937 resultados para High strain


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A modified single-pulse loading split Hopkinson torsion bar (SSHTB) is introduced to investigate adiabatic shear banding behavior in SiCp particle reinforced 2024 Al composites in this work. The experimental results showed that formation of adiabatic shear band in the composite with smaller particles is more readily observed than that in the composite with larger particles. To characterize this size-dependent deformation localization behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCp), a strain gradient dependent shear instability analysis was performed. The result demonstrated that high strain gradient provides a deriving force for the formation of adiabatic shear banding in MMCp. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The plastic deformation of polycrystalline Cu with ultrathin lamella twins has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The results of uniaxial tensile deformation simulation show that the abundance of twin boundaries provides obstacles to dislocation motion, which in consequence leads to a high strain hardening rate in the nanotwinned Cu. We also show that the twin lamellar spacing plays a vital role in controlling the strengthening effects, i.e., the thinner the thickness of the twin lamella, the harder the material. Additionally, twin boundaries can act as dislocation nucleation sites as they gradually lose coherency at large strain. These results indicate that controlled introduction of nanosized twins into metals can be an effective way of improving strength without suppression tensile ductility. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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An investigation has been made into the effect of microstructural parameters on the propensity for forming shear localization produced during high speed torsional testing by split Hopkinson bar with different average rates of 610, 650 and 1500 s(-1) in low carbon steels. These steels received the quenched, quenched and tempered as well as normalized treatments that provide wide microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the occurrence of the shear localization is susceptible to the strength of the steels. In other words, the tendency of the quenched steel to form a shear band is higher than that of the other two steels. It is also found that there is a critical strain at which the shear localization occurs in the steels. The critical strain value is strongly dependent on the strength of the steels. Before arriving at this point, the material undergoes a slow work-hardening. After this point, the material suffers work-softening, corresponding to a process during which the deformation is gradually localized and eventually becomes spatially correlated to form a macroscopic shear band. Examinations by SEM reveal that the shear localization within the band involves a series of sequential crystallographic and non-crystallographic events including the change in crystal orientation, misorientation, generation and even perhaps damage in microstructures such as the initiation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks. It is expected that the sharp drop in the load-carrying capacity is associated with the growth and coalescence of the microcracks rather than the occurrence of the shear localization, but the shear localization is seen to accelerate the growth and coalescence of the microcracks. The thin foil observations by TEM reveal that the density of dislocations in the band is extremely high and the tangled arrangement and cell structure of dislocations tends to align along the shear direction. The multiplication and interaction of dislocations seems to be responsible for work-hardening of the steels. The avalanche of the dislocation cells corresponds to the sharp drop in shear stress at which the deformed specimen is broken. Double shear bands and kink bands are also observed in the present study. The principal band develops first and its width is narrower than that of the secondary band.


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Results of tensile and compression tests on a short-glass-fiber-reinforced thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer are presented. The effect of strain rate on the compression stress-strain characteristics has been investigated over a wide range of strain rates epsilon between 10(-4) and 350 s-1. The low-strain-rate tests were conducted using a screw-driven universal tensile tester, while the high-strain-rate tests were carried out using the split Hopkinson pressure bar technique. The compression modulus was shown to vary with log10 (epsilon) in a bilinear manner. The compression modulus is insensitive to strain rate in the low-strain-rate regime (epsilon = 10(-4) - 10(-2) s-1), but it increases more rapidly with epsilon at higher epsilon. The compression strength changes linearly with log10 (epsilon) over the entire strain-rate range. The fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy.


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The influence of inertial, thermal and rate - sensitive effects on the void growth at high strain rate in a thermal - viscoplastic solid is investigated by means of a theoretical model presented in the present paper. Numerical analysis of the model suggests that inertial, thermal and rate - sensitive effects are three major factors which greatly influence the behavior of void growth in the high strain rate case. Comparison of the mathematical model proposed in the present work and Johnson's model shows that if the temperature - dependence is considered, material viscosity eta can take the experimentally measured values.


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A new interrupting method was proposed and the split Hopkinson torsional bar (SHTB) was modified in order to eliminate the effect of loading reverberation on post-mortem observations. This makes the comparative study of macro- and microscopic observations on tested materials and relevant transient measurement of tau - gamma curve possible. The experimental results of the evolution of shear localization in in Ti-6Al-4V alloy studied with the modified SHTB are reported in the paper. The collapse of shear stress seems to be closely related to the appearance of a certain critical coalescence of microcracks. The voids may form within the localized shear zone at a quite early stage. Finally, void coalescence results in elongated cavities and their extension leads to fracture along the shear band.


