.
The external morphology of the nymph of Amblyomma geayi Neumann is described by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Unfed nymphs were obtained from an engorged A. geayi female, which had been collected on a sloth (Bradypus variegatus) from Belém municipality, State of Pará, northern Brazil, and was kept under laboratory conditions. With the present description, we propose a modification of a taxonomic key published in 2010 for the Amblyomma nymphs that occur in Brazil, through the inclusion of A. geayi. The nymph of A. geayi is morphologically very similar to the nymph of Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Aragão, with only slight morphological differences related to scutal surface and punctuations (more shagreened and less punctuated in A. geayi). These 2 nymphs differ from all other known Amblyomma nymphs from Brazil by the combination of auriculae present as small posterolateral rounded projections, eyes located at the level of the scutal midlength, and a rounded hypostome. These nymphal similarities as well the morphology of the adult stage corroborate previous studies that showed that A. geayi and A. parkeri are genetically closely related. Unpublished host records of the nymphs of both A. geayi and A. parkeri are provided. Established populations of A. geayi and A. parkeri seem to be geographically separated, since all confirmed records of A. geayi are from the northern half of South America (mainly the Amazonian region) and Central America, whereas all known records of A. parkeri are from the Atlantic rainforest biome in northeastern, southeastern, and southern Brazil. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV