959 resultados para Horticultural crops


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Various marker systems exist for genetic analysis of horticultural species. Isozymes were first applied to the woody perennial nut crop, macadamia, in the early 1990s. The advent of DNA markers saw the development, for macadamia, of STMS (sequence-tagged microsatellite site), RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), and RAF (randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting). The RAF technique typically generates dominant markers, but within the dominant marker profiles, certain primers also amplify multi-allelic co-dominant markers that are suspected to be microsatellites. In this paper, we confirm this for one such marker, and describe how RAF primers can be chosen that amplify one or more putative microsatellites. This approach of genotyping anonymous microsatellite markers via RAF is designated RAMiFi (randomly amplified microsatellite fingerprinting). Several marker systems were compared for the type, amount, and cost-efficiency of the information generated, using data from published studies on macadamia. The markers were also compared for the way they clustered a common set of accessions. The RAMiFi approach was identified as the most efficient and economical. The availability of such a versatile tool offers many advantages for the genetic characterisation of horticultural species.


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The potential for large-scale use of a sensitive real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay was evaluated for the detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in single and bulked leaf samples by comparing its sensitivity with that of DAS-ELISA. Using total RNA extracted with RNeasy (R) or leaf soak methods, real time RT-PCR detected TSWV in all infected samples collected from 16 horticultural crop species (including flowers, herbs and vegetables), two arable crop species, and four weed species by both assays. In samples in which DAS-ELISA had previously detected TSWV, real time RT-PCR was effective at detecting it in leaf tissues of all 22 plant species tested at a wide range of concentrations. Bulk samples required more robust and extensive extraction methods with real time RT-PCR, but it generally detected one infected sample in 1000 uninfected ones. By contrast, ELISA was less sensitive when used to test bulked samples, once detecting up to I infected in 800 samples with pepper but never detecting more than I infected in 200 samples in tomato and lettuce. It was also less reliable than real time RT-PCR when used to test samples from parts of the leaf where the virus concentration was low. The genetic variability among Australian isolates of TSWV was small. Direct sequencing of a 587 bp region of the nucleoprotein gene (S RNA) of 29 isolates from diverse crops and geographical locations yielded a maximum of only 4.3% nucleotide sequence difference. Phylogenetic analysis revealed no obvious groupings of isolates according to geographic origin or host species. TSWV isolates, that break TSWV resistance genes in tomato or pepper did not differ significantly in the N gene region studied, indicating that a different region of the virus genome is responsible for this trait.


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The role of the eukaryotic release factor 1 (eRF1) in translation termination has previously been established in yeast; however, only limited characterization has been performed on any plant homologs. Here, we demonstrate that cosuppression of eRF1-1 in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has a profound effect on plant morphology, resulting in what we term the broomhead phenotype. These plants primarily exhibit a reduction in internode elongation causing the formation of a broomhead-like cluster of malformed siliques at the top of the inflorescence stem. Histological analysis of broomhead stems revealed that cells are reduced in height and display ectopic lignification of the phloem cap cells, some phloem sieve cells, and regions of the fascicular cambium, as well as enhanced lignification of the interfascicular fibers. We also show that cell division in the fascicular cambial regions is altered, with the majority of vascular bundles containing cambial cells that are disorganized and possess enlarged nuclei. This is the first attempt at functional characterization of a release factor in vivo in plants and demonstrates the importance of eRF1-1 function in Arabidopsis.


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Of those explants tested, immature zygotic embryo tissues proved to be the best for initiating callus with potential for somatic embryogenesis. Slicing of this tissue and use of the central sections (near to and including the meristematic tissue) gave the best embryogenic response. Slices that were placed under illumination necrosed more rapidly and to a greater degree than those incubated in the dark. Explant slice necrosis could be prevented or severely retarded by the addition of activated charcoal into the medium. Washing the explants for short periods of time prior to culture was also found to improve callus production. Prolonged washing resulted in low rates of callus production. In an attempt to prevent ethylene accumulation in the culture vessel headspace, AVG, an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor and STS, a chemical which reduces the physiological action of ethylene, were successfully used to promote somatic embryogenesis. Spermidine, putrescine and spermine, polyamines that are known to delay plant senescence and promote somatic embryogenesis in some plant species, enhanced the rate of somatic embryogenesis when they were introduced into the callus induction medium. The use of polyethylene glycol in combination with abscisic acid helped promote somatic embryo formation and maturation as well as the subsequent formation of plantlets. The use of all of these improvements together has created a new and improved protocol for coconut somatic embryogenesis. This new protocol puts significant emphasis on improving the in vitro ecology of the explant, callus and somatic embryogenic tissues.


