146 resultados para Honesty


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How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists


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El presente trabajo propone realizar un análisis interdisciplinario histórico-iufilosófico y de derecho tomando como eje el caso especial de los delitos contra la honestidad (actualmente delitos contra la integridad sexual) a la luz de cuatro aspectos de la teoría dworkiniana: el uso de la jurisprudencia y el precedente para resolver problemas jurídicos, el lugar de la moralidad en el derecho -especialmente en el argentino-, el concepto de "caso difícil" y el lugar del juez en su resolución. En este punto, pretendo mostrar cómo el objeto histórico se relaciona estrechamente con los desarrollos posteriores y problemas contemporáneos de la filosofía del derecho


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How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists


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Como consecuencia de los procesos de globalización el mundo empresarial está sometido a constantes cambios que han originado la necesidad en las empresas de evaluar su funcionamiento, con el objeto de adecuar su gestión a las mejores prácticas gerenciales y operativas, en función de adaptarse a las exigencias presentes en los escenarios en que están inmersas. La presente investigación tiene como propósito desarrollar un modelo explicativo de la relación entre la productividad y los valores organizacionales, teniendo como premisa los distintos planteamientos o teorías que destacan la importancia que tienen los valores organizacionales para que las empresas logren sus metas. Específicamente se tomó como referencia la clasificación de los valores organizacionales, que contempla el modelo de gestión de Dirección por Valores (DPV), de García y Dolan (2001). Las PYMES, al considerar el efecto que tienen los valores organizacionales en la productividad, pueden apoyar su gestión a través del compromiso de las personas para lograr los resultados de productividad que quieren o necesitan alcanzar. El abordaje del estudio se ha basado en la investigación explicativa, a través de la cual se exponen las razones de ocurrencia de un fenómeno o se muestran los mecanismos por los que se relacionan dos o más variables, lo que permitió conjugar definiciones y supuestos de las relaciones encontradas entre los valores organizacionales identificados de acuerdo a la opinión de los entrevistados y que resultaron ser significativos con los resultados de productividad que presentan las empresas que fueron objeto de esta investigación La población estuvo conformada por 40 empresas activas del sector metalúrgico y minero de Ciudad Guayana, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, pertenecientes a la Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos y de Minería de la región Guayana (AIMM) y al directorio de la Cámara de Industriales y Mineros de Guayana. La muestra estudiada corresponde a 25 empresas que representan el 62% de la población. El proceso que se siguió para generar el modelo explicativo contempla tres etapas. La primera consiste en la fase descriptiva donde se recogió la información referente a la productividad de las empresas y a la determinación de los valores organizacionales identificados a través del análisis cualitativo de las entrevistas que se realizaron a los informantes de las empresas de la muestra. Para ello se utilizó el software Atlas ti 6.0. La segunda etapa, denominada comparativa, consistió en determinar la relación entre la productividad y los valores organizacionales, a través de las tablas de contingencias, de acuerdo con el grado de significancia que mostró el estadístico Chi- cuadrado. La tercera y última etapa del proceso es la fase explicativa que consistió en estimar la magnitud de la relación entre las variables productividad y valores organizacionales utilizando el coeficiente de contingencia de Pearson, y en establecer las asociaciones de acuerdo a las proximidades observadas que resultaron del análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Entre los hallazgos del estudio desarrollado se encontró que la productividad de las empresas puede fijarse en tres categorías: alta, media y baja y entre los factores que afectan a la productividad destacan, en el contexto externo: el gobierno, los clientes y los proveedores y en el contexto interno: la mano de obra, los materiales y los suministros. Según la opinión de los gerentes entrevistados, los valores organizacionales que caracterizan a las empresas del sector estudiado se agrupan en veintisiete categorías, que se clasifican en los siguientes componentes: entorno mercado, clientes, proveedores y otras empresas aliadas, medio ambiente, forma de tratar la Dirección al resto de empleados, forma de trabajar cotidiana y gestión de los recursos económicos. Los valores organizacionales que resultaron ser significativos fueron la innovación, la honestidad y el orden y limpieza. La magnitud de la relación encontrada del valor innovación fue moderadamente fuerte. Se infiere que las empresas, al tener una Productividad baja, deciden innovar en el desarrollo de nuevos productos. El valor honestidad arrojó una relación moderadamente fuerte, determinando que las empresas de Productividad alta basan sus relaciones con los proveedores en la honestidad. Finalmente, el valor orden y limpieza muestra una relación moderadamente débil, lo que hace suponer que