985 resultados para Herpesvirus type 5


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Numerous cases of acute-onset progressive ataxia, hindlimb paresis and paralysis of unknown aetiology occurred during 1993 to 2003 in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) within the European Endangered Species Programme (eep). This study describes the immunohistochemical investigation of a possible viral aetiology of the "cheetah myelopathy". Antibodies to feline herpesvirus type 1, canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus and Borna disease virus were applied to formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain and spinal cord sections from 25 affected cheetahs aged between three-and-a-half months and 13 years. Using the avidin-biotin complex technique, none of the antibodies gave positive immunosignals in either the brain or the spinal cord tissue.


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This is a retrospective clinical, radiological and patient outcome assessment of 21 consecutive patients with King 1 idiopathic adolescent scoliosis treated by short anterior selective fusion of the major thoracolumbar/lumbar (TL/L) curve. Three-dimensional changes of both curves, changes in trunk balance and rib hump were evaluated. The minimal follow-up was 24 months (max. 83). The Cobb angle of the TL/L curve was 52 degrees (45-67 degrees) with a flexibility of 72% (40-100%). The average length of the main curve was 5 (3-8) segments. An average of 3 (2-4) segments was fused using rigid single rod implants with side-loading screws. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve was 33 degrees (18-50 degrees) with a flexibility of 69% (29-100%). The thoracic curve in bending was less than 20 degrees in 17 patients, and 20-25 degrees in 4 patients. In the TL/L curve there was an improvement of the Cobb angle of 67%, of the apex vertebral rotation of 51% and of the apex vertebral translation of 74%. The Cobb angle of the thoracic curve improved 29% spontaneously. Shoulder balance improved significantly from an average preoperative imbalance of 14.5-3.1 mm at the last follow-up. Seventy-five percent of the patients with preoperative positive shoulder imbalance (higher on the side of the thoracic curve) had levelled shoulders at the last follow-up. C7 offset improved from a preoperative 19.8 (0-40) to 4.8 (0-18) mm at the last follow-up. There were no significant changes in rotation, translation of the thoracic curve and the clinical rib hump. There were no significant changes in thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis. The average score of the SRS-24 questionnaire at the last follow-up was 91 points (max. 120). We conclude that short anterior selective fusion of the TL/L curve in King 1 scoliosis with a thoracic curve bending to 25 degrees or less (Type 5 according to Lenke classification) results in a satisfactory correction and a balanced spine. Short fusions leave enough mobile lumbar segments for the establishment of global spinal balance. A positive shoulder imbalance is not a contraindication for this procedure. Structural interbody grafts are not necessary to maintain lumbar lordosis.


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The cfr (chloramphenicol-florfenicol resistance) gene encodes a 23S rRNA methyltransferase that confers resistance to linezolid. Detection of linezolid resistance was evaluated in the first cfr-carrying human hospital isolate of linezolid and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (designated MRSA CM-05) by dilution and diffusion methods (including Etest). The presence of cfr was investigated in isolates of staphylococci colonizing the patient's household contacts and clinical isolates recovered from patients in the same unit where MRSA CM-05 was isolated. Additionally, 68 chloramphenicol-resistant Colombian MRSA isolates recovered from hospitals between 2001 and 2004 were screened for the presence of the cfr gene. In addition to erm(B), the erm(A) gene was also detected in CM-05. The isolate belonged to sequence type 5 and carried staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec type I. We were unable to detect the cfr gene in any of the human staphylococci screened (either clinical or colonizing isolates). Agar and broth dilution methods detected linezolid resistance in CM-05. However, the Etest and disk diffusion methods failed to detect resistance after 24 h of incubation. Oxazolidinone resistance mediated by the cfr gene is rare, and acquisition by a human isolate appears to be a recent event in Colombia. The detection of cfr-mediated linezolid resistance might be compromised by the use of the disk diffusion or Etest method.


