133 resultados para Hyperopic defocus


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PURPOSE:To investigate the mechanism of action of the Tetraflex (Lenstec Kellen KH-3500) accommodative intraocular lens (IOL). METHODS:Thirteen eyes of eight patients implanted with the Tetraflex accommodating IOL for at least 2 years underwent assessment of their objective amplitude-of-accommodation by autorefraction, anterior chamber depth and pupil size with optical coherence tomography, and IOL flexure with aberrometry, each viewing a target at 0.0 to 4.00 diopters of accommodative demand. RESULTS:Pupil size decreased by 0.62+/-0.41 mm on increasing accommodative demand, but the Tetraflex IOL was relatively fixed in position within the eye. The ocular aberrations of the eye changed with increased accommodative demand, but not in a consistent manner among individuals. Those aberrations that appeared to be most affected were defocus, vertical primary and secondary astigmatism, vertical coma, horizontal and vertical primary and secondary trefoil, and spherical aberration. CONCLUSIONS:Some of the reported near vision benefits of the Tetraflex accommodating IOL appear to be due to changes in the optical aberrations because of the flexure of the IOL on accommodative effort rather than forward movement within the capsular bag.


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Purpose To investigate the utility of uncorrected visual acuity measures in screening for refractive error in white school children aged 6-7-years and 12-13-years. Methods The Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) study used a stratified random cluster design to recruit children from schools in Northern Ireland. Detailed eye examinations included assessment of logMAR visual acuity and cycloplegic autorefraction. Spherical equivalent refractive data from the right eye were used to classify significant refractive error as myopia of at least 1DS, hyperopia as greater than +3.50DS and astigmatism as greater than 1.50DC, whether it occurred in isolation or in association with myopia or hyperopia. Results Results are presented from 661 white 12-13-year-old and 392 white 6-7-year-old school-children. Using a cut-off of uncorrected visual acuity poorer than 0.20 logMAR to detect significant refractive error gave a sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 92% in 6-7-year-olds and 73% and 93% respectively in 12-13-year-olds. In 12-13-year-old children a cut-off of poorer than 0.20 logMAR had a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 91% in detecting myopia and a sensitivity of 41% and a specificity of 84% in detecting hyperopia. Conclusions Vision screening using logMAR acuity can reliably detect myopia, but not hyperopia or astigmatism in school-age children. Providers of vision screening programs should be cognisant that where detection of uncorrected hyperopic and/or astigmatic refractive error is an aspiration, current UK protocols will not effectively deliver.


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Myopia is a refractive condition and develops because either the optical power of the eye is abnormally great or the eye is abnormally long, the optical consequences being that the focal length of the eye is too short for the physical length of the eye. The increase in axial length has been shown to match closely the dioptric error of the eye, in that a lmm increase in axial length usually generates 2 to 3D of myopia. The most common form of myopia is early-onset myopia (EO M) which occurs between 6 to 14 years of age. The second most common form of myopia is late-onset myopia (LOM) which emerges in late teens or early twenties, at a time when the eye should have ceased growing. The prevalence of LOM is increasing and research has indicated a link with excessive and sustained nearwork. The aim of this thesis was to examine the ocular biometric correlates associated with LOM and EOM development and progression. Biometric data was recorded on SO subjects, aged 16 to 26 years. The group was divided into 26 emmetropic subjects and 24 myopic subjects. Keratometry, corneal topography, ultrasonography, lens shape, central and peripheral refractive error, ocular blood flow and assessment of accommodation were measured on three occasions during an ISmonth to 2-year longitudinal study. Retinal contours were derived using a specially derived computer program. The thesis shows that myopia progression is related to an increase in vitreous chamber depth, a finding which supports previous work. The myopes exhibited hyperopic relative peripheral refractive error (PRE) and the emmetropes exhibited myopic relative PRE. Myopes demonstrated a prolate retinal shape and the retina became more prolate with myopia progression. The results show that a longitudinal, rather than equatorial, increase in the posterior segment is the principal structural correlate of myopia. Retinal shape, relative PRE and the ratio of axial length to corneal curvature have been indicated, in this thesis, as predictive factors for myopia onset and development. Data from this thesis demonstrates that myopia progression in the LOM group is the result of an increase in anterior segment power, owing to an increase in lens thickness, in conjunction with posterior segment elongation. Myopia progression in the EOM group is the product of a long posterior segment, which over-compensates for a weak anterior segment power. The weak anterior segment power in the EOM group is related to a combination of crystalline lens thinning and surface flattening. The results presented in this thesis confirm that posterior segment elongation is the main structural correlate in both EOM and LOM progression. The techniques and computer programs employed in the thesis are reproducible and robust providing a valuable framework for further myopia research and assessment of predictive factors.


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Many workers have studied the ocular components which occur in eyes exhibiting differing amounts of central refractive error but few have ever considered the additional information that could be derived from a study of peripheral refraction. Before now, peripheral refraction has either been measured in real eyes or has otherwise been modelled in schematic eyes of varying levels of sophistication. Several differences occur between measured and modelled results which, if accounted for, could give rise to more information regarding the nature of the optical and retinal surfaces and their asymmetries. Measurements of ocular components and peripheral refraction, however, have never been made in the same sample of eyes. In this study, ocular component and peripheral refractive measurements were made in a sample of young near-emmetropic, myopic and hyperopic eyes. The data for each refractive group was averaged. A computer program was written to construct spherical surfaced schematic eyes from this data. More sophisticated eye models were developed making use of linear algebraic ray tracing program. This method allowed rays to be traced through toroidal aspheric surfaces which were translated or rotated with respect to each other. For simplicity, the gradient index optical nature of the crystalline lens was neglected. Various alterations were made in these eye models to reproduce the measured peripheral refractive patterns. Excellent agreement was found between the modelled and measured peripheral refractive values over the central 70o of the visual field. This implied that the additional biometric features incorporated in each eye model were representative of those which were present in the measured eyes. As some of these features are not otherwise obtainable using in vivo techniques, it is proposed that the variation of refraction in the periphery offers a very useful optical method for studying human ocular component dimensions.


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Distortion or deprivation of vision during an early `critical' period of visual development can result in permanent visual impairment which indicates the need to identify and treat visually at-risk individuals early. A significant difficulty in this respect is that conventional, subjective methods of visual acuity determination are ineffective before approximately three years of age. In laboratory studies, infant visual function has been quantified precisely, using objective methods based on visual evoked potentials (VEP), preferential looking (PL) and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) but clinical assessment of infant vision has presented a particular difficulty. An initial aim of this study was to evaluate the relative clinical merits of the three techniques. Clinical derivatives were devised, the OKN method proved unsuitable but the PL and VEP methods were evaluated in a pilot study. Most infants participating in the study had known ocular and/or neurological abnormalities but a few normals were included for comparison. The study suggested that the PL method was more clinically appropriate for the objective assessment of infant acuity. A study of normal visual development from birth to one year was subsequently conducted. Observations included cycloplegic refraction, ophthalmoscopy and preferential looking visual acuity assessment using horizontally and vertically oriented square wave gratings. The aims of the work were to investigate the efficiency and sensitivity of the technique and to study possible correlates of visual development. The success rate of the PL method varied with age; 87% of newborns and 98% of infants attending follow-up successfully completed at least one acuity test. Below two months monocular acuities were difficult to secure; infants were most testable around six months. The results produced were similar to published data using the acuity card procedure and slightly lower than, but comparable with acuity data derived using extended PL methods. Acuity development was not impaired in infants found to have retinal haemorrhages as newborns. A significant relationship was found between newborn binocular acuity and anisometropia but not with other refractive findings. No strong or consistent correlations between grating acuity and refraction were found for three, six or twelve months olds. Improvements in acuity and decreases in levels of hyperopia over the first week of life were suggestive of recovery from minor birth trauma. The refractive data was analysed separately to investigate the natural history of refraction in normal infants. Most newborns (80%) were hyperopic, significant astigmatism was found in 86% and significant anisometropia in 22%. No significant alteration in spherical equivalent refraction was noted between birth and three months, a significant reduction in hyperopia was evident by six months and this trend continued until one year. Observations on the astigmatic component of the refractive error revealed a rather erratic series of changes which would be worthy of further investigation since a repeat refraction study suggested difficulties in obtaining stable measurements in newborns. Astigmatism tended to decrease between birth and three months, increased significantly from three to six months and decreased significantly from six to twelve months. A constant decrease in the degree of anisometropia was evident throughout the first year. These findings have implications for the correction of infantile refractive error.


