973 resultados para IT outsourcing


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Los avances tecnológicos actuales que han llevado a una economía globalmente conectada, junto con la creciente tendencia hacia la privatización, globalización y desregulación están dando lugar a nuevos modelos organizativos y a un aumento de la colaboración entre proveedores y clientes, compartiendo información y flujos de proceso. Todo ello ha contribuido directamente a la gran expansión del outsourcing y a que se considere como una herramienta estratégica para las organizaciones. En este entorno y dada la creciente complejidad organizativa, el uso de una metodología para ayudar a la implantación de proyectos de outsourcing se ha convertido en algo casi necesario. En los últimos años se han propuesto algunas metodologías, especialmente para apoyo de las organizaciones cliente de outsourcing, pero no consideramos que sean completas en cuanto a contemplar todos los aspectos necesarios para guiar un proyecto de outsourcing. Es por ello que, en este artículo, proponemos una metodología para gestión de proyectos de outsourcing de TI desde el punto de vista del proveedor que sea completa y fácil de aplicar. Abstract -. Current technological advances that have led to a globally connected economy, together with the increasing trend towards privatization and deregulation, are leading to new organizational models and increased collaboration between suppliers and customers, sharing information and process flows. This has directly contributed to the great expansion of outsourcing, considering it as a strategic tool for organizations. In this environment, and given the increasing organizational complexity, the use of a methodology to assist the implementation of outsourcing projects has become almost necessary. In recent years several methodologies and models have been proposed, especially for supporting client outsourcing organizations, but we do not consider them to be complete, they do not cover all necessary aspects to manage an outsourcing project. That is the reason because we, in this paper, propose a methodology for outsourcing project management from the point of view of the suppliers that was complete and easy to apply.


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El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se espera que lo siga haciendo, pero este crecimiento se ha visto limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos. Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: la falta de experiencia y capacidad para asumir los proyectos, y una comunicación difícil. Se han propuesto marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de proyectos de outsourcing desde el punto de vista del cliente, pero no ha sido así para los proveedores, que basan la prestación de servicios en su experiencia pasada y sus capacidades técnicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer la necesidad de proponer una metodología que guíe a los proveedores a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida del outsourcing y facilite la provisión de servicios de calidad y bien gestionados. ABSTRACT. The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing it, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects. These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects and difficult communication. There are good practices frameworks for managing outsourcing projects for clients, but it is not the same for providers, who base the provision of services on their past experience and technical capabilities. The aim of this paper is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management.


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El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se prevé que lo siga haciendo en los próximos, pero este crecimiento ha estado limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos que, en algunos casos, han llevado a las organizaciones a asumir de nuevo esos servicios (insourcing). Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: falta de experiencia, de capacidades para asumir los proyectos, dificultad en la comunicación,… A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras disciplinas, no existe una metodología que ayude, tanto a los clientes como a los proveedores de servicios de outsourcing de TI, a gobernar y gestionar sus proyectos y conseguir los resultados buscados. En los últimos años han aparecido, al mismo tiempo que la expansión del outsourcing, algunos modelos y marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de los proyectos de outsourcing, pero generalmente sólo cubren algunos aspectos de la gestión. No se los puede considerar metodologías, porque no definen roles, responsabilidades ni entregables. Por lo general, son el resultado de la experiencia en la gestión de otros tipos de proyectos. Hay que considerar también que, excepto eSCM-SP, que es un modelo de buenas prácticas para mejorar la capacidad en la provisión de servicios, están todos orientados al cliente. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por un lado, demostrar la necesidad de contar con una metodología que guíe a los proveedores durante todo el ciclo de vida un proyecto de outsourcing y, por otro, proponer una metodología que contemple desde la fase inicial de la búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio, evaluación de las propuestas RFP, la decisión de hacer una oferta o no para la prestación de servicios, la participación en la due diligence, la firma del contrato, la transición y la entrega de servicios, hasta la finalización del contrato. La metodología se ha organizado en base a un ciclo de vida del outsourcing de cinco etapas, definiendo para cada una de ellas los roles que participan y las responsabilidades que deberán asumir, las actividades a realizar y los entregables que se deberán generar, y que servirán de elementos de control tanto para la gestión del proyecto como para la provisión del servicio. La validación de la metodología se ha realizado aplicándola en proyectos de provisión de servicios de TI de una mediana empresa española y comparando los resultados obtenidos con los conseguidos en proyectos anteriores. ABSTRACT The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing so in the coming years, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects that, in some cases, has led organizations to take back those services (insourcing). These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects, and difficulties of communication. Unlike what happens in other disciplines, there is no methodology for helping both customers and providers of outsourcing services. In recent years, some good practice frameworks have also appeared at the same time as the expansion of outsourcing. They are not methodologies because they have not defined any roles, responsibilities and deliverables. These frameworks aim to help organizations to be successful at managing and governing outsourcing projects. They are usually the result of their experience in managing other kinds of projects. In consequence, it is not appropriate to name them "methodologies" for managing outsourcing projects and much less "standards". It is also important to note that all existing good practice frameworks, except eSCM-SP, are client-oriented. The aim of this thesis is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management, and the proposal of a methodology in which the stages, activities, deliverables, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. The proposed methodology cover all the stages of the outsourcing life cycle, from the early stage of searching for business opportunities, evaluation of the RFP proposals, the decision to bid or not to bid for the service provision, participation in the due diligence if necessary, the signing of the contract, the transition and delivery of service to the termination of the contract. For each activity, roles, responsibilities and deliverables have been defined. The validation of the methodology has been done by applying it in the provision of some outsourcing projects carried out by a Spanish IT medium company and comparing the results with those obtained in previous projects.


