482 resultados para Hypothalamus


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Biological factors underlying individual variability in fearfulness and anxiety have important implications for stress-related psychiatric illness including PTSD and major depression. Using an advanced intercross line (AIL) derived from C57BL/6 and DBA/2J mouse strains and behavioral selection over 3 generations, we established two lines exhibiting High or Low fear behavior after fear conditioning. Across the selection generations, the two lines showed clear differences in training and tests for contextual and conditioned fear. Before fear conditioning training, there were no differences between lines in baseline freezing to a novel context. However, after fear conditioning High line mice demonstrated pronounced freezing in a new context suggestive of poor context discrimination. Fear generalization was not restricted to contextual fear. High fear mice froze to a novel acoustic stimulus while freezing in the Low line did not increase over baseline. Enhanced fear learning and generalization are consistent with transgenic and pharmacological disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) (Brinks, 2009, Thompson, 2004, Kaouane, 2012). To determine whether there were differences in HPA-axis regulation between the lines, morning urine samples were collected to measure basal corticosterone. Levels of secreted corticosterone in the circadian trough were analyzed by corticosterone ELISA. High fear mice were found to have higher basal corticosterone levels than low line animals. Examination of hormonal stress response components by qPCR revealed increased expression of CRH mRNA and decreased mRNA for MR and CRHR1 in hypothalamus of high fear mice. These alterations may contribute to both the behavioral phenotype and higher basal corticosterone in High fear mice. To determine basal brain activity in vivo in High and Low fear mice we used manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI). Analysis revealed a pattern of basal brain activity made up of amygdala, cortical and hippocampal circuits that was elevated in the High line. Ongoing studies also seek to determine the relative balance of excitatory and inhibitory tone in the amygdala and hippocampus and the neuronal structure of its neurons. While these heterogeneous lines are selected on fear memory expression, HPA-axis alterations and differences in hippocampal activity segregate with the behavioral phenotypes. These differences are detectable in a basal state strongly suggesting these are biological traits underlying the behavioral phenotype (Johnson et al, 2011).


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Summary The neonatal period is characterized by significant plasticity where the immune, endocrine, and nociceptive systems undergo fine-tuning and maturation. Painful experiences during this period can result in long-term alterations in the neurocircuitry underlying nociception, including increased sensitivity to mechanical or thermal stimuli. Less is known about the impact of neonatal exposure to mild inflammatory stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), on subsequent inflammatory pain responses. Here we examine the impact of neonatal LPS exposure on inflammatory pain sensitivity and HPA axis activity during the first three postnatal weeks. Wistar rats were injected with LPS (0.05 mg/kg IP, Salmonella enteritidis) or saline on postnatal days (PNDs) 3 and 5 and later subjected to the formalin test at PNDs 7, 13, and 22. One hour after formalin injection, blood was collected to assess corticosterone responses. Transverse spinal cord slices were also prepared for whole-cell patch clamp recording from lumbar superficial dorsal horn neurons (SDH). Brains were obtained at PND 22 and the hypothalamus was isolated to measure glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) transcript expression using qRT-PCR. Behavioural analyses indicate that at PND 7, no significant differences were observed between saline- or LPS-challenged rats. At PND 13, LPS-challenged rats exhibited enhanced licking (p < .01), and at PND 22, increased flinching in response to formalin injection (p < .05). LPS-challenged rats also displayed increased plasma corticosterone at PND 7 and PND 22 (p < .001) but not at PND 13 following formalin administration. Furthermore, at PND 22 neonatal LPS exposure induced decreased levels of GR mRNA and increased levels of MR mRNA in the hypothalamus. The intrinsic properties of SDH neurons were similar at PND 7 and PND 13. However, at PND 22, ipsilateral SDH neurons in LPS-challenged rats had a lower input resistance compared to their saline-challenged counterparts (p < .05). These data suggest neonatal LPS exposure produces developmentally regulated changes in formalin-induced behavioural responses, corticosterone levels, and dorsal horn neuron properties following noxious stimulation later in life. These findings highlight the importance of immune activation during the neonatal period in shaping pain sensitivity later in life. This programming involves both spinal cord neurons and the HPA axis.