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EXPERIMENTS carried out using a split Hopkinson torsional bar have shown that only one shear band develops in specimens of hot rolled steel which break during testing. We observed, however, that in specimens which were not deformed to failure, several fine shear bands appeared. We believe that these formed during the loading cycle before the appearance of the final shear band and were not due to the effect of unloading. So we developed a numerical model to study the evolution of shear banding from several finite amplitude disturbances (FADs) in both temperature and strain rate. This numerical model reveals the detailed processes by which the FADs evolve into a fully developed shear band and suggests that beyond instability, the so-called shear banding process consists of two stages: inhomogeneous shearing and true shear-banding. The latter is characterized by the collapse of the stress and an abrupt increase of the local shear strain rate.


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The paper outlines the study of the evoluation of the thermally assisted visco-plastic shearing. Analytically, numerically and experimentally, it is demonstrated that the whole process of the shear consists of multi-stages. Owing to instability, early uniform unsteady shear deformation would transform into localization and finally a band-like shearing zone forms, which appears to be a quasi-steady dissipative structure. The mechanisms governing the processes are analyzed. Accompanying the shear banding, micro-damage also develops. The microscopic observations reveal the details of the cumulative damage.


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Deformation twins are often observed to meet each other to form multi-fold twins in nanostructured face-centered cubic (fcc) metals.Here we propose two types of mechanism for the nucleation and growth of four different single and multiple twins. These mechanisms provide continuous generation of twinning partials for the growth of the twins after ucleation. A relatively high stress or high strain rate is needed to activate these mechanisms, making them more prevalent in nanocrystalline materials than in their coarse-grained counterparts.Experimental observations that support the proposed mechanisms are presented.


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Soft hierarchical materials often present unique functional properties that are sensitive to the geometry and organization of their micro- and nano-structural features across different lengthscales. Carbon Nanotube (CNT) foams are hierarchical materials with fibrous morphology that are known for their remarkable physical, chemical and electrical properties. Their complex microstructure has led them to exhibit intriguing mechanical responses at different length-scales and in different loading regimes. Even though these materials have been studied for mechanical behavior over the past few years, their response at high-rate finite deformations and the influence of their microstructure on bulk mechanical behavior and energy dissipative characteristics remain elusive.

In this dissertation, we study the response of aligned CNT foams at the high strain-rate regime of 102 - 104 s-1. We investigate their bulk dynamic response and the fundamental deformation mechanisms at different lengthscales, and correlate them to the microstructural characteristics of the foams. We develop an experimental platform, with which to study the mechanics of CNT foams in high-rate deformations, that includes direct measurements of the strain and transmitted forces, and allows for a full field visualization of the sample’s deformation through high-speed microscopy.

We synthesize various CNT foams (e.g., vertically aligned CNT (VACNT) foams, helical CNT foams, micro-architectured VACNT foams and VACNT foams with microscale heterogeneities) and show that the bulk functional properties of these materials are highly tunable either by tailoring their microstructure during synthesis or by designing micro-architectures that exploit the principles of structural mechanics. We also develop numerical models to describe the bulk dynamic response using multiscale mass-spring models and identify the mechanical properties at length scales that are smaller than the sample height.

The ability to control the geometry of microstructural features, and their local interactions, allows the creation of novel hierarchical materials with desired functional properties. The fundamental understanding provided by this work on the key structure-function relations that govern the bulk response of CNT foams can be extended to other fibrous, soft and hierarchical materials. The findings can be used to design materials with tailored properties for different engineering applications, like vibration damping, impact mitigation and packaging.