las empresas de Productividad media tienen alguna preferencia por mantener el orden y limpieza en las áreas de trabajo. El modelo explicativo de la relación entre productividad y valores organizacionales, en las PYMES del sector metalúrgico y minero de Ciudad Guayana, quedó conformado por los siguientes componentes: mercado, clientes, proveedores y otras empresas aliadas, y medio ambiente. No se encontraron relaciones en los componentes forma de tratar la Dirección al resto de empleados, forma de trabajar cotidiana y gestión de los recursos económicos. ABSTRACT As a result of globalization processes, the business world is subject to constant change. This has resulted in the need for companies to evaluate their performance in order to adjust their processes to the best managerial and operational practices, with the goal to adapt to the demands present in the scenarios in which they are embedded. This research aimed to develop an explanatory model of the relationship between productivity and organizational values. In addition, it was based on the different approaches or theories that relate the importance for enterprises of the organizational values to achieve their goals. Specifically, reference was made to the classification of organizational values, which includes the model of Management by Values (DPV) following García and Dolan (1997). The SMEs, considering the effect of organizational values on productivity, can support their management through the commitment of their people to achieve productivity results that they want or need to accomplish. The study approach was based on explanatory research, which presents the reasons for occurrence of a phenomenon and the mechanisms through which two or more variables are related. This allowed to combine definitions and assumptions about the relationship found between organizational values and the productivity results of the companies that took part in this research. Organizational values were identified in the opinion of the managers interviewed, and were found to be significant with the productivity results. The population consisted of 40 active enterprises of the metallurgical and mining industry of Ciudad Guayana, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela. These enterprises were members of the Association of Metallurgical and Mining Industry of the Guayana Region (AIMM, by its acronym in Spanish) and the Directory of the Chamber of Industrial and Mining of Guayana. The sample of the study is comprised of 25 enterprises, which represent 62% of the total population. The process which has been followed to generate the explanatory model involves three stages. The first stage is the descriptive phase where the information about enterprises productivity and the determination of organizational values is gathered. These organizational values were identified by a qualitative analysis of the interviews conducted with managers of each enterprise. This analysis was performed using the Atlas ti 6.0 software. The second stage, denominated comparative, consisted in determining the relationship between productivity and organizational values through contingency tables, and according to the degree of significance showed by the Chi-Square, statistic. The third, and final stage of the process, is the explanatory phase. This consisted in estimating the magnitude of the relationship between productivity and organizational values variables using the Pearson's contingency coefficient. In addition, this stage comprises the establishment of the associations according to the observed proximities that resulted from the multiple correspondence analysis. Among the findings of this study, it was found that the productivity of enterprises can be set in three categories: high, medium and low. Additionally, it was found that in the external context the factors that stand out affecting productivity are: government policy, customers and suppliers, while in the domestic context they are: labor, materials and supplies. According to the opinion of the managers interviewed the organizational values that characterize the companies that were studied are grouped into twenty seven categories. These categories are classified into the following components: market environment, customers, suppliers and other allied companies, the environment, how Management deals with of the employees, way to work every day, and management of economic resources. Organizational values that were found to be significant were innovation, honesty and order and cleanliness. The magnitude of the relation of the innovation value was found to be moderately strong. It is inferred that companies that have low productivity decide to innovate in the development of new products. The honesty value showed a moderately strong relation, determining that high productivity enterprises base their relationships with suppliers on honesty. Lastly, the order and cleanliness value showed a moderately weak relation, which suggests that average productivity enterprises have a preference to maintain order and cleanliness in the work areas. The explanatory model of the relationship between productivity and organizational values, in the SMEs of the metallurgical and mining sector of Ciudad Guayana, was composed of the following components: market, customers, suppliers and other allied companies, and the environment. No relationships were found in the following components: how Management deals with employees, way to work every day, and management of economic resources.


