461 resultados para IBM


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Relato a respeito do encontro com representantes dos Escritórios Setoriais de Gestão, cujo objetivo foi apresentar os conceitos de governança de processos e sua consequente implementação na ferramenta IBM Compass.


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The aim of this technical report is to present some detailed explanations in order to help to understand and use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel programming for solving several mixed integer optimization problems. We have developed a C++ experimental code that uses the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer within the COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR) and MPI parallel computing for solving the optimization models under UNIX-like systems. The computational experience illustrates how can we solve 44 optimization problems which are asymmetric with respect to the number of integer and continuous variables and the number of constraints. We also report a comparative with the speedup and efficiency of several strategies implemented for some available number of threads.


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The instrument described in this report is an updated version of the high precision, automated Winkler titration system described by Friederich et al.(1984). The original instrument was based on the work of Bryan et al. (1976) who developed a colorimetric endpoint detector and on the work of Williams and Jenkinson (1982) who produced an automated system that used this detector. The goals of our updated version of the device described by Friederich et al. (1984) were as follows: 1) Move control of the system to the MS-DOS environment because HP-85 computers are no longer in production and because more user-friendly programs could be written using the IBM XT or AT computers that control the new device. 2) Use more "off the shelf" components and reduce the parts count in the new system so that it could be easily constructed and maintained. This report describes how to construct and use the new automated Winkler titration device. It also includes information on the chemistry of the Winkler titration, and detailed instructions on how to prepare reagents, collect samples, standardize and perform the titrations (Appendix I: Codispoti, L.A. 1991 On the determination of dissolved oxygen in sea water, 15pp.). A disk containing the program needed to operate the new device is also included. (pdf contains 33 pages)


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The purpose of the present study was to confirm the migratory habits of the anchovy, Lycengraulis olidus (Günther), between fresh and sea water environments. Anchovies were examined from three freshwater localities: Bella Vista and Rosario (Paraná river) and Punta Lara (La Plata river), and from four marine localities; Mar del Plata, Bahia Blanca, San Blas and Patagones, all in the Argentine Republic. Five meristic and nine morphometric characters were selected for study, namely: vertebrae; dorsal, pectoral and anal fin rays; gill rakers on the first gill arch; head-length; body-depth; distance between the snout and dorsal, pectoral, ventral and anal fin; eye-diameter; snout and maxilary. The food of the anchovy in fresh and sea water consists principally of fish and crustaceans including copepods, paleamonids, sergestids and larvae of Brachyura. The condition factor of the anchovy was lower in the fresh-water samples and higher in the marine samples. (PDF has 32 pages (two pages on each)


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I. Trimesic acid (1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid) crystallizes with a monoclinic unit cell of dimensions a = 26.52 A, b = 16.42 A, c = 26.55 A, and β = 91.53° with 48 molecules /unit cell. Extinctions indicated a space group of Cc or C2/c; a satisfactory structure was obtained in the latter with 6 molecules/asymmetric unit - C54O36H36 with a formula weight of 1261 g. Of approximately 12,000 independent reflections within the CuKα sphere, intensities of 11,563 were recorded visually from equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs.

The structure was solved by packing considerations aided by molecular transforms and two- and three-dimensional Patterson functions. Hydrogen positions were found on difference maps. A total of 978 parameters were refined by least squares; these included hydrogen parameters and anisotropic temperature factors for the C and O atoms. The final R factor was 0.0675; the final "goodness of fit" was 1.49. All calculations were carried out on the Caltech IBM 7040-7094 computer using the CRYRM Crystallographic Computing System.

The six independent molecules fall into two groups of three nearly parallel molecules. All molecules are connected by carboxylto- carboxyl hydrogen bond pairs to form a continuous array of sixmolecule rings with a chicken-wire appearance. These arrays bend to assume two orientations, forming pleated sheets. Arrays in different orientations interpenetrate - three molecules in one orientation passing through the holes of three parallel arrays in the alternate orientation - to produce a completely interlocking network. One third of the carboxyl hydrogen atoms were found to be disordered.

