946 resultados para Heurística surrogate
This paper presents a surrogate-model-based optimization of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) machine winding design for maximizing power yield. Based on site-specific wind profile data and the machine's previous operational performance, the DFIG's stator and rotor windings are optimized to match the maximum efficiency with operating conditions for rewinding purposes. The particle swarm optimization-based surrogate optimization techniques are used in conjunction with the finite element method to optimize the machine design utilizing the limited available information for the site-specific wind profile and generator operating conditions. A response surface method in the surrogate model is developed to formulate the design objectives and constraints. Besides, the machine tests and efficiency calculations follow IEEE standard 112-B. Numerical and experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed technologies.
Heat sinks are widely used for cooling electronic devices and systems. Their thermal performance is usually determined by the material, shape, and size of the heat sink. With the assistance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and surrogate-based optimization, heat sinks can be designed and optimized to achieve a high level of performance. In this paper, the design and optimization of a plate-fin-type heat sink cooled by impingement jet is presented. The flow and thermal fields are simulated using the CFD simulation; the thermal resistance of the heat sink is then estimated. A Kriging surrogate model is developed to approximate the objective function (thermal resistance) as a function of design variables. Surrogate-based optimization is implemented by adaptively adding infill points based on an integrated strategy of the minimum value, the maximum mean square error approach, and the expected improvement approaches. The results show the influence of design variables on the thermal resistance and give the optimal heat sink with lowest thermal resistance for given jet impingement conditions.
Nowadays the Distance Learning (DL) is in its fifth generation and New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) mediate it. In this technological context it is then called Distance e-Learning (DeL). DeL has also in the e-books a potential interactive tool to the collaborative learning. So, this study was accomplished with the purpose of analyzing the e-books developed by SEDIS – Secretaria de Educação a Distância (Department of Distance Learning). This study was performed in two phases: Firstly it was done an exploratory study to check out the reading and the handling of digital e-learning material available to the student-users. These e-books are obtainable on SEDIS Moodle platform. Secondly, it was performed some analysis of an e-book sample by means of the heuristic evaluation. This research aims both to identify potential problems and give some suggestions to solve them. At last it is presented a final report with diagnosis and suggestions for a more applicable design in order to optimize the e-book by means of the distance e-learning usability guidelines
EL DISEÑO Y LA CREATIVIDAD: Heurística y técnicas de creatividad en la generación de ideas para el proyecto de diseño gráfico. La praxis en el aula en el contexto de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid. Esta investigación plantea la siguiente hipótesis: Las estrategias didácticas creativas aplicadas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el proyecto de diseño gráfico fomentan la capacidad de aprendizaje significativo, y facilitan la integración de la creatividad como recurso activo en los procesos de diseño. Siendo sus objetivos: • Determinar la relación existente entre el diseño gráfico y la creatividad, para comprobar la influencia de la creatividad en el proyecto de diseño gráfico. • Considerar la integración de la creatividad en el desarrollo del proyecto de diseño gráfico, en las metodologías y en los procesos propios del desarrollo proyectual. • Valorar la presencia e incorporación de la creatividad en los contenidos didácticos de las enseñanzas de grado en diseño en el contexto de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Madrid. • Evaluar cómo se utiliza la creatividad en la praxis en el aula de proyectos de diseño gráfico. • Considerar la pertinencia de proponer una integración mayor de la creatividad en las actividades programadas para la enseñanza del proyecto de diseño gráfico en estudios de grado en diseño...
