815 resultados para Historians, Byzantine.
This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Recognition of neume notation in historical documents” by Lasko Laskov (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), successfully defended before the Specialized Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 07 June 2010.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
This dissertation examines the various ways in which Canadian historical researchers confronted the “Canada question,” namely the challenge of defining the basis of a unified national community. In doing so, it follows the scholarship and activities of a network of historians and intellectuals centred on the Canadian Historical Review, a quarterly publication founded in 1920. This study examines their scholarship with the aim of identifying not only the various solutions they posed to the problem, but also the philosophical undercurrents that informed their reasoning in the process. It also traces the rise of a rival network in the Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, a French-language historical publication founded in 1947 that by its very existence posed a significant challenge to the definition of the nation at the core of the Canadian Historical Review. This dissertation argues that the network bound together by the Review was engaged in a hegemonic project, one that sought to present a particular definition of Canada through a historical narrative that rested upon a liberal logic. Yet the greatest sustained challenge they faced in this endeavour emerged from Francophone historical scholars, who, although proposing vastly different Canadas to those imagined at the Canadian Historical Review, came under the sway of a number of liberal currents of thought as well. A detailed summary of the key traits of these liberal Canadas is found in the conclusion.
This study aims to identify the materials used in the production of a post-byzantine icon from the Museum of Évora’s collection. The icon, representing the “Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen holding the Holy Cross” was once dated as being from the 10th century. Throughout a multi-analytical approach, combining area exams with spectroscopic techniques, this study tried to confirm its actual chronology. The results obtained revealed that it is most likely an icon from the late 17th or 18th century.
The present work aims at reconstructing the archaeological contexts and analyzing the material culture of the site of Europos. This archaeological site is located in southern Turkey, at the border with Syria, along the right shore of the Euphrates River. The Classical city rose above the remains of the Hittite Karkemish. The present work collects the results of the archaeological expeditions launched by the British Museum in the late 19th and early 20th century, never published, and the ones of the new Turco-Italian Joint Expedition, started in 2011. Europos had an uninterrupted life from the 3rd century BC to the 10th century AD, throughout the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, all examined in the present work.
The Ǧābirian corpus was a receiver of ancient Greek ideas and, at the same time, a source of knowledge for the later Greek-speaking world, in particular for medieval Byzantine alchemy. Both aspects are explored in the dissertation with respect to the notion of nature. After a general introduction to the Corpus and the sciences described in it, particular attention is devoted to a Byzantine anonymous text, The Work of Four Elements, which was probably influenced by the Ǧābirian Books of Seventy. These texts exemplify how, in the theory of the Ǧābirian science, things are constructed from four natures (hot, cold, moist and dry), the balance of which defines what a thing is. By changing the balance of natures, one can transmute any metals into gold that is perfectly proportioned in terms of natures. Ǧābir presents the art of dyeing metals gold in the Books of Seven Metals which, along with chrysopoetic recipes, also include medical recipes and theoretical contents such as the theories of four humours, properties, and talismans. Moreover, Ǧābir postulated a substrate that does not change in itself and continues to exist when natures move in and out of things. Such primary existence is called the fifth nature as an additional principle to the four natures. This key concept for the Ǧābirian theory, which has been underexplored so far, is discussed through the textual and critical analysis of various unedited sources: the Books of Seven Metals and the Book of the Fifth Nature. This study confirms that the fifth nature was probably derived from ancient Greek philosophical concepts such as the Empedoclean particles, the Aristotelian fifth element and the Stoic pneuma. Thus, this research indicates the importance of the Ǧābirian corpus both in the history of alchemy and the history of philosophy.
Centuries after Locke asserted the importance of memory to identity, Freudian psychology argued that what was forgotten was of equal importance as to what was remembered. The closing decades of the nineteenth century saw a rising interest in the nature of forgetting, resulting in a reassessment and newfound distrust of the long revered faculty of memory. The relationship between memory and identity was inverted, seeing forgetting also become a means for forging identity. This newfound distrust of memory manifested in the writings of Nietzsche who in 1874 called for society to learn to feel unhistorically and distance itself from the past - in what was essentially tantamount to a cultural forgetting. Following the Nietzschean call, the architecture of Modernism was also compelled by the need to 'overcome' the limits imposed by history. This paper examines notions of identity through the shifting boundaries of remembering and forgetting, with particular reference to the construction of Brazilian identity through the ‘repression’ of history and memory in the design of the Brazilian capital. Designed as a forward-looking modernist utopia, transcending the limits imposed by the country's colonial heritage, the design for Brasilia exploited the anti-historicist agenda of modernism to emancipate the country from cultural and political associations with the Portuguese Empire. This paper examines the relationship between place, memory and forgetting through a discussion of the design for Brasilia.
This paper considers the relationship between the recent historiography (of the last quarter century) of “New Zealand architecture” and the historical notion of “New Zealand-ness” invoked in contemporary architecture. It argues that a more recent programmatic uptake of post-War discussions on national identity and regional specificity has fed the tendencies of practicing architects to defer to history in rhetorical defences of their work: the beach-side mansion as a contemporary expression of the 1950s bach; a formal modernism divorced from the social discourse adherent to the historical moment that it “restates”; and so on. The paper will consider instances in the historiography of New Zealand architecture where historians have compounded, consciously or accidentally, a problem that is systemic to the uses made by architects of historical knowledge (in the most general examples), identifying the difficulties of relying upon the tentative conclusions of an under-studied field in developing principles of contemporary architectural practice under the banners of New Zealand-ness, regionalism, or localism, or with reference to icons of New Zealand architectural history. At the heart of this paper is a reflection on historiographical responsibility in presenting knowledge of a national past to an audience that is eager to transform that knowledge into principles of contemporary production. What, the paper asks, is the historical basis for speaking of a New Zealand architecture? Can we speak of a national history of architecture distinct from a regional history, or from an international history of architecture?