II. Optical transforms as related to x-ray diffraction patterns are discussed with reference to the theory of Fraunhofer diffraction.

The use of a systems approach in crystallographic computing is discussed with special emphasis on the way in which this has been done at the California Institute of Technology.

An efficient manner of calculating Fourier and Patterson maps on a digital computer is presented. Expressions for the calculation of to-scale maps for standard sections and for general-plane sections are developed; space-group-specific expressions in a form suitable for computers are given for all space groups except the hexagonal ones.

Expressions for the calculation of settings for an Eulerian-cradle diffractometer are developed for both the general triclinic case and the orthogonal case.

Photographic materials on pp. 4, 6, 10, and 20 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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Part I: The dynamic response of an elastic half space to an explosion in a buried spherical cavity is investigated by two methods. The first is implicit, and the final expressions for the displacements at the free surface are given as a series of spherical wave functions whose coefficients are solutions of an infinite set of linear equations. The second method is based on Schwarz's technique to solve boundary value problems, and leads to an iterative solution, starting with the known expression for the point source in a half space as first term. The iterative series is transformed into a system of two integral equations, and into an equivalent set of linear equations. In this way, a dual interpretation of the physical phenomena is achieved. The systems are treated numerically and the Rayleigh wave part of the displacements is given in the frequency domain. Several comparisons with simpler cases are analyzed to show the effect of the cavity radius-depth ratio on the spectra of the displacements.

Part II: A high speed, large capacity, hypocenter location program has been written for an IBM 7094 computer. Important modifications to the standard method of least squares have been incorporated in it. Among them are a new way to obtain the depth of shocks from the normal equations, and the computation of variable travel times for the local shocks in order to account automatically for crustal variations. The multiregional travel times, largely based upon the investigations of the United States Geological Survey, are confronted with actual traverses to test their validity.

It is shown that several crustal phases provide control enough to obtain good solutions in depth for nuclear explosions, though not all the recording stations are in the region where crustal corrections are considered. The use of the European travel times, to locate the French nuclear explosion of May 1962 in the Sahara, proved to be more adequate than previous work.

A simpler program, with manual crustal corrections, is used to process the Kern County series of aftershocks, and a clearer picture of tectonic mechanism of the White Wolf fault is obtained.

Shocks in the California region are processed automatically and statistical frequency-depth and energy depth curves are discussed in relation to the tectonics of the area.


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The pulsed neutron technique has been used to investigate the decay of thermal neutrons in two adjacent water-borated water finite media. Experiments were performed with a 6x6x6 inches cubic assembly divided in two halves by a thin membrane and filled with pure distilled water on one side and borated water on the other side.

The fundamental decay constant was measured versus the boric acid concentration in the poisoned medium. The experimental results showed good agreement with the predictions of the time dependent diffusion model. It was assumed that the addition of boric acid increases the absorption cross section of the poisoned medium without affecting its diffusion properties: In these conditions, space-energy separability and the concept of an “effective” buckling as derived from diffusion theory were introduced. Their validity was supported by the experimental results.

Measurements were performed with the absorption cross section of the poisoned medium increasing gradually up to 16 times its initial value. Extensive use of the IBM 7090-7094 Computing facility was made to analyze properly the decay data (Frantic Code). Attention was given to the count loss correction scheme and the handling of the statistics involved. Fitting of the experimental results into the analytical form predicted by the diffusion model led to

Ʃav = 4721 sec-1 (±150)

Do = 35972 cm2sec-1 (±800) for water at 21˚C

C (given) = 3420 cm4sec-1

These values, when compared with published data, show that the diffusion model is adequate in describing the experiment.