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Inconsistent internal fruit quality in Hass avocados affects consumer confidence. To determine the influence of individual trees on fruit quality, Hass avocado fruit were harvested from adjacent trees of similar external appearance in 3 commercial orchards in 1998 and 1 orchard in 1999. The trees in each orchard were grown with similar commercial practices and in similar soil types. Within each location, there were significant (P < 0.05) differences in the mean ripe fruit quality between trees with respect to fruit body rot severity ( mainly anthracnose) with and without cold storage, internal disorders severity due to diffuse discolouration and vascular browning ( after cold storage), days to ripen, percentage dry matter, and the percentage of the skin area with purple-black colour when ripe. These effects were also noted in the same orchard in 1999. There were significant (P < 0.05) differences in fruit flesh calcium, magnesium, potassium, boron and zinc concentrations between trees. Significant (P < 0.05) correlations were observed between average fruit mineral concentrations in each tree ( particularly calcium, magnesium and potassium) and body rot severity, percentage dry matter and fruit mass. There was little conclusive evidence that characteristics such as the growth of the non-suberised roots or the degree of scion under- or overgrowth was involved in these tree effects; however, differences between trees with respect to other rootstock characteristics may be involved. The inconsistency of the correlations across sites and years suggested that other factors apart from tree influences could also affect the relationship between fruit minerals and fruit quality.


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Windrowed pyrethrum stems were air dried under a range of storage conditions to examine whether the current commercial practice of drying crop material is conducive to pyrethrins' degradation. Crop material was stored for up to 12 days in a commercial windrow, a shed receiving indirect light or a dark, 5 degrees C cool-room. Analysis of pyrethrins extracted from flowers of all treatments demonstrated that pyrethrins were not degrading in windrowed crops, plant material stored in the shed or in the 5 degrees C cool-room. The small differences obtained in pyrethrins content among the treatments can be explained by the natural variation in pyrethrins content of pyrethrum crops. The observation that the achenes were unchanged during this drying period supported the pyrethrins analysis. These results demonstrate that pyrethrins in planta do not degrade as rapidly as extracted pyrethrins. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The potassium (K) nutrition and high K requirement of tropical root crops may be affected by their sodium (Na) status, as has been observed in a number of plant species. Solution culture was used to study the effects of K and Na supplies in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott.], sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. At low K supply, Na ameliorated symptoms of K deficiency and increased growth in tannia, and to a lesser extent in sweetpotato, but not in taro. None of the species responded to Na at adequate K supply. Differences in response to Na were attributed to differences in Na translocation to plant tops. At maximum Na supply, the Na concentration in index leaves averaged 1.82% in tannia, 0.205% in sweetpotato, and 0.0067% in taro. An increase in the supply of Na resulted in a shift in the critical K concentration for deficiency (i.e., 90% of maximum yield) in index leaves from 2.9% to 1.2% in tannia, and from 4.8% to 2.5% in sweetpotato. The critical K concentration in taro was 3.3%, irrespective of Na supply. To overcome the problem in tannia and sweetpotato of determining the critical concentration relevant to a leaf sample of unknown K status, a relationship was established for each species relating the critical K concentration to the concentration of Na in the index leaves.


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d-Limonene was encapsulated with beta-cyclodextrin to improve its retention during pre-added flavour starch extrusion. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of processing condition on the flavour retention and extrudate properties. Corn starch containing five levels of beta-cyclodextrin-d-limonene capsules (0-5%) were extruded at five different maximum barrel temperatures (133-167 degrees C) and screw speeds (158-242 rpm) using a twin screw extruder. The effect of these parameters on the flavour retention, expansion, texture, colour difference (Delta E), Water Absorption Index, Water Solubility Index, and residence time distribution (RTD) were investigated. Barrel temperature and capsule level predominantly influenced flavour retention and extrudate properties, while screw speed primarily affected extruder performances such as torque, die pressure, specific mechanical energy and RTD. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many food materials exist in a disordered amorphous solid state due to processing. Therefore, understanding the concept of amorphous state, its important phase transition (i.e., glass transition), and the related phenomena (e.g., enthalpy relaxation) is important to food scientists. Food saccharides, including mono-, di-, oligo-, and polysaccharides, are among the most important major components in food. Focusing on the food saccharides, this review covers important topics related to amorphous solids, including the concept and molecular arrangement of amorphous solid, the formation of amorphous food saccharides, the concept of glass transition and enthalpy relaxation, physical property changes and molecular mobility around the glass transition, measurement of the glass transition and enthalpy relaxation, their mathematical descriptions and models, and influences on food stability.