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The aim of this thesis was to develop standards of best practice for the subjective assessment of near visual function in presbyopia. Near visual acuity (VA) is a quick and simple measure but an assessment of the maximum reading speed and the smallest print size that can maintain this are equally important, to gain a better reflection of real world visual function. These metrics are dependent on the amplitude of accommodation (AoA) and often this must be evaluated using subjective techniques. Defocus curves are less susceptible than the push-up/push-down test to the influence of blur tolerance but their implementation must be standardised such that letter sequences and the order of lens presentation are randomised, to avoid memory effects, whilst the AoA should be quantified as the range of defocus for which only the best VA is maintained. In addition to such clinical assessments, subjective questionnaire evaluations are also important, to determine whether at least an individual’s needs are met. The Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ) developed in this thesis can be used for this. Using these standardised near vision metrics it is shown that visual performance with monovision and multifocal contact lenses is comparable whilst initial outcomes of single optic ‘accommodating’ intraocular lens implantation are unlikely to be sustained in the long-term.


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The binding theme of this thesis is the examination of both phakic and pseudophakic accommodation by means of theoretical modelling and the application of a new biometric measuring technique. Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) was used to assess phakic accommodative changes in 30 young subjects (19.4 2.0 years; range, 18 to 25 years). A new method of assessing curvature change with this technique was employed with limited success. Changes in axial accommodative spacing, however, proved to be very similar to those of the Scheimpflug-based data. A unique biphasic trend in the position of the posterior crystalline lens surface during accommodation was discovered, which has not been alluded to in the literature. All axial changes with accommodation were statistically significant (p < 0.01) with the exception of corneal thickness (p = 0.81). A two-year follow-up study was undertaken for a cohort of subjects previously implanted with a new accommodating intraocular lens (AIOL) (Lenstec Tetraflex KH3500). All measures of best corrected distance visual acuity (BCDVA; +0.04 0.24 logMAR), distance corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA; +0.61 0.17 logMAR) and contrast sensitivity (+1.35 0.21 log units) were good. The subjective accommodation response quantified with the push-up technique (1.53 0.64 D) and defocus curves (0.77 0.29 D) was greater than the objective stimulus response (0.21 0.19 D). AS-OCT measures with accommodation stimulus revealed a small mean posterior movement of the AIOLs (0.02 0.03 mm for a 4.0 D stimulus); this is contrary to proposed mechanism of the anterior focus-shift principle.


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The electroretinogram evoked by reversal pattern stimulation (rPERG) is known to contain both pattern contrast and luminance related components. The retinal mechanisms of the transient rPERGs subserving these functional characteristics are the main concern in the present studies. Considerable attention has been paid to the luminance-related characteristics of the response. The transient PERGs were found to consist of two subsequent processes using low frequency attenuation analysis. The processes overlapped and the individual difference in each process timings formed the major cause for the variations of the negative potential waveform of the transient rPERGs. Attention has been paid to those having ‘notch’ type of variation. Under different contrast levels, the amplitudes of the positive and negative potentials were linearly increased with higher contrast level and the negative potential showed a higher sensitivity to contrast changes and higher contrast gain. Under lower contrast levels, the decreased amplitudes made the difference in the timing course of the positive and negative processes evident, interpreting the appearance of the notch in some cases. Visual adaptation conditions for recording the transient rPERG were discussed. Another effort was to study the large variation of the transient rPERGs (especially the positive potential, P50) in the elderly who’s distant and near visual acuity were normal. It was found that reduction of retinal illumination contributed mostly to the P50 amplitude loss and contrast loss mostly to the negative potential (N95) amplitude loss. Senile miosis was thought to have little effect on the reduction of the retinal illumination, while the changes in the optics of the eye was probably the major cause for it, which interpreted the larger individual variation of the P50 amplitude of the elderly PERGs. Convex defocus affected the transient rPERGs more effectively than concave lenses, especially the N95 amplitude in the elderly. The disability of accommodation and the type and the degree of subjects’ ametropia should be taken into consideration when the elderly rPERGs were analysed.


