989 resultados para Human-papillomavirus


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Anti-cancer DNA vaccines have attracted growing interest as a simple and non-invasive method for both the treatment and prevention of tumors induced by human papillomaviruses. Nonetheless, the low immunogenicity of parenterally administered vaccines, particularly regarding the activation of cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses, suggests that further improvements in both vaccine composition and administration routes are still required. In the present study, we report the immune responses and anti-tumor effects of a DNA vaccine (pgD-E7E6E5) expressing three proteins (E7, E6, and E5) of the human papillomavirus type 16 genetically fused to the glycoprotein D of the human herpes simplex virus type 1, which was administered to mice by the intradermal (id) route using a gene gun. A single id dose of pgD-E7E6E5 (2 µg/dose) induced a strong activation of E7-specific interferon-γ (INF-γ)-producing CD8+ T cells and full prophylactic anti-tumor effects in the vaccinated mice. Three vaccine doses inhibited tumor growth in 70% of the mice with established tumors. In addition, a single vaccine dose consisting of the co-administration of pgD-E7E6E5 and the vector encoding interleukin-12 or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor further enhanced the therapeutic anti-tumor effects and conferred protection to 60 and 50% of the vaccinated mice, respectively. In conclusion, id administration of pgD-E7E6E5 significantly enhanced the immunogenicity and anti-tumor effects of the DNA vaccine, representing a promising administration route for future clinical trials.


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Cervical cancer is a major source of illness and death among women worldwide and genital infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) its principal cause. There is evidence of the influence of the male factor in the development of cervical neoplasia. Nevertheless, the pathogenic processes of HPV in men are still poorly understood. It has been observed that different HPV types can be found among couples. The objective of the present study was to investigate HPV infections in female patients (n = 60 females/group) as well as in their sexual partners and to identify the concordance of HPV genotypes among them. By using the polymerase chain reaction, we detected a 95% prevalence of HPV DNA in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) compared to 18.3% in women with normal cervical epithelium, with a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001). The HPV DNA prevalence was 50% in male partners of women with CIN and 16.6% in partners of healthy women. In the control group (healthy women), only 9 couples were simultaneously infected with HPV, and only 22.2% of them had the same virus type, showing a weak agreement rate (kappa index = 0.2). Finally, we observed that HPV DNA was present in both partners in 30 couples if the women had CIN, and among them, 53.3% shared the same HPV type, showing moderate agreement, with a kappa index of 0.5. This finding supports the idea of circulation and recirculation of HPV among couples, perpetuating HPV in the sexually active population, rather than true recurrences of latent infections.


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Herpes simplex -virus 1 (HSV-1) ja ihmisen papilloomavirus (HPV) infektoivat suun epiteelisoluja. Useimmissa tapauksissa näiden virusten infektio on kliinisesti oireeton. Suun limakalvojen oireeton HPV-infektio on aikuisilla yleinen, ja valtaosa näistä infektioista ovat ohimeneviä ja vain pieni osa johtaa krooniseen HPV-infektioon. Krooninen HPV-infektio lisää riskiä epiteelisolujen transformoitumiseen kohti syöpäsolua. HPV infektio ei ole yksinään riittävä aiheuttamaan syöpäsolun, vaan siihen tarvitaan myös muita riskitekijöitä.. Muut infektiot, kuten esimerkiksi HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi näistä riskitekijöistä. Tämän syventävän opinnäytetyön tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää HSV-1-infektion esiintymistä naisten suun limakalvonäytteissä kuuden vuoden seurannassa. Toinen tavoitteemme oli selvittää HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektion esiintymistä suun epiteelisoluissa, erityisesti naisilla joilla havaittiin suun krooninen HPV-infektio. Tämä tutkimus on osa kuusivuotista seurantatutkimusta (Finnish Family HPV -tutkimus), joka suunniteltiin selvittämään HPV-infektioiden dynamiikkaa ja riskitekijöitä 329 suomalaisperheessä. Suun limakalvoilta otettiin harjausnäyte ennen synnytystä ja kuusi kertaa synnytyksen jälkeen kuuden vuoden aikana. Näytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta oli saatavilla riittävästi HSV-1-analyysiä varten yhteensä 304 naiselta (keski-ikä 25.6 vuotta). Kaikkiaan tutkittavia näytteitä oli 1,873, joista HSV-1:n esiintyminen tutkittiin käyttäen kvantitatiivista PCR:ää. Lisäksi epävarmat PCR-tulokset varmistettiin PCR-tuotteen Southern Blot hybridisaatiolla. HSV-1 tuloksia verrattiin aikaisemmin saatuihin HPV-tuloksiin. Suun limakalvonäytteistä 2.2% oli HSV-1-positiivisia ja 19.6% oli HPV-positiivisia. Yhteensä 11.8%:lla äideistä suunäyte oli HSV-1-DNA -positiivinen ainakin kerran seurannan aikana. HSV-1 ja HPV -yhteisinfektio löydettiin vain neljältä äidiltä. Suurin osa äideistä, jotka olivat HSV-1-positiivisia ennen syntymää, pysyivät HSV-1-positiivisina myös synnytyksen jälkeen. Kolmella naisella todettiin persistentti HPV-16 infektio ja kahdella heistä oli samanaikainen HSV-1 infektio. Tuloksemme osoittaa, että HSV-1:n ja HPV:n esiintyminen yhtä aikaa nuorten naisten suun limakalvolla on harvinaista. On suositeltavaa, että yhteisinfektion omaavia äitejä seurataan myös tulevaisuudessa, sillä HSV-1-infektio saattaa olla yksi riskitekijä suun limakalvon malignissa muutoksessa kroonisen HPV-infektion yhteydessä.