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Amplification or overexpression of HER-2/neu has been demonstrated in human cancers of the ovary, breast, lung and correlated with chemoresistance and poor clinic prognosis. We have previously found that the adenovirus type 5 early region 1A (E1A) gene product can repress the overexpression and suppress the tumorigenic potential of HER-2/neu-overexpressing cancer cells. In addition, E1A has been reported to induce apoptosis and inhibit the metastatic potential of tumor cells. Therefore, E1A could be considered as a tumor suppressor gene in HER-2/neu-overexpressing cancer cells. To develop an efficient HER-2/neu-targeting gene therapy with E1A, adenoviral vector or cationic liposome was used to introduce E1A into human ovarian, breast and lung cancer cells. Successful therapeutic effects were achieved.^ A replication-deficient adenovirus containing the E1A gene, Ad.E1A(+), was used to infect HER-2/neu-overexpressing human ovarian cancer cell line. Ovarian cancer growth in vitro and colony formation in soft agarose were greatly inhibited.^ To examine tumor suppressor function of E1A in breast cancer, we introduced E1A in vitro by adenovirus into both HER-2/neu-overexpressing and low-expressing human breast cancer cell lines. In HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells, E1A greatly inhibited tumor cell growth in vitro and colony formation in soft agarose. However, in low HER-2/neu expressing cancer cell lines, E1A could only reduce colony formation in soft agarose but had no significant effect on cell growth in monolayer, indicating different effects of E1A in these two types of cancer cells. To test the local therapeutic efficacy of E1A, we used either adenovirus- or liposome-mediated E1A gene delivery systems in an orthotopic breast cancer animal model.^ To test the therapeutic efficacy of systemically-delivered E1A in vivo lung cancer, we treated mice bearing intratracheal lung cancer by i.v. tail injections of Ad.E1A(+). As a result, Ad.E1A(+) suppressed HER-2/neu overexpression and inhibited intratracheal lung cancer growth. However, no significant tumor suppression effect of Ad.E1A(+) was observed in mice bearing HER-2/neu low expressing cell line when the same therapeutic procedure was followed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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A variety of human cancers overexpress the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene. Among patients with breast and ovarian cancers this HER-2/ neu overexpression indicates an unfavorable prognosis, with a shorter overall survival duration and a lower response rate to chemotherapeutic agents. Downregulation of HER-2/neu gene expression in cancer cells through attenuation of HER-2/neu promoter activity is, therefore, an attractive strategy for reversing the transformation phenotype and thus the chemoresistance induced by HER-2/neu overexpression. ^ A viral transcriptional regulator, the adenovirus type 5 E1A (early region 1A) that can repress the HER-2/neu promoter, had been identified in the laboratory of Dr. Mien-Chie Hung. Following the identification of the E1A gene, a series of studies revealed that repression of HER-2/neu by the E1A gene which can act therapeutically as a tumor suppressor gene for HER-2/ neu-overexpressing cancers. ^ The results of these preclinical studies became the basis for a phase I trial for E1A gene therapy among patients with HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer. In this dissertation, three primary questions concerned with new implications of E1A gene therapy are addressed: First, could E1A gene therapy be incorporated with conventional chemotherapy? Second, could the E1A gene be delivered systemically to exert an anti-tumor effect? And third, what is the activity of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing cancer cells? ^ With regard to the first question, the studies reported in this dissertation have shown that the sensitivity of HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer to paclitaxel is in fact enhanced by the downregulation of HER-2/neu overexpression by E1A. With regard to the second question, studies have shown that the E1A gene can exert anti-tumor activity by i.v. injection of the E1A gene complexed with the novel cationic liposome/protamine sulfate/DNA type I (LPDI). And with regard to the third question, the studies of low-HER-2/ neu-expressing breast and ovarian cancers reported here have shown that the E1A gene does in fact suppress metastatic capability. It did not, however, suppress the tumorigenicity. ^ Three conclusions can be drawn from the experimental findings reported in this dissertation. Combining paclitaxel with E1A gene therapy may expand the implications of the gene therapy in the future phase II clinical trial. Anti-tumor activity at a distant site may be achieved with the i.v. injection of the E1A gene. Lastly when administered therapeutically the anti-metastatic effect of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing breast cancer cells may prevent metastasis in primary breast cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women with approximately 180,000 new cases being diagnosed yearly in the United States (1). HER2/neu gene amplification and subsequent protein overexpression is found in 20–30% of breast cancer patients and can lead to the promotion of various metastasis-related properties (2–4) and/or resistance to cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation (5). ^ The protein product of the HER2/neu gene, p185, is a proven target for immunological therapy. Recently, passive immunotherapy with the monoclonal antibody Trastuzumab® has validated an immunological approach to HER2/neu+ breast cancer. Immunity to HER2/ neu, when found in breast cancer patients, is of low magnitude. Vaccination-induced HER2/neu-specific antibodies and HER2/neu-specific cytotoxic T cells could result in long-lived immunity with therapeutic benefit. Many features of DNA vaccines and attenuated viral vectors may contribute to the efficacy of prime-boost vaccination. In particular, vaccines capable of eliciting strong cell-mediated immunity are thought to hold the greatest promise for control of cancer (6–9). ^ To optimize cellular immunization to HER2/neu in my study, the HER2/neu gene was presented to the immune system using a priming vector followed by a second vector used as the boost. In both animals and humans, priming with DNA and boosting with a poxviruses, vaccinia or canarypox appears to be particularly promising for induction of a broad immune responses (10). ^ I tested three gene vaccines encoding the HER2/neu gene: (1) a plasmid, SINCP, that contains part of the genome of Sindbis virus; (2) Viral Replicon Particles (VRP) of Venezuela Equine Encephalitis virus (VEE) and (3) E1/E2a-deleted human Type 5 Adenovirus. In SINCP and the VRP, the caspid and envelope genes of the virus were deleted and replaced with the gene for HER2/neu. SINCP-neu, VRP- neu and Adeno-neu when used alone were effective vaccines protecting healthy mice from challenge with a breast cancer cell line injected in the mammary fat pad or injected i.v. to induce experimental lung metastasis. However, SINCP-neu, VRP-neu or Adeno-neu when used alone were not able to prolong survival of mice in therapeutic models in which vaccination occurred after injection of a breast cancer cell line. ^ When the vaccines were combined in a mixed regimen of a SINCP- neu prime VRP-neu or Adeno-neu boost, there was a significant difference in tumor growth and survival in the therapeutic vaccine models. In vitro assays demonstrated that vaccination with each of the three vaccines induced IgG specific for p185, the gene product of HER2/neu, induced p185-specific T lymphocytes, as measured by tetramer analysis. Vaccination also induced intracellular INF-γ and a positive ELISPOT assay. These findings indicate that SINCP-neu, VRP-neu and Adeno-neu, used alone or in combination, may have clinical potential as adjuvant immunotherapy for the treatment of HER2/neu-expressing tumors. ^


