992 resultados para Icc


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Low-complexity near-optimal detection of signals in MIMO systems with large number (tens) of antennas is getting increased attention. In this paper, first, we propose a variant of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm which i) alleviates the stalling problem encountered in conventional MCMC algorithm at high SNRs, and ii) achieves near-optimal performance for large number of antennas (e.g., 16×16, 32×32, 64×64 MIMO) with 4-QAM. We call this proposed algorithm as randomized MCMC (R-MCMC) algorithm. Second, we propose an other algorithm based on a random selection approach to choose candidate vectors to be tested in a local neighborhood search. This algorithm, which we call as randomized search (RS) algorithm, also achieves near-optimal performance for large number of antennas with 4-QAM. The complexities of the proposed R-MCMC and RS algorithms are quadratic/sub-quadratic in number of transmit antennas, which are attractive for detection in large-MIMO systems. We also propose message passing aided R-MCMC and RS algorithms, which are shown to perform well for higher-order QAM.


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We consider precoding strategies at the secondary base station (SBS) in a cognitive radio network with interference constraints at the primary users (PUs). Precoding strategies at the SBS which satisfy interference constraints at the PUs in cognitive radio networks have not been adequately addressed in the literature so far. In this paper, we consider two scenarios: i) when the primary base station (PBS) data is not available at SBS, and ii) when the PBS data is made available at the SBS. We derive the optimum MMSE and Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) matrix Alters at the SBS which satisfy the interference constraints at the PUs for the former case. For the latter case, we propose a precoding scheme at the SBS which performs pre-cancellation of the PBS data, followed by THP on the pre-cancelled data. The optimum precoding matrix filters are computed through an iterative search. To illustrate the robustness of the proposed approach against imperfect CSI at the SBS, we then derive robust precoding filters under imperfect CSI for the latter case. Simulation results show that the proposed optimum precoders achieve good bit error performance at the secondary users while meeting the interference constraints at the PUs.


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In this paper, we investigate the achievable rate region of Gaussian multiple access channels (MAC) with finite input alphabet and quantized output. With finite input alphabet and an unquantized receiver, the two-user Gaussian MAC rate region was studied. In most high throughput communication systems based on digital signal processing, the analog received signal is quantized using a low precision quantizer. In this paper, we first derive the expressions for the achievable rate region of a two-user Gaussian MAC with finite input alphabet and quantized output. We show that, with finite input alphabet, the achievable rate region with the commonly used uniform receiver quantizer has a significant loss in the rate region compared. It is observed that this degradation is due to the fact that the received analog signal is densely distributed around the origin, and is therefore not efficiently quantized with a uniform quantizer which has equally spaced quantization intervals. It is also observed that the density of the received analog signal around the origin increases with increasing number of users. Hence, the loss in the achievable rate region due to uniform receiver quantization is expected to increase with increasing number of users. We, therefore, propose a novel non-uniform quantizer with finely spaced quantization intervals near the origin. For a two-user Gaussian MAC with a given finite input alphabet and low precision receiver quantization, we show that the proposed non-uniform quantizer has a significantly larger rate region compared to what is achieved with a uniform quantizer.


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Channel-aware assignment of sub-channels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system demands extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since the feedback bandwidth is often very scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback splitting-based algorithm for assigning each sub-channel to its best user, i.e., the user with the highest gain for that sub-channel among all users. The key idea behind the algorithm is that, at any time, each user contends for the sub-channel on which it has the largest channel gain among the unallocated sub-channels. Unlike other existing schemes, the algorithm explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with the feedback of CSI. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with a large number of users helps design the algorithm. It yields 50% to 65% throughput gains compared to an asymptotically optimal one-bit feedback scheme, when the number of users is as small as 10 or as large as 1000. The algorithm is fast and distributed, and scales with the number of users.


