348 resultados para INTERRELATIONSHIPS


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Soil properties and their behavior, apart from stress history, are influenced markedly by physicochemical characteristics of the constituent clay and nonclay minerals and their relative proportions. Atterberg limits and Skempton’s colloidal activity, which are simple quantitative parameters, reflect the composite effects of the soil constituents and their interactions with pore fluid. Micromechanistic interpretations of these parameters have been provided in this paper. It has been shown that, in general, the liquid limit of fine-grained soils reflects the physicochemical potential and that each of the factors of Skempton’s colloidal activity are interdependent. It has been illustrated that property correlations with colloidal activity, as well as with Atterberg limits, result in involved interrelationships due to the interdependence of the parameters.


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Soil properties and their behavior, apart from stress history, are influence markedly by physicochemical characteristics of the constituent clay and nonclay minerals and their relative proportions. Atterberg limits and Skempton's colloidal activity, which are simple quantitative parameters, reflect the composite effects of the soil constituents and their interactions with pore fluid. Micromechanistic interpretations of these parameters have been provided in this paper. It has been shown that, in general, the liquid limit of fine-grained soils reflects the physicochemical potential and that each of the factors of Skempton's colloidal activity are interdependent. It has been illustrated that property correlations with colloidal activity, as well as with Atterberg limits, result in involved interrelationships due to the interdependence of the parameters.


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The inequities in health care and housing access experienced by low-income women in the United States are a continuing concern. This article addresses the interrelationships between housing and health as experienced by low-income clients so that health care practitioners can begin to build active and effective health-promoting partnerships with clients, their families, and their communities. A case study is presented that describes the actual experience of a woman living in a low-income housing development and its effect on her health and access to health care. The importance of the role of midwives in addressing the health care and advocacy needs of women in substandard housing is highlighted.


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Based on a comprehensive compilation and evaluation of hitherto published revisions by international rajid systematists, the U.S. authors McEachran and Dunn (1998) published a summarizing revision on phylogenetic interrelationships within the family Rajidae. The family has been subdivided into the two subfamilies Rajinae and Arhynchobatinae comprising 15 and 11 rajid genera, respectively. Within the Rajinae, seven former subgenera of Raja and Gurgesiella have been newly elevated to generic rank, likewise two former subgenera of Raja within the Arhynchobatinae. As a consequence, generic names have changed for quite a number of mainly former Raja species not only in European and North Atlantic waters. Table 1 presents for comparison a selection of European skate species on the shelf with the former and new generic assignment, as well as their German names. As Fishery Conventions and Societies, as well as regional (e.g., ICES) and international organizations (e.g., FAO) are increasingly using the new scientific name combinations for fishery statistics and in relevant publications, all involved in fisheries should be aware of these nomenclatorial alterations.


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Integrated agriculture-cum-fish farming has been practised profitably for ages in the Chinese small-scale farming system. There is a great potential for this system by utilizing the vast Nigerian flood plains (approx. 515,000 ha). Dogongari Bay in Lake Kainji Basin was identified as a suitable site for this system after some extensive fish culture trials. Polyculture of Clarias spp., Heterotis niloticus and Tilapia was proposed for integration with layers in the poultry house, 2-ha upland rain-fed rice farming and indirect cattle rearing in the 5-ha enclosure site. Cost benefit analysis showed that the system will consistently record profit as from the second year of operation. Various complex factors were identified to affect profitability of this mixed farming system. Concerted research approach is needed to fully understand the interrelationships of the various components of this integrated system. Generous funding of research activities is very crucial in this situation