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La materia se presenta ante nosotros en multiplicidad de formas o “apariencias”. A lo largo de la historia se ha reflexionado sobre la relación entre la materia y la forma en distintos campos desde la filosofía hasta la ciencia, pasando por el arte y la arquitectura, moviéndose entre disciplinas desde las más prácticas a las más artísticas, generando posicionamientos opuestos, como el materialismo-idealismo. El concepto de materia a su vez ha ido cambiando a medida que la conciencia humana y la ciencia han ido evolucionando, pasando de considerarse materia como un ente con “masa” a la materia vacía, donde la “masa” es una ilusión que se nos “aparece” dependiendo de la frecuencia con la que vibra su sistema energético. A partir del concepto de “matière” , Josef Albers desarrolla su metodología docente. La matière es más que el aspecto, la “apariencia” que va más allá de la forma cristalizada. Es la forma cambiante que puede adoptar la materia cuando es transformada por el ser humano, dejando su huella sobre ella. Las tres cualidades de la “matière” que el profesor Albers propone en sus ejercicios del Curso Preliminar para desarrollar la “visión” con la “matière” desde la Bauhaus hasta la Universidad de Yale son: Estructural, Factural y Textural. Al desarrollar la observación, teniendo en cuenta estas tres referencias, se descubriá la desvinculación entre lo material y su apariencia desde la honradez. “La discrepancia entre los hechos físicos y el efecto psíquico”. En un proceso constante de ensayo y error se desarrollará la sensibilización individual hacia el material y la evaluación y critica gracias a la dinámica del taller que permite por comparación, aprender y evolucionar como individuo dentro de una sociedad. Esa metodología inductiva regulada por la economía de recursos, promueve el pensamiento creativo, fundamental para producir a través de la articulación un nuevo lenguaje que por medio de la formulación visual exprese nuestra relación con el mundo, con la vida. La vida que constantemente fluye y oscila entre dos polos opuestos, generando interrelaciones que tejen el mundo. Esas interacciones son las que dan vida a la obra artísitica de Albers. PALABRAS CLAVE: materia y matière, estructural factural y textural, vision, hecho físico y efectos psiquico, pensamiento creativo, vida. The matter stands before us in multiple ways or "appearances". Throughout history the relationship between matter and form has been thought out from different fields, from philosophy to science, including art and architecture, moving between disciplines from the most practical to the most artistic generating positions opposites, as materialism-idealism . The concept of matter in turn has changed as the humna consciousness and science have evolved, from being considered as a matter of "mass" to the empty field where the "mass" is an illusion that we "appears" depending on the frequency with which vibrates its energy system. Using the concept of "matière", Josef Albers develops its teaching methodology. The matière is more than the look, the "appearance" that goes beyond the crystallized form. It is the changing form that may take the matter when it is transformed by humans, leaving their mark on it. The three qualities of "matière" that Professor Albers exercises proposed in the Preliminary Course to develop a "vision" with the "matière" from the Bauhaus to Yale are: Structural, Factural and Textural. To develop observation, taking into account these three references, the separation between the material and its appearance was discovered from honesty. "The discrepancy between physical fact and psychic effect." In an ongoing process by trial and error to develop individual sensitzing towards material and critical evaluation through dynamic workshop. The workshop allows for comparison, learn and evolve as an individual within a society. That inductive methodology regulated by the economy of resources, promotes creative thinking, essential to produce through articulation a new language through visual formulation expresses our relationship with the world, with life. Life constantly flowing, oscillates between two opposite poles, creating relationships that weave the world. These interactions are what give life to the artistic work of Albers. KEYWORDS:


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A complexidade crescente no ambiente de trabalho tem exigido capacidade de adaptação dos empregados, com papéis exigindo maior flexibilidade e criatividade para superar os desafios que se apresentam. Ciclos de vida de produtos cada vez menores num mercado muito agressivo têm acarretado enormes pressões nos empregados, com efeitos colaterais na saúde, como estresse e doenças psicossomáticas. O tratamento de doenças, embora relevante para minimizar o sofrimento humano, não tem sido suficiente para dar respostas desejadas neste ambiente de trabalho numa concepção de saúde que abranja o bem-estar e que permita aos empregados enfrentar melhor os desafios que se apresentam. O campo da psicologia positiva, voltada ao estudo dos fatores que propiciam o florescimento das pessoas, permite às organizações, gestores e empregados ampliar o leque de alternativas possíveis para melhorar a saúde das pessoas, com reflexos positivos para as organizações. O objetivo deste estudo visou a confirmar se os valores organizacionais, percepção de suporte organizacional e percepções de justiça (distributiva e de procedimentos) são antecedentes de bem-estar no trabalho, um construto composto das variáveis de satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho, e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra envolveu 404 trabalhadores atuando em empresas na região da Grande São Paulo, sendo 209 do sexo masculino e 193 do sexo feminino. Dividiu-se a amostra a partir de dois agrupamentos de empresas, o setor financeiro (compreendendo uma empresa com 243 respondentes) e o setor não financeiro (compreendendo 13 empresas com um total de 161 respondentes). Como instrumento para coleta de dados utilizou-se de um questionário composto de sete escalas, abrangendo as três variáveis de bem-estar no trabalho e as quatro variáveis independentes estudadas como seus antecedentes. Os resultados deste estudo, nos dois setores estudados, confirmaram que a percepção de suporte organizacional e a percepção de justiça distributiva acarretam maior satisfação no trabalho. A justiça de procedimentos também mostrou capacidade preditiva de satisfação no trabalho para o setor financeiro. O valor organizacional autonomia confirmou-se como antecedente de envolvimento com o trabalho nos dois setores. O valor organizacional realização e a percepção de justiça de procedimentos posicionaram-se como antecedentes de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores não financeiro e financeiro, respectivamente. O valor organizacional preocupação com a coletividade e a percepção de suporte organizacional mostraram capacidade preditiva de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores financeiro e não financeiro, respectivamente. Os resultados revelam que se promove o bem-estar no trabalho quando, nas organizações, se adotam políticas e práticas que dêem suporte e tratamento digno aos empregados, reforçando valores organizacionais que promovam um ambiente propício à inovação e à criatividade, com maior autonomia, onde os gestores valorizam a competência e o sucesso dos trabalhadores, e onde se predomina a honestidade e a sinceridade nas relações entre as pessoas e a organização. Os empregados tenderão a desenvolver transações típicas das trocas sociais, investindo seus esforços para a organização, com base na confiança e na lealdade.


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A complexidade crescente no ambiente de trabalho tem exigido capacidade de adaptação dos empregados, com papéis exigindo maior flexibilidade e criatividade para superar os desafios que se apresentam. Ciclos de vida de produtos cada vez menores num mercado muito agressivo têm acarretado enormes pressões nos empregados, com efeitos colaterais na saúde, como estresse e doenças psicossomáticas. O tratamento de doenças, embora relevante para minimizar o sofrimento humano, não tem sido suficiente para dar respostas desejadas neste ambiente de trabalho numa concepção de saúde que abranja o bem-estar e que permita aos empregados enfrentar melhor os desafios que se apresentam. O campo da psicologia positiva, voltada ao estudo dos fatores que propiciam o florescimento das pessoas, permite às organizações, gestores e empregados ampliar o leque de alternativas possíveis para melhorar a saúde das pessoas, com reflexos positivos para as organizações. O objetivo deste estudo visou a confirmar se os valores organizacionais, percepção de suporte organizacional e percepções de justiça (distributiva e de procedimentos) são antecedentes de bem-estar no trabalho, um construto composto das variáveis de satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho, e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra envolveu 404 trabalhadores atuando em empresas na região da Grande São Paulo, sendo 209 do sexo masculino e 193 do sexo feminino. Dividiu-se a amostra a partir de dois agrupamentos de empresas, o setor financeiro (compreendendo uma empresa com 243 respondentes) e o setor não financeiro (compreendendo 13 empresas com um total de 161 respondentes). Como instrumento para coleta de dados utilizou-se de um questionário composto de sete escalas, abrangendo as três variáveis de bem-estar no trabalho e as quatro variáveis independentes estudadas como seus antecedentes. Os resultados deste estudo, nos dois setores estudados, confirmaram que a percepção de suporte organizacional e a percepção de justiça distributiva acarretam maior satisfação no trabalho. A justiça de procedimentos também mostrou capacidade preditiva de satisfação no trabalho para o setor financeiro. O valor organizacional autonomia confirmou-se como antecedente de envolvimento com o trabalho nos dois setores. O valor organizacional realização e a percepção de justiça de procedimentos posicionaram-se como antecedentes de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores não financeiro e financeiro, respectivamente. O valor organizacional preocupação com a coletividade e a percepção de suporte organizacional mostraram capacidade preditiva de comprometimento organizacional afetivo para os setores financeiro e não financeiro, respectivamente. Os resultados revelam que se promove o bem-estar no trabalho quando, nas organizações, se adotam políticas e práticas que dêem suporte e tratamento digno aos empregados, reforçando valores organizacionais que promovam um ambiente propício à inovação e à criatividade, com maior autonomia, onde os gestores valorizam a competência e o sucesso dos trabalhadores, e onde se predomina a honestidade e a sinceridade nas relações entre as pessoas e a organização. Os empregados tenderão a desenvolver transações típicas das trocas sociais, investindo seus esforços para a organização, com base na confiança e na lealdade.


