950 resultados para Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis


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Endogenous glucocorticoids and serotonin have been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. This thesis investigates the potential of downregulating expression of central Type II glucocorticoid receptors (GR) both in vitro and in vivo, with empirically-designed antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), to characterise GR modulation of 5-HT2A receptor expression using quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot analysis and radioligand binding. The functional consequence of GR downregulation is also determined by measuring 1-(2,5-dimethoxy 4-iodophenyl)-2-amino propane hydrochloride (DOI) mediated 5-HT2A receptor specific headshakes. Using a library of random antisense ODN probes, RNAse H accessibility mapping of T7-primed, in vitro transcribed GR mRNA revealed several potential cleavage sites and identified an optimally effect GR antisense ODN sequence of 21-mer length (GRAS5). In vitro efficacy studies using rat C6 glioma cells showed a 56% downregulation in GR mRNA levels and 80% downregulation in GR protein levels. In the same cells a 29% upregulation in 5-HT2A mRNA levels and 32% upregulation in 5-HT2A protein levels was revealed. This confirmed the optimal nature of the GRAS5 sequence to produce marked inhibition of GR gene expression, and also revealed GR modulation of the 50-HT2A receptor subtype in C6 glioma cells to be a tonic repression of receptor expression. The distribution of a fluorescently-labelled GRAS5 ODN was detected in diverse areas of the rat brain after single ICV administration, although this fluorescence signal was not sustained over a period of 5 days. However, fluorescently-labelled GRAS5 ODN, when formulated in polymer microspheres, showed diverse distribution in the brain which was maintained for 5 days following a single ICV administration. This produced no apparent neurotoxic effects on rat behaviour and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis homeostasis. Furthermore, a single polymer microsphere injection ICV proved to be an effective means of delivering antisense ODNs and this was adopted for the in vivo efficacy studies. In vivo characterisation of GRAS5 revealed marked downregulation of GR mRNA in rat brain regions such as the frontal cortex (26%), hippocampus (35%), and hypothalamus (39%). Downregulation of GR protein was also revealed in frontal cortex (67%), hippocampus (76%), and hypothalamus (80%). In the same animals upregulation of 5-HT2A mRNA levels was shown in frontal cortex (13%), hippocampus (7%), and hypothalamus (5%) while upregulation in 5-HT2A protein levels was shown in frontal cortex (21 %). This upregulation in 5-HT2A receptor density as a result of antisense-mediated inhibition of GR was further confirmed by a 55% increase in DOl-mediated 5-HT2A receptor specific headshakes. These results demonstrate that GR is involved in tonic inhibitory regulation of 5-HT2A receptor expression and function in vivo, thus providing the potential to control 5-HT2A-linked disorders through corticosteroid manipulation. These experiments have therefore established an antisense approach which can be used to investigate pharmacological characteristics of receptors.


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Background: Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation has been reported in bipolar disorder (BD), but previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of pituitary gland volume in BD have yielded inconsistent findings. In addition, the contribution of genetic factors to the pituitary changes in BD remains largely unknown. Method: We used MRI to investigate the pituitary volume in 29 remitted patients with BD, 49 of their first-degree relatives (of whom 15 had a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder), and 52 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Results: BD patients had a significantly larger pituitary volume compared with their relatives and healthy controls. Pituitary volume did not differ between controls and healthy relatives or relatives diagnosed with major depression. Limitations: Direct measures of HPA function (i.e., hormonal levels) were not available. Conclusions: These findings suggest that enlarged pituitary volume is associated with disease expression but not genetic susceptibility to BD. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Researchers interested in the neurobiology of the acute stress response in humans require a valid and reliable acute stressor that can be used under experimental conditions. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) provides such a testing platform. It induces stress by requiring participants to make an interview-style presentation, followed by a surprise mental arithmetic test, in front of an interview panel who do not provide feedback or encouragement. In this review, we outline the methodology of the TSST, and discuss key findings under conditions of health and stress-related disorder. The TSST has unveiled differences in males and females, as well as different age groups, in their neurobiological response to acute stress. The TSST has also deepened our understanding of how genotype may moderate the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress, and exciting new inroads have been made in understanding epigenetic contributions to the biological regulation of the acute stress response using the TSST. A number of innovative adaptations have been developed which allow for the TSST to be used in group settings, with children, in combination with brain imaging, and with virtual committees. Future applications may incorporate the emerging links between the gut microbiome and the stress response. Future research should also maximise use of behavioural data generated by the TSST. Alternative acute stress paradigms may have utility over the TSST in certain situations, such as those that require repeat testing. Nonetheless, we expect that the TSST remains the gold standard for examining the cognitive neurobiology of acute stress in humans.