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En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la externalización segura de servicios de datos y computación. El escenario de interés es aquel en el que el usuario posee datos y quiere subcontratar un servidor en la nube (“Cloud”). Además, el usuario puede querer también delegar el cálculo de un subconjunto de sus datos al servidor. Se presentan dos aspectos de seguridad relacionados con este escenario, en concreto, la integridad y la privacidad y se analizan las posibles soluciones a dichas cuestiones, aprovechando herramientas criptográficas avanzadas, como el Autentificador de Mensajes Homomórfico (“Homomorphic Message Authenticators”) y el Cifrado Totalmente Homomórfico (“Fully Homomorphic Encryption”). La contribución de este trabajo es tanto teórica como práctica. Desde el punto de vista de la contribución teórica, se define un nuevo esquema de externalización (en lo siguiente, denominado con su término inglés Outsourcing), usando como punto de partida los artículos de [3] y [12], con el objetivo de realizar un modelo muy genérico y flexible que podría emplearse para representar varios esquemas de ”outsourcing” seguro. Dicho modelo puede utilizarse para representar esquemas de “outsourcing” seguro proporcionando únicamente integridad, únicamente privacidad o, curiosamente, integridad con privacidad. Utilizando este nuevo modelo también se redefine un esquema altamente eficiente, construido en [12] y que se ha denominado Outsourcinglin. Este esquema permite calcular polinomios multivariados de grado 1 sobre el anillo Z2k . Desde el punto de vista de la contribución práctica, se ha construido una infraestructura marco (“Framework”) para aplicar el esquema de “outsourcing”. Seguidamente, se ha testado dicho “Framework” con varias implementaciones, en concreto la implementación del criptosistema Joye-Libert ([18]) y la implementación del esquema propio Outsourcinglin. En el contexto de este trabajo práctico, la tesis también ha dado lugar a algunas contribuciones innovadoras: el diseño y la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de descifrado para el esquema de cifrado Joye-Libert, en colaboración con Darío Fiore. Presenta un mejor comportamiento frente a los algoritmos propuestos por los autores de [18];la implementación de la función eficiente pseudo-aleatoria de forma amortizada cerrada (“amortized-closed-form efficient pseudorandom function”) de [12]. Esta función no se había implementado con anterioridad y no supone un problema trivial, por lo que este trabajo puede llegar a ser útil en otros contextos. Finalmente se han usado las implementaciones durante varias pruebas para medir tiempos de ejecución de los principales algoritmos.---ABSTRACT---In this thesis we tackle the problem of secure outsourcing of data and computation. The scenario we are interested in is that in which a user owns some data and wants to “outsource” it to a Cloud server. Furthermore, the user may want also to delegate the computation over a subset of its data to the server. We present the security issues related to this scenario, namely integrity and privacy and we analyse some possible solutions to these two issues, exploiting advanced cryptographic tools, such as Homomorphic Message Authenticators and Fully Homomorphic Encryption. Our contribution is both theoretical and practical. Considering our theoretical contribution, using as starting points the articles of [3] and [12], we introduce a new cryptographic primitive, called Outsourcing with the aim of realizing a very generic and flexible model that might be employed to represent several secure outsourcing schemes. Such model can be used to represent secure outsourcing schemes that provide only integrity, only privacy or, interestingly, integrity with privacy. Using our new model we also re-define an highly efficient scheme constructed in [12], that we called Outsourcinglin and that is a scheme for computing multi-variate polynomials of degree 1 over the ring Z2k. Considering our practical contribution, we build a Framework to implement the Outsourcing scheme. Then, we test such Framework to realize several implementations, specifically the implementation of the Joye-Libert cryptosystem ([18]) and the implementation of our Outsourcinglin scheme. In the context of this practical work, the thesis also led to some novel contributions: the design and the implementation, in collaboration with Dario Fiore, of a new decryption algorithm for the Joye-Libert encryption scheme, that performs better than the algorithms proposed by the authors in [18]; the implementation of the amortized-closed-form efficient pseudorandom function of [12]. There was no prior implementation of this function and it represented a non trivial work, which can become useful in other contexts. Finally we test the implementations to execute several experiments for measuring the timing performances of the main algorithms.