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Sheep and cattle are frequently subjected to feed and water deprivation (FWD) for about 12 h before, and then during, transport to reduce digesta load in the gastrointestinal tract. This FWD is marked by weight loss as urine and faeces mainly in the first 24 h but continuing at a reduced rate subsequently. The weight of rumen contents falls although water loss is to some extent masked by saliva inflow. FWD is associated with some stress, particularly when transportation is added. This is indicated by increased levels of plasma cortisol that may be partly responsible for an observed increase in the output of water and N in urine and faeces. Loss of body water induces dehydration that may induce feelings of thirst by effects on the hypothalamus structures through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. There are suggestions that elevated cortisol levels depress angiotensin activity and prevent sensations of thirst in dehydrated animals, but further research in this area is needed. Dehydration coupled with the discharge of Na in urine challenges the maintenance of homeostasis. In FWD, Na excretion in urine is reduced and, with the reduction in digesta load, Na is gradually returned from the digestive tract to the extracellular fluid space. Control of enteropathogenic bacteria by normal rumen microbes is weakened by FWD and resulting infections may threaten animal health and meat safety. Recovery time is required after transport to restore full feed intake and to ensure that adequate glycogen is present in muscle pre-slaughter to maintain meat quality.


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Nurr1, NGFI-B and Nor1 (NR4A2, NR4A1 and NR4A3, respectively) belong to the NR4A subfamily of nuclear receptors. The NR4A receptors are orphan nuclear receptors which means that activating or repressing ligands for these receptors have not been found. NR4A expression is rapidly induced in response to various stimuli including growth factors and the parathyroid hormone (PTH). The studies concerning the NR4A receptors in the central nervous system have demonstrated that they have a major role in the development and function of the dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain and in regulating hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis. However, the peripheral functions of the NR4A family are largely unknown. Cultured mouse primary osteoblasts, a preosteoblastic cell line and several osteoblastic cell lines were used to investigate the role of NR4A receptors in osteoblasts. NR4A receptors were shown to directly bind to and activate the promoter of the osteopontin gene (OPN) in osteoblastic cells, thus regulating its expression. OPN is a major bone matrix protein expressed throughout the differentiation of preosteoblastic cells into osteoblasts. The activation of the OPN promoter was shown to be dependent on the activation function-1 located in the N-terminal part of Nurr1 and to occur in both monomeric and RXR heterodimeric forms of NR4A receptors. Furthermore, PTH was shown to upregulate OPN expression through the NR4A family. It was also demonstrated that the fibroblast growth factor-8b (FGF-8b) induces the expression of NR4A receptors in osteoblasts as immediate early genes. This induction involved phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, protein kinase C, and mitogen activated protein kinase, which are all major pathways of FGF signalling. Nurr1 and NGFI-B were shown to induce the proliferation of preosteoblastic cells and to reduce their apoptosis. FGF-8b was shown to stimulate the proliferation of osteoblastic cells through the NR4A receptors. These results suggest that NR4A receptors have a role both in the differentiation of osteoblasts and in the proliferation and apoptosis of preosteoblast. The NR4A receptors were found to bind to the same response element on OPN as the members of the NR3B family of orphan receptors do. Mutual repression was observed between the NR4A receptors and the NR3B receptors. This repression was shown to be dependent on the DNA-binding domains of both receptor families, but to result neither from the competition of DNA binding nor from the competition for coactivators. As the repression was dependent on the relative expression levels of the NR4As and NR3Bs, it seems likely that the ratio of the receptors mediates their activity on their response elements. Rapid induction of the NR4As in response to various stimuli and differential expression of the NR3Bs can effectively control the gene activation by the NR4A receptors. NR4A receptors can bind DNA as monomers, and Nurr1 and NGFI-B can form permissive heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). Permissive heterodimers can be activated with RXR agonists, unlike non-permissive heterodimers, which are formed by RXR and retinoic acid receptor or thyroid hormone receptor (RAR and TR, respectively). Non-permissive heterodimers can only be activated by the agonists of the heterodimerizing partner. The mechanisms behind differential response to RXR agonists have remained unresolved. As there are no activating or repressing ligands for the NR4A receptors, it would be important to find out, how they are regulated. Permissiviness of Nurr1/RXR heterodimers was linked to the N-terminal part of Nurr1 ligand-binding domain. This region has previously been shown to mediate the interaction between NRs and corepressors. Non-permissive RAR and TR, permissive Nurr1 and NGFI-B, and RXR were overexpressed with corepressors silencing mediator for retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT), and with nuclear receptor corepressor in several cell lines. Nurr1 and NGFI-B were found to be repressed by SMRT. The interaction of RXR heterodimers with corepressors was weak in permissive heterodimers and much stronger in non-permissive heterodimers. Non-permissive heterodimers also released corepressors only in response to the agonist of the heterodimeric partner of RXR. In the permissive Nurr1/RXR heterodimer, however, SMRT was released following the treatment with RXR agonists. Corepressor release in response to ligands was found to differentiate permissive heterodimers from non-permissive ones. Corepressors were thus connected to the regulation of NR4A functions. In summary, the studies presented here linked the NR4A family of orphan nuclear receptors to the regulation of osteoblasts. Nurr1 and NGFI-B were found to control the proliferation and apoptosis of preosteoblasts. The studies also demonstrated that cross-talk with the NR3B receptors controls the activity of these orphan receptors. The results clarified the mechanism of permissiviness of RXR-heterodimers. New information was obtained on the regulation and functions of NR4A receptors, for which the ligands are unknown.