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The design of a two-stream wind tunnel was undertaken to allow the simulation and study of certain features of the flow field around the blades of high-speed axial-flow turbomachineries. The mixing of the two parallel streams with designed Mach numbers respectively equal to 1.4 and 0.7 will simulate the transonic Mach number distribution generally obtained along the tips of the first stage blades in large bypass-fan engines.

The GALCIT hypersonic compressor plant will be used as an air supply for the wind tunnel, and consequently the calculations contained in the first chapter are derived from the characteristics and the performance of this plant.

The transonic part of the nozzle is computed by using a method developed by K. O. Friedrichs. This method consists essentially of expanding the coordinates and the characteristics of the flow in power series. The development begins with prescribing, more or less arbitrarily, a Mach number distribution along the centerline of the nozzle. This method has been programmed for an IBM 360 computer to define the wall contour of the nozzle.

A further computation is carried out to correct the contour for boundary layer buildup. This boundary layer analysis included geometry, pressure gradient, and Mach number effects. The subsonic nozzle is calculated {including boundary layer buildup) by using the same computer programs. Finally, the mixing zone downstream of the splitter plate was investigated to prescribe the wall contour correction necessary to ensure a constant-pressure test section.


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[EUS] Lan honen abiapuntua, goi errendimenduko emakumezkoen futbol partida batean ematen diren korner errutina ezberdinak aztertu eta horietatik eraginkorrenak diren ekintza eta jokaldiak identifikatzea izan da. Ikerlanean, hiru denboralditan zehar (2012-2013; 2013-2014; 2014-2015), Espainiako emakumezkoen futboleko lehenengo mailako, hau da Superligako taldeek 51 partidutan burututako korner jaurtiketak aztertu dira. Horretarako erabili den metodologia, bideo analisi eta analisi notazionala izan dira. Bideoan jasotako informazioa, aldagai guztiak kontutan hartzen dituen taula berezi batzuetan bildu dira. Horietan, jokatutako partidua, partiduko unea (0’-15’; 15’-30’; 30’-45’; 45’-60’; 60’-75’; 75’-90’), kornerra jaurtitzeko aldea (eskuin edo ezkerra), jaurtiketa gauzatutako hanka (eskuina edo ezkerra), jaurtiketa gauzatzeko modua (luze edo motza), jaurtiketaren helmuga puntua (lehenengo zutoina, erdira edo bigarren zutoina) eta azkenik, jaurtiketaren eraginkortasuna mailakatu da (gola, errematea atera, errematea atetik kanpora, aurkariak urrundu, aurkariak kanpora bota edo jaurtiketa kanpora) aldagaiak bereizi dira. Tauletan jasotako datu guztiak Microsoft Excel eta IBM SPSS statistic 23 programan bildu dira ekintzen deskribapena (bataz besteko eta desbideratze estandarra), frekuentzia (kopuru eta portzentajeak) eta aldagaiek eraginkortasunarekin duten erlazioa ateratzeko. Emaitzek adierazten dutenez, bataz beste 7,88 korner jaurtiketa burutu dira 56 partidutan 2,97ko desbideratze tipikoaz, horietatik bi kasutan bakarrik lortu da jokaldia golean amaitzea eta jaurtiketen %22,89an errematatzea. Gainera, korner jaurtiketen bidez, talde erasotzaileek gol aukera gutxi sortzen dituztela ikusi da. Baita ohiko errutinak luzez jaurtitzea, lehenengo zutoin aldera eta eskuin hankaz direla ere. Emaitzak ikusita ondoriozta daiteke, korner jaurtiketak erasoko egoeran gehiago landu beharko liratekeela eraginkortasun handiagoa lortu eta gol aukera gehiago sortzeko. Hitz gakoak: futbola, emakumeak, goi errendimendua, partidu analisia, kornerrak, analisi notazionala.


