987 resultados para Human chorionic gonadotropin
In the months of January 2001 and 2002, female cachara Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum were selected during their first and second gonadal maturation (2 years and 7 months old and 3 years and 7 months old, respectively) with an of oocyte diameter of 937.5 mum (82.5% with central nuclei and 17.5% with peripheral nuclei). Nine females in first maturation received two doses of carp pituitary extract (CPE), 0.5 mg/kg and 5.0 mg/kg; seven received two doses of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 5 and 10 IU/g; five received doses of 0.5 CPE mg/kg and 5 hCG IU/g (CPE+hCG); and four received 0.9% saline (saline). Nine females from CPE and seven from hCG presented oocytes with the same diameter at the moment of oocyte release (100% with germinal vesicle breakdown and fertilization rate of 53.44 +/- 18.3 and 54.81 +/- 11.8%; larvae number of 165,330 +/- 94.1 and 158,570 +/- 20.6, respectively). The five females from CPE+hCG did not respond to the hormonal treatment. The four females from the saline group did not ovulate. In January 2002, 6 of 15 selected females that were going through the second reproductive cycle received CPE (five received hCG and four received saline), showing oocyte diameters similar to the ones in the first maturation. At stripping, CPE females had an oocyte diameter of 1062.5 mum (the hCG females had oocyte diameters ranging from 937.5 to 1125.0 mum; fertilization rates of 56.08 +/- 30.9 and 81.90 +/- 17.3%; 364,547 +/- 244 and 633,129 +/- 190, larvae, respectively). The fertilization rates and larvae number were higher in the second gonad maturation, both for CPE and hCG. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In vitro studies using first-trimester human placental minces have shown that stimulation of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) secretion by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is dependent upon the presence of extracellular calcium. Addition of GnRH to first-trimester placental minces in vitro was found to stimulate 45Ca2+ uptake into placental minces, and the process was associated with an increase in immunoreactive hCG in the medium. Addition of GnRH to placental minces preloaded with 45Ca2+ stimulated the efflux of 45Ca2+ within one minute. The calmodulin inhibitors chlorpromazine andtrifluoperazine inhibited the basal uptake and efflux of 45Ca2+ suggesting the involvement of calmodulin in the mobilization of calcium in the placenta.
Antipeptide and antiidiotypic antibodies to several receptors are known to mimic their respective ligands in transducing signals on binding their receptors. In our attempts to study gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor, antipeptide and antiidiotypic monoclonal antibodies specific to the receptor were established earlier. The antipeptide mAb F1G4 was to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the extracellular domain of human GnRH receptor and the antiidiotypic mAb 4D10C1 was to the idiotype of a GnRH specific mAb. Here we report the physiological effects of the two mAbs on binding the receptor, as investigated using in vitro cultures of(a) human term placental villi and (b) rat pituitaries. The mAb 4D10C1 exerted a dose-dependent release of human chorionic gonadonopin in cultures of human term placental villi as well as luteinising and follicle stimulating hormones in cultures of rat pituitaries.