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
In Western industrialized countries, it is well established that legally competent individuals may choose a surrogate healthcare decision-maker to represent their interests should they lose the capacity to do so themselves. There are few limitations on who they may select to fulfill this function. However, many jurisdictions place restrictions on or prohibit the patient's attending physician or other provider involved with an individual's care to serve in this role. Several authors have previously suggested that respect for the autonomy of patients requires that there be few (if any) constraints on whomever they may appoint as a proxy. In this essay we revisit this topic by first providing a survey of current state laws governing this activity. We then analyze the clinical and ethical circumstances in which potential difficulties could arise. We take a more nuanced and circumspect view of prior suggestions that patients should have virtually unfettered liberty to choose their healthcare proxies. We suggest a strategy to balance the freedom of patients' right to choose their surrogates with fiduciary duty of the state as regulator of medical practice. We identify six domains of possible concern with such relationships and suggest straightforward methods of mitigating their potential negative effects that could be plausibly be incorporated into physician practice.
BACKGROUND: Particulate matter has been shown to stimulate the innate immune system and induce acute inflammation. Therefore, while nanotechnology has the potential to provide therapeutic formulations with improved efficacy, there are concerns such pharmaceutical preparations could induce unwanted inflammatory side effects. Accordingly, we aim to examine the utility of using the proteolytic activity signatures of cysteine proteases, caspase 1 and cathepsin S (CTSS), as biomarkers to assess particulate-induced inflammation.
METHODS: Primary peritoneal macrophages and bone marrow-derived macrophages from C57BL/6 mice and ctss(-/-) mice were exposed to micro- and nanoparticulates and also the lysosomotropic agent, L-leucyl-L-leucine methyl ester (LLOME). ELISA and immunoblot analyses were used to measure the IL-1β response in cells, generated by lysosomal rupture. Affinity-binding probes (ABPs), which irreversibly bind to the active site thiol of cysteine proteases, were then used to detect active caspase 1 and CTSS following lysosomal rupture. Reporter substrates were also used to quantify the proteolytic activity of these enzymes, as measured by substrate turnover.
RESULTS: We demonstrate that exposure to silica, alum and polystyrene particulates induces IL-1β release from macrophages, through lysosomal destabilization. IL-1β secretion positively correlated with an increase in the proteolytic activity signatures of intracellular caspase 1 and extracellular CTSS, which were detected using ABPs and reporter substrates. Interestingly IL-1β release was significantly reduced in primary macrophages from ctss(-/-) mice.
CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the emerging significance of CTSS as a regulator of the innate immune response, highlighting its role in regulating IL-1β release. Crucially, the results demonstrate the utility of intracellular caspase 1 and extracellular CTSS proteolytic activities as surrogate biomarkers of lysosomal rupture and acute inflammation. In the future, activity-based detection of these enzymes may prove useful for the real-time assessment of particle-induced inflammation and toxicity assessment during the development of nanotherapeutics.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma metodologia heurística para o Problema de Cobertura de Arcos aplicado aos serviços de saneamento, em específico na leitura de hidrômetros. Dentro deste contexto desenvolveu-se um aplicativo que permite o planejamento de rotas de maneira que os custos em distância percorrida sejam reduzidos e mantenham-se aproximadamente os mesmos em todos os percursos. A metodologia foi dividida em etapas. Na primeira etapa, para compreender melhor o problema, fez-se uma pesquisa de campo organizando os dados disponibilizados por uma empresa de saneamento. A segunda etapa foi caracterizada pela determinação de pontos em cada metade de trechos de quadra e nas interseções de ruas, os quais foram cadastrados, em um mapa georeferenciado. Este mapa contemplou a região escolhida para o estudo e os pontos cadastrados serviram para determinar e consequentemente, designar as medianas relacionadas, o que constitui a terceira etapa. Para isso utilizou-se respectivamente o algoritmo de Teitz Bart Modificado por CADP e o algoritmo de designação de Gillet e Johnson adaptado. Ao final desta etapa formaram-se subsetores dentro de um setor específico. Na última etapa encontrou-se as rotas de cada subsetor através do algoritmo genético. O aplicativo desenvolvido permitiu flexibilidade de ações, dando autonomia para o usuário na escolha das opções de cálculo. Sua interface gráfica possibilitou a elaboração de mapas e a visualização das rotas em cada subsetor. Além disso o aplicativo minimizou os percursos e distribuiu os subsetores com distâncias aproximadas. A eficiência das heurísticas que embasaram o aplicativo desenvolvido, foi comprovada através dos testes realizados, os quais obtiveram resultados de boa qualidade.