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O presente estudo avalia a associação entre estresse no trabalho e auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de lesão por esforço repetitivo (LER). Trata-se de um estudo seccional, inserido no Estudo Pró-Saúde, que consiste no acompanhamento de uma coorte de funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram obtidos, no ano de 2001, a partir da aplicação de um questionário auto-preenchível. A população de estudo constou de 3.314 funcionários, dentre os quais, 485 apresentaram auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de LER, após sua admissão como funcionários da universidade. A prevalência de LER foi maior entre as mulheres (19,4%) do que entre os homens (8,8%). O estresse no trabalho foi avaliado através da versão reduzida do Job Content Questionnaire, desenvolvido por Karasek e Theorell, cujas questões se destinam a avaliar a demanda psicológica, o controle sobre o próprio trabalho e, o apoio social no trabalho. A análise do estresse no trabalho foi realizada de acordo com os quadrantes propostos por Karasek (1979): baixa exigência (baixa demanda e alto controle); trabalho passivo (baixa demanda e baixo controle); alta exigência (alta demanda e baixo controle) e; trabalho ativo (alta demanda e alto controle). Nesta análise, utilizou-se como categoria de referência, a baixa exigência, por compor um cenário ideal de trabalho. Após ajuste por variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas (idade, escolaridade e renda familiar per capita) e, ocupacionais (anos de trabalho na universidade e ocupação), homens e mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, apresentaram uma chance maior de serem acometidos por LER (homens: OR= 1,88; IC95% 1,07-3,29 e mulheres: OR= 1,90; IC95% 1,32-2,02). No ajuste adicional pelo apoio social no trabalho, houve redução da força da associação, para ambos os sexos. Para as mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, esta associação manteve-se significativa (OR= 1,63; IC95%= 1,12-2,37); enquanto que para os homens, esta associação ficou marginalmente significante (OR= 1,62; IC95%= 0,91-2,87). Este estudo reforça que o desequilíbrio entre a demanda psicológica no trabalho e o controle sobre o próprio trabalho é importante na ocorrência de LER e, portanto, pode ser útil na elaboração de medidas preventivas desse crescente problema de sáude pública. Espera-se que as hipóteses geradas neste estudo possam ser testadas em novas investigações que incorporem o desenho longitudinal, como o Estudo Pró-Saúde, no qual este se insere.


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[EU]Ondorengo lanean ingeniaritzaren eremuan aurkitzen den eginkizunik garrantzitsuenetako bat egingo da: material berri bat karakterizatu. Hau da, errealitatean ikusten duguna era matematiko batean idatzi, edo beste era batean esanda, modelo matematiko bat lortu. Jorratuko den materiala kautxu birziklatua izango da, pneumatiko zaharretatik abiatuz egiten dena. Material honek, besteak beste, hurrengo abantailak ditu: produzitzeko erraza (beraz, prezio ekonomikoak, lehengaiak hondakin solidoak direla ikusita) eta inpakturako erantzun ona. Kautxu hau, beste erabileren artean, segurtasun-errailetan erabiltzen da, moto-gidariak ebaketetatik babesteko. Modelo matematikoa edo konstitutiboa lortzeko, lege hiperelastiko eta biskoelastikoetatik abiatuz, portaera bisko-hiperelastikorako lege bat proposatuko da. Lege hau deformazio handietarako eta deformazio abiadura handietarako aplikatu egingo da. Honen oinarria aurreko urteetan eskola honetako beste ikasleek eginiko gradu eta karrera amaierako lanak izango dira. Behin hau izanda, elementu finituetako software baten bidez simulatuko da, eta emaitza numerikoak esperimentalekin alderatuko dira. Honen bidez, modeloa hobetu ahal izango dugu, zehaztasun gehiago lortzeko asmoz.


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O modelo demanda e controle de Karasek, elaborado na década de 1970, postula que os trabalhadores expostos a situações de alta exigência no trabalho, decorrente da combinação entre altas demandas psicológicas e baixo controle sobre o processo de trabalho, tem maior risco de apresentar eventos em saúde relacionados ao estresse, em particular doenças cardiovasculares. Os objetivos desta tese incluíram: avaliar propriedades psicométricas do instrumento Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) e conduzir uma meta-análise dos estudos publicados sobre a associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Três artigos foram elaborados. O primeiro artigo avaliou a validade dimensional e consistência interna da versão brasileira do instrumento DCSQ, quando aplicado a trabalhadores de um hospital e nove restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro. O segundo artigo comparou as propriedades psicométricas do DCSQ no contexto dos trabalhadores de hospital no Brasil e na Suécia. O terceiro artigo apresentou uma meta-análise dos estudos de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho e hipertensão arterial. Os resultados evidenciaram que o instrumento DCSQ tem estrutura tridimensional e equivalente nas versões brasileira e sueca (original), representada por demandas psicológicas, uso de habilidades e autonomia para a decisão. O modelo de melhor ajuste excluiu a dimensão apoio social no trabalho e o item trabalho repetitivo (uso de habilidades). A meta-análise revelou que os estudos foram heterogêneos, a população-alvo foi restrita a países da Europa, EUA e Japão, sem evidência de associação entre alta exigência no trabalho, demanda e controle, e hipertensão arterial.