Objective: To compare cost-effectiveness between pituitary down-regulation with a GnRH agonist (GnRHa) short regimen on alternate days and GnRH antagonist (GnRHant) multidose protocol on in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcome. Design: Prospective, randomized. Setting: A private center. Patient(s): Patients were randomized into GnRHa (n = 48) and GnRHant (n = 48) groups. Intervention(s): GnRHa stimulation protocol: administration of triptorelin on alternate days starting on the first day of the cycle, recombinant FSH (rFSH), and recombinant hCG (rhCG) microdose. GnRHant protocol: administration of a daily dose of rFSH, cetrorelix, and rhCG microdose. Main Outcome Measure(s): ICSI outcomes and treatment costs. Result(s): A significantly lower number of patients underwent embryo transfer in the GnRHa group. Clinical pregnancy rate was significantly lower and miscarriage rate was significantly higher in the GnRHa group. It was observed a significant lower cost per cycle in the GnRHa group compared with the GnRHant group ($5,327.80 ± 387.30 vs. $5,900.40 ± 472.50). However, mean cost per pregnancy in the GnRHa was higher than in the GnRHant group ($19,671.80 ± 1,430.00 vs. $11,328.70 ± 907.20). Conclusion(s): Although the short controlled ovarian stimulation protocol with GnRHa on alternate days, rFSH, and rhCG microdose may lower the cost of an individual IVF cycle, it requires more cycles to achieve pregnancy. Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT01468441. © 2013 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
A series of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids were investigated by Southern blot analysis for the presence or absence of twenty-six molecular markers and three isozyme loci from human chromosome 19. Based on the co-retention of these markers in the various independent hybrid clones containing portions of human chromosome 19 and on pulsed field mapping, chromosome 19 is divided into twenty ordered regions. The most likely marker order for the chromosome is: (LDLR, C3)-(cen-MANNB)-D19S7-PEPD-D19S9-GPI-TGF$ \beta$-(CYP2A, NCA, CGM2, BCKAD)-PSG1a-(D19S8, XRCC1)-(D19S19, ATP1A3)-(D19S37, APOC2)-CKMM-ERCC2-ERCC1-(D19S62, D19S51)-D19S6-D19S50-D19S22-(CGB, FTL)-qter.^ The region of 19q between the proximal marker D19S7 and the distal gene coding for the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin (CGB) is about 37 Mb in size and covers about 37 cM genetic distance. The ration of genetic to physical distance on 19q is therefore very close to the genomic average OF 1 cM/Mb. Estimates of physical distances for intervals between chromosome 19 markers were calculated using a mapping function which estimates distances based on the number of breaks in hybrid clone panels. The consensus genetic distances between individual markers (established at HBM10) were compared to these estimates of physical distances. The close agreement between the two estimates suggested that spontaneously broken hybrids are as appropriate for this type of study as radiation hybrids.^ All three DNA repair genes located on chromosome 19 were found to have homologues on Chinese hamster chromosome 9, which is hemizygous in CHO cells, providing an explanation for the apparent ease with which mutations at these loci were identified in CHO cells. Homologues of CKMM and TGF$\beta$ (from human chromosome 19q) and a mini-satellite DNA specific to the distal region of human chromosome 19q were also mapped to Chinese hamster 9. Markers from 19p did not map to this hamster chromosome. Thus the q-arm of chromosome 19, at least between the genes PEPD and ERCC1, appears to be a linkage group which is conserved intact between humans and Chinese hamsters. ^
Placenta is a readily accessible translationally advantageous source of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) currently used in cryobanking and clinical trials. MSCs cultured from human chorion have been widely assumed to be fetal in origin, despite evidence that placental MSCs may be contaminated with maternal cells, resulting in entirely maternally derived MSC cultures. To document the frequency and determinants of maternal cell contamination in chorionic MSCs, we undertook a PRISMA-compliant systematic review of publications in the PubMed, Medline, and Embase databases (January 2000 to July 2013) on placental and/or chorionic MSCs from uncomplicated pregnancies. Of 147 studies, only 26 (18%) investigated fetal and/or maternal cell origin. After excluding studies that did not satisfy minimal MSC criteria, 7 of 15 informative studies documented MSC cultures as entirely fetal, a further 7 studies reported cultured human chorionic MSC populations to be either maternal (n=6) or mixed (n=1), whereas 1 study separately cultured pure fetal and pure maternal MSC from the same placenta. Maternal cell contamination was associated with term and chorionic membrane samples and greater passage number but was still present in 30% of studies of chorionic villous MSCs. Although most studies assume fetal origin for MSCs sourced from chorion, this systematic review documents a high incidence of maternal-origin MSC populations in placental MSC cultures. Given that fetal MSCs have more primitive properties than adult MSCs, our findings have implications for clinical trials in which knowledge of donor and tissue source is pivotal. We recommend sensitive methods to quantitate the source and purity of placental MSCs.
