987 resultados para INTRAORAL RADIOGRAPHY


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Introduction: The aims of this meta-analysis were to quantify and to compare the amounts of distalization and anchorage loss of conventional and skeletal anchorage methods in the correction of Class II malocclusion with intraoral distalizers. Methods: The literature was searched through 5 electronic databases, and inclusion criteria were applied. Articles that presented pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric values were preferred. Quality assessments of the studies were performed. The averages and standard deviations of molar and premolar effects were extracted from the studies to perform a meta-analysis. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 studies were included in the systematic review. After the quality analysis, 2 articles were classified as high quality, 27 as medium quality, and 11 as low quality. For the meta-analysis, 6 studies were included, and they showed average molar distalization amounts of 3.34 mm with conventional anchorage and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage. The meta-analysis of premolar movement showed estimates of combined effects of 2.30 mm (mesialization) in studies with conventional anchorage and 4.01 mm (distalization) in studies with skeletal anchorage. Conclusions: There was scientific evidence that both anchorage systems are effective for distalization; however, with skeletal anchorage, there was no anchorage loss when direct anchorage was used.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine gel, and triantibiotic paste (ie, metronidazole, minocycline, and ciprofloxacin) by using an intraorally infected dentin biofilm model. Methods: Forty bovine dentin specimens were infected intraorally using a removable orthodontic device in order to induce the biofilm colonization of the dentin. Then, the samples were treated with the medications for 7 days. Saline solution was used as the control. Two evaluations were performed: immediately after the elimination of the medication and after incubation in brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours. The Live/Dead technique (Invitrogen, Eugene, OR) and a confocal microscope were used to obtain the percentage of live cells. Nonparametric statistical tests were performed to show differences in the percentage of live cells among the groups (P < .05). Results: Calcium hydroxide and 2% chlorhexidine gel did not show statistical differences in the immediate evaluation. However, after application of the brain-heart infusion medium for 24 hours, 2% gel chlorhexidine showed a statistically lesser percentage of live cells in comparison with calcium hydroxide. The triantibiotic paste significantly showed a lower percentage of live cells in comparison with the 2% chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide groups in the immediate and secondary (after 24 hours) evaluations. Conclusions: The triantibiotic paste was most effective at killing the bacteria in the biofilms on the intraorally infected dentin model in comparison with 2% chlorhexidine gel and calcium hydroxide


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A large number of disorders affecting the masticatory system can cause restriction of mouth opening. The most common conditions related to this problem are those involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the masticatory muscles, when facial pain also is an usual finding. Congenital or developmental mandibular disorders are also possible causes for mouth opening limitation, although in a very small prevalence. Coronoid process hyperplasia (CPH) is an example of these cases, characterized by an excessive coronoid process growing, where mandibular movements become limited by the impaction of this structure on the posterior portion of the zygomatic bone. This condition is rare, painless, usually bilateral and progressive, affecting mainly men. Diagnosis of CPH is made based on clinical signs of mouth opening limitation together with imaging exams, especially panoramic radiography and computerized tomography (CT). Treatment is exclusively surgical. This paper presents a case of a male patient with bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia, initially diagnosed with bilateral disk displacement without reduction, and successfully treated with intraoral coronoidectomy. It is emphasized the importance of differential diagnosis for a correct diagnosis and, consequently, effective management strategy.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Diversas alterações anatômicas e funcionais são observadas nos indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas, dentre elas anormalidades estruturais da musculatura orofaríngea, que podem causar prejuízo da função velofaríngea e, consequentemente, de funções como sucção, deglutição e fala. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a presença de fraca pressão aérea intraoral na fala de indivíduos com fissura palatina submetidos a palatoplastia primária em tempo adequado e tardiamente, e comparar se o momento do procedimento cirúrgico pode acarretar maior ocorrência do distúrbio. A hipótese é de que os indivíduos submetidos a palatoplastia primária tardiamente apresentam maior ocorrência de fraca pressão aérea intraoral em comparação àqueles que realizaram a palatoplastia primária no momento adequado. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 37 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de fissura de palato associada ou não à fissura de lábio, divididos em dois grupos: 1) grupo precoce (GP), composto por 22 pacientes submetidos a palatoplastia primária até o 2º ano de vida; e 2) grupo tardio (GT), composto por 15 pacientes submetidos a palatoplastia primária tardiamente, após o período de aquisição dos sons da fala. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a rotina de avaliação fonoaudiológica com intervalo de, no mínimo, 3 meses de pós-operatório. Dentre os parâmetros avaliados encontra-se a análise da fraca pressão aérea intraoral, que foi a variável considerada para este estudo. RESULTADOS: A análise dos dados possibilitou observar maior frequência de fraca pressão aérea intraoral no GT (33%) em comparação ao GP (18%). Entretanto, tal diferença não foi estatisticamente significante (P = 0,44). CONCLUSÕES: A hipótese do estudo foi rejeitada. A presença de fraca pressão aérea intraoral foi observada na fala dos dois grupos estudados, não sendo a idade na ocasião da palatoplastia primária um fator determinante.


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In the northeast of Brazil, caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is one of the key reasons for herd productivity decreasing that result in considerable economic losses. A comparative study was carried out using computed radiography (CR), histological analysis (HA), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the joints of CAE infected and normal goats. Humerus head surface of positive animals presented reduced joint space, increased bone density, and signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The carpal joint presented no morphological alterations in CR in any of the animals studied. Tarsus joint was the most affected, characterized by severe DJD, absence of joint space, increased periarticular soft tissue density, edema, and bone sclerosis. Histological analysis showed chronic tissue lesions, complete loss of the surface zone, absence of proteoglycans in the transition and radial zones and destruction of the cartilage surface in the CAE positive animals. Analysis by SEM showed ulcerated lesions with irregular and folded patterns on the joint surface that distinguished the limits between areas of normal and affected cartilage. The morphological study of the joints of normal and CAE positive goats deepened understanding of the alteration in the tissue bioarchitecture of the most affected joints. The SEM finding sustained previous histological reports, similar to those found for rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that the goat infected with CAE can be considered as a potential model for research in this area.