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Purpose - To assess clinical outcomes and subjective experience after bilateral implantation of a diffractive trifocal intraocular lens (IOL). Setting - Midland Eye Institute, Solihull, United Kingdom. Design - Cohort study. Methods - Patients had bilateral implantation of Finevision trifocal IOLs. Uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), and manifest refraction were measured 2 months postoperatively. Defocus curves were assessed under photopic and mesopic conditions over a range of +1.50 to -4.00 diopters (D) in 0.50 D steps. Contrast sensitivity function was assessed under photopic conditions. Halometry was used to measure the angular size of monocular and binocular photopic scotomas arising from a glare source. Patient satisfaction with uncorrected near vision was assessed using the Near Activity Visual Questionnaire (NAVQ). Results - The mean monocular CDVA was 0.08 logMAR ± 0.08 (SD) and the mean binocular CDVA, 0.06 ± 0.08 logMAR. Defocus curve testing showed an extended range of clear vision from +1.00 to -2.50 D defocus, with a significant difference in acuity between photopic conditions and mesopic conditions at -1.50 D defocus only. Photopic contrast sensitivity was significantly better binocularly than monocularly at all spatial frequencies. Halometry showed a glare scotoma of a mean size similar to that in previous studies of multifocal and accommodating IOLs; there were no subjective complaints of dysphotopsia. The mean NAVQ Rasch score for satisfaction with near vision was 15.9 ± 10.7 logits. Conclusions - The trifocal IOL implanted binocularly produced good distance visual acuity and near and intermediate visual function. Patients were very satisfied with their uncorrected near vision.


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Accommodating Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) and toric IOLs are designed to provide a greater level of spectacle independency post cataract surgery. All of these IOLs are reliant on the accurate calculation of intraocular lens power determined through reliable ocular biometry. A standardised defocus area metric and reading performance index metric were devised for the evaluation of the range of focus and the reading ability of subjects implanted with presbyopic correcting IOLs. The range of clear vision after implantation of an MIOL is extended by a second focal point; however, this results in the prevalence of dysphotopsia. A bespoke halometer was designed and validated to assess this photopic phenomenon. There is a lack of standardisation in the methods used for determining IOL orientation and thus rotation. A repeatable, objective method was developed to allow the accurate assessment of IOL rotation, which was used to determine the rotational and positional stability of a closed loop haptic IOL. A new commercially available biometry device was validated for use with subjects prior to cataract surgery. The optical low coherence reflectometry instrument proved to be a valid method for assessing ocular biometry and covered a wider range of ocular parameters in comparison with previous instruments. The advantages of MIOLs were shown to include an extended range of clear vision translating into greater reading ability. However, an increased prevalence of dysphotopsia was shown with a bespoke halometer, which was dependent on the MIOL optic design. Implantation of a single optic accommodating IOL did not improve reading ability but achieved high subjective ratings of near vision. The closed-loop haptic IOL displayed excellent rotational stability in the late period but relatively poor rotational stability in the early period post implantation. The orientation error was compounded by the high frequency of positional misalignment leading to an extensive overall misalignment of the IOL. This thesis demonstrates the functionality of new IOL lens designs and the importance of standardised testing methods, thus providing a greater understanding of the consequences of implanting these IOLs. Consequently, the findings of the thesis will influence future designs of IOLs and testing methods.


