987 resultados para IDA ICE
A slide from the Inniskillin Celebrity Ice Wine event featuring: Michael Burgess, Ron Barbaro; Jonathan Welsh.
Abstract The Relative Age Effect (RAE), defined as a skewed birth date distribution, has been identified as a known phenomenon in minor ice hockey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the RAE, physical measurements, and skating ability/in-game performance in forty-four youth male ice hockey players competing in the same age cohort. Physical anthropometrics, grip strength, in-game performance and skating abilities were measured. An RAE was found in the sample (χ2(3, N = 44) = 12.18, p = 0.007). Players born in the first half of the age cohort had longer leg length (F(1,42) =4.49 , p = 0.04), larger body mass (F(1,42) = 3.90, p = 0.05), and stronger grip strength (F(1,42) = 7.58, p = 0.009). Performance scores were negatively associated with grip strength (r = -.443, p = 0.003). Findings suggest that adequate skill development can help relatively younger players overcome physical maturity disadvantages.
Transverse, subglacial bedforms (ribbed moraines) occur frequently in southern Keewatin, Nunavut, Canada, where they record a complex glacial history, including shifting centers of ice dispersal and fluctuating basal thermal regimes. Comprehensive mapping and quantitative morphometric analysis of the subglacial bedform archive in this sector reveals that ribbed moraines are spatially clustered by size and assume a broad range of visually distinct forms. Results suggest that end-member morphologies are consistent with a dichotomous polygenetic origin, and that a continuum of forms emerged through subsequent reshaping processes of variable intensity and duration. Translocation of mobile, immobile and quasi-mobile beds throughout the last glacial cycle conditioned the development of a subglacial deforming bed mosaic, and is likely responsible for the patchy zonation of palimpsest and inherited landscape signatures within this former core region of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Comparison against field evidence collected from central Norway suggests that bedforming processes can be locally mediated by pre-existing topography.
The description of the image reads "514-a-A fairy-land of ice and snow, Niagara Falls, U.S.A.".
The description of the image reads "No. 65 - The great ice mountain and American Falls, Niagara".
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, Ice Dealer, St. Catharines for ice, June 1, 1887.
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, St. Catharines, for ice, July 2, 1887.
Receipt from D. Davis, Toronto for ice bowl, July 2, 1887.
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, St. Catharines for ice, July 30, 1887.
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, St. Catharines for ice, Oct. 1, 1887.
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, St. Catharines for ice, Dec. 5, 1887.
Receipt from E.D. Radcliffe, St. Catharines for ice, Jan. 3, 1888.
Elaborar un vocabulario básico del español con unas características nuevas. 3150 alumnos de EGB y Bachillerato pertenecientes a 75 unidades escolares del centro, oriente y occidente de Asturias. 254 páginas de obras de narrativa, teatro, ensayo y periodismo de autores contemporáneos. Abarca las siguientes cuestiones: la importancia pedagógica y la atención prestada al vocabulario, problemática que plantea la enseñanza del vocabulario, investigaciones y experimentaciones realizadas en Asturias, esbozo de una didáctica del vocabulario. Bibliografía. El vocabulario cumple funciones formativas y posee valores culturales, sin embargo sólo viene siendo objeto de una enseñanza meramente incidental, ocasional y no programada. La enseñanza del vocabulario se enfrenta con problemas de tipo axiológico, ontológico y metodológico. En la investigación realizada en el ICE de Oviedo se obtuvo un vocabulario básico total de 4344 términos distintos. Las investigaciones realizadas sobre el vocabulario presentan soluciones a los diversos problemas que plantea su enseñanza: entre otros aspectos se presenta una programación para la enseñanza del vocabulario resultante de la investigación realizada en Asturias, directrices metodológicas para su enseñanza y algunos recursos técnicos.
Disfrutar y entender la m??sica son conceptos inseparables que, a su vez, enlazan con la manera y la frecuencia con que se escucha la misma. Hace falta establecer la mejor manera de percibirla o el mejor momento para hacerlo, no existiendo una edad para iniciar el acercamiento a este fascinante y maravilloso mundo, si bien cuanto antes se empiece este proceso, m??s enriquecedor resultar??.