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近年来有证据证明,光系统II(PS II)反应中心在结构与功能上存在着异质性,它与光舍原初过程、激发能的分配和调节、胁迫因子导致的光合单位的损伤与修复等密切相关。本论文主要研究了高温胁迫诱导PS II及其异质性的变化,以及人工电子受体与PS II还原侧异质性电子传递的关系.根据研究需要,建立了精确测定无活性PS II中心相时含量的软件和方法,圆满完成了本研究任务。此外,也参加了新的非调制式动力学荧光计的研制及其软件的编写. 以下是本论文的主要结果: 1.用N80-BASIC语言结合汇编语言重新编写了本室快速(ms级)叶绿素动力学荧光计的测控程序,使快速荧光上升曲线的采样速度提高了一个数量级(达到100μS/点),可对Fo、Fi等关键荧光参数进行精确测定,为无活性PS II中心相对含量的准确测定奠定了基础.新研制的荧光计的软件用C语言编写,可在IBM PC兼容机上运行,采样速度最快可达25μs/点,对Fo和Fi等参数的测定更加可靠和精确.新荧光计从软、硬件两方面进行了彻底地更新,具有高信噪比、高响应、高精度、低功耗等优点,其性能己达到国际同类产品的先进水平. 2.高温胁迫诱导小麦类囊体膜吸收光谱的变化,结果显示40℃-50℃20分钟以内的高温胁迫导致681nm的吸收峰下降,同时引起663nm的吸收峰增加,表明高温胁迫引起部分叶绿素蛋白复合体的破坏和游离的叶绿素分子的增多.在更严重的高温胁迫下(55℃5分钟以上),体内游离的叶绿素分子(△A663)本身也遭到进一步的降解. 3.小麦类囊体膜低温( 77K)荧光光谱的分析。结果证实温和的高温胁迫(40℃20分钟以内)可导致激发能更多地从PS II向光系统IcPsi)分配,而更严重的高温胁迫(45℃- 55℃20分钟以内)对PS II和PS I的叶绿素蛋白复合体(F684和F736)均有破坏作用. 4.高温胁迫诱导小麦叶片荧光诱导动力学、荧光猝灭及其荧光参数的变化的研究.结果表明,高温胁迫首先导致有效量子产量(E.Y.)的下降,胁迫作用进一步加强导致最适量子产量(0.Y.)下降,而对光化学猝灭qP的影响较晚.这说明和PS II电子受体侧的电子传递和与二氧化碳固定有关的酶系统对高温胁迫极为敏感.其次,PS II放氧系统的损伤也早于PS II原初反应中心的失活.同时,在自然界条件下,存在着高温和高光强对植物的加强协同的光抑制和破坏作用. 5.在研究高温胁迫诱导荧光动力学及其参数变化的基础上,提出测定和计算高温胁迫的植物样品中无活性PS II中心相对含量的合理方法.认为在高温胁迫导致可变荧光( Fv)猝灭的情况下,应以Fvi(Fvi=Fi-Fo)对室温对照的可变荧光(FVCK)的比值作为计算无活性PS II中心相对含量的指标(Fvi/FVCK).我们在弱激发光下测得正常的小麦和菠菜的无活性PS II中心的相对含量分别为0.155±0.011和0.094士0.010. 6.高温胁迫诱导有活性和无活性PS II中心异质性的相互转化的研究。结果发现50℃以下小于10分钟的处理,对PS II有活性和无活性中心的比值无明显影响:而经过50℃和55℃高温处理5-10分钟,有活性PS II中心才明显向无活性中心转化并发现这一转化过程发生在Fo己明显增加和Fv明显猝灭之后,也就是说它迟于高温胁迫对PS II天线色素蛋白复合体( LHCII)与PS II反应中心结合的破坏以及对放氧侧的损伤. 7.高温胁迫后的室温恢复期中有活性和无活性PS II中心相互转化的研究.发现在高温胁迫不太严重时(如50℃1分钟),无活性PS II中心的含量降至对照的70%,在随后室温60分钟恢复过程中继续降为50%。而Psn氧化侧的活性在此过程中可以得到部分恢复。高温胁迫进一步加强(如55℃5分钟和55℃10分钟)后,无活性PS II中心数目在随后的60分钟室温恢复期中,从恢复开始时为对照的130%和150%继续增加到240%和290%,且有加速转化的趋势。这说明高温胁迫诱导PS II还原侧异质性中心的转化除包含一个快速、直接的机制外,还启动了某种间接转化的机制. 8.对DMQ和DCBQ两种人工电子受体对有活性和无活性PS II中心的作用提出了不同见解。Cao和Govindjee(1990)认为DMQ(>20μmoI.L-1)只接受有活性PS II中心的电子,而DCBQ(>15, μmoLL-1)可完全接受有活性和无活性两种PS II中心的电子。但Lavergne等(1993)认为DCBQ不能接受无活性Psn中心的电子.我们用Stern-Volmer猝灭公式对我们的实验结果进行了分析,结果表明DMQ在较高浓度下(如120μmoI.L-1)才可完全接受有活性PS II中心的电子.但DCBQ的浓度在比Cao等几乎高出一个数量级( 120μmoI.L-1)的情况下,也只接受部分无活性PS II中心的电子( 40%)。另外我们发现,DMQ和DCBQ对Fm的猝灭不是随猝灭剂浓度的增加呈线性关系,而是一条近似饱和曲线,说明它至少包括两种以上不同的猝灭机制. 9.Mg2+诱导PS II异质性(Cα/Cβ)的研究。我们小组发现Mg2+诱导的chl a荧光增强动力学曲线包含Cα和Cβ两个指数成分,说明Mg2+在抑制激发能满溢,调节激发能向有利于PS I1分配的过程中存在异质性。其中Cβ比Cα具有更长的迁移寿命、更低的活化能和Mg2+半饱和浓度.这些说明Cβ比Cα更有可能在体内生理条件下发生迁移,从而在两个光系统之间起调节激发能分配的作用. 10.提出了高温胁迫诱导PS II异质性中心相互转换的可能模型.高温胁迫导致PS II异质性的转化包括几个步骤:有活性的α型PS II专荧光猝灭态的PS II专有活性的β型PS II专无活性的β型PS II专破坏了的PSⅡ.前两种转化一般具有可逆性.当高温胁迫进一步加强后,转化失去可逆性,在胁迫去除后,有活性PS II中心可继续向无活性中心转化,后者还有可能进一步受到破坏。