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Aim: To evaluate the performance of an aspheric diffractive multifocal acrylic intraocular lens (IOL), ZMB00 1-Piece Tecnis. Setting: Five sites across Europe. Methods: Fifty-two patients with cataracts (average age 68.5±10.5 years, 35 female) were bilaterally implanted with the aspheric diffractive multifocal IOL after completing a questionnaire regarding their optical visual symptoms, use of visual correction and their visual satisfaction. The questionnaire was completed again 4-6 months after surgery along with measures of uncorrected and best-corrected distance and near visual acuity, under photopic and mesopic lighting, reading ability, defocus curve testing and ocular examination for adverse events. Results: The residual refractive error was 0.01±0.47D with 56% of eyes within ±0.25D and 97% within ±1.0D. Uncorrected visual acuity was 0.02±0.10logMAR at distance and 0.15±0.30 logMAR at near, only reducing to 0.07±0.10logMAR at distance and 0.21±0.25logMAR at near in mesopic conditions.The defocus curve showed a near addition between 2.5-3.0 D allowing a reading acuity of 0.08±0.13 logMAR, with a range of clear vision <0.3 logMAR of ∼4.0 D. The average reading speed was 121.4±30.8 words per minute. Spectacle independence was 100% for distance and 88% for near, with high levels of satisfaction reported. Overall rating of vision without glasses could be explained (r=0.760) by preoperative best-corrected distance acuity, postoperative reading acuity and postoperative uncorrected distance acuity in photopic conditions (p<0.001). Only two minor adverse events occurred. Conclusions: The ZMB00 1-Piece Tecnis multifocal IOL provides a good visual outcome at distance and near with minimal adverse effects.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess refractive and biometric changes 1 week after discontinuation of lens wear in subjects who had been wearing orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses for 2 years. METHODS: Twenty-nine subjects aged 6 to 12 years and with myopia of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters (D) and astigmatism of ≤1.00 D participated in the study. Measurements of axial length and anterior chamber depth (Zeiss IOLMaster), corneal power and shape, and cycloplegic refraction were taken 1 week after discontinuation and compared with those at baseline and after 24 months of lens wear. RESULTS: A hyperopic shift was found at 24 months relative to baseline in spherical equivalent refractive error (+1.86±1.01 D), followed by a myopic shift at 1 week relative to 24 months (-1.93±0.92 D) (both P<0.001). Longer axial lengths were found at 24 months and 1 week in comparison to baseline (0.47±0.18 and 0.51±0.18 mm, respectively) (both P<0.001). The increase in axial length at 1 week relative to 24 months was statistically significant (0.04±0.06 mm; P=0.006). Anterior chamber depth did not change significantly over time (P=0.31). Significant differences were found between 24 months and 1 week relative to baseline and between 1-week and 24-month visits in mean corneal power (-1.68±0.80, -0.44±0.32, and 1.23±0.70 D, respectively) (all P≤0.001). Refractive change at 1 week in comparison to 24 months strongly correlated with changes in corneal power (r=-0.88; P<0.001) but not with axial length changes (r=-0.09; P=0.66). Corneal shape changed significantly between the baseline and 1-week visits (0.15±0.10 D; P<0.001). Corneal shape changed from a prolate to a more oblate corneal shape at the 24-month and 1-week visits in comparison to baseline (both P≤0.02) but did not change significantly between 24 months and 1 week (P=0.06). CONCLUSIONS: The effects of long-term OK on ocular biometry and refraction are still present after 1-week discontinuation of lens wear. Refractive change after discontinuation of long-term OK is primarily attributed to the recovery of corneal shape and not to an increase in the axial length.


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PURPOSE: To assess the visual performance and subjective experience of eyes implanted with a new bi-aspheric, segmented, multifocal intraocular lens: the Mplus X (Topcon Europe Medical, Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands). METHODS: Seventeen patients (mean age: 64.0 ± 12.8 years) had binocular implantation (34 eyes) with the Mplus X. Three months after the implantation, assessment was made of: manifest refraction; uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity; uncorrected and distance corrected near visual acuity; defocus curves in photopic conditions; contrast sensitivity; halometry as an objective measure of glare; and patient satisfaction with unaided near vision using the Near Acuity Visual Questionnaire. RESULTS: Mean residual manifest refraction was -0.13 ± 0.51 diopters (D). Twenty-five eyes (74%) were within a mean spherical equivalent of ±0.50 D. Mean uncorrected distance visual acuity was +0.10 ± 0.12 logMAR monocularly and 0.02 ± 0.09 logMAR binocularly. Thirty-two eyes (94%) could read 0.3 or better without any reading correction and all patients could read 0.3 or better with a reading correction. Mean monocular uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.18 ± 0.16 logMAR, improving to 0.15 ± 0.15 logMAR with distance correction. Mean binocular uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.11 ± 0.11 logMAR, improving to 0.09 ± 0.12 logMAR with distance correction. Mean binocular contrast sensitivity was 1.75 ± 0.14 log units at 3 cycles per degree, 1.88 ± 0.20 log units at 6 cycles per degree, 1.66 ± 0.19 log units at 12 cycles per degree, and 1.11 ± 0.20 log units at 18 cycles per degree. Mean binocular and monocular halometry showed a glare profile of less than 1° of debilitating light scatter. Mean Near Acuity Visual Questionnaire Rasch score (0 = no difficulty, 100 = extreme difficulty) for satisfaction for near vision was 20.43 ± 14.64 log-odd units. CONCLUSIONS: The Mplus X provides a good visual outcome at distance and near with minimal dysphotopsia. Patients were very satisfied with their uncorrected near vision. © SLACK Incorporated.