Currently, the lack of a universal and specific marker of clonality hampers the diagnosis and classification of chronic expansions of natural killer (NK) cells. Here we investigated the utility of flow cytometric detection of aberrant/altered NK-cell phenotypes as a surrogate marker for clonality, in the diagnostic work-up of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK cells (CLPD-NK). For this purpose, a large panel of markers was evaluated by multiparametric flow cytometry on peripheral blood (PB) CD56(low) NK cells from 60 patients, including 23 subjects with predefined clonal (n = 9) and polyclonal (n = 14) CD56(low) NK-cell expansions, and 37 with CLPD-NK of undetermined clonality; also, PB samples from 10 healthy adults were included. Clonality was established using the human androgen receptor (HUMARA) assay. Clonal NK cells were found to show decreased expression of CD7, CD11b and CD38, and higher CD2, CD94 and HLADR levels vs. normal NK cells, together with a restricted repertoire of expression of the CD158a, CD158b and CD161 killer-associated receptors. In turn, NK cells from both clonal and polyclonal CLPD-NK showed similar/overlapping phenotypic profiles, except for high and more homogeneous expression of CD94 and HLADR, which was restricted to clonal CLPD-NK. We conclude that the CD94(hi)/HLADR+ phenotypic profile proved to be a useful surrogate marker for NK-cell clonality.
Atualmente, uma organização industrial com vista a singrar no mercado global é fortemente influenciada por pressões que visam o aumento da eficiência global e consequente redução de custos operacionais. O desafio para as mesmas passa, portanto, por expurgar do produto tudo aquilo que não lhe acrescenta valor percetível pelo cliente e por maximizar a utilização dos vários recursos industriais instalados. No seguimento deste desafio, surge o Problema de Planeamento e Programação da Produção, ao qual é necessário dar uma resposta eficiente. Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar o problema da Programação da Produção numa indústria de pavimentos e revestimentos cerâmicos, desenvolvendo uma heurística construtiva capaz de traduzir com fiabilidade a realidade do processo produtivo da mesma e, se possível, auxiliar na sua resolução. O problema da programação da produção em estudo visa responder às questões: o quê, em que quantidade, quando e em que linha produzir, por forma a satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes num prazo previamente estipulado como admissível, garantindo o enchimento dos fornos ligados. Sem grandes constrangimentos ao normal lavor da Produção, pretende obter-se com a heurística planos de produção viáveis, que minimizem o tempo necessário para a conclusão do conjunto de referências com necessidades produtivas. O problema é também abordado através de um modelo exato como um problema de máquinas paralelas idênticas capacitado, com matriz de compatibilidades, setups de família e de subfamília e com lotes mínimos de produção. Quer a heurística quer o modelo de programação inteira mista desenvolvidos permitem obter planos de produção válidos, equivalentes aos obtidos atualmente pela empresa através dos meios de programação atuais, embora com um dispêndio de tempo muito inferior.
La heurística como disciplina científica es relativamente joven. En el mundo se han realizado múltiples investigaciones sobre el uso de los elementos heurísticos, lo que está indisolublemente ligado con la resolución de problemas. En 1998, Castro, N. elaboró un modelo de actuación didáctica para el trabajo con la instrucción heurística con los estudiantes del ISPH de la carrera Matemática-Computación, el les ha propiciado una mejor preparación en los componentes académico, investigativo y laboral. En la enseñanza de la Matemática los elementos heurísticos son de gran aplicación y se pueden vincular con todas sus situaciones típicas. Es por ello que este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar como se puede emplear la instrucción heurística en la elaboración o socialización de la sucesión de indicaciones con carácter algorítmico dentro de la disciplina Geometría.