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Purpose – This study seeks to analyse the links between strategies, structures and processes in the case of the largest Spanish town halls, using the Miles and Snow's models about organisational strategies, and asking the following questions: “What is the situation of municipal services' outsourcing in the largest Spanish town halls?”; “Do Spanish town halls follow the strategies suggested in Miles and Snow's model?”; and “Is there a relationship between the strategic position adopted by town halls and their stance on outsourcing?”. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve these aims a questionnaire was administered to the human resource managers in the town halls of the largest Spanish cities. Findings – The paper finds that outsourcing is a complement, which seeks to improve the services delivered, and local institutions do not resort to it due to a lack of internal resources but as a way to complement their own capabilities. Originality/value – The paper has identified three distinct strategic profiles in the town halls interviewed which coincide with the profiles that Miles and Snow call prospective, defensive and reactive strategies. It reveals that town halls which outsource to a greater extent are the ones which identify more with the prospective or reactive strategy, whereas those which outsource less are closer to the defensive strategy.


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In the light of the growing interest raised by Information Systems Offshore Outsourcing both in the managerial world and in the academic arena, the present work carries out a revision of the research in this area. We have analysed 89 research articles on this topic published in 17 prestigious journals. The analysis deals with aspects such as research methodologies, level of analysis in the studies, data perspective, economic theories used or location of vendors and clients of these services; and it additionally identifies the most frequent topics in this field as well as the most prolific authors and countries. Although other reviews about the research in this area have been published, the present paper achieves a greater level of detail than previous works. The review of the literature in the area could have interesting implications not only for academics but also for business practice.


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El outsourcing de sistemas de información es una práctica habitual en las empresas en imparable crecimiento. Por ello resulta imprescindible conocer en profundidad cuáles son las razones que llevan a las empresas a externalizar y cuáles son los principales riesgos inherentes a esta práctica. El presente trabajo hace una propuesta de estas razones y riesgos y las valora en el caso de las mayores empresas españolas a través de una encuesta que se ha replicado por segunda vez. El análisis longitudinal permite trazar tendencias y evaluar la continuidad y el cambio en las razones y riesgos del outsourcing. Aunque las razones siguen una tendencia bastante estable, en los últimos años los riesgos se han modificado en cuanto a su valoración. En cualquier caso, la propuesta de razones y riesgos debería ser tenida en cuenta por los directivos, previa a cualquier decisión de outsourcing.


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This article analyzes the outsourcing of information technology services, using an action inquiry methodology. Research spanned the disengagement and beginning of IT service functions transferred from work groups in the parent company to outsource teams. Results identified the importance of addressing strategic issues and inter/intra relationships between parent company team members and their outsource-counterparts. Conclusions indicate that behavioral issues such as psychological contracts within inter/intra work groups, power and trust are highly significant managerial issues in the success or failure of an outsourcing strategy.


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The reweaving and repaving of the modern Silk Road passes through outsourcing and offshoring activities that have a profound impact on both global business psyche and landscape. Firms, in particular, and their global value chain are being shaped and reshaped through a complex concoction of vertical integration and disintegration. The boundary of the firm and the firm/market interface has been of interest to students of organisation and economics for some time. It has provided the context for Internalisation Theory. Within the new economy, the twin trends of globalisation and advancing technologies are giving rise to a hitherto unknown “worldwide market for market transactions? and increased opportunities for international expansion by firms via market-based modes of organisation. We describe these trends and offer an early modeling approach for explaining why some firm’s externalise the marginal transaction in the so-called new economy. The paper further draws attention on the need to articulate an “Externalisation Theory? that adequately accounts for the firm’s offshoring and outsourcing activities, and that parallels as well as complement “Internalisation Theory? for a full explanation of today’s firms behaviour.