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Background: Adenosine is a potent sleep-promoting substance, and one of its targets is the basal forebrain. Fairly little is known about its mechanism of action in the basal forebrain and about the receptor subtype mediating its regulating effects on sleep homeostasis. Homeostatic deficiency might be one of the causes of the profoundly disturbed sleep pattern in major depressive disorder, which could explain the reduced amounts of delta-activity-rich stages 3 and 4. Since major depression has a relatively high heritability, and on the other hand adenosine regulates sleep homeostasis and might also be involved in mood modulation, adenosine-related genes should be considered for their possible contribution to a predisposition for depression and disturbed sleep in humans. Depression is a complex disorder likely involving the abnormal functioning of several genes. Novel target genes which could serve as the possible common substrates for depression and comorbid disturbed sleep should be identified. In this way specific brain areas related to sleep regulation should be studied by using animal model of depression which represents more homogenous phenotype as compared to humans. It is also important to study these brain areas during the development of depressive-like features to understand how early changes could facilitate pathophysiological changes in depression. Aims and methods: We aimed to find out whether, in the basal forebrain, adenosine induces recovery non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep after prolonged waking through the A1 or/and A2A receptor subtype. A1 and A2A receptor antagonists were perfused into the rat basal forebrain during 3 h of sleep deprivation, and the amount of NREM sleep and delta power during recovery NREM sleep were analyzed. We then explored whether polymorphisms in genes related to the metabolism, transport and signaling of adenosine could predispose to depression accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep. DNA from 1423 individuals representative of the Finnish population and including controls and cases with depression, depression accompanied by early morning awakenings and depression accompanied by fatigue, was used in the study to investigate the possible association between polymorphisms from adenosine-related genes and cases. Finally to find common molecular substrates of depression and disturbed sleep, gene expression changes were investigated in specific brain areas in the rat clomipramine model of depression. We focused on the basal forebrain of 3-week old clomipramine-treated rats which develop depressive-like symptoms later in adulthood and on the hypothalamus of adult female clomipramine-treated rats. Results: Blocking of the A1 receptor during sleep deprivation resulted in a reduction of the recovery NREM sleep amount and delta power, whereas A2A receptor antagonism had no effect. Polymorphisms in adenosine-related genes SLC29A3 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter type 3) in women and SLC28A1 (concentrative nucleoside transporter type 1) in men associated with depression alone as well as when accompanied by early morning awakenings and fatigue. In Study III the basal forebrain of postnatal rats treated with clomipramine displayed disturbances in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor type A signaling, in synaptic transmission and possible epigenetic changes. CREB1 was identified as a common transcription denominator which also mediates epigenetic regulation. In the hypothalamus the major changes included the expression of genes in GABA-A receptor pathway, K+ channel-related, glutamatergic and mitochondrial genes, as well as an overexpression of genes related to RNA and mRNA processing. Conclusions: Adenosine plays an important role in sleep homeostasis by promoting recovery NREM sleep via the A1 receptor subtype in the basal forebrain. Also adenosine levels might contribute to the risk of depression with disturbed sleep, since the genes encoding nucleoside transporters showed the strongest associations with depression alone and when accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep in both women and men. Sleep and mood abnormalities in major depressive disorder could be a consequence of multiple changes at the transcriptional level, GABA-A receptor signaling and synaptic transmission in sleep-related basal forebrain and the hypothalamus.