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The late Quaternary organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst record of Site 1233 (41°S, offshore Chile) was studied with a ?200 year resolution spanning the last 25,000 years. The study provides the first continuous record of sub-recent and recent dinoflagellate cysts in the Southeast (SE) Pacific. Major changes in the composition of the cyst association, cyst concentration and morphology of Operculodinium centrocarpum reflect changes in sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), palaeoproductivity and upwelling intensity. These changes can be associated with latitudinal shifts of the circumpolar frontal systems. The high cyst concentration, high Brigantedinium spp. abundances, low species diversity and the occurrence of certain cold water species are supportive for a 7-10° equatorward shift of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) during the coldest phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) between 25 and 21.1 cal ka BP. Deglacial warming initiated at ~18.6 cal ka BP. Termination I (18.6-11.1 cal ka BP) is interrupted by an unstable period of extreme seasonality, rather than a cooling event, between 14.4 and 13.2 cal ka BP, synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR). The Holocene Maximum is observed between 11.6 and 9.8 cal ka BP and is typified by the most southward position of the northern margin of the ACC. A cooling phase occurred during the early Holocene (until ~7 cal ka BP) and during the last ~0.8 ka. Our data indicates that the SE Pacific (41°S) climate has been influenced over the whole record by changes in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) high-latitudes, while during the mid to late Holocene, also a tropical forcing mechanism was involved, including the El Niño Southern Oscillation and the variable Hadley cell intensity. Furthermore, this study showed a relationship between the variable morphology of the spines/processes of O. centrocarpum and the combined variation of sea surface salinity and temperature (SSS/SST-ratio).