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Le stress joue un rôle important dans le maintien de la qualité de vie quotidienne. Une exposition à une situation stressante peut causer divers désordres neuropsychiatriques du cerveau qui sont associés avec des problèmes liés au sommeil, à la dépression, à des problèmes digestifs et à des troubles de l’alimentation. Les traitements de ces troubles liés au stress sont très coûteux à travers le monde. De nos jours, des considérations importantes ont été soulevées afin de trouver des moyens appropriés pour la prévention plutôt que de dépenser ultérieurement plus de budget sur les traitements. De cette façon, l’étude et l’expérimentation sur les animaux des troubles liés au stress sont l’un des moyens les plus fiables pour atteindre une compréhension plus profonde des problèmes liés au stress. Ce projet visait à révéler la modulation des potentiels de champ locaux (LFP) lors de la consommation de sucrose dans deux conditions englobant la condition de contrôle non-stressante et celle stressante d’un choc électrique aiguë à la patte dans le cortex préfrontal médian (CPFm) du cerveau de rat. Le CPFm est une structure importante dans la réponse au stress et à l’anxiété par l’interaction avec l’axe hypothalamique-pituitaire surrénale (HPA). Les résultats de ce projet ont révélé que la plupart des coups de langue se sont produits dans les 15 premières minutes de l’accès à une solution de sucrose autant pour la condition contrôle non-stressante que pour la condition stressante. En outre, le stress aigu d’un choc à la patte affecte de manière significative la consommation horaire de sucrose en diminuant le volume de la consommation. Les résultats ont également révélé une présence importante du rythme thêta dans le CPFm pendant la condition de base et pendant l’ingestion de sucrose dans les deux conditions. De plus, les résultats ont montré une diminution de puissance des bandes delta et thêta lors des initiations de léchage du sucrose. Ce projet conduit à des informations détaillées sur les propriétés électrophysiologiques du cortex infra-limbique (IL) du CPFm en réponse à l’exposition à des conditions de stress et de l’apport d’une solution de sucrose. Ce projet permet également de mieux comprendre les mécanismes neurophysiologiques des neurones du CPFm en réponse à l’exposition à une condition stressante suivie d’apport de sucrose. Ce projet a également permis de confirmer les effets anorexigènes du stress et suggèrent également que la synchronisation neuronale dans le cortex IL peut jouer un rôle dans le comportement de léchage et sa désynchronisation pendant le léchage après une exposition à des conditions stressantes.


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El Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional (SAP), es común en los trabajadores de la salud, particularmente en los expuestos a altos niveles de estrés en el trabajo e incluye el agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Se considera que los médicos residentes presentan una mayor prevalencia del síndrome que los médicos debido a que se encuentran en entrenamiento, período en el cual están sometidos a alta carga laboral debido a las largas horas de trabajo, horarios irregulares, privación de sueño, intensas demandas emocionales, así como la presión de dominar un gran conocimiento clínico. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout en la población de médicos residentes. Metodología. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos electrónica Pubmed, seleccionando aquellos publicados entre los años 2001 al 2016, tanto en idioma inglés como en español, a texto completo y enfocados en estudios en médicos residentes. Resultados. Los hallazgos sugieren que el Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout es altamente prevalente, que varía de acuerdo a la residencia que se esté realizando, encontrando un promedio del 50% con un rango de 27% a 75% entre las diferentes especialidades de la población estudiada y, en consecuencia, puede constituir un problema de salud que amerita atención en cada Institución, esto a pesar de que la prevalencia pueda variar de un lugar a otro y en las diferentes especialidades. Conclusiones. El SAP o Burnout constituye un problema de salud entre la población de médicos residentes, lo que sugiere la conveniencia de diseñar medidas para su prevención como informar en la inducción al programa de residencia sobre el riesgo de la aparición del síndrome y sus síntomas, consultar tempranamente ante signos de alarma, adecuar el sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para que incluya esta condición específica y ajustar o disminuir la carga laboral entre otras.


