888 resultados para ISO 9126


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Durant aquests darrers anys hem pogut veure com el concepte de qualitat apareixia amb molta força a casa nostra. En l'àmbit empresarial i possiblement degut a la influència que ha tingut la implicació de les grans empreses en tot aquest moviment, o potser només a la creixent competència de les empreses estrangeres, el petit i mitjà empresari del nostre país s'ha vist obligat a obrir les portes de casa seva al que podríem definir com a la "Cultura de la Qualitat". És evident que en aquesta entrada l'administració també hi ha pres part. Ara bé, sovint aquest missatge a favor de la qualitat ha estat "disfressat" de la tant coneguda normativa ISO 9000. Poc a poc, sota aquestes sigles la gent s'ha fet la distorsionada idea de que això vol dir qualitat i tot el que surti d'això és sinònim de mala qualitat. Així doncs, val realment la pena la implicació en el compliment d'aquestes normes? És realment per això pel que la majoria de les petites i mitjanes empreses del nostre entorn s'han implicat en l'assegurament de la qualitat segons la ISO 9000? I més encara, una vegada han aconseguit el certificat de qualitat n'estan realment satisfetes de les millores que han tingut? O la única millora important és la de la imatge externa de l'empresa? La recerca d'una resposta amb base científica és la que porta al desenvolupament del present treball, omplint el buit que hi ha actualment entre els treballs teòrics i la realitat. Aquesta tesi vol esbrinar quin ha estat l'impacte que hi ha hagut a les empreses catalanes degut a la implicació en la normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000. El mètode de recerca es basarà en una anàlisi de les dades que es recullin d'un treball empíric a realitzar en petites i mitjanes empreses de les comarques de Catalunya. Al primer capítol es defineix exactament quin és l'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca. Al capítol dos es pot trobar una perspectiva del que ha estat la qualitat en la història i de la gent que ha fet possible que prengués la importància que ara té. La normativa d'assegurament de la qualitat ISO 9000, marc de treball d'aquesta tesi es mereix un capítol apart, el tres. A partir de les hipòtesis a contrastar, i la literatura sobre la gestió de la qualitat, al quart capítol es defineix com es portarà a terme es treball, quedant definit doncs quin serà el treball empíric que s'ha portat a terme. Al cinquè capítol es troben els resultats obtinguts del treball empíric, així com un anàlisi descriptiu d'aquests. Les hipòtesis plantejades es resolen al capítol sisè, mitjançant l'aplicació de la tècnica estadística denominada: "Anàlisi cluster". Aquesta tècnica permetrà veure per a quines agrupacions d'empreses es compleixen les hipòtesis i per quines no, realitzant-se així un estudi més concret de la situació. Finalment al capítol setè és on s'hi troben les conclusions d'aquest treball,analitzant-se també quines poden ser futures línies d'investigació en aquest camp.


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Se enfoca en el inicio del nuevo milenio, las Normas Internacionales de Calidad se han actualizado, basados en experiencias, indicaciones, sugerencias y adaptándose a las necesidades empresariales, con esta visión la presente investigación en su contenido presentará lineamiento aplicables a una industria textil cuyos procesos y estructura sea similar a la organización en la que se desarrolló el modelo "Diseño de un sistema de gestión de calidad ISO 9001:2000 en una empresa textil de Quito". Con la firma de Acuerdos Comerciales con el Pacto Andino, acuerdo de Cartagena, A.T.P.D.E.A. (andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act) y el G.S.P. (Generalizad System of Preferences) se consolidó el ingreso de nuestros productos a mercados internacionales, por lo que en la actualidad encontramos en las perchas de almacenes como: Sears, Jc Penny, etc. marcas ecuatorianas compitiendo por permanecer en la preferencia del consumidor. Sin embargo algunos de ellos poseen una ventaja competitiva: un Certificado Internacional de Calidad, de esta desventaja para el producto nacional nace la necesidad de diseñar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad que sea posible implementarlo en los procesos productivos internos, con el objetivo, de que al ser aplicado en una organización se continúe con el proceso para ser reconocido por un organismo que permita Certificar Internacionalmente, la calidad de las prendas textiles.