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Vast areas on the Tibetan Plateau are covered by alpine sedge mats consisting of different species of the genus Kobresia. These mats have topsoil horizons rich in rhizogenic organic matter which creates turfs. As the turfs have recently been affected by a complex destruction process, knowledge concerning their soil properties, age and pedogenesis are needed. In the core area of Kobresia pygmaea mats around Nagqu (central Tibetan Plateau, ca. 4500 m a.s.l.), four profiles were subjected to pedological, paleobotanical and geochronological analyses concentrating on soil properties, phytogenic composition and dating of the turf. The turf of both dry K. pygmaea sites and wet Kobresia schoenoides sites is characterised by an enrichment of living (dominant portion) and dead root biomass. In terms of humus forms, K. pygmaea turfs can be classified as Rhizomulls mainly developed from Cambisols. Wet-site K. schoenoides turfs, however, can be classified as Rhizo-Hydromors developed from Histic Gleysols. At the dry sites studied, the turnover of soil organic matter is controlled by a non-permafrost cold thermal regime. Below-ground remains from sedges are the most frequent macroremains in the turf. Only a few pollen types of vascular plants occur, predominantly originating from sedges and grasses. Large amounts of microscopic charcoal (indeterminate) are present. Macroremains and pollen extracted from the turfs predominantly have negative AMS 14C ages, giving evidence of a modern turf genesis. Bulk-soil datings from the lowermost part of the turfs have a Late Holocene age comprising the last ca. 2000 years. The development of K. pygmaea turfs was most probably caused by an anthropo(zoo)-genetically initiated growth of sedge mats replacing former grass-dominated vegetation ('steppe'). Thus the turfs result from the transformation of pre-existing topsoils comprising a secondary penetration and accumulation of roots. K. schoenoides turfs, however, are characterised by a combined process of peat formation and penetration/accumulation of roots probably representing a (quasi) natural wetland vegetation.


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Cancer is a progressive multigenic disorder characterized by defined changes in the transformed phenotype that culminates in metastatic disease. Determining the molecular basis of progression should lead to new opportunities for improved diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Through the use of subtraction hybridization, a gene associated with transformation progression in virus- and oncogene-transformed rat embryo cells, progression elevated gene-3 (PEG-3), has been cloned. PEG-3 shares significant nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology with the hamster growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene gadd34 and a homologous murine gene, MyD116, that is induced during induction of terminal differentiation by interleukin-6 in murine myeloid leukemia cells. PEG-3 expression is elevated in rodent cells displaying a progressed-transformed phenotype and in rodent cells transformed by various oncogenes, including Ha-ras, v-src, mutant type 5 adenovirus (Ad5), and human papilloma virus type 18. The PEG-3 gene is transcriptionally activated in rodent cells, as is gadd34 and MyD116, after treatment with DNA damaging agents, including methyl methanesulfonate and γ-irradiation. In contrast, only PEG-3 is transcriptionally active in rodent cells displaying a progressed phenotype. Although transfection of PEG-3 into normal and Ad5-transformed cells only marginally suppresses colony formation, stable overexpression of PEG-3 in Ad5-transformed rat embryo cells elicits the progression phenotype. These results indicate that PEG-3 is a new member of the gadd and MyD gene family with similar yet distinct properties and this gene may directly contribute to the transformation progression phenotype. Moreover, these studies support the hypothesis that constitutive expression of a DNA damage response may mediate cancer progression.