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The main British salmonid species spawn in clean gravel in streams and rivers, many of them in the upland areas of Britain. The earliest stages of the life cycle (eggs and alevins) spend some months within the gravel of the river bed. During this period their survival rate can be strongly influenced by flow regime and by related phenomena such as movement of coarse river bed material, changes in water level and the deposition of silt. In recent years human influence upon the flow regimes of upland water courses and upon the sediment inputs to them has increased. In order to conserve and, if possible, enhance the populations of salmonid fishes a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between survival of young salmonids and flow-related phenomena is needed. The acquisition of appropriate information is the main aim of the present project, which included: Studies on silt movement and the infilling of gravel voids by fine sediments, together with initial studies on the relationship between intragravel oxygen supply rate and the survival of intragravel stages of salmonids; studies in the general field of egg washout. The latter investigated the physical background to gravel bed disruption, the examination of the physical characteristics of sites chosen for redds, dimensions of redds and burial depth of eggs relative to the size of the fish constructing the redd and a series of smaller studies on other aspects of egg washout.


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A cabeça lateralmente expandida é a principal sinapomorfia da família Sphyrnidae, a qual compreende todos os tubarões-martelo. Apesar de haver trabalhos abordando esta família, sua anatomia interna tem sido negligenciada como fonte de caracteres para serem utilizados na taxonomia e filogenia dos Sphyrnidae, em especial acerca de seu cefalofólio. Além disso, outros caracteres permanecem pouco estudados na família, tais como os referentes à anatomia dentária, dentículos dérmicos e sistema de poros sensoriais do cefalofólio. As relações filogenéticas entre os Sphyrnidae, e desta família entre os demais Carcharhiniformes, ainda é controversa como sua taxonomia. As poucas hipóteses filogenéticas conhecidas, baseadas em morfologia, não foram testadas sob critérios sistemáticos. Já as poucas hipóteses moleculares existentes foram testadas mas são ainda mais controversas. O presente estudo apresenta uma revisão anatômica e taxonômica dos Sphyrnidae, construindo uma matriz de caracteres mais robusta para testar as relações filogenéticas entre os Sphyrnidae, contando com 3 gêneros relacionados no grupo externo: Carcharhinus, Rhizoprionodon e Negaprion. Os resultados posicionam S. tiburo na base da família, e E. blochii e S. tudes compondo um dos clados mais derivados. Espécies de maior porte e cefalofólio mais expandido compõem um clado formado por S. mokarran + (S. lewini + S. zygaena), ao passo que as de menor porte e com cefalofolio mais arredondado formam um grupo polifilético. Rhizoprionodon acutus aparece como monofilético à família Sphyrnidae quando incluído fora do grupo externo. As árvores de consenso (Strictus, Semi-strictus, Majority-rule e Adams) apresentam os mesmos resultados. Os caracteres cranianos, sensoriais e de dentículo dérmico são os que mais suportaram os diversos clados. Após a revisão taxonômica da família, a filogenia com base em morfologia apresentou-se mais consistente e clara, embora controversa aos dados moleculares.


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O autoritarismo, complexo fenômeno social largamente estudado pela Ciência Política e pela Psicologia Social, é aqui pesquisado em suas articulações com o sistema penal. Na medida em que o autoritarismo deriva do poder e em que o sistema penal deriva do direito, são estudados os conceitos de poder e de direito, em suas peculiaridades e inter-relações. Em seguida, examinam-se a história da construção do conceito de autoridade e os contextos políticos e psicológico-sociais em que o termo autoritarismo tem sido empregado, para, em seguida, analisar, abstrata e conceitualmente, suas inter-relações com o sistema penal. Observa-se que o autoritarismo é característica estrutural de todo e qualquer sistema penal, manifestando-se nas mais variadas agências desse sistema, e em todos os planos: na criminalização primária (ou seja, na edição de leis penais), na criminalização secundária (i.e., na aplicação concreta de poder punitivo a autores concretos), no poder positivo configurador da vida social, no discurso-jurídico penal (nas teorias dos juristas) e nos sistemas penais paralelo e subterrâneo. Como hipóteses de trabalho, são examinados o sistema penal alemão nazista e o sistema penal brasileiro contemporâneo, buscando verificar, ainda, se e em que medida há coincidências em propostas político-criminais e em práticas concretas de poder punitivo.