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Purpose. Whereas many previous studies have identified the association between sustained near work and myopia, few have assessed the influence of concomitant levels of cognitive effort. This study investigates the effect of cognitive effort on near-work induced transient myopia (NITM). Methods. Subjects comprised of six early onset myopes (EOM; mean age 23.7 yrs; mean onset 10.8 yrs), six late-onset myopes (LOM; mean age 23.2 yrs; mean onset 20.0 yrs) and six emmetropes (EMM; mean age 23.8 yrs). Dynamic, monocular, ocular accommodation was measured with the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor. Subjects engaged passively or actively in a 5 minute arithmetic sum checking task presented monocularly on an LCD monitor via a Badal optical system. In all conditions the task was initially located at near (4.50 D) and immediately following the task instantaneously changed to far (0.00 D) for a further 5 minutes. The combinations of active (A) and passive (P) cognition were randomly allocated as P:P; A:P; A:A; P:A. Results. For the initial near task, LOMs were shown to have a significantly less accurate accommodative response than either EOMs or EMMs (p < 0.001). For the far task, post hoc analyses for refraction identified EOMs as demonstrating significant NITM compared to LOMs (p < 0.05), who in turn showed greater NITM than EMMs (p < 0.001). The data show that for EOMs the level of cognitive activity operating during the near and far tasks determines the persistence of NITM; persistence being maximal when active cognition at near is followed by passive cognition at far. Conclusions. Compared with EMMs, EOMs and LOMs are particularly susceptible to NITM such that sustained near vision reduces subsequent accommodative accuracy for far vision. It is speculated that the marked NITM found in EOM may be a consequence of the crystalline lens thinning shown to be a developmental feature of EOM. Whereas the role of small amounts of retinal defocus in myopigenesis remains equivocal, the results show that account needs to be taken of cognitive demand in assessing phenomena such as NITM.


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For more than a century it has been known that the eye is not a perfect optical system, but rather a system that suffers from aberrations beyond conventional prescriptive descriptions of defocus and astigmatism. Whereas traditional refraction attempts to describe the error of the eye with only two parameters, namely sphere and cylinder, measurements of wavefront aberrations depict the optical error with many more parameters. What remains questionable is the impact these additional parameters have on visual function. Some authors have argued that higher-order aberrations have a considerable effect on visual function and in certain cases this effect is significant enough to induce amblyopia. This has been referred to as ‘higher-order aberration-associated amblyopia’. In such cases, correction of higher-order aberrations would not restore visual function. Others have reported that patients with binocular asymmetric aberrations display an associated unilateral decrease in visual acuity and, if the decline in acuity results from the aberrations alone, such subjects may have been erroneously diagnosed as amblyopes. In these cases, correction of higher-order aberrations would restore visual function. This refractive entity has been termed ‘aberropia’. In order to investigate these hypotheses, the distribution of higher-order aberrations in strabismic, anisometropic and idiopathic amblyopes, and in a group of visual normals, was analysed both before and after wavefront-guided laser refractive correction. The results show: (i) there is no significant asymmetry in higher-order aberrations between amblyopic and fixing eyes prior to laser refractive treatment; (ii) the mean magnitude of higher-order aberrations is similar within the amblyopic and visually normal populations; (iii) a significant improvement in visual acuity can be realised for adult amblyopic patients utilising wavefront-guided laser refractive surgery and a modest increase in contrast sensitivity was observed for the amblyopic eye of anisometropes following treatment (iv) an overall trend towards increased higher-order aberrations following wavefront-guided laser refractive treatment was observed for both visually normal and amblyopic eyes. In conclusion, while the data do not provide any direct evidence for the concepts of either ‘aberropia’ or ‘higher-order aberration-associated amblyopia’, it is clear that gains in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity may be realised following laser refractive treatment of the amblyopic adult eye. Possible mechanisms by which these gains are realised are discussed.