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A differentiation induction subtraction hybridization strategy is being used to identify and clone genes involved in growth control and terminal differentiation in human cancer cells. This scheme identified melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 (mda-7), whose expression is up-regulated as a consequence of terminal differentiation in human melanoma cells. Forced expression of mda-7 is growth inhibitory toward diverse human tumor cells. The present studies elucidate the mechanism by which mda-7 selectively suppresses the growth of human breast cancer cells and the consequence of ectopic expression of mda-7 on human breast tumor formation in vivo in nude mice. Infection of wild-type, mutant, and null p53 human breast cancer cells with a recombinant type 5 adenovirus expressing mda-7, Ad.mda-7 S, inhibited growth and induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). Induction of apoptosis correlated with an increase in BAX protein, an established inducer of programmed cell death, and an increase in the ratio of BAX to BCL-2, an established inhibitor of apoptosis. Infection of breast carcinoma cells with Ad.mda-7 S before injection into nude mice inhibited tumor development. In contrast, ectopic expression of mda-7 did not significantly alter cell cycle kinetics, growth rate, or survival in normal human mammary epithelial cells. These data suggest that mda-7 induces its selective anticancer properties in human breast carcinoma cells by promoting apoptosis that occurs independent of p53 status. On the basis of its selective anticancer inhibitory activity and its direct antitumor effects, mda-7 may represent a new class of cancer suppressor genes that could prove useful for the targeted therapy of human cancer.


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Vaccines harboring genes that encode functional oncoproteins are intrinsically hazardous, as their application may lead to introduction of these genes into normal cells and thereby to tumorigenesis. On the other hand, oncoproteins are especially attractive targets for immunotherapy of cancer, as their expression is generally required for tumor growth, making the arisal of tumor variants lacking these antigens unlikely. Using murine tumor models, we investigated the efficacy of polyepitope recombinant adenovirus (rAd) vaccines, which encode only the immunogenic T cell epitopes derived from several oncogenes, for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity. We chose to employ rAd, as these are safe vectors that do not induce the side effects associated with, for example, vaccinia virus vaccines. A single polyepitope rAd was shown to give rise to presentation of both H-2 and human leukocyte antigen-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Moreover, vaccination with a rAd encoding H-2-restricted CTL epitopes, derived from human adenovirus type 5 early region 1 and human papilloma virus type 16-induced tumors, elicited strong tumor-reactive CTL and protected the vaccinated animals against an otherwise lethal challenge with either of these tumors. The protection induced was superior compared with that obtained by vaccination with irradiated tumor cells. Thus, vaccination with polyepitope rAd is a powerful approach for the induction of protective anti-tumor immunity that allows simultaneous immunization against multiple tumor-associated T cell epitopes, restricted by various major histocompatibility complex haplotypes.


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A cDNA and corresponding promoter region for a naturally occurring, feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) α-subunit gene, ASA2, has been isolated from an unselected, but 5-methyl-tryptophan-resistant (5MTr), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell line (AB15–12-1). The ASA2 cDNA contains a putative transit peptide sequence, and Southern hybridization shows that more than one closely related sequence is present in the tobacco genome. The ASA2 cDNA complemented a trpE nonsense mutant Escherichia coli strain, allowing growth on 300 μm 5MT-containing minimal medium without tryptophan, and cell extracts contained feedback-insensitive AS activity. The 5MTr was lost when the E. coli strain was transformed with an ASA2 site-directed mutant (phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 → serine-107-glutamine-108). Identical nucleotide sequences encoding the phenylalanine-107-arginine-108 region have been found in polymerase chain reaction-amplified 326-bp ASA2 genomic fragments of wild-type (5-methyl-tryptophan-sensitive [5MTs]) tobacco and a progenitor species. High-level ASA2 transcriptional expression was detected only in 5MTr-cultured cells, not in 5MTs cells or in plants. Promoter studies indicate that tissue specificity of ASA2 is controlled by the promoter region between −2252 and −607. Since the ASA2 promoter sequences are not substantially different in the 5MTr and 5MTs lines, the increased levels of ASA2 mRNA in the 5MTr lines are most likely due to changes in a regulatory gene affecting ASA2 expression.