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To date the hospital radiological workflow is completing a transition from analog to digital technology. Since the X-rays digital detection technologies have become mature, hospitals are trading on the natural devices turnover to replace the conventional screen film devices with digital ones. The transition process is complex and involves not just the equipment replacement but also new arrangements for image transmission, display (and reporting) and storage. This work is focused on 2D digital detector’s characterization with a concern to specific clinical application; the systems features linked to the image quality are analyzed to assess the clinical performances, the conversion efficiency, and the minimum dose necessary to get an acceptable image. The first section overviews the digital detector technologies focusing on the recent and promising technological developments. The second section contains a description of the characterization methods considered in this thesis categorized in physical, psychophysical and clinical; theory, models and procedures are described as well. The third section contains a set of characterizations performed on new equipments that appears to be some of the most advanced technologies available to date. The fourth section deals with some procedures and schemes employed for quality assurance programs.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro è la caratterizzazione fisica del flat panel PaxScan4030CB Varian, rivelatore di raggi X impiegato in un ampio spettro di applicazioni cliniche, dalla radiografia generale alla radiologia interventistica. Nell’ambito clinico, al fine di una diagnosi accurata, è necessario avere una buona qualità dell’immagine radiologica mantenendo il più basso livello di dose rilasciata al paziente. Elemento fondamentale per ottenere questo risultato è la scelta del rivelatore di radiazione X, che deve garantire prestazioni fisiche (contrasto, risoluzione spaziale e rumore) adeguati alla specifica procedura. Le metriche oggettive che misurano queste caratteristiche sono SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio), MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) ed NPS (Noise Power Spectrum), che insieme contribuiscono alla misura della DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency), il parametro più completo e adatto a stabilire le performance di un sistema di imaging. L’oggettività di queste misure consente anche di mettere a confronto tra loro diversi sistemi di rivelazione. La misura di questi parametri deve essere effettuata seguendo precisi protocolli di fisica medica, che sono stati applicati al rivelatore PaxScan4030CB presente nel laboratorio del Centro di Coordinamento di Fisica Medica, Policlinico S.Orsola. I risultati ottenuti, conformi a quelli dichiarati dal costruttore, sono stati confrontati con successo con alcuni lavori presenti in letteratura e costituiscono la base necessaria per la verifica di procedure di ottimizzazione dell’immagine radiologica attraverso interventi sul processo di emissione dei raggi X e sul trattamento informatico dell’immagine (Digital Subtraction Angiography).


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To assess the sensitivity and image quality of chest radiography (CXR) with or without dual-energy subtracted (ES) bone images in the detection of rib fractures.


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The objective of our study was to compare the performance of low-dose linear slit digital radiography (DR) with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of trauma sequelae in the chest including rib fractures, pneumothorax, and lung contusion.


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Determination of the manner of death in case of intraoral firearm wounds can be a challenge, especially if the circumstances of the incident are unclear and crime scene investigation is inadequate. It is a well-known fact that the mouth is one of the selected sites for suicide with firearms. Homicidal shooting through the mouth is said to be rare, but does occur, and can be mistaken for a suicide. For discrimination between suicide and homicide in cases of intraoral firearm wounds, some useful points are the site of entry wound, the direction of the internal bullet path, the range of fire and the circumstances of death. We demonstrate these points in a case of a homicidal gunshot to the mouth assessed by both classical autopsy and post-mortem CT (PMCT).


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We assessed the diagnostic accuracy and time effectiveness of the Statscan low-dose full-body digital x-ray machine in the evaluation of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt dysfunction.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the detectability and dimensions of periapical lesions, the relationship of the mandibular canal to the roots of the respective teeth, and the dimension of the buccal bone by using limited cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in comparison to conventional periapical (PA) radiographs for evaluation of mandibular molars before apical surgery.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of computed tomography (CT), digital radiography (DR) and low-dose linear slit digital radiography (LSDR, Lodox(®)) in the detection of internal cocaine containers. METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained. The study collectively consisted of 83 patients (76 males, 7 females, 16-45 years) suspected of having incorporated cocaine drug containers. All underwent radiological imaging; a total of 135 exams were performed: nCT=35, nDR=70, nLSDR=30. An overall calculation of all "drug mules" and a specific evaluation of body packers, pushers and stuffers were performed. The gold standard was stool examination in a dedicated holding cell equipped with a drug toilet. RESULTS: There were 54 drug mules identified in this study. CT of all drug carriers showed the highest diagnostic accuracy 97.1%, sensitivity 100% and specificity 94.1%. DR in all cases was 71.4% accurate, 58.3% sensitive and 85.3% specific. LSDR of all patients with internal cocaine was 60% accurate, 57.9% sensitive and 63.4% specific. CONCLUSIONS: CT was the most accurate test studied. Therefore, the detection of internal cocaine drug packs should be performed by CT, rather than by conventional X-ray, in order to apply the most sensitive exam in the medico-legal investigation of suspected drug carriers. Nevertheless, the higher radiation applied by CT than by DR or LSDR needs to be considered. Future studies should include evaluation of low dose CT protocols in order to address germane issues and to reduce dosage.