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Objectives To determine the effect of human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine on the risk of developing subsequent disease after an excisional procedure for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or diagnosis of genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Design Retrospective analysis of data from two international, double blind, placebo controlled, randomised efficacy trials of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (protocol 013 (FUTURE I) and protocol 015 (FUTURE II)). Setting Primary care centres and university or hospital associated health centres in 24 countries and territories around the world. Participants Among 17 622 women aged 15–26 years who underwent 1:1 randomisation to vaccine or placebo, 2054 received cervical surgery or were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia. Intervention Three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine or placebo at day 1, month 2, and month 6. Main outcome measures Incidence of HPV related disease from 60 days after treatment or diagnosis, expressed as the number of women with an end point per 100 person years at risk. Results A total of 587 vaccine and 763 placebo recipients underwent cervical surgery. The incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 6.6 and 12.2 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (46.2% reduction (95% confidence interval 22.5% to 63.2%) with vaccination). Vaccination was associated with a significant reduction in risk of any subsequent high grade disease of the cervix by 64.9% (20.1% to 86.3%). A total of 229 vaccine recipients and 475 placebo recipients were diagnosed with genital warts, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, or vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia, and the incidence of any subsequent HPV related disease was 20.1 and 31.0 in vaccine and placebo recipients respectively (35.2% reduction (13.8% to 51.8%)). Conclusions Previous vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine among women who had surgical treatment for HPV related disease significantly reduced the incidence of subsequent HPV related disease, including high grade disease.


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Objectives: To evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in preventing low grade cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasias and anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata). Design: Data from two international, double blind, placebo controlled, randomised efficacy trials of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (protocol 013 (FUTURE I) and protocol 015 (FUTURE II)). The trials were to be 4 years in length, and the results reported are from final study data of 42 months' follow-up. Setting: Primary care centres and university or hospital associated health centres in 24 countries and territories around the world. Participants: 17 622 women aged 16-26 years enrolled between December 2001 and May 2003. Major exclusion criteria were lifetime number of sexual partners (>4), history of abnormal cervical smear test results, and pregnancy. Intervention: Three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine (for serotypes 6, 11, 16, and 18) or placebo at day 1, month 2, and month 6. Main outcome measures: Vaccine efficacy against cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I and condyloma in a per protocol susceptible population that included subjects who received all three vaccine doses, tested negative for the relevant vaccine HPV types at day 1 and remained negative through month 7, and had no major protocol violations. Intention to treat, generally HPV naive, and unrestricted susceptible populations were also studied. Results: In the per protocol susceptible population, vaccine efficacy against lesions related to the HPV types in the vaccine was 96% for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I (95% confidence interval 91% to 98%), 100% for both vulvar and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I (95% CIs 74% to 100%, 64% to 100% respectively), and 99% for condyloma (96% to 100%). Vaccine efficacy against any lesion (regardless of HPV type) in the generally naive population was 30% (17% to 41%), 75% (22% to 94%), and 48% (10% to 71%) for cervical, vulvar, and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I, respectively, and 83% (74% to 89%) for condyloma. Conclusions: Quadrivalent HPV vaccine provided sustained protection against low grade lesions attributable to vaccine HPV types (6, 11, 16, and 18) and a substantial reduction in the burden of these diseases through 42 months of follow-up. Trial registrations: NCT00092521 and NCT00092534.


