198 resultados para INTEROBSERVER


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Introducción: la osteogénesis es una patología de origen genético caracterizada por fragilidad ósea, en su curso natural los pacientes que la padecen se enfrentan a múltiples fracturas y múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas, este tipo de pacientes por ser de alto riesgo necesitan técnicas quirúrgicas que aumenten el tiempo entre cada intervención y que demuestren un mayor impacto en el estado funcional. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto en el estado funcional de los pacientes con osteogénesis imperfecta llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el que se incluyeron 8 pacientes con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta, llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval desde el 2009 al 2013 a los cuales se les realizó seguimiento menor de 1 año del post operatorio. Resultados: La respuesta encontrada fue satisfactoria en la mayoría de los pacientes analizados 6 de 8, con cercanía a un estado funcional normal; un riesgo de caída bajo, incorporación y deambulación adecuada y una valoración funcional motora gruesa con valores cercanos al 100% identificando un buen nivel de independencia funcional. Se pudo demostrar que existieron cambios en los valores de la escala y que estos fueron estadísticamente significativos con p=0,028 indicando que el aumento dichos valores en el posoperatorio están relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico al utilizado en este grupo de pacientes. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico con el clavo telescopado de Fassier Duval en nuestra experiencia demostró tener una mejoría en el estado funcional de los pacientes del presente estudio, por lo tanto se sugiere la posibilidad de implementar su uso según este indicado con el fin de obtener un mejor resultado quirúrgico y funcional. Palabras clave: Osteogénesis Imperfecta, Clavo de Fassier Duval, Valoración Funcional Motora


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Introducción y objetivos: El conocimiento de la anatomía de las venas pulmonares y de la aurícula izquierda es fundamental para la planeación y prevención de posibles complicaciones durante la ablación de las venas pulmonares, procedimiento realizado para el manejo de la fibrilación auricular. Este estudio pretende caracterizar la anatomía (tamaño y forma) de las venas pulmonares y determinar las variantes anatómicas más comunes de las mismas. Métodos: Se analizaron 277 estudios de angioresonancia tridimensional y tomografía computarizada realizados previo al procedimiento de aislamiento de venas pulmonares. Se evaluaron los diámetros de la aurícula izquierda, de los ostia de las venas pulmonares y se determinaron la presencia de venas pulmonares comunes, accesorias y ramificaciones tempranas. Resultados: 75% de nuestros pacientes presentaron la anatomía normal de dos venas pulmonares derechas y dos izquierdas. En un 10,1% de los casos se encontraron venas supernumerarias y en un 11,2% se encontró un tronco común. En un 61% de los pacientes se encontraron ramas ostiales, las cuales en un 39,4% de los casos se presentaron en la vena pulmonar inferior derecha. Conclusiones: La evaluación de la morfología de la aurícula derecha y las venas pulmonares por medio de angioresonancia o tomografía computarizada, es necesaria para la realización de ablación por radiofrecuencia dada la alta frecuencia de variantes anatómicas y presencia de ramas ostiales.


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La osteoporosis es una de las condiciones patológicas en mayor crecimiento a medida que la población de tercera edad aumenta, esto se traduce en fracturas por fragilidad como lo son las fracturas de radio distal y las fracturas de cadera, actualmente no se cuentas con datos de la población a estudio que correlacione este tipo de fracturas. Es un estudio retrospectivo de casos y controles donde se obtuvo un grupo de pacientes con fractura de cadera que consultaron a un hospital universitario de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Bogotá, se evaluó la presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal y se comparó con un grupo control de trauma en cadera. Se obtuvo un total de 325 casos (72,5%) y 123 (25%) controles. El promedio de edad fue de 81 años, el 70% de los pacientes en ambos grupos correspondió a mujeres. No hubo diferencia en cuanto a la prevalencia de tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial o diabetes en los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a niveles de glicemia, calcio, vitamina D. La presencia de antecedente de fractura de radio distal en grupo con fractura de cadera fue del 7,1% encontrando un OR de 3,91 IC 95%(1,17– 13,10). La presencia de fractura de radio distal como antecedente es un predictor para la fractura de cadera en pacientes mayores. Se necesitan más estudios que correlacionen otras variables que pueden influir en la asociación para fractura de cadera y radio, para así identificar una población específica que se beneficie de un tratamiento temprano.