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Microstructure optical fibers with flat-top fundamental mode are first proposed by introducing a low-index inner core into the core of index-guiding microstructure optical fibers. The design guidelines and characteristics of beam-shaping microstructure optical fibers are demonstrated. The interrelationships of inner-core index with laser wavelength, air hole diameter and size of inner core are investigated. The influence of the relative size of inner core on the spatial profile of the fundamental mode is demonstrated. Moreover, sensitivity of the flat-top fundamental mode profile from the slight change of the optimum inner-core index value is studied. Starting from these results we deduce that it is possible to fabricate beam-shaping microstructure fibers with nowadays technique. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trata-se de uma de pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem fenomenológica, proposta por Paterson e Zderad. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral: compreender a dimensão existencial do idoso em situação de hospitalização. E como objetivos específicos: descrever a percepção do idoso acerca do ambiente que o cerca. Entender a partir da ótica do idoso, quais são as melhores ferramentas para o estabelecimento de inter-relações com a equipe de enfermagem. E analisar o processo de cuidar a partir da perspectiva de Paterson e Zderad. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram quinze idosos hospitalizados nos setores de clínica médica e cirúrgica e a unidade intermediária. O cenário foi um hospital público do interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados aconteceu durante o ano de 2011, em um município que integra a Região dos Lagos. A técnica utilizada para a coleta de dados foi a entrevista não dirigida. Emergiram deste estudo oito categorias: ambiente hospitalar; enfermagem; acompanhantes; o que incomoda; agradecimentos; aprendizado e troca; religiosidade/espiritualidade; conselhos dos idosos para a equipe de enfermagem e imagem corporal. Espera-se que o presente estudo seja uma ferramenta para a melhoria da assistência de enfermagem aos idosos que vivenciam o processo de internação hospitalar, já que esta população possui características, especificidades e necessidades próprias, sendo seres singulares, com potencial de vir-a-ser, e necessitando do outro para a sua auto-realização.


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Os Aulopiformes são peixes marinhos com amplitude temporal do Eocretáceo ao Recente. Os táxons fósseis são encontrados em depósitos sedimentares das Américas do Sul e do Norte, Europa, Ásia e África. Os representantes viventes podem ser encontrados desde águas rasas costeiras, estuários, até profundidades abissais, excedendo 3.000 m. Os limites do grupo, suas intra e inter-relações são objeto de muitos estudos. O objetivo central desta tese é aplicar métodos de Biogeografia Histórica como Panbiogeografia e a Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismos aos peixes Aulopiformes. Adicionalmente, foi realizada a análise filogenética dos Aulopiformes. Como resultado foram obtidos: 21 traços generalizados de Synodontoidei, 28 de Chlorophthalmoidei, 3 de Giganturoidei e 7 de Enchodontoidei. O clado Synodontoidei apresenta um padrão de distribuição primordialmente em águas tropicais e subtropicais, associado à borda de placas tectônicas e ao tipo de substrato. O clado Chlorophthalmoidei apresenta padrões de distribuição associados a cadeias de montanhas submarinas e corais de profundidade. O clado Giganturoidei possui uma distribuição vicariante com a família Giganturidae ocupando águas mais quentes e Bathysauridae as regiões mais frias. O clado Enchodontoidei foi associado a recifes de coral e zonas de ressurgência pretéritos. Adicionalmente, foi analisada uma matriz de dados com 84 táxons e 105 caracteres morfológicos não ordenados e sem pesagem a priori. Como resultado foram obtidas sete árvores igualmente parcimoniosas com 1214 passos, índice de consistência de 0,1129 e índice de retenção de 0,4970. A ordem Aulopiformes não constituiu um grupo monofilético, com as famílias Chlorophthalmidae, Notosudidae, Synodontidae, Paraulopidae, Pseudotrichonotidae e Ipnopidae mais proximamente relacionados ao Myctophidea que aos Alepisauroidei. Assim a partir da combinação dos resultados alcançados conclui-se que a Biogeografia Histórica funcionou como uma ferramenta na identificação dos problemas taxonômicos dos Aulopiformes e a sua análise filogenética permitiu identificar controvérsias sistemáticas, indicando que são necessários maiores estudos sobre a anatomia dos aulopiformes, a fim de esclarecer suas inter-relações.