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Infection, coinfection and type-specific human papillomavirus (HPV) distribution was evaluated in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive women from paired cervical and urine samples. Paired cervical and urine samples (n = 204) were taken from HIV-positive women for identifying HPV-DNA presence by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with three generic primer sets (GP5+/6+, MY09/11 and pU1M/2R). HPV-positive samples were typed for six high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) (HPV-16, -18, -31, -33, -45 and -58) and two low-risk (LR-HPV) (HPV-6/11) types. Agreement between paired sample results and diagnostic performance was evaluated. HPV infection prevalence was 70.6% in cervical and 63.2% in urine samples. HPV-16 was the most prevalent HPV type in both types of sample (66.7% in cervical samples and 62.0% in urine) followed by HPV-31(47.2%) in cervical samples and HPV-58 (35.7%) in urine samples. There was 55.4% coinfection (infection by more than one type of HPV) in cervical samples and 40.2% in urine samples. Abnormal Papanicolau smears were observed in 25.3% of the women, presenting significant association with HPV-DNA being identified in urine samples. There was poor agreement of cervical and urine sample results in generic and type-specific detection of HPV. Urine samples provided the best diagnosis when taking cytological findings as reference. In conclusion including urine samples could be a good strategy for ensuring adherence to screening programs aimed at reducing the impact of cervical cancer, since this sample is easy to obtain and showed good diagnostic performance.


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The Natural History of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Men: The HIM Study is a prospective multi-center cohort study that, among other factors, analyzes participants` diet. A parallel cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the validity and reproducibility of the quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) used in the Brazilian center from the HIM Study. For this, a convenience subsample of 98 men aged 18 to 70 years from the HIM Study in Brazil answered three 54-item QFFQ and three 24-hour recall interviews, with 6-month intervals between them (data collection January to September 2007). A Bland-Altman analysis indicated that the difference between instruments was dependent on the magnitude of the intake for energy and most nutrients included in the validity analysis, with the exception of carbohydrates, fiber, polyunsaturated fat, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The correlation between the QFFQ and the 24-hour recall for the deattenuated and energy-adjusted data ranged from 0.05 (total fat) to 0.57 (calcium). For the energy and nutrients consumption included in the validity analysis, 33.5% of participants on average were correctly classified into quartiles, and the average value of 0.26 for weighted kappa shows a reasonable agreement. The intraclass correlation coefficients for all nutrients were greater than 0.40 in the reproducibility analysis. The QFFQ demonstrated good reproducibility and acceptable validity. The results support the use of this instrument in the HIM Study. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:1045-1051.


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Recombinant adenovirus or DNA vaccines encoding herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein D (gD) genetically fused to human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) oncoproteins (E5, E6, and E7) induce antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses and confer preventive resistance to transplantable murine tumor cells (TC-1 cells). In the present report, we characterized some previously uncovered aspects concerning the induction of CD8(+) T-cell responses and the therapeutic anticancer effects achieved in C57BL/6 mice immunized with pgD-E7E6E5 previously challenged with TC-1 cells. Concerning the characterization of the immune responses elicited in mice vaccinated with pgD-E7E6E5, we determined the effect of the CD4(+) T-cell requirement, longevity, and dose-dependent activation on the E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses. In addition, we determined the priming/boosting properties of pgD-E7E6E5 when used in combination with a recombinant serotype 68 adenovirus (AdC68) vector encoding the same chimeric antigen. Mice challenged with TC-1 cells and then immunized with three doses of pgD-E7E6E5 elicited CD8(+) T-cell responses, measured by intracellular gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and CD107a accumulation, to the three HPV-16 oncoproteins and displayed in vivo antigen-specific cytolytic activity, as demonstrated with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-labeled target cells pulsed with oligopeptides corresponding to the H-2D(b)-restricted immunodominant epitopes of the E7, E6, or E5 oncoprotein. Up to 70% of the mice challenged with 5 x 10(5) TC-1 cells and immunized with pgD-E7E6E5 controlled tumor development even after 3 days of tumor cell challenge. In addition, coadministration of pgD-E7E6E5 with DNA vectors encoding pGM-CSF or interleukin-12 (IL-12) enhanced the therapeutic antitumor effects for all mice challenged with TC-1 cells. In conclusion, the present results expand our previous knowledge on the immune modulation properties of the pgD-E7E6E5 vector and demonstrate, for the first time, the strong antitumor effects of the DNA vaccine, raising promising perspectives regarding the development of immunotherapeutic reagents for the control of HPV-16-associated tumors.