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This paper develops an integratedapproach, combining quality function deployment (QFD), fuzzy set theory, and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, to evaluate and select the optimal third-party logistics service providers (3PLs). In the approach, multiple evaluating criteria are derived from the requirements of company stakeholders using a series of house of quality (HOQ). The importance of evaluating criteria is prioritized with respect to the degree of achieving the stakeholder requirements using fuzzyAHP. Based on the ranked criteria, alternative 3PLs are evaluated and compared with each other using fuzzyAHP again to make an optimal selection. The effectiveness of proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to a Hong Kong based enterprise that supplies hard disk components. The proposed integratedapproach outperforms the existing approaches because the outsourcing strategy and 3PLs selection are derived from the corporate/business strategy.


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This article investigates how firms manage outsourcing in situations of a non-developed supplier market. This study followed the initial outsourcing activities and strategies of two case companies in the wood product manufacturing industry. The findings show that greater focus needs to be placed on operational aspects associated with non-developed supplier markets, which contrasts with the traditional strategic view of outsourcing. For practitioners, this article suggests that it is important to emphasise that the learning curve for a supplier can be lengthy, and also that alternative outsourcing routes are available when outsourcing to a non-developed supplier market.


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The outsourcing industry is now up for a new challenge: to understand how innovation can be realized from outsourcing engagements. While innovation has been explored and prized within businesses for decades, it is a relatively new topic in the context of outsourcing. And, as such, the perceptions regarding what innovation in outsourcing is, what inhibits or enables innovation in outsourcing, and what client firms are willing to do to ensure they benefit from innovation in outsourcing are still being defined. This paper provides insight into some of the critical aspects in innovation in which both client firms and vendors have taken interest in recent years. We go beyond the simplistic approach we have seen in some recent reports that advocates for the development of trust and close relationships between client firms and vendors as the main enablers of innovation in outsourcing. In our view, innovation in outsourcing can be properly understood only when both contractual and relational aspects are examined as well as the nature of the innovation, i.e. incremental or radical, is explored. Further, we posit that the sourcing model applied has also an impact on the ability to innovate. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Technological advancements enable new sourcing models in software development such as cloud computing, software-as-a-service, and crowdsourcing. While the first two are perceived as a re-emergence of older models (e.g., ASP), crowdsourcing is a new model that creates an opportunity for a global workforce to compete with established service providers. Organizations engaging in crowdsourcing need to develop the capabilities to successfully utilize this sourcing model in delivering services to their clients. To explore these capabilities we collected qualitative data from focus groups with crowdsourcing leaders at a large technology organization. New capabilities we identified stem from the need of the traditional service provider to assume a "client" role in the crowdsourcing context, while still acting as a "vendor" in providing services to the end client. This paper expands the research on vendor capabilities and IS outsourcing as well as offers important insights to organizations that are experimenting with, or considering, crowdsourcing.


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Companies are increasingly focusing on the development of core competencies as an integral part of their overall strategy development and implementation. The corollary of this is that functions regarded as being non-core are being outsourced. This paper investigates the case for and against outsourcing and in addition what is happening in Ireland regards outsourcing. Furthermore to analysis of current literature in the field, an Irish-wide postal and e-mail survey, as well as three case studies revealed many interesting facts. The key findings of the work are manufacturing outsourcing is now the most popular function to be outsourced for both small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. Large enterprises (LEs) do not prepare or examine hidden costs more than SMEs, nor do they differ much in relation to the use of consultants. Furthermore, the importance of time spent on preparing or producing contract, and the impact the contract can have on the supplier-buyer relation do not differ significantly. It was found that most companies outsourced within Ireland, which led to further investigation in that area. In relation to logistics outsourcing specifically, this has become very important in the supply chain over the last 20 years as an activity that was traditionally handled by firms as a support function. At that time logistics activities such as warehousing, distribution, transportation and inventory management were given low priority compared with other business functions within the organisation. However, since the customer has become more demanding, the logistics function has now become a source of competitive advantage and there has been a growing emphasis on providing good customer service.


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This paper investigates what is happening in Ireland at the moment regards outsourcing. It looks into the literature review and the survey conducted. The research took place over a period of two years, initially as a literature review, and then the survey was conducted through the mediums of e-mail and the postal service. The survey analysis found that Ireland was the most likely place for Irish companies to outsource to, and that nearly 40 percent of the companies that have been surveyed have started on their latest outsourcing initiative since 2004. This indicates that outsourcing is still important on the Island on Ireland, and is important management strategy in terms of SCM (supply chain management). It further shows that Irish companies have confidence in the fact that outsourcing can help their companys’ in some way. The purpose of the literature review and the survey was to come up with an outsourcing roadmap for companies that are considering outsourcing. It builds on what is already in the literature to provide what is felt a comprehensive guide for companies that outsource.