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This paper considers the problem of identifying the footprints of communication of multiple transmitters in a given geographical area. To do this, a number of sensors are deployed at arbitrary but known locations in the area, and their individual decisions regarding the presence or absence of the transmitters' signal are combined at a fusion center to reconstruct the spatial spectral usage map. One straightforward scheme to construct this map is to query each of the sensors and cluster the sensors that detect the primary's signal. However, using the fact that a typical transmitter footprint map is a sparse image, two novel compressive sensing based schemes are proposed, which require significantly fewer number of transmissions compared to the querying scheme. A key feature of the proposed schemes is that the measurement matrix is constructed from a pseudo-random binary phase shift applied to the decision of each sensor prior to transmission. The measurement matrix is thus a binary ensemble which satisfies the restricted isometry property. The number of measurements needed for accurate footprint reconstruction is determined using compressive sampling theory. The three schemes are compared through simulations in terms of a performance measure that quantifies the accuracy of the reconstructed spatial spectral usage map. It is found that the proposed sparse reconstruction technique-based schemes significantly outperform the round-robin scheme.


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In this work, interference alignment for a class of Gaussian interference networks with general message demands, having line of sight (LOS) channels, at finite powers is considered. We assume that each transmitter has one independent message to be transmitted and the propagation delays are uniformly distributed between 0 and (L - 1) (L >; 0). If receiver-j, j ∈{1,2,..., J}, requires the message of transmitter-i, i ∈ {1, 2, ..., K}, we say (i, j) belongs to a connection. A class of interference networks called the symmetrically connected interference network is defined as a network where, the number of connections required at each transmitter-i is equal to ct for all i and the number of connections required at each receiver-j is equal to cr for all j, for some fixed positive integers ct and cr. For such networks with a LOS channel between every transmitter and every receiver, we show that an expected sum-spectral efficiency (in bits/sec/Hz) of at least K/(e+c1-1)(ct+1) (ct/ct+1)ct log2 (1+min(i, j)∈c|hi, j|2 P/WN0) can be achieved as the number of transmitters and receivers tend to infinity, i.e., K, J →∞ where, C denotes the set of all connections, hij is the channel gain between transmitter-i and receiver-j, P is the average power constraint at each transmitter, W is the bandwidth and N0 W is the variance of Gaussian noise at each receiver. This means that, for an LOS symmetrically connected interference network, at any finite power, the total spectral efficiency can grow linearly with K as K, J →∞. This is achieved by extending the time domain interference alignment scheme proposed by Grokop et al. for the k-user Gaussian interference channel to interference networks.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) allows single-input single-output (SISO) systems to retain the diversity benefits of multiple antennas with minimum hardware costs. We propose a single receive AS method for time-varying channels, in which practical limitations imposed by next-generation wireless standards such as training, packetization and antenna switching time are taken into account. The proposed method utilizes low-complexity subspace projection techniques spanned by discrete prolate spheroidal (DPS) sequences. It only uses Doppler bandwidth knowledge, and does not need detailed correlation knowledge. Results show that the proposed AS method outperforms ideal conventional SISO systems with perfect CSI but no AS at the receiver and AS using the conventional Fourier estimation/prediction method. A closed-form expression for the symbol error probability (SEP) of phase-shift keying (MPSK) with symbol-by-symbol receive AS is derived.


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Cooperative relaying combined with selection exploits spatial diversity to significantly improve the performance of interference-constrained secondary users in an underlay cognitive radio network. We present a novel and optimal relay selection (RS) rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained underlay secondary system that uses amplify-and-forward relays. A key point that the rule highlights for the first time is that, for the average interference constraint, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) of the direct source-to-destination (SI)) link affects the choice of the optimal relay. Furthermore, as the SINR increases, the odds that no relay transmits increase. We also propose a simpler, more practical, and near-optimal variant of the optimal rule that requires just one bit of feedback about the state of the SD link to the relays. Compared to the SD-unaware ad hoc RS rules proposed in the literature, the proposed rules markedly reduce the SEP by up to two orders of magnitude.