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Objetivo: métodos antropométricos que quantifiquem as curvas da coluna vertebral e a avaliação postural a fim de realizar investigações epidemiológicas sobre o papel da postura na ocorrência das dores lombares. O propósito do estudo foi avaliar acurácia e reprodutibilidade do Sistema de Avaliação Postural Digitalizado (SAPD) para medir lordose lombar comparando com raio-x. Delineamento: transversal, com amostra consecutiva. Participantes: para medida da acurácia no grupo 1 ( T12,L3,L5) n = 16 e grupo 2 (L1,L3,L5) n= 17. Na reprodutibilidade intra e inter-avaliador n= 80. Principais Medidas: marcadores externos nos processos espinhosos das vértebras T12, L1, L3 e L5. Raio-x de perfil da coluna lombar e foto digital em perfil direito. Medida da lordose lombar no raio-x com métodos de Cobb,Centróide (CLL) e Processos Espinhosos (PE) e com o SAPD. Resultados: grupo 1, correlação entre SAPD e Cobb foi 0,803 (p<0,001), entre SAPD e CLL foi 0,642 (p=0,024), entre SAPD e a medida dos PE a correlação foi 0,917, com R2 = 0,842. No grupo 2, correlação entre SAPD e Cobb foi 0,559 (p=0,020), entre SAPD e CLL de 0,325 (p=0,302), com correlação significativa somente entre SAPD e Cobb. Entre SAPD e PE a correlação foi 0,763, com R2 = 0,583. Para reprodutibilidade interavaliador a correlação foi 0,981 (p < 0,001) e para reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador de 0.978 (p < 0,001) referente às mesmas fotografias. Reprodutibilidade intraavaliador de 0.872 (p < 0.001) e 0.956 (p<0,001) para inter-avaliador referente à fotos diferentes de um mesmo indivíduo com recolocação dos marcadores sobre a pele . Considerações Finais: O SAPD mostrou-se acurado e reprodutível para a medida da lordose lombar.


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The present study had as objective translates, to do equivalence and validation of the Utian Quality of Life (UQOL) for the Brazilian population through methods internationally accepted, in which the original questionnaire was translated for the Portuguese by three teachers and the consensual version was translated back for English by two American teachers (back translation). A multidisciplinary committee evaluated all versions and the final version in Portuguese was applied to climacteric women for the process of adaptation. Validation of the instrument was performed by measuring the reliability and validity properties. Construct validity was examined through the comparison between UQOL and the general measuring scale of quality of life Short Form-36 (SF-36). The final version of translation process was easily recognized by the target population, that didn't tell understanding problems. The results obtained for the reliability intra and interobserver showed significant agreement in all of the subjects. The construct validity was obtained through correlations statistically significant among the domains occupational, health and emotional of UQOL with the SF-36 domains. For the exploratory factorial analysis, it was verified that three factors explain 60% of the total variance of the data, the present study allowed concluding that UQOL was appropriately translated and adapted for applicability in Brazil, presenting high reliability and validity. In that way, the executed project provided the involvement of different areas as gynecology, psychology and physiotherapy (interdisciplinary). Thus, this instrument can be included and used in Brazilian studies to assessment the quality of life during the climacteric years


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This study aimed at assessing the interobserver reliability of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). The assessment was made by physiotherapists with extensive or little clinical experience in non-institutionalized elderly individuals. Participants comprised 12 elderly subjects (10 women and 2 men) with mean ages of 75.8 ± 8.4 years (range = 63-87) and 18 physiotherapists with varying clinical experience. Inter-examiner reliability obtained for each scale item yielded weighted kappa value > 0.75 in 11 of the 14 items (varying from 0.37 to 1.0). The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for the total sum of BBS scores between the two groups of physiotherapists was 0.996 (95% confidence interval, 0.987 0.999) with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.996. We found no difference between the rater groups when we compared the sum score means obtained with the student s T-test (p = 0.86). Although some items had low reliability values, in general our results suggest that the Brazilian Version of the BBS showed good levels of interrater reliability and agreement when used by physiotherapists with different clinical practice levels and without previous training on non-institutionalized elderly patients. We concluded that the BBS can be useful as an important evaluation instrument on a protocol for Rehabilitation clinics. It may be used by various health professionals, as: Physicians, Physical therapists, Physical educators, Occupational therapists, Nurses and Phonoaudiologists, so confirming the interdisciplinary character of this study


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1. Maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) corresponds to the highest blood lactate concentration (MLSSc) and workload (MLSSw) that can be maintained over time without continual blood lactate accumulation and is considered an important marker of endurance exercise capacity. The present study was undertaken to determine MLSSw and MLSSc in running mice. In addition, we provide an exercise training protocol for mice based on MLSSw.2. Maximal lactate steady state was determined by blood sampling during multiple sessions of constant-load exercise varying from 9 to 21 m/min in adult male C57BL/6J mice. The constant-load test lasted at least 21 min. The blood lactate concentration was analysed at rest and then at 7 min intervals during exercise.3. The MLSSw was found to be 15.1 +/- 0.7 m/min and corresponded to 60 +/- 2% of maximal speed achieved during the incremental exercise testing. Intra- and interobserver variability of MLSSc showed reproducible findings. Exercise training was performed at MLSSw over a period of 8 weeks for 1 h/day and 5 days/week. Exercise training led to resting bradycardia (21%) and increased running performance (28%). of interest, the MLSSw of trained mice was significantly higher than that in sedentary littermates (19.0 +/- 0.5 vs 14.2 +/- 0.5 m/min; P = 0.05), whereas MLSSc remained unchanged (3.0 mmol/L).4. Altogether, we provide a valid and reliable protocol to improve endurance exercise capacity in mice performed at highest workload with predominant aerobic metabolism based on MLSS assessment.