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La investigación se dirige hacia las agencias de seguros que brindan el servicio de asesoría al cliente para la contratación y administración de los seguros emitidos por las aseguradoras; el servicio de asesoría ofrecido debe ser de calidad, en este sector es importante la satisfacción del cliente para lograr la fidelización del mismo y mantenerlo en el tiempo con la renovación de contratos, tomando en cuenta el alto número de competidores y el crecimiento de la industria para ser competitivo. Se toma como referencia a la agencia de seguros VELPO como principal fuente de información para proponer un modelo de gestión de calidad basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2008; en el diagnóstico se indaga en la filosofía empresarial, las operaciones de la organización, en su estructura, los procesos y sus interacciones; se definen los requisitos del cliente y se evalúa el cumplimiento de los requisitos con respecto a la ISO 9001:2008 para establecer la línea base del perfil de calidad de la organización. Con la información recopilada se presenta el diseño del modelo para dar cumplimiento a los requisitos de la norma ISO 9001:2008 y a la planificación estratégica de VELPO, siendo el producto principal de la investigación el diseño del Manual de la Calidad que es una guía para la futura implementación del SGC, este manual recopila la estructura organizacional bajo el enfoque por procesos, el diseño documental básico para la gestión de la calidad en el que se describen la política y objetivos de la calidad, la interacción de procesos, los procedimiento mínimos exigidos por la norma ISO 9001:2008, los procedimientos claves y los indicadores requeridos para el sistema de gestión de calidad VELPO.


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En el presente estudio se determinan los lineamientos de un modelo de gestión de la calidad, basado en la norma internacional ISO 9001:2008, que atienda a las características particulares de las microempresas comercializadoras familiares en la ciudad de Quito. Con este fin, a través de un estudio de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo que consideró fuentes primarias y secundarias, se determinaron las características de las microempresas y si han adoptado acciones establecidas por un modelo de gestión de la calidad. Como principales conclusiones se pudo verificar que las microempresas familiares no cuentan con un modelo sólido de gestión de la calidad, aunque sí desarrollan algunos de los principios de la familia de normas ISO 9000 y requisitos de la norma ISO 9001, al menos de una manera informal; adicionalmente se concluyó que es posible implementar varias de las acciones establecidas por la norma con el fin de beneficiar a estas microempresas y generar condiciones óptimas para su perdurabilidad y crecimiento.


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The coordination chemistry of iso-butyramide based ligands such as: (C3H7CON)-C-i((C3H7)-C-i)(2), (C3H7CON)-C-i(C4H9)(2) and (C3H7CON)-C-i((C4H9)-C-i)(2) with [UO2(NO3)(2) center dot 6H(2)O], [UO2(OO)(2) center dot 2H(2)O] {where OO = C4H3SCOCHCCCF3 (TTA), C6H5COCHCOCF3 (BTA) and C6H5COCHCOC6H5 (DBM)), [Th(NO3)(4) center dot 6H(2)O] and [La(NO3)(3) center dot 6H(2)O] has been evaluated. Structures for the compounds [UO2(NO3)(2)CC3H7CON{(C4H9)-C-i}(2))(2)] and [UO2(C6H5COCHCOC6H5)(2)((C3H7CON)-C-i{(C3H7)-C-i)(2))] have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Preliminary separation studies from nitric acid medium using the amide (C3H7CON)-C-i((C4H9)-C-i)(2) with U(VI), Th(IV) and La(Ill) ions showed the selective precipitation of uranyl ion from the mixture. Thermal study of the compound [UO2(NO3)(2)((C3H7CON)-C-i((C4H9)-C-i)(2))(2)] in air revealed that the ligands can be destroyed completely on incineration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present work describes a new tool that helps bidders improve their competitive bidding strategies. This new tool consists of an easy-to-use graphical tool that allows the use of more complex decision analysis tools in the field of Competitive Bidding. The graphic tool described here tries to move away from previous bidding models which attempt to describe the result of an auction or a tender process by means of studying each possible bidder with probability density functions. As an illustration, the tool is applied to three practical cases. Theoretical and practical conclusions on the great potential breadth of application of the tool are also presented.


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ISO19156 Observations and Measurements (O&M) provides a standardised framework for organising information about the collection of information about the environment. Here we describe the implementation of a specialisation of O&M for environmental data, the Metadata Objects for Linking Environmental Sciences (MOLES3). MOLES3 provides support for organising information about data, and for user navigation around data holdings. The implementation described here, “CEDA-MOLES”, also supports data management functions for the Centre for Environmental Data Archival, CEDA. The previous iteration of MOLES (MOLES2) saw active use over five years, being replaced by CEDA-MOLES in late 2014. During that period important lessons were learnt both about the information needed, as well as how to design and maintain the necessary information systems. In this paper we review the problems encountered in MOLES2; how and why CEDA-MOLES was developed and engineered; the migration of information holdings from MOLES2 to CEDA-MOLES; and, finally, provide an early assessment of MOLES3 (as implemented in CEDA-MOLES) and its limitations. Key drivers for the MOLES3 development included the necessity for improved data provenance, for further structured information to support ISO19115 discovery metadata export (for EU INSPIRE compliance), and to provide appropriate fixed landing pages for Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) in the presence of evolving datasets. Key lessons learned included the importance of minimising information structure in free text fields, and the necessity to support as much agility in the information infrastructure as possible without compromising on maintainability both by those using the systems internally and externally (e.g. citing in to the information infrastructure), and those responsible for the systems themselves. The migration itself needed to ensure continuity of service and traceability of archived assets.