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Cancer is a disease characterized by defects in growth control, and tumor cells often display abnormal patterns of cellular differentiation. The combination of recombinant human fibroblast interferon and the antileukemic agent mezerein corrects these abnormalities in cultured human melanoma cells resulting in irreversible growth arrest and terminal differentiation. Subtraction hybridization identifies a melanoma differentiation associated gene (mda-7) with elevated expression in growth arrested and terminally differentiated human melanoma cells. Colony formation decreases when mda-7 is transfected into human tumor cells of diverse origin and with multiple genetic defects. In contrast, the effects of mda-7 on growth and colony formation in transient transfection assays with normal cells, including human mammary epithelial, human skin fibroblast, and rat embryo fibroblast, is quantitatively less than that found with cancer cells. Tumor cells expressing elevated mda-7 display suppression in monolayer growth and anchorage independence. Infection with a recombinant type 5 adenovirus expressing antisense mda-7 eliminates mda-7 suppression of the in vitro growth and transformed phenotype. The ability of mda-7 to suppress growth in cancer cells not expressing or containing defects in both the retinoblastoma (RB) and p53 genes indicates a lack of involvement of these critical tumor suppressor elements in mediating mda-7-induced growth inhibition. The lack of protein homology of mda-7 with previously described growth suppressing genes and the differential effect of this gene on normal versus cancer cells suggests that mda-7 may represent a new class of cancer growth suppressing genes with antitumor activity.


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Vaccination with synthetic peptides representing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes can lead to a protective CTL-mediated immunity against tumors or viruses. We now report that vaccination with a CTL epitope derived from the human adenovirus type 5 E1A-region (Ad5E1A234-243), which can serve as a target for tumor-eradicating CTL, enhances rather than inhibits the growth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. This adverse effect of peptide vaccination was rapidly evoked, required low doses of peptide (10 micrograms), and was achieved by a mode of peptide delivery that induces protective T-cell-mediated immunity in other models. Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity could no longer be isolated from mice after injection of Ad5E1A-peptide, indicating that tolerization of Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity causes the enhanced tumor outgrowth. In contrast to peptide vaccination, immunization with adenovirus, expressing Ad5E1A, induced Ad5E1A-specific immunity and prevented the outgrowth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. These results show that immunization with synthetic peptides can lead to the elimination of anti-tumor CTL responses. These findings are important for the design of safe peptide-based vaccines against tumors, allogeneic organ transplants, and T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.


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K+ channels, which have been linked to regulation of electrogenic solute transport as well as Ca2+ influx, represent a locus in hepatocytes for the concerted actions of hormones that employ Ca2+ and cAMP as intracellular messengers. Despite considerable study, the single-channel basis for synergistic effects of Ca2+ and cAMP on hepatocellular K+ conductance is not well understood. To address this question, patch-clamp recording techniques were applied to a model liver cell line, HTC hepatoma cells. Increasing the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in HTC cells, either by activation of purinergic receptors with ATP or by inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ sequestration with thapsigargin, activated low-conductance (9-pS) K+ channels. Studies with excised membrane patches suggested that these channels were directly activated by Ca2+. Exposure of HTC cells to a permeant cAMP analog, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP, also activated 9-pS K+ channels but did not change [Ca2+]i. In excised membrane patches, cAMP-dependent protein kinase (the downstream effector of cAMP) activated K+ channels with conductance and selectivity identical to those of channels activated by Ca2+. In addition, cAMP-dependent protein kinase activated a distinct K+ channel type (5 pS). These data represent the differential regulation of low-conductance K+ channels by signaling pathways mediated by Ca2+ and cAMP. Moreover, since low-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels have been identified in a variety of cell types, these findings suggest that differential regulation of K+ channels by hormones with distinct signaling pathways may provide a mechanism for hormonal control of solute transport and Ca(2+)-dependent cellular functions in the liver as well as other nonexcitable tissues.