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Abstract—In the first of two companion papers, a 54-yr time series for the oyster population in the New Jersey waters of Delaware Bay was analyzed to develop biological relationships necessary to evaluate maximum sustainable yield (MSY) reference points and to consider how multiple stable points affect reference point-based management. The time series encompassed two regime shifts, one circa 1970 that ushered in a 15-yr period of high abundance, and a second in 1985 that ushered in a 20-yr period of low abundance. The intervening and succeeding periods have the attributes of alternate stable states. The biological relationships between abundance, recruitment, and mortality were unusual in four ways. First, the broodstock–recruitment relationship at low abundance may have been driven more by the provision of settlement sites for larvae by the adults than by fecundity. Second, the natural mortality rate was temporally unstable and bore a nonlinear relationship to abundance. Third, combined high abundance and low mortality, though likely requiring favorable environmental conditions, seemed also to be a self-reinforcing phenomenon. As a consequence, the abundance –mortality relationship exhibited both compensatory and depensatory components. Fourth, the geographic distribution of the stock was intertwined with abundance and mortality, such that interrelationships were functions both of spatial organization and inherent populatio


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This monograph on the ecology of Atlantic white cedar wetlands is one of a series of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service profiles of important freshwater wetland ecosystems of the United States. The purpose of the profile is to describe the extent, components, functioning, history, and treatment of these wetlands. It is intended to provide a useful reference to relevant scientific information and a synthesis of the available literature. The world range of Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) is limited to a ribbon of freshwater wetlands within 200 km of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, extending from mid-Maine to mid-Florida and Mississippi. Often in inaccessible sites and difficult to traverse, cedar wetlands contain distinctive suites of plant species. Highly valued as commercial timber since the early days of European colonization of the continent, the cedar and its habitat are rapidly disappearing. This profile describes the Atlantic white cedar and the bogs and swamps it dominates or codominates throughout its range, discussing interrelationships with other habitats, putative origins and migration patterns, substrate biogeochemistry, associated plant and animal species (with attention to those that are rare, endangered, or threatened regionally or nationally), and impacts of both natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Research needs for each area are outlined. Chapters are devoted to the practices and problems of harvest and management, and to an examination of a large preserve recently acquired by the USFWS, the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina.


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In this paper, inspired by two very different, successful metric theories such us the real view-point of Lowen's approach spaces and the probabilistic field of Kramosil and Michalek's fuzzymetric spaces, we present a family of spaces, called fuzzy approach spaces, that are appropriate to handle, at the same time, both measure conceptions. To do that, we study the underlying metric interrelationships between the above mentioned theories, obtaining six postulates that allow us to consider such kind of spaces in a unique category. As a result, the natural way in which metric spaces can be embedded in both classes leads to a commutative categorical scheme. Each postulate is interpreted in the context of the study of the evolution of fuzzy systems. First properties of fuzzy approach spaces are introduced, including a topology. Finally, we describe a fixed point theorem in the setting of fuzzy approach spaces that can be particularized to the previous existing measure spaces.


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In both developed and developing countries, there is increased competition for water resources, resulting in deficiencies in supply and in various forms of pollution. In developing countries, the nutritional potential of aquatic resources is very important. To realize this potential, integrated research and management for sustainable water resource use are needed. This requires a sound understanding of the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. A programme is presented which stresses the interrelationships of the physical, chemical and biological components of aquatic systems and their catchments. The programme consists of 16 stages in 5 phases, which are as follows: System description; System functioning and modelling; Resource assessment/dynamics; Resource potential; and, Resource utilization for sustainability. This programme enables workers within different disciplines to identify how their expertise contributes to the overall research requirements to support resource development.