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This thesis investigates how the optical properties of paperboard influences printing with targets in ISO 12647-2. The targets for optical properties in ISO 12647-2 are defined for paperboard without optical brightening agents and fluorescent brightening agents wich makes it difficult to reach the targets when printing paperboard containing these agents.Seven different types of paperboard, some with and some without the agents, have been printed and instrumentally andvisually measured to see if there is any deviation from the standard targets and if it shows visually.The result shows that paperboard containing optical brightening agents and fluorescent brightening agents can print with targets in ISO 12647-2 but in many measurments the difference between the types of paperboard were to small to assess. The differences between the types of paperboard in the instrumental measurements did not fully correspond with the waythe panel appraised them visually.


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Single-page applications have historically been subject to strong market forces driving fast development and deployment in lieu of quality control and changeable code, which are important factors for maintainability. In this report we develop two functionally equivalent applications using AngularJS and React and compare their maintainability as defined by ISO/IEC 9126. AngularJS and React represent two distinct approaches to web development, with AngularJS being a general framework providing rich base functionality and React a small specialized library for efficient view rendering. The quality comparison was accomplished by calculating Maintainability Index for each application. Version control analysis was used to determine quality indicators during development and subsequent maintenance where new functionality was added in two steps.   The results show no major differences in maintainability in the initial applications. As more functionality is added the Maintainability Index decreases faster in the AngularJS application, indicating a steeper increase in complexity compared to the React application. Source code analysis reveals that changes in data flow requires significantly larger modifications of the AngularJS application due to its inherent architecture for data flow. We conclude that frameworks are useful when they facilitate development of known requirements but less so when applications and systems grow in size.


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How to provide cost-effective strategies for Software Testing has been one of the research focuses in Software Engineering for a long time. Many researchers in Software Engineering have addressed the effectiveness and quality metric of Software Testing, and many interesting results have been obtained. However, one issue of paramount importance in software testing – the intrinsic imprecise and uncertain relationships within testing metrics – is left unaddressed. To this end, a new quality and effectiveness measurement based on fuzzy logic is proposed. The software quality features and analogy-based reasoning are discussed, which can deal with quality and effectiveness consistency between different test projects. Experimental results are also provided to verify the proposed measurement.


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In a four-step method starting from pyrrole, the synthesis of 3-iso-butylpyrrole and 3-iso-pentylpyrrole, was achieved in 45 and 44% yields, respectively. Polymerization studies of these branched alkyl pyrroles are described and the results compared with those obtained for the unbranched structural isomers n-butyl and n-pentylpyrrole. A series of conductive textiles were produced by the chemical polymerization of the iso-alkylpyrroles using both solution and vapour polymerization techniques. Fabrics coated with poly-iso-alkylpyrrole formed using the solution polymerization method had a lower surface resistance than those formed using the vapour polymerization method. These conductivity results were in direct contrast to those previously obtained for 3-n-alkylpyrroles on fabrics. A remarkable crystal-like growth on the surface of the textile fabric was observed when solution polymerization of 3-iso-pentylpyrrole was employed—reinforcing the notion that subtle changes in monomer structure can drastically affect bulk polymer properties.


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Background: A protein isolate from white lupin (Lupinus albus; L-ISO) has potential as a novel human food ingredient, but its nutritional effects are unknown.

: We evaluated protein quality and effects on body composition in rats of isoenergic diets of L-ISO, lactalbumin, or casein with both restricted (10-day) and ad libitum (28-day)intake. The diets were equivalent in protein per se, but supplementation was used to balance essential amino acid levels.

Results: In both studies, the rats consumed similar amounts of each diet, and no effect of diet on the gain:feed ratio was observed--though gain:N ratio and net protein utilization were slightly lower for the L-ISO diet. Lower large intestinal weights after the L-ISO than after the lactalbumin diet were observed in both studies. The L-ISO diet resulted in lowered body fat percentage in the 10-day study but in an elevated level in the 28-day study. Liver composition (DNA, RNA, glycogen, and fat) and plasma levels of some amino acids (His, Thr, Ala, Pro, Tyr, Val and Met) were affected by diet, but no effects on plasma lipid, glucose, or uric acid were observed.

: The L-ISO diet did not affect feed intake and has adequate nutritional quality in rats whilst modifying large intestinal weight in a potentially beneficial manner--suggesting potential for this protein in human nutrition.