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The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the meanings that Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee Davis attribute to how they have adapted to their marriage and overcame conflict over the years. A purposive sample of this well-known African American married couple, who self-identified as being in a long-term, successful marriage, was used. The subjects of study were married for 56 years. An analysis using Colaizzi's (1978) method revealed 2 themes, with 13 and 2 subthemes respectively. The themes that emerged from the analysis of the formulated meanings were: (1) secrets to a successful marriage; and (2) sources of conflict in marriage. Secrets to a successful marriage included 13 subthemes: (a) egalitarian roles; (b) commitment; (c) forgiveness; (d) communication; (e) love; (f) honesty; (g) understanding the struggles of Black males and females; (h) friendship; (i) religion/ support from God; (j) compromise; (k) beliefs that marriage is a process; (l) emotional availability of spouse; and (m) feelings of security. In addition, the theme sources of conflict in marriage had two subthemes: (a) different decision making styles; and (b) experiences of abandonment. These findings provided insight from this couple's perspective on the secrets to a successful marriage and the ways in which they managed to make their marriage work, in light of the unique challenges that face African American marriages.


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Investigaciones previas han puesto de manifiesto la importancia del estudio del autoconcepto durante la adolescencia. El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar las diferencias de género y edad en las distintas dimensiones del autoconcepto en una muestra de 1414 estudiantes chilenos de entre 13 y 18 años. El autoconcepto fue evaluado mediante la versión breve del SDQII. Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias de género para las dimensiones Autoconcepto Verbal, Apariencia Física, Sinceridad/Veracidad y Autoestima en favor de las jóvenes, así como diferencias en el Autoconcepto Matemático, Habilidades Físicas, Estabilidad Emocional y Relación con los Padres en favor de los varones. También se observó una tendencia en los alumnos de mayor edad a puntuar más alto en Autoconcepto Académico General, Habilidades Físicas, Apariencia Física, Relaciones con el Sexo Opuesto y Autoestima, que sus iguales de menor edad. Este mismo patrón, pero a la inversa, se obtuvo para las dimensiones de Autoconcepto Matemático, Verbal y Estabilidad Emocional. Los resultados no replicaron la tendencia de los varones, reportada en estudios previos, a valorar más positivamente su físico y a poseer una autoestima más elevada que las mujeres, así como a percibir más negativamente sus relaciones paterno-filiales.


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This is a paper-bound volume of themes White composed on many subjects, including flattery, the human condition, liberty, the importance of sleep and repose, procrastination, honesty, death, labor, justice, the triumph of folly over reason, and the importance of choosing one's friends wisely. On the last page, White copied several passages from Shakespeare's Richard II.