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The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) modulates many functions important for life, e.g., appetite and body temperature, and controls development of the neural system. Disturbed 5-HT function has been implicated in mood, anxiety and eating disorders. The serotonin transporter (SERT) controls the amount of effective 5-HT by removing it from the extracellular space. Radionuclide imaging methods single photon emission tomography (SPET) and positron emission tomography (PET) enable studies on the brain SERTs. This thesis concentrated on both methodological and clinical aspects of the brain SERT imaging using SPET. The first study compared the repeatability of automated and manual methods for definition of volumes of interest (VOIs) in SERT images. The second study investigated within-subject seasonal variation of SERT binding in healthy young adults in two brain regions, the midbrain and thalamus. The third study investigated the association of the midbrain and thalamic SERT binding with Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in female twins. The fourth study investigated the association of the midbrain and hypothalamic/thalamic SERT binding and body mass index (BMI) in monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs. Two radioligands for SERT imaging were used: [123I]ADAM (studies I-III) and [123I]nor-beta-CIT (study IV). Study subjects included young adult MZ and dizygotic (DZ) twins screened from the FinnTwin16 twin cohort (studies I-IV) and healthy young adult men recruited for study II. The first study validated the use of an automated brain template in the analyses of [123I]ADAM images and proved automated VOI definition more reproducible than manual VOI definition. The second study found no systematic within-subject variation in SERT binding between scans done in summer and winter in either of the investigated brain regions. The third study found similar SERT binding between BN women (including purging and non-purging probands), their unaffected female co-twins and other healthy women in both brain regions; in post hoc analyses, a subgroup of purging BN women had significantly higher SERT binding in the midbrain as compared to all healthy women. In the fourth study, MZ twin pairs were divided into twins with higher BMI and co-twins with lower BMI; twins with higher BMI were found to have higher SERT binding in the hypothalamus/thalamus than their leaner co-twins. Our results allow the following conclusions: 1) No systematic seasonal variation exists in the midbrain and thalamus between SERT binding in summer and winter. 2) In a population-based sample, BN does not associate with altered SERT status, but alterations are possible in purging BN women. 3) The higher SERT binding in MZ twins with higher BMIs as compared to their leaner co-twins suggests non-genetic association between acquired obesity and the brain 5-HT system, which may have implications on feeding behavior and satiety.


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The model of developmental origins of health and disease proposes that organisms during fetal period utilize cues that enable their adaptation in the postnatal environment they are likely to live, having short-term advantages when trying to survive in environment but simultaneously in the long run have costs for health. A large body of epidemiological research has found that low birth weight, a marker of intrauterine conditions, is associated with cardiovascular (CV) disease. Since the reported associations of birth weight with normal variation in the resting blood pressure (BP), a major predictor of CV disease risk, have been modest, a key candidate mediating the link has been CV and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axes (HPAA) reactivity to stress. In addition, not only weight at birth but also gestational age and early postnatal growth may have independent associations to stress reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether pre- and postnatal growth and gestational age are associated with CV and HPAA activity before, during and after stress in childhood and in late adulthood. Altogether 287 men and women aged 60-70 and 299 boys and girls aged 7-9 underwent Trier Social Stress Test. Several indices of HPAA and CV were measured and birth size and gestational age were obtained from birth records. Results showed that low birth weight was associated with low HPAA activity during psychosocial stress, and rapid gain in BMI during years 7-11 was related to heightened stress reactivity to psychosocial stress. Size at birth in children and gestational age and early postnatal (0-2 years) gain in height in adults were associated with CV stress responses; however, in a sex-specific manner. Given that CV stress responses and HPAA activity are markers of CV disease vulnerability, our results may partly explain the associations between early environment and later CV disease.