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Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a major risk factor for cervical disease. Using baseline data from the HIV-infected cohort of Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute at Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, factors associated with an increased prevalence of HPV were assessed. Methods: Samples from 634 HIV-infected women were tested for the presence of HPV infection using hybrid capture 11 and polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence ratios (PR) were estimated using Poisson regression analysis with robust variance. Results: The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 48%, of which 94% were infected with a high-risk HPV. In multivariate analysis, factors independently associated with infection with high-risk HPV type were: younger age (<30 years of age; PR 1.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-2.1), current or prior drug use (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.0-1.6), self-reported history of HPV infection (PR 1.2, 95% CI 0.96-1.6), condom use in the last sexual intercourse (PR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1-1.7), and nadir CD4+ T-cell count <100 cells/mm(3) (PR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.1). Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of high-risk HPV-infection among HIV-infected women from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was high. Close monitoring of HPV-related effects is warranted in all HIV-infected women, in particular those of younger age and advanced immunosuppression. (C) 2008 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The recovery and stability of DNA for the detection and genotyping of HPV in UCM-containing specimens, after exposure to denaturing reagents and stored for up to 2 years were evaluated. Samples were collected from 60 women who had cervical cytology specimens harboring cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3. All samples were stored in UCM and had been frozen at -20 degrees C following the addition of the denaturing reagent (sodium hydroxide) and the removal of the aliquot required for Hybrid Capture 2 testing for the identification of HPV DNA. The samples had been stored for 6, 12 and 24 months (20 samples for each storage time). HPV DNA extraction was performed according to a protocol designed specifically and the presence and quality of DNA was confirmed by human P-globin detection using the consensus primers G73 and G74. HPV DNA was amplified using the consensus primers PGMY09 and PGMY11, and reverse line-blot hybridization was used to detect type-specific amplicons for 37 HPV types. The DNA extracted from the denatured specimen was recovered in 57/60 (95%) of the samples. HPV DNA was detected in 56/57 (98%) of the recovered samples. Twenty-six of the 56 samples recovered (48%) were genotyped successfully. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acute expression of E7 oncogene from human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 or HPV18 is sufficient to overcome tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha cytostatic effect on primary human keratinocytes. In the present study, we investigated the molecular basis of E7-induced TNF resistance through a comparative analysis of the effect of this cytokine on the proliferation and global gene expression of normal and E7-expressing keratinocytes. Using E7 functional mutants, we show that E7-induced TNF resistance correlates with its ability to mediate pRb degradation and cell transformation. On the other hand, this effect does not depend on E7 sequences required to override DNA damage-induced cell cycle arrest or extend keratinocyte life span. Furthermore, we identified a group of 66 genes whose expression pattern differs between normal and E7-expressing cells upon cytokine treatment. These genes are mainly involved in cell cycle regulation suggesting that their altered expression may contribute to sustained cell proliferation even in the presence of a cytostatic stimulus. Differential expression of TCN1 (transcobalamin I), IFI44 (Interferon-induced protein 44), HMGB2 (high-mobility group box 2) and FUS [Fusion (involved in t(12; 16) in malignant liposarcoma)] among other genes were further confirmed by western-blot and/or real-time polymerase chain reaction. Moreover, FUS upregulation was detected in HPV-positive cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions when compared with normal cervical tissue. Further evaluation of the role of such genes in TNF resistance and HPVassociated disease development is warranted.


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Several studies indicate that molecular variants of HPV-16 have different geographic distribution and risk associated with persistent infection and development of high-grade cervical lesions. In the present study, the frequency of HPV-16 variants was determined in 81 biopsies from women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III or invasive cervical cancer from the city of Belem, Northern Brazil. Host DNAs were also genotyped in order to analyze the ethnicity-related distribution of these variants. Ninie different HPV-16 LCR variants belonging to four phylogenetic branches were identified. Among these, two new isolates were characterized. The most prevalent HPV-16 variant detected was the Asian-American B-2,followed by the European B-12 and the European prototype. Infections by multiple variants were observed in both invasive cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III cases. The analysis of a specific polymorphism within the E6 viral gene was performed in a subset of 76 isolates. The E6-350G polymorphism was significantly more frequent in Asian-American variants. The HPV-16 variability detected followed the same pattern of the genetic ancestry observed in Northern Brazil, with European, Amerindian and African roots. Although African ancestry was higher among women infected by the prototype, no correlation between ethnical origin and HPV-16 variants was found. These results corroborate previous data showing a high frequency of Asian-American variants in cervical neoplasia among women with multiethnic origin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)