La présente thèse par articles aborde différentes facettes du dépistage prénatal de certaines aneuploïdies au premier trimestre de la grossesse. L’introduction retrace l’historique du dépistage prénatal et énonce les différents marqueurs biochimiques et échographiques associés aux aneuploïdies. La première publication démontre que le tabagisme maternel abaisse significativement les niveaux sanguins maternels de PAPP-A et de la fraction libre de la β-hCG et augmente significativement la clarté nucale, confirmant la nécessité de contrôler cette co-variable dans le calcul de risque final, du moins pour la trisomie 18. Le deuxième article identifie des seuils de clarté nucale au-delà desquels la biochimie génétique n’apporte aucune valeur additionnelle au dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et de la trisomie 18. Pour les fœtus avec clarté nucale supérieure aux seuils établis, un diagnostic prénatal intrusif devrait être offert sans délai. Le troisième et dernier article porte sur la première détermination des niveaux plasmatiques maternels de la protéine FLRG (follistatin-related gene) au premier trimestre de grossesse et sur son rôle potentiel à titre de marqueur biochimique dans le dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21. Bien que détectables, les niveaux plasmatiques maternels de FLRG ne sont pas significativement altérés en présence de fœtus avec syndrome de Down. Dans la discussion générale, les trois articles sont abordés sous un angle plus spécifique au Québec. Des données complémentaires et originales y sont présentées. Une discussion sur l’évolution future du dépistage prénatal est entamée et des axes de recherche sont proposés.
L’oestradiol joue un rôle important dans la reproduction en général, particulièrement dans la croissance folliculaire chez la vache. La production de l’œstradiol nécessite l’expression du gène CYP19A1 suite à la stimulation des cellules de granulosa par l’hormone folliculostimulante (FSH) ou le facteur de croissance insulinique de type 1 (IGF-1). Chez la vache, il existe six promoteurs (1.1 ; 1.2 ; 1.3 ; 1.4 ; 1.5 et 2) qui dirigent la transcription du gène CYP19A1 dans les cellules de la granulosa. Le principal promoteur qui dirige la transcription au niveau de l’ovaire (cellules de granulosa) est le promoteur 2 (P2). Cependant, l’effet de la FSH et de l’IGF-1 sur l’activation de ces promoteurs d’aromatase demeure mal connu. De plus, la demi-vie du transcrit CYP19A1 est très courte avec une région 3’UTR relativement longue. L’analyse de la séquence 3’UTR montre la présence des motifs ARE (séquence riche en AU), des études antérieur montrent que ces séquences impliquent dans la régulation de la stabilité ou la dégradation de l’ARNm, ce qui est fort probable que la courte demi-vie de l’ARNm CYP19A1 est sous le contrôle post-transcriptionel. L’objectif de la thèse visait à étudier la régulation de l’expression du gène CYP19A1 chez la vache. Il y a deux thèmes soit étude de la régulation transcriptionnelle ciblant le promoteur et soit étude de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle impliquant la région 3’non traduite (3’UTR). Le premier objectif vise à étudier la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène CYP19A1. Nous avons étudié l'activité du promoteur ovarien bovin dans deux modèles de cellules de la granulosa, les cellules lutéinisées et nonlutéinisées in vitro, suite à une stimulation des cellules par la FSH ou IGF-1. Nous avons également évalué la voie de signalisation impliquée dans la régulation des différents promoteurs en utilisant un RT-PCR et un gène rapporteur (les différents promoteurs d’aromatase ont été insérés dans le vecteur pGL3promoter en amont du gène exprimant la luciférase). Les résultats de RT-PCR démontrent que la FSH et l’IGF-1 augmentent les concentrations d’ARNm provenant des deux promoteurs 2 et 1.1 dans les cellules de la granulosa non lutéinisées. Des expériences subséquentes ont montré que la FSH stimule le promoteur 2 via la voie PKA tandis que l'IGF-1 stimule le promoteur 2 via la voie PKC. La FSH et l’IGF-1 stimulent l’expression du promoteur 1.1 via la voie PI3K. L’analyse de l’activité luciférase démontre que dans les cellules de granulosa lutéinisées, la FSH stimule le promoteur 1.1 de façon dose dépendante et ne semble y avoir aucun effet significatif sur le promoteur 2. Nous avons donc comparé l’activité du promoteur PII/P2 humain, du rat, de la chèvre et de la vache dans les cellules de granulosa bovine lutéinisées. Le résultat le plus significatif est que le promoteur 2 bovine (et caprine) dépend de plusieurs facteurs de transcription (NR5A2, FOXL2) comparé au promoteur PII humain et celui du promoteur proximal du rat qui dépendent principalement de l'AMPc. En effet, nos résultats ont démontré une expression raisonnablement robuste du P2 bovine lorsque les cellules sont traitées à la forskoline, NR5A2 et FOXL2. Le facteur FOXL2 semble déterminer l'activité du promoteur 2 chez le ruminant. Le deuxième objectif vise à étudier la régulation post-transcriptionnelle du gène CYP19A1. Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé la séquence minimale de l'ARNm CYP19A1 requise pour la régulation de sa demi-vie. Différents séquences de la région 3’UTR ont été insérés dans le vecteur pGL3promoter en aval du gène exprimant la luciférase ou soit dans le vecteur pGEMTeasy. Le vecteur pGL3promoter a été transfecté dans les cellules de granulosa lutéinisées pour évaluer l'impact de la séquence 3'UTR sur l'expression du gène rapporteur de la luciférase, alors que le vecteur pGEMTeasy a été utilisé pour la transcription in vitro afin de générer de l’ARNm. Ce dernier sera utilisé en réaction croisée au UV avec des extraits protéiques pour démontrer l’association du complexe ARNm/protéine. L’analyse de l’activité luciférase a permis d’identifier une séquence de 200 pb située entre 926 et 1134 pb de la région 3'UTR de l’ARNm CYP19A1 qui a réduit significativement l’activité de la luciférase. Selon les analyses de la réaction croisée au UV, une ou plusieurs protéines de 66 et 80 kDA se lient spécifiquement à la séquence de 200 pb qui réduit l’activité de luciférase. Cette protéine s'exprime dans les cellules de granulosa, mais n’a pas été détectée dans d'autres tissus comme le foie et le cœur. Par ailleurs, l’utilisation du gène rapporteur sensible à la FSH a suscité l’intérêt d'une compagnie pharmaceutique qui vend de l’equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) pour lui permettre de distinguer facilement l’eCG ayant une forte activité FSH et donc, avoir un produit commercial plus efficace et de meilleure qualité. Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un système de bioessai à la FSH basé sur la transfection des cellules avec un récepteur à la FSH et un gène rapporteur colorimètrique qui permet d’estimer l’activité de la FSH dans le sérum de la jument et qui pourrait être applicable au niveau de la ferme/industrie.
Aim: To evaluate anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels in patients with clinical and molecular diagnosis of 5α-reductase 2 deficiency. Patients and methods: Data from 14 patients whose age ranged from 21 days to 29 years were analyzed according to age and pubertal stage. Sexual ambiguity was rated as Prader III in 11 patients. LH, FSH, testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and AMH serum levels were measured in all but two patients, who had been previously submitted to gonadectomy; T and DHT were also measured in 20 age-matched controls. Results: Gonadotropin levels were normal in all but one patient who retained gonads (six of whom had reached puberty) and T/DHT ratio was elevated in all patients when compared to controls. All prepubertal patients had AMH levels < -1 SD for age, while most pubertal patients had AMH levels compatible with pubertal stage. Conclusions: Prepubertal patients with 5α-reductase 2 deficiency have AMH values in the lower part of the normal range. These data indicate that T does not need to be converted to DHT to inhibit AMH secretion by Sertoli cells. © Freund Publishing House Ltd., London.
The purpose of this review was to assess the efficacy of recombinant LH (r-LH) supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in recombinant FSH (r-FSH) and GnRH-agonist (GnRH-a) protocol for IVF/ICSI cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. Four trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria (Lisi et al. 2002, Humaidan et al. 2004, Marrs et al. 2004, Tarlatzis et al. 2006). When the review was carried out advantages were observed for the r-LH supplementation protocol with respect to a fewer days of stimulation, a fewer total amount of r-FSH administered and a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration. However, these differences were not observed in number of oocyte retrieved, number of mature oocytes, clinical pregnancy per oocyte retrieval, implantation and miscarriage rates. Nevertheless, more randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations regarding exogenous r-LH supplementation in ovarian stimulation protocols with r-FSH and GnRH-a for assisted reproduction treatment can be provided.
The purpose of this investigation was to verify the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH-antagonist protocol for assisted reproductive technologies cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. In this review and meta-analysis, the observed advantages for the LH supplementation protocol were a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration and a higher number of mature oocytes. However, there were no differences observed in the total amount of r-FSH administered, days of stimulation, number of oocyte retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of r-LH with r-FSH may prevent any decrease in estradiol after antagonist administration and a significant higher number of mature oocytes was obtained. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials are needed confirm these observations.