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Aims: Administration of estradiol or compounds with estrogenic activity to newborn female rats results in irreversible masculinization as well as defeminization in the brain and the animals exhibit altered reproductive behavior as adults. The cellular and molecular mechanism involved in inducing the irreversible changes is largely unknown. In the present study, we have monitored the changes in the expression of selected synaptogenesis related genes in the sexually dimorphic brain regions such as POA, hypothalamus and pituitary following 17 beta-estradiol administration to neonatal female rats. Main methods: Female Wistar rats which were administered 17 beta-estradiol on day 2 and 3 after birth were sacrificed 120 days later and the expression levels of genes implicated in synaptogenesis were monitored by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR. Since estradiol induced up-regulation of COX-2 in POA is a marker for estradiol induced masculinization as well as defeminization, in the present study only animals in which the increase in expression of COX-2 gene was observed in POA were included in the study. Key findings: Down-regulation of genes such as NMDA-2B, NETRIN-1, BDNF, MT-5 MMP and TNF-alpha was observed in the pre-optic area of neonatally E2 treated female rat brain but not in hypothalamus and pituitary compared to the vehicle- treated controls as assessed by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Significance: Our results suggest a possibility that down-regulation of genes associated with synaptogenesis in POA, may be resulting in disruption of the cyclical regulation of hormone secretion by pituitary the consequence of which could be infertility and altered reproductive behavior. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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356 p. : il., graf. Nota: Contiene versión resumida en inglés p.237-256 con el título “Subcellular architecture of the endocannabinoid system in the mouse ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus


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The connection between the activity of the gonadotropic cells of the hypophysis and the neurosecretion in the pre-optico neuro-hypophysial system in different groups of vertebrates has been examined by many authors. It has been established that in many species there exists some kind of synchronism between the sexual cycle and the cellular activity of neurosecretion, a fact that has led to the prevailing idea that gonadotropic activity in the hypophysis is regulated by the hypothalamus. This paper summarises the results of experiments made in this direction on Cyclostomata. The materials for research came from adult individuals of Eudontomyson danfordi Regan taken from the rivers Somes-Rece and Ivo (Harghita district) at different times of the year.


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Sleep is a highly conserved behavioral state whose regulation is still unclear. In this thesis I initially briefly introduce the known sleep circuitry and regulation in vertebrates, and why zebrafish is seen as a good model to study sleep-regulation. I describe the existing two-process model of sleep regulation, which posits that the two processes C (circadian) and S (homeostatic) control timing of sleep-wake behavior. I then study the role melatonin plays in the circadian regulation of sleep using zebrafish. Firstly, we find that the absence of melatonin results in a reduction of sleep at night, establishing that endogenous melatonin is required for sleep at night. Secondly, melatonin mutants show a reduction in sleep in animals with no functional behavioral rhythms suggesting that melatonin does not require intact circadian rhythms for its effect on sleep. Thirdly, melatonin mutants do not exhibit any changes in circadian rhythms, suggesting that the circadian clock does not require melatonin for its function. Fourthly, we find that in the absence of melatonin, there is no rhythmic expression of sleep, suggesting that melatonin is the output molecule of process C. Lastly, we describe a connection between adenosine signaling (output molecules of process S), and melatonin. Following this we proceed to study the role adenosine signaling plays in sleep-wake behavior. We find that firstly, adenosine receptor A1 and A2 are involved in sleep- wake behavior in zebrafish, based on agonist/antagonist behavioral results. Secondly, we find that several brain regions such as PACAP cells in the rostral midbrain, GABAergic cells in the forebrain and hindbrain, Dopamine and serotonin cells in the caudal hypothalamus and sox2 cells lining the hindbrain ventricle are activated in response to the A1 antagonist and VMAT positive cells are activated in response to the A2A agonist, suggesting these areas are involved in adenosine signaling in zebrafish. Thirdly, we find that knocking out the zebrafish adenosine receptors has no effect on sleep architecture. Lastly, we find that while the A1 agonist phenotype requires the zfAdora1a receptor, the antagonist and the A2A agonist behavioral phenotypes are not mediated by the zfAdora1a, zfAdora1b and zfAdoraA2Aa, zfAdora2Ab receptors respectively.