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The antibacterial activities of water, ethanol and hexane extracts of five Australian herbs (Backhousia citriodora, Anetholea anisata, Eucalyptus staigerana, Eu. olida and Prostanthera incisa) against seven food-related bacteria (Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella Enteritidis, Sal. Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus) were determined by the microtitre broth microdilution assay. The water extracts of all the herbs displayed no or low antimicrobial activity against all of the bacteria tested with the exception of S. aureus. Relatively high levels of activity (minimum inhibitory concentrations of 125-15.6 mu g ml(-1)) against this pathogen were present in water extracts from all herbs except P. incisa. The ethanol and hexane extracts of all herbs displayed some activity against a number of the bacteria tested, with no one particular herb displaying an obviously higher level or range of activity. Staphylococcus aureus proved to be the most sensitive of the bacteria tested against the solvent extracts with all extracts displaying activity ranging from 125 to 7.8 mu g ml(-1), while E. coli and L. monocytogenes, on the other hand, proved the least sensitive with only five of 15 herb/extract combinations displaying any activity against these pathogens. The extracts of the Australian native herbs examined in this study have potential for application in foods to increase shelf-life or promote safety. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The efficiency of sonication and microfluidization to produce nano-emulsions were evaluated in this study. The purpose was to produce an oil-in-water nano-emulsion of d-limonene to apply it in the next step for nano-particle encapsulation. In the entrapment and retention of volatiles or for the microencapsulation efficiency, emulsion size is one of the critical factors. In this study, a bench-top sonicator and an air-driven microfluidizer were used to prepare the emulsions. Results show that, while both methods were capable of producing nano-emulsions of the size range of 150-700 nm, the microfluidizer produced emulsions with narrower size distributions and sonication was more convenient in terms of operation and cleaning. In general, the size of the emulsions decreased with increasing sonication time, or the microfluidization pressure and duration. However, for both sonication and microfluidization, optimal conditions were necessary for emulsification beyond which the emulsion sizes would either increase or have little change with further processing.


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This paper describes the first systematic study of nutritional deficiencies of greater yam (Dioscorea alata). Yam plants (cv. 'Mahoa'a') were propagated from tuber discs and grown in nutrient solution, with nutrients supplied following a modified programmed nutrient-addition method. After an establishment period of four weeks, deficiencies of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), boron (B), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo) were induced by omitting the relevant nutrient from the solution. Foliar symptoms were recorded photographically. Notably, deficiencies of the mobile macronutrients failed to induce senescence of oldest leaves, while vine growth and younger leaves were affected. Leaf blades of the main stem were sampled in sequence and analyzed chemically, providing the distribution of each nutrient from youngest to oldest leaves in both adequately supplied and deficient plants. The nutrient-concentration profiles, together with the visible symptoms, indicated that little remobilization of mobile macronutrients had occurred. For both macro- and micronutrients, young leaves gave the best separation of nutrient concentrations between well-nourished and deficient plants.


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Compounds that activate host plant defence responses potentially offer socio-environmentally sound alternative methods for disease control. In a series of glasshouse trials over 2 years, pre-harvest sprays with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA) were tested for suppression of post-harvest infection of cut Freesia hybrida L. flowers by Botrytis cinerea. For the ASM treatments, variability in reducing the incidence of B. cinerea disease was observed between years freesia varieties, incubation temperatures and ASM concentrations. In the first year, the greatest reductions in lesion numbers on ASM-treated var. 'Cote d'Azur' were recorded using 2.86 mM ASM. For three different post-harvest temperature regimes, the relative reductions in lesion numbers, compared to untreated controls, were 45% at 5 degrees C, 40% at 12 degrees C and 30% at 20 degrees C, respectively. In the second year, lesion numbers were most reduced using 1.43 mM ASM to treat freesia var. 'Dukaat' flowers. Here, the relative reductions were to 44% at 5 degrees C, 26% at 12 degrees C and 51% at 20 degrees C. MeJA treatments were, in general, more consistently effective than ASM treatments in reducing lesion numbers and lesion diameters on cut freesia flowers. MeJA-treated (0.2 mM) freesia flowers (var. 'Dukaat') incubated at 20 degrees C showed relative reductions of 62%, and 45% for lesion number and lesion diameter, respectively. The differing efficacy between ASM and MeJA treatments could be attributed to their differential abilities to induce the salicylic acid (SA)-mediated vs. the jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated host defence pathways, respectively.


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Survival of the microencapsulated probiotics, Lactobacillus acidophilus 547, Bifidobacterium bifidum ATCC 1994, and Lactobacillus casei 01, in stirred yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during low temperature storage was investigated. The probiotic cells both as free cells and microencapsulated cells (in alginate beads coated with chitosan) were added into 20 g/100 g total solids stirred yoghurt from UHT-treated milk and 16 g/100 g total solids yoghurt from conventionally treated milk after 3.5 h of fermentation. The products were kept at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks. The survival of encapsulated probiotic bacteria was higher than free cells by approximately 1 log cycle. The number of probiotic bacteria was maintained above the recommended therapeutic minimum (10(7) cfu g(-1)) throughout the storage except for R bifidum. The viabilities of probiotic bacteria in yoghurts from both UHT- and conventionally treated milks were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. (c) 2004 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.