515 resultados para Hydroelectric


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Energia


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo descrever os trabalhos efetuados ao longo do estágio realizado na FASE – Estudos e Projetos, nomeadamente em serviços de fiscalização, no controlo de quantidades e custos, prazos e meios e controlo da qualidade. A obra onde decorreu o estágio tratou-se de uma Empreitada de Reforço de Potência do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico de Venda Nova III. Este relatório começa por apresentar uma descrição da empresa indicando a sua missão, os serviços prestados aos clientes e algumas das principais obras de referência. De seguida contextualiza-se e descreve-se a obra de Reforço de Potência da Barragem de Venda Nova III, importante para a perceção da complexidade construtiva e organizativa em que se inseriu o estágio. Posteriormente são enunciadas as várias atividades executadas em ambiente de obra. A primeira atividade desenvolvida foi o controlo de quantidades e custos de betão, de aço e de elementos da estrutura metálica. A segunda foi o controlo de prazos e meios. A terceira e última foi o controlo da qualidade de materiais, nomeadamente de aço e betão, de acordo com os Planos de Inspeção e Ensaio. Por fim, elaboram-se algumas considerações acerca da experiência vivida e da informação absorvida durante o período de estágio, bem como dos resultados obtidos tendo em conta os objetivos propostos para o desenvolvimento do estágio.


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O primeiro objetivo deste relatório, que adiante se desenvolve, é apresentar o trabalho realizado para a obtenção de conhecimentos que justifiquem a atribuição do grau de mestre em engenharia, no ramo das construções. O estágio, que a este trabalho dá sustentação, foi feito na empresa Metaloviana, onde foi possível acompanhar as várias fases de conceção, fabrico e montagem de um teto falso, designadamente na sala de comando da central Venda Nova III, de aproveitamento hidroelétrico. Tendo Portugal objetivos cada vez mais ambiciosos na utilização de energias renováveis, aproveitando, entre outros, os recursos hídricos para a produção de eletricidade, a EDP Produção fez estudos onde verificou que a realização de reforços de potência em aproveitamento já existentes, seria uma forma economicamente bastante atrativa e ao mesmo tempo responderia às crescentes solicitações energéticas. É neste âmbito que se insere o Reforço de Potência em Venda Nova III. A empresa Metaloviana, com instalações fabris em Viana do Castelo, tem todo um historial e capacidade, reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente. Este, confere a certeza de ter acompanhado um trabalho de ponta, devidamente creditado e fundamentado numa qualidade e mérito, por demais reconhecido.


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The increase of electricity demand in Brazil, the lack of the next major hydroelectric reservoirs implementation, and the growth of environmental concerns lead utilities to seek an improved system planning to meet these energy needs. The great diversity of economic, social, climatic, and cultural conditions in the country have been causing a more difficult planning of the power system. The work presented in this paper concerns the development of an algorithm that aims studying the influence of the issues mentioned in load curves. Focus is given to residential consumers. The consumption device with highest influence in the load curve is also identified. The methodology developed gains increasing importance in the system planning and operation, namely in the smart grids context.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na obra do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico de Foz Tua onde a autora teve oportunidade de realizar o estágio curricular junto da equipa da Fiscalização no período de 2 de Fevereiro de 2015 a 31 de Julho de 2015. A elaboração do presente trabalho pretende transmitir conhecimentos adquiridos relacionados com a constituição de um Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico, os tipos de barragens existentes, monitorização e controlo da segurança da estrutura da Barragem, controlo de qualidade de betão e o processo construtivo de uma Barragem. A construção da Barragem do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico de Foz Tua tem sido realizada através do método tradicional, que consiste na aplicação de betão convencional compactado por vibração interna. Ao longo deste processo, foram aplicadas diversas técnicas construtivas, nomeadamente: escavação, betonagem, refrigeração artificial, injeção de juntas e tratamento de fundações. Neste trabalho foram ainda analisados os cuidados de segurança necessários neste tipo de estruturas, tendo como base o Regulamento de Segurança de Barragens. Este regulamento define as regras a seguir durante a execução da barragem e a monotorização que deve ser efetuada à mesma, permitindo assim o controlo da segurança da estrutura na sua construção e vida útil. É necessário ainda existir um controlo da qualidade, produção e aplicação do betão na estrutura de modo a aumentar a segurança, qualidade e durabilidade da mesma.


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Caption title.


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Issued with the Business Men's Association, Niagara Falls, N. Y. The water-power of the Falls of Niagara applied to manufacturing purposes. Buffalo, 1890.


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Power at the Falls: The first recorded harnessing of Niagara Falls power was in 1759 by Daniel Joncairs. On the American side of the Falls he dug a small ditch and drew water to turn a wheel which powered a sawmill. In 1805 brothers Augustus and Peter Porter expanded on Joncairs idea. They bought the American Falls from New York State at public auction. Using Joncairs old site they built a gristmill and tannery which stayed in business for twenty years. The next attempt at using the Falls came in 1860 when construction of the hydraulic canal began by the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Co. The canal was complete in 1861 and brought water from the Niagara river, above the falls, to the mills below. By 1881 the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Co. had a small generating station which provided some electricity to the village of Niagara Falls and the Mills. This lasted only four years and then the company sold its assets at public auction due to bankruptcy. Jacob Schoellkopf arrived at the Falls in 1877 with the purchase of the hydraulic canal land and water and power rights. In 1879 Schoellkopf teamed up with Charles Brush (of Euclid Ohio) and powered Brush’s generator and carbon arc lights with the power from his water turbines, to illuminate the Falls electrically for the first time. The year 1895 marked the opening of the Adam No. 1 generating station on the American side. The station was the beginnings of modern electrical utility operations. The design and operations of the generating station came from worldwide competitions held by panels of experts. Some who were involved in the project include; George Westinghouse, J. Pierpont Morgan, Lord Kelvin and Nikoli Tesla. The plants were operated by the Niagara Falls Power Company until 1961, when the Robert Moses Plant began operation in Lewiston, NY. The Adams plants were demolished that same year and the site used as a sewage treatment plant. The Canadian side of the Falls began generating their own power on January 1, 1905. This power came from the William Birch Rankine Power Station located 500 yards above the Horseshoe Falls. This power station provided the village of Fort Erie with its first electricity in 1907, using its two 10,000 electrical horsepower generators. Today 11 generators produce 100,000 horsepower (75 megawatts) and operate as part of the Niagara Mohawk and Fortis Incorporated Power Group.


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The Welland Power and Supply Canal Company Limited, established in 1893 and incorporated in 1894 with a capital stock of $500,000. The aim of the company was to harness the natural water supply of the Niagara and Welland Rivers. In 1898 the Canadian Electrical News published a report by Henry Symons, QC outlining the main project of the company. This project involves the construction of a canal from the Welland River to the brow of the mountain at Thorold, a distance of 8 miles; the construction at Thorold of a power house, and from Thorold to Lake Ontario, a raceway by which to carry water into the lake. The estimate for the machinery to generate 100,000 horse power is £125,000; for transmission line to Toronto at a voltage of 10,000….The total estimate therefore amounts to £2,452,162, or roughly speaking, $12,000,000. Source: Canadian Electrical News, August 1898, p. 172. In 1899 the company officers petitioned the federal government desiring a name change to the Niagara-Welland Power Company Limited. Officers of the company were Harry Symons, President; Charles A. Hesson, Vice-President; and M.R. O’Loughlin, James B. Sheehan, James S. Haydon, Frederick K. Foster, directors; John S. Campbell, secretary-treasurer. The company’s head offices were located in St. Catharines, with a New York (City) office on Broad Street. In 1905 and 1909 the company petitioned the federal government for additional time to construct its works, which was granted. The company had until May 16, 1915 to complete construction. John S. Campbell (1860-1950) was a graduate of the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall. During his university years John began his military career first in "K" Company, Queens Own rifles and then later as Commanding Officer of the 19th Lincoln Regiment, from 1906 to 1910. Upon his return to St. Catharines John Campbell served as secretary in the St. Catharines Garrison Club, a social club for military men begun in 1899. After being called to the Bar, he became a partner in the firm of Campbell and McCarron and was appointed to the bench in 1916, serving until retirement in 1934. Judge Campbell served as an alderman for several terms and was the mayor of St. Catharines in 1908 and 1909. He also served as the first chairman of the St. Catharines Public Utilities in 1914. John S. Campbell was married to Elizabeth Oille, daughter of Jerome B. and Charlotte (St. John) Oille. The family home "Cruachan" was located at 32 Church St.


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The Electrical Development Company of Ontario was created in 1903. It was one of three private power companies that had water power leases with the Niagara Parks Commission, but was the only one that was financed with Canadian capital. The company built the Toronto Power Generating Station at Niagara Falls beginning in 1906, and the power house was completed in 1913. During the construction, there was much debate about whether the utility should remain privately operated or become a public utility. In 1920, the company became part of the public utility.


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A letter from James Wilson, Park Superintendent to Albert D. Shaw in the year 1892. Wilson describes plans to produce hydroelectric power using Niagara Falls. He details advantages to the plan in this five page correspondence with Shaw.


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Adam Beck, chairman. C. B. Smith, chief engineer.