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The functional source coding problem in which the receiver side information (Has-set) and demands (Want-set) include functions of source messages is studied using row-Latin rectangle. The source transmits encoded messages, called the functional source code, in order to satisfy the receiver's demands. We obtain a minimum length using the row-Latin rectangle. Next, we consider the case of transmission errors and provide a necessary and sufficient condition that a functional source code must satisfy so that the receiver can correctly decode the values of the functions in its Want-set.


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We propose a distributed sequential algorithm for quick detection of spectral holes in a Cognitive Radio set up. Two or more local nodes make decisions and inform the fusion centre (FC) over a reporting Multiple Access Channel (MAC), which then makes the final decision. The local nodes use energy detection and the FC uses mean detection in the presence of fading, heavy-tailed electromagnetic interference (EMI) and outliers. The statistics of the primary signal, channel gain and the EMI is not known. Different nonparametric sequential algorithms are compared to choose appropriate algorithms to be used at the local nodes and the Fe. Modification of a recently developed random walk test is selected for the local nodes for energy detection as well as at the fusion centre for mean detection. We show via simulations and analysis that the nonparametric distributed algorithm developed performs well in the presence of fading, EMI and outliers. The algorithm is iterative in nature making the computation and storage requirements minimal.


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[ES] Se ha estudiado la relación entre la cantidad de grasa corporal y su patrón de distribución en 159 varones y 390 mujeres universitarias, residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. En los sujetos centrales, particularmente en el caso de las mujeres, se observan incrementos de los valores medios del índice de masa corporal, del índice cintura-cadera y de la adiposidad total, respecto a los periféricos.


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A prática da arbitragem comercial internacional tem se deparado, há pelos menos quatro décadas, com a problemática da extensão da cláusula compromissória a uma parte não-signatária, integrante do mesmo grupo de sociedades a que pertence uma das partes integrantes da convenção, em razão do comportamento adotado pela parte não-signatária nas fases de negociação do contrato, execução ou extinção. Nesse sentido, a prática da Corte Internacional de Arbitragem da Câmara de Comércio Internacional dos últimos trinta anos e reiteradas decisões judiciais em países de diferentes tradições jurídicas como a França, Suíça e Estados Unidos têm se manifestado favoravelmente a essa extensão subjetiva da convenção de arbitragem. O estudo da doutrina nacional e da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre os grupos de sociedades e seus efeitos, e a análise detida de diversos precedentes do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a homologação de sentenças arbitrais estrangeiras, revelam a compatibilidade da referida prática arbitral internacional com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.


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O presente trabalho se propõe a uma discussão sobre como pode ser encarada a questão da responsabilidade penal em relação às violações massivas de direitos humanos praticadas durante situações de repressão, considerando o caso brasileiro da edição da Lei n 6.683. Para tanto, apresenta-se o conceito de justiça de transição e o seu surgimento, que é acompanhado pela afirmação da proteção internacional dos direitos humanos. Este processo é dividido em três fases distintas, relacionadas ao fim da Segunda Guerra e o estabelecimento dos Tribunais de Nuremberg e Tóquio; à onda de democratização em algumas nações com o fim da Guerra-Fria e à criação dos tribunais internacionais e do TPI. Como forma de efetivação da justiça de transição, são apresentados os Princípios de Chicago, diretrizes a serem seguidas pelos Estados na transição democrática, que sugerem abordagens de diversas naturezas em relação às violações de direitos humanos. Como fundamento da justiça de transição, dando destaque à questão da responsabilização penal, são trazidos os dispositivos sobre o tema presentes em normas e tratados internacionais, enfatizando os aspectos do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Parte-se, em seguida, à apresentação do exemplo argentino na realização da justiça de transição sob o aspecto da declaração de inconstitucionalidade de suas leis de anistia, como meio de reflexão para o caso brasileiro. Conjugando os elementos anteriores, apresenta-se a situação brasileira no contexto da realização da justiça de transição, com o julgamento da ADPF 153 e com a condenação do Estado pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos.