966 resultados para Hybridized Evolutionary Algorithms


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Virtual Machine (VM) management is an obvious need in today's data centers for various management activities and is accomplished in two phases— finding an optimal VM placement plan and implementing that placement through live VM migrations. These phases result in two research problems— VM placement problem (VMPP) and VM migration scheduling problem (VMMSP). This research proposes and develops several evolutionary algorithms and heuristic algorithms to address the VMPP and VMMSP. Experimental results show the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed algorithms. Finally, a VM management framework has been proposed and developed to automate the VM management activity in cost-efficient way.


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This paper focuses on optimisation algorithms inspired by swarm intelligence for satellite image classification from high resolution satellite multi- spectral images. Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the most important has been its use in solving the problem of land cover mapping. As the frontiers of space technology advance, the knowledge derived from the satellite data has also grown in sophistication. Image classification forms the core of the solution to the land cover mapping problem. No single classifier can prove to satisfactorily classify all the basic land cover classes of an urban region. In both supervised and unsupervised classification methods, the evolutionary algorithms are not exploited to their full potential. This work tackles the land map covering by Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) which are arguably the most popular algorithms in this category. We present the results of classification techniques using swarm intelligence for the problem of land cover mapping for an urban region. The high resolution Quick-bird data has been used for the experiments.


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Many optimal control problems are characterized by their multiple performance measures that are often noncommensurable and competing with each other. The presence of multiple objectives in a problem usually give rise to a set of optimal solutions, largely known as Pareto-optimal solutions. Evolutionary algorithms have been recognized to be well suited for multi-objective optimization because of their capability to evolve a set of nondominated solutions distributed along the Pareto front. This has led to the development of many evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms among which Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA and its enhanced version NSGA-II) has been found effective in solving a wide variety of problems. Recently, we reported a genetic algorithm based technique for solving dynamic single-objective optimization problems, with single as well as multiple control variables, that appear in fed-batch bioreactor applications. The purpose of this study is to extend this methodology for solution of multi-objective optimal control problems under the framework of NSGA-II. The applicability of the technique is illustrated by solving two optimal control problems, taken from literature, which have usually been solved by several methods as single-objective dynamic optimization problems. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a novel genetic algorithm is developed by generating artificial chromosomes with probability control to solve the machine scheduling problems. Generating artificial chromosomes for Genetic Algorithm (ACGA) is closely related to Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Probabilistic Models (EAPM). The artificial chromosomes are generated by a probability model that extracts the gene information from current population. ACGA is considered as a hybrid algorithm because both the conventional genetic operators and a probability model are integrated. The ACGA proposed in this paper, further employs the ``evaporation concept'' applied in Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to solve the permutation flowshop problem. The ``evaporation concept'' is used to reduce the effect of past experience and to explore new alternative solutions. In this paper, we propose three different methods for the probability of evaporation. This probability of evaporation is applied as soon as a job is assigned to a position in the permutation flowshop problem. Experimental results show that our ACGA with the evaporation concept gives better performance than some algorithms in the literature.


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Maintaining population diversity throughout generations of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is key to avoid premature convergence. Redundant solutions is one cause for the decreasing population diversity. To prevent the negative effect of redundant solutions, we propose a framework that is based on the multi-parents crossover (MPX) operator embedded in GAs. Because MPX generates diversified chromosomes with good solution quality, when a pair of redundant solutions is found, we would generate a new offspring by using the MPX to replace the redundant chromosome. Three schemes of MPX will be examined and will be compared against some algorithms in literature when we solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problems, which is a strong NP-Hard sequencing problem. The results indicate that our approach significantly improves the solution quality. This study is useful for researchers who are trying to avoid premature convergence of evolutionary algorithms by solving the sequencing problems.


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Quantum Computing is a relatively modern field which simulates quantum computation conditions. Moreover, it can be used to estimate which quasiparticles would endure better in a quantum environment. Topological Quantum Computing (TQC) is an approximation for reducing the quantum decoherence problem1, which is responsible for error appearance in the representation of information. This project tackles specific instances of TQC problems using MOEAs (Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). A MOEA is a type of algorithm which will optimize two or more objectives of a problem simultaneously, using a population based approach. We have implemented MOEAs that use probabilistic procedures found in EDAs (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms), since in general, EDAs have found better solutions than ordinary EAs (Evolutionary Algorithms), even though they are more costly. Both, EDAs and MOEAs are population-based algorithms. The objective of this project was to use a multi-objective approach in order to find good solutions for several instances of a TQC problem. In particular, the objectives considered in the project were the error approximation and the length of a solution. The tool we used to solve the instances of the problem was the multi-objective framework PISA. Because PISA has not too much documentation available, we had to go through a process of reverse-engineering of the framework to understand its modules and the way they communicate with each other. Once its functioning was understood, we began working on a module dedicated to the braid problem. Finally, we submitted this module to an exhaustive experimentation phase and collected results.


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Study of emotions in human-computer interaction is a growing research area. This paper shows an attempt to select the most significant features for emotion recognition in spoken Basque and Spanish Languages using different methods for feature selection. RekEmozio database was used as the experimental data set. Several Machine Learning paradigms were used for the emotion classification task. Experiments were executed in three phases, using different sets of features as classification variables in each phase. Moreover, feature subset selection was applied at each phase in order to seek for the most relevant feature subset. The three phases approach was selected to check the validity of the proposed approach. Achieved results show that an instance-based learning algorithm using feature subset selection techniques based on evolutionary algorithms is the best Machine Learning paradigm in automatic emotion recognition, with all different feature sets, obtaining a mean of 80,05% emotion recognition rate in Basque and a 74,82% in Spanish. In order to check the goodness of the proposed process, a greedy searching approach (FSS-Forward) has been applied and a comparison between them is provided. Based on achieved results, a set of most relevant non-speaker dependent features is proposed for both languages and new perspectives are suggested.


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Esta dissertação investiga a aplicação dos algoritmos evolucionários inspirados na computação quântica na síntese de circuitos sequenciais. Os sistemas digitais sequenciais representam uma classe de circuitos que é capaz de executar operações em uma determinada sequência. Nos circuitos sequenciais, os valores dos sinais de saída dependem não só dos valores dos sinais de entrada como também do estado atual do sistema. Os requisitos cada vez mais exigentes quanto à funcionalidade e ao desempenho dos sistemas digitais exigem projetos cada vez mais eficientes. O projeto destes circuitos, quando executado de forma manual, se tornou demorado e, com isso, a importância das ferramentas para a síntese automática de circuitos cresceu rapidamente. Estas ferramentas conhecidas como ECAD (Electronic Computer-Aided Design) são programas de computador normalmente baseados em heurísticas. Recentemente, os algoritmos evolucionários também começaram a ser utilizados como base para as ferramentas ECAD. Estas aplicações são referenciadas na literatura como eletrônica evolucionária. Os algoritmos mais comumente utilizados na eletrônica evolucionária são os algoritmos genéticos e a programação genética. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da aplicação dos algoritmos evolucionários inspirados na computação quântica como uma ferramenta para a síntese automática de circuitos sequenciais. Esta classe de algoritmos utiliza os princípios da computação quântica para melhorar o desempenho dos algoritmos evolucionários. Tradicionalmente, o projeto dos circuitos sequenciais é dividido em cinco etapas principais: (i) Especificação da máquina de estados; (ii) Redução de estados; (iii) Atribuição de estados; (iv) Síntese da lógica de controle e (v) Implementação da máquina de estados. O Algoritmo Evolucionário Inspirado na Computação Quântica (AEICQ) proposto neste trabalho é utilizado na etapa de atribuição de estados. A escolha de uma atribuição de estados ótima é tratada na literatura como um problema ainda sem solução. A atribuição de estados escolhida para uma determinada máquina de estados tem um impacto direto na complexidade da sua lógica de controle. Os resultados mostram que as atribuições de estados obtidas pelo AEICQ de fato conduzem à implementação de circuitos de menor complexidade quando comparados com os circuitos gerados a partir de atribuições obtidas por outros métodos. O AEICQ e utilizado também na etapa de síntese da lógica de controle das máquinas de estados. Os circuitos evoluídos pelo AEICQ são otimizados segundo a área ocupada e o atraso de propagação. Estes circuitos são compatíveis com os circuitos obtidos por outros métodos e em alguns casos até mesmo superior em termos de área e de desempenho, sugerindo que existe um potencial de aplicação desta classe de algoritmos no projeto de circuitos eletrônicos.


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Predicting from first-principles calculations whether mixed metallic elements phase-separate or form ordered structures is a major challenge of current materials research. It can be partially addressed in cases where experiments suggest the underlying lattice is conserved, using cluster expansion (CE) and a variety of exhaustive evaluation or genetic search algorithms. Evolutionary algorithms have been recently introduced to search for stable off-lattice structures at fixed mixture compositions. The general off-lattice problem is still unsolved. We present an integrated approach of CE and high-throughput ab initio calculations (HT) applicable to the full range of compositions in binary systems where the constituent elements or the intermediate ordered structures have different lattice types. The HT method replaces the search algorithms by direct calculation of a moderate number of naturally occurring prototypes representing all crystal systems and guides CE calculations of derivative structures. This synergy achieves the precision of the CE and the guiding strengths of the HT. Its application to poorly characterized binary Hf systems, believed to be phase-separating, defines three classes of alloys where CE and HT complement each other to uncover new ordered structures.


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To improve the performance of classification using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) while reducing the model selection time, this paper introduces Differential Evolution, a heuristic method for model selection in two-class SVMs with a RBF kernel. The model selection method and related tuning algorithm are both presented. Experimental results from application to a selection of benchmark datasets for SVMs show that this method can produce an optimized classification in less time and with higher accuracy than a classical grid search. Comparison with a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based alternative is also included.


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A simple yet efficient harmony search (HS) method with a new pitch adjustment rule (NPAHS) is proposed for dynamic economic dispatch (DED) of electrical power systems, a large-scale non-linear real time optimization problem imposed by a number of complex constraints. The new pitch adjustment rule is based on the perturbation information and the mean value of the harmony memory, which is simple to implement and helps to enhance solution quality and convergence speed. A new constraint handling technique is also developed to effectively handle various constraints in the DED problem, and the violation of ramp rate limits between the first and last scheduling intervals that is often ignored by existing approaches for DED problems is effectively eliminated. To validate the effectiveness, the NPAHS is first tested on 10 popular benchmark functions with 100 dimensions, in comparison with four HS variants and five state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms. Then, NPAHS is used to solve three 24-h DED systems with 5, 15 and 54 units, which consider the valve point effects, transmission loss, emission and prohibited operating zones. Simulation results on all these systems show the scalability and superiority of the proposed NPAHS on various large scale problems.


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This Integration Insight provides a brief overview of the most popular modelling techniques used to analyse complex real-world problems, as well as some less popular but highly relevant techniques. The modelling methods are divided into three categories, with each encompassing a number of methods, as follows: 1) Qualitative Aggregate Models (Soft Systems Methodology, Concept Maps and Mind Mapping, Scenario Planning, Causal (Loop) Diagrams), 2) Quantitative Aggregate Models (Function fitting and Regression, Bayesian Nets, System of differential equations / Dynamical systems, System Dynamics, Evolutionary Algorithms) and 3) Individual Oriented Models (Cellular Automata, Microsimulation, Agent Based Models, Discrete Event Simulation, Social Network
Analysis). Each technique is broadly described with example uses, key attributes and reference material.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica - Ramo de Energia


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As the complexity of evolutionary design problems grow, so too must the quality of solutions scale to that complexity. In this research, we develop a genetic programming system with individuals encoded as tree-based generative representations to address scalability. This system is capable of multi-objective evaluation using a ranked sum scoring strategy. We examine Hornby's features and measures of modularity, reuse and hierarchy in evolutionary design problems. Experiments are carried out, using the system to generate three-dimensional forms, and analyses of feature characteristics such as modularity, reuse and hierarchy were performed. This work expands on that of Hornby's, by examining a new and more difficult problem domain. The results from these experiments show that individuals encoded with those three features performed best overall. It is also seen, that the measures of complexity conform to the results of Hornby. Moving forward with only this best performing encoding, the system was applied to the generation of three-dimensional external building architecture. One objective considered was passive solar performance, in which the system was challenged with generating forms that optimize exposure to the Sun. The results from these and other experiments satisfied the requirements. The system was shown to scale well to the architectural problems studied.


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Complex networks have recently attracted a significant amount of research attention due to their ability to model real world phenomena. One important problem often encountered is to limit diffusive processes spread over the network, for example mitigating pandemic disease or computer virus spread. A number of problem formulations have been proposed that aim to solve such problems based on desired network characteristics, such as maintaining the largest network component after node removal. The recently formulated critical node detection problem aims to remove a small subset of vertices from the network such that the residual network has minimum pairwise connectivity. Unfortunately, the problem is NP-hard and also the number of constraints is cubic in number of vertices, making very large scale problems impossible to solve with traditional mathematical programming techniques. Even many approximation algorithm strategies such as dynamic programming, evolutionary algorithms, etc. all are unusable for networks that contain thousands to millions of vertices. A computationally efficient and simple approach is required in such circumstances, but none currently exist. In this thesis, such an algorithm is proposed. The methodology is based on a depth-first search traversal of the network, and a specially designed ranking function that considers information local to each vertex. Due to the variety of network structures, a number of characteristics must be taken into consideration and combined into a single rank that measures the utility of removing each vertex. Since removing a vertex in sequential fashion impacts the network structure, an efficient post-processing algorithm is also proposed to quickly re-rank vertices. Experiments on a range of common complex network models with varying number of vertices are considered, in addition to real world networks. The proposed algorithm, DFSH, is shown to be highly competitive and often outperforms existing strategies such as Google PageRank for minimizing pairwise connectivity.