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Previous studies have shown that the medial prefrontal cortex can suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress. However, this effect appears to vary with the type of stressor. Furthermore, the absence of direct projections between the medial prefrontal cortex and corticotropin-releasing factor cells at the apex of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suggest that other brain regions must act as a relay when this inhibitory mechanism is activated. In the present study, we first established that electrolytic lesions involving the prelimbic and infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex increased plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels seen in response to a physical stressor, the systemic delivery of interleukin-1beta. However, medial prefrontal cortex lesions did not alter plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels seen in response to a psychological stressor, noise. To identify brain regions that might mediate the effect of medial prefrontal cortex lesions on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to systemic interleukin-1beta, we next mapped the effects of similar lesions on interleukin-1beta-induced Fos expression in regions previously shown to regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to this stressor. It was found that medial prefrontal cortex lesions reduced the number of Fos-positive cells in the ventral aspect of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. However, the final experiment, which involved combining retrograde tracing with Fos immunolabelling, revealed that bed nucleus of the stria terminalis-projecting medial prefrontal cortex neurons were largely separate from medial prefrontal cortex neurons recruited by systemic interleukin-1beta, an outcome that is difficult to reconcile with a simple medial prefrontal cortex-bed nucleus of the stria terminalis-corticotropin-releasing factor cell control circuit.


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Stress hormones in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis), produced in response to environmental changes, road development, or high population density, may impact their immune systems to a threshold level that predisposes them to periodic, large-scale mortality. We compared the stress response to a novel environmental situation and repeated handling between bighorn sheep born and raised in captivity (CR) and bighorn sheep born in the wild (WC) and brought into captivity. We measured plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM). Three weeks after each group’s arrival we used a one-time drop-net event to elicit an acute stress response, and we collected blood samples from each sheep over 35 minutes, as well as one fecal sample. We collected blood and fecal samples from both groups on 7 other occasions over the subsequent 6 months. We also collected fecal samples from the pen at approximately 24-hour intervals for 3 days following every handling event to monitor the stress response to handling. We found that CR sheep had a stronger autonomic nervous system response than WC sheep, as measured by epinephrine and norepinephrine levels, but we found a very similar hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) response, measured by cortisol levels, to the acute stress event of a drop-net restraint. We also found that once the WC sheep had acclimated, as indicated by the return to the initial baseline FGM levels within 12 weeks, the CR and WC groups’ HPA responses to sampling events were not significantly different from one another. Fecal samples can provide a noninvasive mechanism for managers to monitor baseline FGM for a given herd. Using long-term monitoring of FGM rather than values from a single point in time may allow managers to correlate these levels to outside influences on the herd and better understand the impacts of management changes, population density, or increased human developments on the health of the sheep population.


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The aim of this cephalometric study was to evaluate the influence of the sagittal skeletal pattern on the 'Y-axis of growth' measurement in patients with different malocclusions. Lateral head films from 59 patients (mean age 16y 7m, ranging from 11 to 25 years) were selected after a subjective analysis of 1630 cases. Sample was grouped as follows: Group 1 - class I facial pattern; group 2 - class II facial pattern; and Group 3 - class III facial pattern. Two angular measurements, SNGoGn and SNGn, were taken in order to determine skeletal vertical facial pattern. A logistic regression with errors distributed according to a binomial distribution was used to test the influence of the sagittal relationship (Class I, II, III facial patterns) on vertical diagnostic measurement congruence (SNGoGn and SNGn). RESULTS show that the probability of congruence between the patterns SNGn and SNGoGn was relatively high (70%) for group 1, but for groups II (46%) and III (37%) this congruence was relatively low. The use of SNGn appears to be inappropriate to determine the vertical facial skeletal pattern of patients, due to Gn point shifting throughout sagittal discrepancies. Clinical Significance: Facial pattern determined by SNGn must be considered carefully, especially when severe sagittal discrepancies are present.


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Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor for sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) that has a role in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. Here we show that the S1P/S1PR1 signalling pathway in hypothalamic neurons regulates energy homeostasis in rodents. We demonstrate that S1PR1 protein is highly enriched in hypothalamic POMC neurons of rats. Intracerebroventricular injections of the bioactive lipid, S1P, reduce food consumption and increase rat energy expenditure through persistent activation of STAT3 and the melanocortin system. Similarly, the selective disruption of hypothalamic S1PR1 increases food intake and reduces the respiratory exchange ratio. We further show that STAT3 controls S1PR1 expression in neurons via a positive feedback mechanism. Interestingly, several models of obesity and cancer anorexia display an imbalance of hypothalamic S1P/S1PR1/STAT3 axis, whereas pharmacological intervention ameliorates these phenotypes. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the neuronal S1P/S1PR1/STAT3 signalling axis plays a critical role in the control of energy homeostasis in rats.