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Faced with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, I began with the objective of discovering methods for creating art that were still accessible to me. Along the way, I encountered others who had travelled this road before me. Their experiences led me to examine, not only my art, but also my political orientations, my love obligations and my transitioning self. In my varied art pieces, I conjure something from diverse sources and different worldviews, including contemporary feminist performance art and disability cultural theory. My thesis is a project. I make things: puppets, videos and performances, which included the exhibition, Need to be Adored (2014), staged in the digital media lab of the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The exhibition introduced thirteen of my puppets and a thirty-two-minute looped video. Following the exhibition, I put the puppets away and spent two years reading. Finally, taking my inspiration from Carolyn Ellis’s The Autoethnographic I (Ellis 2004), I turned my processes into words. I wrote out my experiences. I created an alternative text of my identity from an able-bodied cis-identified woman into a disabled trans-feminist artist academic. The writing required an uncomfortably intimate examination of my life. Nothing less than complete honesty would allow me to understand my new location. The resulting text is a lyrical and sometimes whimsical flow of consciousness that invites the reader to imagine what it might be like to engage in such a candid review of everything one holds close to one’s heart. Contained within are all my identities. In this text I let some out. This is a story of unsettling. I am working on my art practices, creating a cast of characters from cloth. Puppets. El becomes the exulted main character of a fictional accounting. She uncovers her queer roots and begins to see that she is at the centre of a very strange geography. Her desire to make film is revealed as she re-remembers her childhood through a disability lens.


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This dissertation relates job desires and outcomes to the Dark Personality (Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Low Agreeableness, Low Honesty-Humility) in the United States Army. It purports that individuals high on the Dark Personality desire more power, money, and status, and that they obtain jobs that afford them these luxuries by using manipulation at work. Two pilot studies used samples of United States Army members to create and test index variables: Dark Personality, Total Manipulation in the workplace, Desire for Job Success, and Total Job Success in the Army. Individual personality traits, manipulation tactics, and job desires were examined in secondary analyses. Using a sample of 468 United States Army Members, central analyses indicated that Army members high on the Dark Personality desired Job Success. Likewise, army members higher on the Dark Personality used more Manipulation tactics at work, including the egregious tactics. Yet, using more Manipulation tactics at work predicted lower levels of Job Success in the Army. Most manipulation tactics had a negative impact on Job Success, with the exception of soft tactics like Reason and Responsibility Invocation. Together, these results indicate that selective use of soft manipulation predicted Job Success, but use of more manipulation tactics predicted less Job Success in the Army. Curvilinear results indicated that being either very low or very high on the Dark Personality predicted more Job Success in the Army, whereas having intermediate levels of the Dark Personality predicted less Job Success. Finally, possessing the Dark Personality and using more Manipulation tactics at work, together, predicted less Job Success in the Army. Collectively, the results indicate that army members with intermediate levels of the Dark Personality want more powerful and high paying jobs, yet their strategy of manipulating their coworkers to move up the job ladder does not result in higher ranking, higher paying Army positions. However, Army members highest on the Dark Personality achieved job success, defying the maladaptive influence that antisocial personality traits and manipulative behaviour had on job success for most Army members. Therefore, this dissertation indicates that successful corporate scoundrels exist in the Army, but there are few of them.


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Harry and Lucy was started by Richard Lovell Edgeworth, the author's father.


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Shaker Collection: No. 16 (June 21, 1858).


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O estudo investiga a relação entre a agência de publicidade e o cliente do setor de varejo, aqui representado pelo segmento de cerveja. É uma análise da compreensão do profissional de atendimento da agência sobre sua rotina de trabalho com o cliente, na qual é responsável pela troca de informação entre a agência e o cliente e por em gerenciar a equipe da agência e de fornecedores de serviços para a produção da campanha. A partir da percepção da função, esta pesquisa procurar identificar a ocorrência de dilemas éticos na relação desse profissional com o cliente e os encaminhamentos escolhidos para orientar a sua conduta. Para isso, foram entrevistados profissionais de atendimentos publicitários de agências de São Paulo das marcas de cerveja, no período de 2000 a 2004. Foi utilizada a técnica de entrevista de profundidade para captar as opiniões dos entrevistados sobre o assunto. Pode-se concluir que este profissional diz optar por assumir suas atitudes mais próximas da verdade com o seu cliente e equipe da agência. Há indícios de que o comportamento verificado junto ao profissional de atendimento publicitário em relação à ética no relacionamento com seu cliente espelha-se no comportamento de seus superiores.