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A saudável interação entre o indivíduo e o meio depende do alinhamento entre a dinâmica fisiológica do primeiro e os periódicos movimentos da natureza. A interação entre tais ritmos por sua vez constitui-se em base e derivação do processo de evolução. O comprometimento de tal alinhamento representa um risco para a sobrevivência das espécies. Neste contexto, os organismos alinham seus ritmos fisiológicos a diferentes ciclos externos. Desta forma, ciclos endógenos são coordenados por relógios biológicos que determinam em nosso organismo, específicos ritmos em fase com a natureza, tais como ritmos circadianos (RC), cujo período aproxima-se de 24 horas. O peso corporal, a ingestão de alimentos e o consumo de energia são processos caracterizados pelo RC e a obesidade está associada a uma dessincronização deste processo. A modulação do RC é resultado da expressão dos clock gens CLOCK e BMAL1 que formam um heterodímero responsável pela transcrição gênica de Per1, Per2, Per3, Cry1 e Cry2. As proteínas codificadas por estes genes, uma vez sintetizadas, formam dímeros (PER-CRY) no citoplasma que, a partir de determinada concentração, retornam ao núcleo, bloqueando a ação do heterodímero CLOCK/BMAL1 na transcrição dos próprios genes, formando assim uma alça de retroalimentação negativa de transcrição e tradução. Estes genes asseguram a periodicidade e são significativamente expressos no núcleo supraquiasmático (SCN) do hipotálamo. Para estudar esse processo em camundongos normais e hiperalimentados, saciados e em estado de fome, foi utilizado um método de registro do comportamento alimentar baseado no som produzido pela alimentação dos animais, e a correlação destes estados metabólicos com a expressão de CLOCK, BMAL1, Per1, Per2, Per3, bem como das proteínas Cry1 e Cry2 no SCN, por análise de imagens obtidas em microscopia confocal. Camundongos suíços controle em estado de fome (CF) e saciados (CS) foram comparados com animais hiperalimentados com fome (HF) e saciados (HS). Nenhum grupo demonstrou diferença nos conteúdos CLOCK e BMAL1, indicando capacidade potencial para modular os ritmos biológicos. No entanto, as proteínas Per1, Per2, Per3 e Cry1 apresentaram menor expressão no grupo CS, mostrando uma diferença significativa quando comparados com o grupo CF (P<0,05), diferença esta não encontrada na comparação entre os grupos HF e HS. A quantidade de proteína Cry2 não foi diferente na mesma comparação. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que as alterações dos ritmos endógenos e exógenos, refletido pelo comportamento hiperfágico observado em camundongos hiperalimentados, pode ser devido a um defeito no mecanismo de feedback negativo associado ao dímero Cry-Per, que não bloqueia a transcrição de Per1 Per2, Per3 e Cry1 pelo heterodímero CLOCK-BMAL1.


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Na última década, surgiram evidências de que a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), relatada de forma crescente entre adolescentes, tem início na vida intrauterina e seus sinais e sintomas já estão presentes na adolescência, porém, ainda faltam critérios diagnósticos específicos para essa faixa etária. O ciclo menstrual representa o resultado do funcionamento normal não apenas do eixo Hipotálamo-Hipófise-Ovário (HHO), do útero e do aparelho genital, mas também, do equilíbrio metabólico do organismo. Alterações no ciclo menstrual podem representar sinais de desequilíbrio e anormalidade. A SM está também relacionada à Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP), disfunção ovariana caracterizada por oligoanovulação, hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovários policísticos. A resistência à insulina (RI) tem um papel central na fisiopatologia e na inter-relação dos componentes tanto da SM como também da SOP. A RI é compensada pelo aumento da produção de insulina pelas células beta pancreáticas, e essa hiperinsulinemia compensatória tem conseqüências no endotélio, nos fatores inflamatórios, no metabolismo glicídico e lipídico, além de afetar o ciclo menstrual pelo estímulo da androgênese ovariana, suprimindo a SHBG e possivelmente alterando o padrão da secreção pulsátil do GnRH. Estas alterações menstruais podem apresentar-se de forma precoce, antes das alterações metabólicas da RI, portanto, a avaliação atenta do padrão menstrual de adolescentes pode representar um valioso sinal que alerta para o risco metabólico e cardiovascular. Avaliamos o comportamento de parâmetros da Síndrome Metabólica e sua relação com o ciclo menstrual em adolescentes através de um estudo observacional transversal com 59 adolescentes do sexo feminino entre 12 e 19 anos e presença de pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco para SM: Sobrepeso - Obesidade - Acantose Nigricans. Todas as adolescentes foram submetidas a uma avaliação clínica com levantamento de dados antropométricos, e laboratoriais composta de: Glicose de Jejum, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, Triglicerídeos, Teste Oral de Tolerância a Glicose (Glicose 120), Insulina pré (insulina jejum), pós TOTG (insulina 120), Folículo-Estimulante (FSH), Hormônio Luteinizante (LH), Testosterona Total (TT), Androstenediona, Foram criados 2 grupos:G-1- adolescentes com ciclos irregulares, e G-2- adolescentes com ciclos regulares. Das 59 adolescentes avaliadas, 36 formaram o G-1, e 23 o G-2. A média da idade ginecológica foi de 4,5 anos e da menarca 11,3 anos. Na análise estatística das diferenças nas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos, observou-se que o G-1 apresentou: Cintura (p=0,026), Insulina de jejum (p=0,001), Glicose 120 (p=0,002), insulina 120 (p=0,0001), HOMA-IR (p=0,0008), Triglicerídeos (p=0,013), SM (p<0,0001) e SOP (p<0,0001) significativamente maiores e QUICK (p=0,008), G/I (p=0,002), HDL (p=0,001) significativamente menores que o G-2. (88,8% das adolescentes com ciclos irregulares no ultimo ano apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca. Estes resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre a irregularidade menstrual, RI, SM e SOP na população estudada. Todas as adolescentes com diagnóstico de SM apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca e destas, 93,5% tiveram o diagnóstico de SOP. O nosso estudo chama a atenção para o comportamento do ciclo menstrual na adolescência em relação aos riscos cardiovasculares e metabólicos, sinalizando assim que outros estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos nesta população.