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AIM: To assess the correlation between Wits and AF-BF appraisals with the ANB angle, and verify the influence of the facial type on these appraisals. METHODS: Lateral cephalometric radiographs from 118 untreated individuals were separated into 3 groups according to the facial pattern (brachyfacial, mesofacial, and dolichofacial). The radiographs were digitized and submitted to ANB angle and Wits and AF-BF appraisals on computer software. All radiographs were retraced for intraobserver and interobserver error tests. RESULTS: The Student's t test demonstrated no statistically significant differences on the intraobserver's test (P > .05). There were statistically significant differences in the readings of Wits values of the 3 groups and for AF-BF values in the brachyfacial and mesofacial groups (P <.05). The multiple linear regression tests demonstrated high correlation between ANB and AF-BF for the 3 groups (r2, 0.768). The same result was found for ANB and Wits (r2, 0.624). CONCLUSION: Facial pattern does not have an influence on the correlation between ANB and AF-BF nor between ANB and Wits, but it does influence the measurements of ANB, AF-BF, and Wits.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Objectives: To investigate the reliability of regional three-dimensional registration and superimposition methods for assessment of temporomandibular joint condylar morphology across subjects and longitudinally.Methods: The sample consisted of cone beam CT scans of 36 patients. The across-subject comparisons included 12 controls, mean age 41.3 +/- 12.0 years, and 12 patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis, mean age 41.3 +/- 14.7 years. The individual longitudinal assessments included 12 patients with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis, mean age 37.8 +/- 16.7 years, followed up at pre-operative jaw surgery, immediately after and one-year post-operative. Surface models of all condyles were constructed from the cone beam CT scans. Two previously calibrated observers independently performed all registration methods. A landmark-based approach was used for the registration of across-subject condylar models, and temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis vs control group differences were computed with shape analysis. A voxel-based approach was used for registration of longitudinal scans calculated x, y, z degrees of freedom for translation and rotation. Two-way random intraclass correlation coefficients tested the interobserver reliability.Results: Statistically significant differences between the control group and the osteoarthritis group were consistently located on the lateral and medial poles for both observers. The interobserver differences were <= 0.2 mm. For individual longitudinal comparisons, the mean interobserver differences were <= 0.6 mm in translation errors and 1.2 degrees in rotation errors, with excellent reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient >0.75).Conclusions: Condylar registration for across-subjects and longitudinal assessments is reliable and can be used to quantify subtle bony differences in the three-dimensional condylar morphology.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of digitization parameters on periapical radiographic image quality, with regard to anatomic landmarks. Digitized images (n = 160) were obtained using a flatbed scanner with resolutions of 300, 600 and 2400 dpi. The radiographs of 2400 dpi were decreased to 300 and 600 dpi before storage. Digitizations were performed with and without black masking using 8-bit and 16-bit grayscale and saved in TIFF format. Four anatomic landmarks were classified by two observers (very good, good, moderate, regular, poor), in two random sessions. Intraobserver and interobserver agreements were evaluated by Kappa statistics. Inter and intraobserver agreements ranged according to the anatomic landmarks and resolution used. The results obtained demonstrated that the cement enamel junction was the anatomic landmark that presented the poorest concordance. The use of black masking provided better results in the digitized image. The use of a mask to cover radiographs during digitization is necessary. Therefore, the concordance ranged from regular to moderate for the intraobserver evaluation and concordance ranged from regular to poor for interobserver evaluation.


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To validate a model for investigating the effects of analgesic drugs on mechanical, thermal and electrical stimulation testing. To investigate repeatability, sensitivity and specificity of nociceptive tests. Randomised experiment with 2 observers in 2 phases. Mechanical (M), thermal (TL) and electrical (E) stimuli were applied to the dorsal metacarpus (M-left and TL-right) and coronary band of the left thoracic limb (E) and a thoracic thermal stimulus (TT) was applied caudal to the withers in 8 horses (405 ± 43 kg). Stimuli intensities were increased until a clear avoidance response was detected without exceeding 20 N (M), 60°C (TL and TT) and 15 V (E). For each set of tests, 3 real stimuli and one sham stimulus were applied (32 per animal) using a blinded, randomised, crossover design repeated after 6 months. A distribution frequency and, for each stimulus, Chi-square and McNemar tests compared both the proportion of positive responses detected by 2 observers and the 2 study phases. The κ coefficients estimated interobserver agreement in determining endpoints. Sensitivity (384 tests) and specificity (128 tests) were evaluated for each nociceptive stimulus to assess the evaluators' accuracy in detecting real and sham stimuli. Nociceptive thresholds were 3.1 ± 2 N (M), 8.1 ± 3.8 V (E), 51.4 ± 5.5°C (TL) and 55.2 ± 5.3°C (TT). The level of agreement after all tests, M, E, TL and TT, was 90, 100, 84, 98 and 75%, respectively. Sensitivity was 89, 100, 89, 98 and 70% and specificity 92, 97, 88, 91 and 94%, respectively. The high interobserver agreement, sensitivity and specificity suggest that M, E and TL tests are valid for pain studies in horses and are suitable tools for investigating antinociceptive effects of analgesics in horses.