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Extraction and clean-up are essential points in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) analysis in a solid matrix. This work compares extraction techniques and clean-up procedures for PAH analysis. PAH levels, their toxicological significance and source were also evaluated in the waters of the Cocó and Ceará rivers. The efficiency of PAH recovery was higher for the soxhlet and ultrasonic techniques. PAH recovery varied from 69.3 to 99.3%. Total PAH concentration (ΣHPA) varied from 720.73 to 2234.76 µg kg-1 (Cocó river) and 96.4 to 1859.21 µg kg-1 (Ceará river). The main PAH sources are pyrolytic processes and the levels were classified as medium so that adverse effects are possible.


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Objective: To reevaluate the responses of thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( TRH) stimulation test in baseline condition as well as after the administration of graded supraphysiological doses of liothyronine ( L- T-3) in normal subjects. Design: To assess various parameters related to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and peripheral tissue responses to L- T-3 in 22 normal individuals ( median age: 30.5 years). Subjects were submitted to an intravenous TRH test at baseline condition and also to the oral administration of sequential and graded doses of L- T-3 ( 50, 100, and 200 mu g/day), each given over 3 days, at an outpatient clinic. Blood samples were obtained for thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) at basal and then 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the TRH injection. Effects of L- T3 administration on cholesterol, creatine kinase, retinol, ferritin, and sex hormone-binding globulin ( SHBG) were also measured at basal and after the oral administration of L- T-3. Main outcome: TRH administration resulted in an increase of 4-to 14-fold rise in serum TSH ( 8.3 +/- 2.5-fold), and in a slight rise in serum PRL concentrations ( 3.8 +/- 1.5-fold). Administration of graded doses of triiodothyronine ( T-3) resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of TSH and PRL. Basal thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and cholesterol levels decreased, and ferritin and SHBG increased after L- T-3 administration, while creatine kinase and retinol did not change throughout the study. There was a positive correlation between basal TSH and TSH peak response to TRH at basal condition and after each sequential L- T-3 doses. On the other hand, TSH peak response to the TRH test did not predict cholesterol, TBG, ferritin, or SHBG values. Conclusion: Using the current methods on hormone and biochemical analysis, we standardized the response of many parameters to TRH stimulation test after sequential and graded T-3 suppression test in normal subjects. Our data suggest that the evaluation of the responses of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to TRH test as well as the impact of L- T-3 on peripheral tissues were not modified by the current methods.


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A finite element analysis and a parametric optimization of single-axis acoustic levitators are presented. The finite element method is used to simulate a levitator consisting of a Langevin ultrasonic transducer with a plane radiating surface and a plane reflector. The transducer electrical impedance, the transducer face displacement, and the acoustic radiation potential that acts on small spheres are determined by the finite element method. The numerical electrical impedance is compared with that acquired experimentally by an impedance analyzer, and the predicted displacement is compared with that obtained by a fiber-optic vibration sensor. The numerical acoustic radiation potential is verified experimentally by placing small spheres in the levitator. The same procedure is used to optimize a levitator consisting of a curved reflector and a concave-faced transducer. The numerical results show that the acoustic radiation force in the new levitator is enhanced 604 times compared with the levitator consisting of a plane transducer and a plane reflector. The optimized levitator is able to levitate 3, 2.5-mm diameter steel spheres with a power consumption of only 0.9 W.


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In previous studies, we presented main strategies for suspending the rotor of a mixed-flow type (centrifugal and axial) ventricular assist device (VAD), originally presented by the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC), Brazil. Magnetic suspension is achieved by the use of a magnetic bearing architecture in which the active control is executed in only one degree of freedom, in the axial direction of the rotor. Remaining degrees of freedom, excepting the rotation, are restricted only by the attraction force between pairs of permanent magnets. This study is part of a joint project in development by IDPC and Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University, Brazil. This article shows advances in that project, presenting two promising solutions for magnetic bearings. One solution uses hybrid cores as electromagnetic actuators, that is, cores that combine iron and permanent magnets. The other solution uses actuators, also of hybrid type, but with the magnetic circuit closed by an iron core. After preliminary analysis, a pump prototype has been developed for each solution and has been tested. For each prototype, a brushless DC motor has been developed as the rotor driver. Each solution was evaluated by in vitro experiments and guidelines are extracted for future improvements. Tests have shown good results and demonstrated that one solution is not isolated from the other. One complements the other for the development of a single-axis-controlled, hybrid-type magnetic bearing for a mixed-flow type VAD.