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In Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM) the effect of complex geometries is introduced through the forces added in the Navier-Stokes solver at the grid points in the vicinity of the immersed boundaries. Most of the methods in the literature have been used with Cartesian grids. Moreover many of the methods developed in the literature do not satisfy some basic conservation properties (the conservation of torque, for instance) on non-uniform meshes. In this paper we will follow the RKPM method originated by Liu et al. [1] to build locally regularized functions that verify a number of integral conditions. These local approximants will be used both for interpolating the velocity field and for spreading the singular force field in the framework of a pressure correction scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We will also demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the scheme through various examples. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.


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Non-conventional methods of machining are used for many engineering applications where the traditional processes fail to be cost-effective. Such processes include Ion Beam Machining (IBM), focused ion beam (FIB) machining and plasma discharge machining. The mechanisms of material removal and associated hardware and software developed for industrial applications of these fascinating electro-physical and chemical machining processes are reviewed together with the latest research findings. © 2009 CIRP.


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本库在IBM PC/XT微机上实现,以全部汉字方式进行人机对话与输出,共包含污水环境中原生动物702个种,涉及32个目,88个科,284个属。对每个阶元都有主要的形态特征描述。本库具有信息查询,统计计数,分类检索等功能,程序采用模块化结构,系统以“菜单”提问方式运行。本数据库的建立将有助于环保工作者快速、准确地综合分析污水环境中原生动物群落的结构变异,以便对环境污染程度作出可靠的评价,也为原生动物分类学研究者使用分类学资料提供很多方便。