The evolution of the historiography of psychology in Brazil is surveyed, to describe how the field has evolved from the seminal works of the pioneer, mostly self-taught, psychologists, to the now professional historians working from a variety of theoretical models and methods of inquiry. The first accounts of the history of psychology written by Brazilians and by foreigners are surveyed, as well as the recent works made by researchers linked to the Work Group on the History of Psychology of the Brazilian Association of Research and Graduate Education in Psychology and published in periodicals such as Memorandum and Mnemosine. The present historiography focuses mainly the relationship of psychological knowledge to specific social and cultural conditions, emphasizing themes such as women`s participation in the construction of the field, the development of psychology as a science and as a profession in education and health, and the development of psychology as an expression of Brazilian culture and of the experience of resistance of local communities to domination. To reveal this process of identity construction, a cultural historiography is an important tool, coupled with methodological pluralism.
This contribution analyses recent historiographical tendencies in research in the field of education at the time of the political emancipation of the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies in Latin America. The article briefly presents the complex educational scene in Latin America on the eve of the movements for independence. Due to the revolutionary character of the process of independence, it identifies educational history as one of the most significant absences in the historiography of independence. Notwithstanding, education has certainly been addressed by historians of education, mostly focusing on the colonial or postcolonial period, while largely neglecting the two decades after 1808. This indicates both the divide prevalent between historians of education and historians of independence and the rather nationalistic conceptual frame of existing scholarship.
This article analyzes how Latin American history was interpreted by two eminent historians, the Argentine Ricardo Levene and the Spaniard Rafael Altamira. It discusses how their paths crossed in the advocacy of Hispano-Americanism as a political project and interpretive horizon of Iberian and American history.
US President Lyndon Johnson's state visit to Australia in October 1966, came at the pinnacle of support for Australia's military involvement in the Vietnam War. Johnson's visit also occurred just weeks before an election for the House of Representatives at which the ruling Liberal-Country Party Coalition won its eighth successive, and largest victory, The proximity of these events has led many to argue that a causal relationship exists between the two. Advocates of this thesis, however, have failed to support their position with any evidence other than the anecdotal. Contrary to the assertions made by numerous political historians and observers of the period, this paper finds no evidence to support a thesis of causality. This paper argues that the Coalition's landslide victory in 1966 was both a rejection of the tired and lacklustre leadership of Labor's Arthur Calwell and a measure of the electorate's overwhelming support for Holt and his Government's policies of conscription and military involvement in Vietnam.
Investiga o processo de transição da Escola Normal para outro espaço físico sob a forma de Instituto de Educação e os desdobramentos dessa mudança na formação de professores no Espírito Santo, segundo as diretrizes instituídas pela Lei nº. 5.692/71, durante o Regime Ditatorial Brasileiro (1964-1985). O recorte temporal inicia-se em 1971, quando ocorreu a transição, e encerra-se no ano 2000, momento em que o Instituto passa a denominar-se Escola Estadual de 2º grau Professor Fernando Duarte Rabelo. Privilegia, como interlocutores teóricos, os historiadores Carlo Ginzburg (1986, 2006), Marc Bloch (2001) e Michel de Certeau (2004) e toma, como corpus documental, propostas curriculares do Estado, portarias, matérias de jornais, fotografias de eventos realizados pela instituição e entrevistas com sujeitos que atuaram naquele espaço como professoras, diretora e aluna. As fontes foram interrogadas a partir das seguintes questões: como se deu a transição da Escola Normal D. Pedro II para o Instituto de Educação de Vitória? Que motivos levaram a essa transição? Como se configurou a formação de professores no Instituto de Educação? Quais os desdobramentos das mudanças ocorridas, em se tratando da formação de professores capixabas? Pareceram intrigantes silêncios e lacunas observados em relação à transição da Escola Normal para o Instituto de Educação e aos motivos que desencadearam essa mudança. Das falas das professoras, depreende-se que decisões sobre a transferência do espaço físico e as modificações no currículo vieram prontas, de cima para baixo. O discurso da modernização alardeia a técnica e o tecnicismo e anuncia novidades. A Escola Normal e as suas tradições passam a habitar o passado como algo que se apaga em nome do avanço técnico. Ainda que sutilmente, o cheiro do cafezinho gratuito e do mingau fizessem espargir o aroma da saudade de um outro tempo em que o lanche dos professores da Escola Normal era um encontro “solene”. Conclui-se que a abrupta descontinuidade da Escola Normal, cujo prédio passou a abrigar a atual Escola Estadual Maria Ortiz, possivelmente não se esgota nas questões de ordem técnico-pedagógica que os documentos deixam explícitas. Entretanto, tendo em vista o cronograma limitado desta pesquisa e a lacuna das fontes, não foi possível explorar outras possibilidades de resposta.