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A obesidade é um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública que cresce em todo o mundo, resultante de um desequilíbrio entre ingestão alimentar e gasto energético. O aumento da adiposidade leva ao desenvolvimento de alterações funcionais. Pode-se dizer que a obesidade é o principal fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas de maior prevalência como dislipidemias, doenças cardiovasculares e diabetes do tipo 2, acarretando na redução da qualidade e expectativa de vida. A Grelina é um hormônio sintetizado pelo estômago, que atua em diferentes tecidos através de um receptor específico (GHS-R1a), incluindo hipotálamo e tecido adiposo. A grelina tem uma ação direta sobre a regulação hipotalâmica da ingestão alimentar, induzindo um efeito orexígeno. Por outro lado, a grelina também modula o armazenamento de energia nos adipócitos. Esta dupla ação sugere que este hormônio pode atuar como uma ligação entre o sistema nervoso central e mecanismos periféricos. Portanto, considerando que a hiperalimentação neonatal induz obesidade na idade adulta por mecanismos desconhecidos, neste estudo foram pesquisados os efeitos da hiperalimentação no início da vida sobre o desenvolvimento da obesidade e, em particular, a sinalização da grelina no tecido adiposo em ratos jovens e adultos. Foram utilizados camundongos Swiss hiperalimentados através do modelo de redução da ninhada. Para induzir a hiperalimentação as ninhadas foram reduzidas a 3 filhotes machos por lactante no 30 dia de vida pós-natal. As ninhadas controles foram ajustadas em 9 filhotes por lactante. Foram avaliados parâmetros antropométricos como: massa corporal e massa do tecido adiposo visceral. A glicemia de jejum foi avaliada utilizando glicosímetro e fitas teste. A análise do conteúdo das proteínas envolvidas na via de sinalização da grelina foram detectadas pelo método de Western Blotting. Os grupos controle (C) e hiperalimentado (H) foram estudados aos 21 e 180 dias de vida. Os dados demonstram que a hipernutrição no início da vida induz um aumento significativo no peso corporal dos camundongos jovens, começando aos 10 dias, e este aumento de peso persistiu até à idade adulta (180 dias de idade). A glicemia e o peso da gordura visceral foram significativamente maiores no grupo hiperalimentado aos 21 e 180 dias, quando comparado com o grupo controle. Os níveis plasmáticos de grelina acilada apresentaram uma redução de 70% nos animais jovens e 49% adultos obesos. Além disso, no tecido adiposo branco, observamos um maior conteúdo (242%) do receptor de grelina (GHSR1a) nos animais hiperalimentados com 21 dias, e este aumento foi associado à modulação positiva do conteúdo e fosforilação de proteínas envolvidas no estoque e utilização de energia celular, tais como AKT, PI3K, AMPK, GLUT-4, e CPT1. No entanto, ao chegar à idade adulta os animais hiperalimentados não apresentaram diferença significativa no conteúdo de GHS-R1a e das proteínas AKT, PI3K, AMPK, GLUT-4, e CPT1. O conteúdo de PPARɣ foi menor no grupo obeso aos 21e 180 dias. Basicamente, mostramos que o metabolismo do tecido adiposo está alterado na obesidade adquirida no início da vida e, provavelmente, devido a essa modificação, ocorre um novo padrão da via de sinalização da grelina.


