981 resultados para Hoeven, Abraham des Amorie van der, 1821-1848.


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We report on the fabrication and observation of emergent opto-electronic phenomena in three dimensional, micron-sized van der Waals heterostructures self-assembled from atomic layers of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride in varying ratios.


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The pull-in instability of two nanotubes under van der Waals force is studied. The cantilever beam with large deformation model is used. The influence of nanotube parameters such as the interior radius, the gap distance between the two nanotubes, etc, on the pull-in instability is studied. The critical nanotube length is determined for each specific set of nanotube parameters. The Galerkin method is applied to discretize the governing equations, and it shows good convergence.


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The morphological stability of epitaxial thin elastic films on a substrate by van der Waals force is discussed. It is found that only van der Waals force with negative Hamaker constant (A < 0) tends to stabilize the film, and the lower bound for the Hamaker constant is also obtained for the stability of thin film. The critical value of the undulation wavelength is found to be a function of both film thickness and external stress. The charateristic time-scale for surface mass diffusion scales to the fourth power to the wavelength of the perturbation.


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Aiming at understanding how a liquid film on a substrate affects the atomic force microscopic image in experiments, we present an analytical representation of the shape of liquid surface under van der Waals interaction induced by a non-contact probe tip. The analytical expression shows good consistence with the corresponding numerical results. According to the expression, we find that the vertical scale of the liquid dome is mainly governed by a combination of van der Waals force, surface tension and probe tip radius, and is weekly related to gravity. However, its horizontal extension is determined by the capillary length.


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The influence of van der Waals (vdW) and Casimir forces on the stability of the electrostatic torsional nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) actuators is analyzed in the paper. With the consideration of vdW and Casimir effects, the dependence of the critical tilting angle and pull-in voltage on the sizes of structure is investigated. And the influence of vdW torque is compared with that of Casimir torque. The modified coefficients of vdW and Casimir torques on the pull-in voltage are, respectively, calculated. When the gap is sufficiently small, pull-in can still take place with arbitrary small angle perturbation because of the action of vdW and Casimir torques even if there is not electrostatic torque. And the critical pull-in gaps for two cases are, respectively, derived.


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electrostatic torsional nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMS) actuators is analyzed in the paper. The dependence of the critical tilting angle and voltage is investigated on the sizes of structure with the consideration of vdW effects. The pull-in phenomenon without the electrostatic torque is studied, and a critical pull-in gap is derived. A dimensionless equation of motion is presented, and the qualitative analysis of it shows that the equilibrium points of the corresponding autonomous system include center points, stable focus points, and unstable saddle points. The Hopf bifurcation points and fork bifurcation points also exist in the system. The phase portraits connecting these equilibrium points exhibit periodic orbits, heteroclinic orbits, as well as homoclinic orbits.


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Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the management of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results indicate a weak year-class 2001.


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Analyses of the previous years showed that the reproduction of the Belt Sea cod stock (Gadus morhua morhua) is also very important for the cod stock of the central Baltic Sea (Gadus morhua calarias). Oeberst (1999, 2000) proved, that between 20 % and 50 % of the cods caught in the Bornholm Sea at the age of 2 or 3 years between 1994 and 1998, were spawned in the Belt Sea. On account of this large significance of the Belt Sea cod stock, information regarding the reproduction process are important. The goal of the article presented is the description of the actual spawning areas of the Belt Sea cod stock by means of the spatial distribution of the spawners based on characteristic parameters as the maturity stages and the proportion of the sexes. The basis for these analyses are data sampled between 1992 and 1999. The analyses showed that the actual main spawning areas in the western Baltic Sea were the deeper regions of the Kiel Bay, of the Fehmarn Bay and of the western Mecklenburg Bay. In these regions spawning cods were regularly observed with high intensity. Furthermore, the deeper basin of the Arkona Sea is an important spawning area.


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Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the management of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results of this year’s herring larvae survey indicate a weak year-class 2000.


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The German brown shrimp fishery experienced considerable changes during the recent four decades. Contrarily to the decline in number of vessels the technical standard and size of the shrimping vessels improved and the fishing power as well as the effort of the single boats have strongly increased. As fishing effort by the whole fleet may be calculated different ways, trends in total effort may differ according to the relevant author´s approach. The present study tries to estimate the total trawled area by the fleet in the mid fifties as well as in 1996. The result is that there seems to be no change in the order of magnitude of the total trawled area for the German shrimping fleet itself, though shifts in geographical areas as within seasons were reported. However, the development of the Danish and Dutch shrimping fleets have contributed to an increase in terms of annually trawled area. Therefore pooled fishing effort must have increased considerably.


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Das am 16. November 1994 in Kraft getretene Seerechtsübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) regelt völkerrechtlich alle Nutzungsarten der Meere. Die dort erlassenen Vorschriften beschränken sich auf allgemeine Rechtsgrundsätze, seerechtliche Kompetenzregelungen und Staatenverpflichtungen zum Erlaß internationaler und nationaler Regelungen. Das Vertragswerk bezieht den marinen Umweltschutz, einen Kernbereich globaler Umweltpolitik, ausdrücklich mit ein. Wesentlich konkreter in der Umsetzung umweltpolitischer Ziele sind die internationalen Übereinkommen zum Schutz der Meeresumwelt. Für den in Abbildung 1 gezeigten Teil des Nordostatlantiks einschließlich der Nordsee existieren derartige Übereinkommen bereits seit 1972 durch das OSLO und PARIS Übereinkommen und für die gesamte Ostsee seit 1974 durch das HELSINKI Übereinkommen. Im Lichte des heutigen Umweltverständnisses und unter Berücksichtigung des weiterentwickelten Seerechts wurden beide Übereinkommen 1992 neu gefaßt. Die politischen Veränderungen haben insbesondere im Ostseeraum auch zu geographischen Erweiterungen geführt. Die mit der Novellierung der jeweiligen Übereinkommen verbundene Neuorganisation ist weiterhin selbstverständlich von den Erfahrungen aus der zwanzigjährigen Überwachungstätigkeit und dem in dieser Zeit durch die Meeresforschung gewachsenen Wissen geprägt.


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Seit der letzten speziellen Situationsbeschreibung des Kabeljaubestandes in dieser Zeitschrift sind 4 Jahre vergangen (EHRICH, 1988). In der Zwischenzeit ist besonders den Fischern durch weitere Fangeinbußen bewußt geworden, daß sich der Zustand des Bestandes nicht verbessert, sondern im Gegenteil weiter verschlechtert hat. Die Schonmaßnahmen wie stufenweise Erhöhung der vorgeschriebenen Mindestmaschenweite auf 100 mmm und eine Reduzierung des Fischereiaufwandes in den Jahren 1991 und 1992 auf 70 % des Aufwandes in 1989 (Mindesthafenliegezeit: durchgehend 8 Tage pro Monat oder alternativ Erhöhung der Mindestmaschenweite auf 110 mm für die direkte Fischerei auf Kabeljau und Schellfisch) haben keine positive Wirkung gezeigt.