The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the efficacy of gonadotrophin antagonist (GnRH-ant) versus GnRH agonist (GnRHa) as coadjuvant therapy for ovarian stimulation in poor ovarian responders in IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases such as MEDLINE, EMBASE and others. A fixed effects model was used for odds ratio (OR) and effect size (weighted mean difference, WMD). Six trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria (randomized controlled trials). There was no difference between GnRH-ant and GnRHa (long and flare-up protocols) with respect to cycle cancellation rate, number of mature oocytes and clinical pregnancy rate per cycle initiated, per oocyte retrieval and per embryo transfer. When the mete-analysis was applied to the two trials that had used GnRH-ant versus long protocols of GnRHa, a significantly higher number of retrieved oocytes was observed in the GnRH-ant protocols [P = 0.018; WMD: 1.12 (0.18, 2.05)]. However, when the meta-analysis was applied to the four trials that had used GnRH-ant versus flare-up protocols, a significantly higher number of retrieved oocytes (P = 0.032; WMD: -0.51, 95% CI -0.99, -0.04) was observed in the GnRHa protocols. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials with better planning are needed to confirm these results.
Laser-assisted hatching is little documented in the literature regarding its efficacy in cryopreserved-thawed (CT) embryo transfer cycles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in a randomized manner the efficacy of thinning one quarter of the zona pellucida of CT embryos to a depth of 50-80% of the original thickness, via laser treatment (the qLZT-AH procedure), in improving implantation and pregnancy rates. Two populations were studied: population I, patients who had all their supernumerary embryos cryopreserved, regardless of their morphology, and population II, patients at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome who had all their embryos cryopreserved. Artificial and natural protocols were used for the embryo transfers. A total of 350 laser-thinned CT embryos were compared with 352 intact zona embryos. No difference in implantation or pregnancy rate was found after using qLZT-AH in either population. These findings suggest that qLZT-AH should not be routinely performed in cryopreserved embryo programmes.
This study aims to compare the efficacy of recombinant LH (rLH) supplementation for ovarian stimulation in gonadotrophin-releasing hormone-antagonist protocol for IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Search strategies included online surveys of databases. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio (OR) and effect size (weighted mean difference, WMD). Five trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria. When the meta-analysis was carried out, advantages were observed for the LH supplementation protocol with respect to higher serum oestradiol concentrations on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration (P < 0.0001; WMD: 514, 95% CI 368, 660) and higher number of mature oocytes (P = 0.0098; WMD: 0.88, 95% CI 0.21, 1.54). However, these differences were not observed in the total amount of recombinant FSH (rFSH) administered, days of stimulation, number of oocytes retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of rLH with rFSH may prevent any decrease in oestradiol after antagonist administration and that a significantly higher number of mature oocytes was available for laboratory work. Nevertheless, it failed to show any statistically significant difference in clinically significant end-points in IVF (implantation and pregnancy rates). Additional randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these results further. © 2007 Published by Reproductive Healthcare Ltd.
Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the likelihood of IUI success as a function of the previously described predictive factors, including sperm morphology according to the new reference values defined by WHO. Material and Methods: This retrospective study enrolled 300 couples which underwent IUI. Regression analyses were used to correlate maternal age, number of preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration, number of inseminated motile sperm, and normal sperm morphology with clinical pregnancy. Results are expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% of confidence intervals (CI). Results: Women older than 35 years showed a lower pregnancy rate (6.5% vs 18.2%, p=0.017). Logistic regression models confirmed the lower chance of pregnancy occurrence for older women (OR: 0.39; CI: 0.16-0.96; p=0.040). The presence of two or more preovulatory follicles on the day of hCG administration resulted in higher pregnancy rate when compared to cases in which only one preovulatory follicle was present (18.6% vs 8.2%, p=0.011). The regression model showed a more than two fold increase on probability of pregnancy when two or more preovulatory follicles were detected (OR: 2.58; CI: 1.22-5.46, p=0.013). The number of inseminated motile sperm positively influenced pregnancy occurrence (OR: 1.47; CI: 0.88-3.14, p=0.027). Similar pregnancy rates were observed when semen samples were classified as having normal or abnormal morphology (10.6% vs 10.2%, p=0.936). Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that sperm morphological normalcy, according to the new reference value, has no predictive value on IUI outcomes. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.