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We previously described significant changes in GH-binding protein (GHBP) in pathological human pregnancy. There was a substantial elevation of GHBP in cases of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and a reduction in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. GHBP has the potential to modulate the proportion of free placental GH (PGH) and hence the impact on the maternal GH/insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis, fetal growth, and maternal glycemic status. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship among glycemia, GHBP, and PGH during pregnancy and to assess the impact of GHBP on the concentration of free PGH. We have extended the analysis of specimens to include measurements of GHBP, PGH, IGF-I, IGF-II, IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), IGFSP-2, and IGFBP-3 and have related these to maternal characteristics, fetal growth, and glycemia. The simultaneous measurement of GHBP and PGH has for the first time allowed calculation of the free component of PGH and correlation of the free component to indexes of fetal growth and other endocrine markers. PGH, free PGH, IGF-I, and IGF-II were substantially decreased in IUGR at 28-30 weeks gestation (K28) and 36-38 weeks gestation (K36). The mean concentration (+/-SEM) of total PGH increased significantly from K28 to K36 (30.0 +/- 2.2 to 50.7 +/- 6.2 ng/mL; n = 40), as did the concentration of free PGH (23.4 +/- 2.3 to 43.7 +/- 6.0 ng/mL; n = 38). The mean percentage of free PGH was significantly less in IUGR than in normal subjects (67% vs. 79%; P < 0.01). Macrosomia was associated with an increase in these parameters that did not reach statistical significance. Multiple regression analysis revealed that PGH/IGF-I and IGFBP-5 account for 40% of the variance in birth weight. IGFBP-3 showed a significant correlation with IGF-I, IGF-II, and free and total PGK at K28 and K36. Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients had a lower mean percentage of free PGH (65%; P < 0.01), and insulin-dependent diabetics had a higher mean percentage of free PGH (87%; P < 0.01) than normal subjects. Mean postprandial glucose at K28 correlated positively with PGH and free PGH (consistent with the hyperglycemic action of GH). GHBP correlated negatively with both postprandial and fasting glucose. Although GHBP correlated negatively with PGH (r = -0.52; P


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Establishment of the left-right axis is a fundamental process of vertebrate embryogenesis. Failure to develop left-right asymmetry leads to incorrect positioning and morphogenesis of numerous internal organs, and is proposed to underlie the etiology of several common cardiac malformations. The transcriptional modulator Cited2 is essential for embryonic development: Cited2-null embryos die during gestation with profound developmental abnormalities, including cardiac malformations, exencephaly and adrenal agenesis. Cited2 is also required for normal establishment of the left-right axis; we demonstrate that abnormal heart looping and right atrial and pulmonary isomerism are consistent features of the left-right-patterning defect. We show by gene expression analysis that Cited2 acts upstream of Nodal, Lefty2 and Pitx2 in the lateral mesoderm, and of Lefty1 in the presumptive floor plate. Although abnormal left-right patterning has a major impact on the cardiac phenotype in Cited2-null embryos, laterality defects are only observed in a proportion of these embryos. We have therefore used a combination of high-resolution imaging and three-dimensional (3D) modeling to systematically document the full spectrum of Cited2-associated cardiac defects. Previous studies have focused on the role of Cited2 in cardiac neural crest cell development, as Cited2 can bind the transcription factor Tfap2, and thus affect the expression of Erbb3 in neural crest cells. However, we have identified Cited2-associated cardiac defects that cannot be explained by laterality or neural crest abnormalities. In particular, muscular ventricular septal defects and reduced cell density in the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions are evident in Cited2-null embryos. As we found that Cited2 expression tightly correlated with these sites, we believe that Cited2 plays a direct role in development of the AV canal and cardiac septa. We therefore propose that, in addition to the previously described reduction of cardiac neural crest cells, two other distinct mechanisms contribute to the spectrum of complex cardiac defects in Cited2-null mice; disruption of normal left-right patterning and direct loss of Cited2 expression in cardiac tissues.