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A leptina tem um papel importante na regulação do sistema reprodutivo além de seu papel principal na regulação do peso corporal e ingestão alimentar. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da administração de leptina durante o período neonatal na função testicular da prole adulta. Vinte e quatro filhotes de 12 mães foram divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo leptina: injetados com 50 L de leptina (80ng/gPC, subcutânea) nos primeiros 10 dias de vida e Grupo Controle: injetados com o mesmo volume de solução salina. Todos os animais foram sacrificados aos 90 dias de vida. Parâmetros analisados: consumo alimentar, massa corporal, crescimento linear, data de início da puberdade, perfil lipídico, níveis séricos de estradiol e testosterona, expressão gênica (PCR em tempo real) e expressão proteica (Western blot) de ObRa, OBRb, aromatase, AR, ER, morfometria testicular, número, morfologia e viabilidade de espermatozoides. Os dados foram expressos como média erro padrão. A significância estatística foi determinada pelo teste t de Student. A Injeção de leptina levou a uma redução (p≤0,008) no consumo alimentar a partir do dia 26 ao 40 e do dia 70 em diante, enquanto que a massa corporal (p≤0,03) e o crescimento linear (p≤0,05) foram reduzidos do dia 26 até o dia 45. O peso da hipófise (p≤0,0006), hipotálamo (p≤0,01), próstata (p≤0,003), testículo (p≤0,008) e epidídimo (p≤0,004) e bexiga (p≤0,009) foram significativamente reduzidos pela injeção de leptina. A Injeção de leptina adiantou o início da puberdade (C=45,0 0,3; L=41,6 0,3; dias, P≤0,0001). Em relação ao perfil lipídico, a administração de leptina gerou um aumento nos níveis séricos de TG (C= 116,5 15,9; L=172,6 19,7; ng/dL, P≤0,05) e uma redução nos níveis de HDL (C=33 1,5; L = 24 3,5; ng/dL, P≤0,02). Os níveis séricos de testosterona também foram reduzidos pela leptina (C=5,2 1,0; L=1,1 0,3; ng/mL, P≤0,003). Todos os genes avaliados por PCR em tempo real mostraram um aumento na sua expressão: Obra (C=0,32 0,04; L=0,69 0,16; P≤0,04), OBRb (C=0,37 0,06; L=0,71 0,16; P≤0,03), AR (C=0,28 0,02; L=0,71 0,16; P≤0,02), Aromatase (C=0,31 0,04; L=0,53 0,09; P≤0,04), ER-α (C=0,79 0,03; L=0,93 0,03; P≤0,01), ER-β (C=0,29 0,03; L=0,73 0,16; P≤ 0,02). Por outro lado, a expressão proteica de OBR (C=4,4 0,29; L=6,6 0,84; P≤0,05), ER-α (C=0,4 0,02; L=0,6 0,05; P≤0,03) e aromatase (C=0,4 0,03; L=0,5 0,02; P≤0,04) aumentaram, enquanto que a expressão proteica de AR (C=0,16 0,01; L=0,09 0,01; P≤0,009) foi reduzida pela administração de leptina. A análise morfométrica mostrou que a leptina levou a um aumento da área total do túbulo seminífero (C=64,6 3,1; L=56,1 2,1;μm, P≤0,01), aumento da área luminal (C=40,6 2,3; L= 48,7 0,9; μm P≤ 0,004) e na altura do epitélio (C=21,5 1,2; L=24,6 1,1; μm, P≤0,03), enquanto que o comprimento do túbulo seminífero foi reduzido no grupo tratado (C=2200 350; L= 1100 110;cm, P≤0,006). A administração de leptina levou a um aumento no número total de espermatozoides (C=20x107 2x107; L=30x107 5x107;Cls/mL, P≤0,009) e no número de anormalidades (C=40,6 1,9; L=45,8 1,2, P≤0,049). Podemos concluir que a leptina tem um papel importante na morfologia e função testicular. A leptina parece ter efeito direto neste tecido uma vez que a expressão gênica e proteica de OBR, AR, ER e aromatase foram alterados pela administração da leptina.