923 resultados para Hepatitis B


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The nucleocapsid of hepatitis B virus (HBV), or HBcAg, is a highly symmetric structure formed by multiple dimers of a single core protein that contains potent T helper epitopes in its 183-aa sequence. Both factors make HBcAg an unusually strong immunogen and an attractive candidate as a carrier for foreign epitopes. The immunodominant c/e1 epitope on the capsid has been suggested as a superior location to convey high immunogenicity to a heterologous sequence. Because of its central position, however, any c/e1 insert disrupts the core protein’s primary sequence; hence, only peptides, or rather small protein fragments seemed to be compatible with particle formation. According to recent structural data, the epitope is located at the tips of prominent surface spikes formed by the very stable dimer interfaces. We therefore reasoned that much larger inserts might be tolerated, provided the individual parts of a corresponding fusion protein could fold independently. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a model insert, we show that the chimeric protein efficiently forms fluorescent particles; hence, all of its structurally important parts must be properly folded. We also demonstrate that the GFP domains are surface-exposed and that the chimeric particles elicit a potent humoral response against native GFP. Hence, proteins of at least up to 238 aa can be natively displayed on the surface of HBV core particles. Such chimeras may not only be useful as vaccines but may also open the way for high resolution structural analyses of nonassembling proteins by electron microscopy.


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Successful neonatal immunization of humans has proven difficult. We have evaluated CpG-containing oligonucleotides as an adjuvant for immunization of young mice (1–14 days old) against hepatitis B virus surface antigen. The protein-alum-CpG formulation, like the DNA vaccine, produced seroconversion of the majority of mice immunized at 3 or 7 days of age, compared with 0–10% with the protein-alum or protein-CpG formulations. All animals, from neonates to adults, immunized with the protein-alum vaccine exhibited strong T helper (Th)2-like responses [predominantly IgG1, weak or absent cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)]. Th2-type responses also were induced in young mice with protein-CpG (in 1-, 3-, and 7-day-old mice) and protein-alum-CpG (in 1- and 3-day-old mice) but immunization carried out at older ages gave mixed Th1/Th2 (Th0) responses. DNA vaccines gave Th0-like responses when administered at 1 and 7 days of age and Th1-like (predominantly IgG2a and CTL) responses with 14-day-old or adult mice. Surprisingly, the protein-alum-CpG formulation was better than the DNA vaccine for percentage of seroconversion, speed of appearance, and peak titer of the antibody response, as well as prevalence and strength of CTL. These findings may have important implications for immunization of human infants.


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Hepatotropism is a prominent feature of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Cell lines of nonhepatic origin do not independently support HBV replication. Here, we show that the nuclear hormone receptors, hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 and retinoid X receptor α plus peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α, support HBV replication in nonhepatic cells by controlling pregenomic RNA synthesis, indicating these liver-enriched transcription factors control a unique molecular switch restricting viral tropism. In contrast, hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 antagonizes nuclear hormone receptor-mediated viral replication, demonstrating distinct regulatory roles for these liver-enriched transcription factors.


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Effective antiviral agents are thought to inhibit hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA synthesis irreversibly by chain termination because reverse transcriptases (RT) lack an exonucleolytic activity that can remove incorporated nucleotides. However, since the parameters governing this inhibition are poorly defined, fully delineating the catalytic mechanism of the HBV-RT promises to facilitate the development of antiviral drugs for treating chronic HBV infection. To this end, pyrophosphorolysis and pyrophosphate exchange, two nonhydrolytic RT activities that result in the removal of newly incorporated nucleotides, were characterized by using endogenous avian HBV replication complexes assembled in vivo. Although these activities are presumed to be physiologically irrelevant for every polymerase examined, the efficiency with which they are catalyzed by the avian HBV-RT strongly suggests that it is the first known polymerase to catalyze these reactions under replicative conditions. The ability to remove newly incorporated nucleotides during replication has important biological and clinical implications: these activities may serve a primer-unblocking function in vivo. Analysis of pyrophosphorolysis on chain-terminated DNA revealed that the potent anti-HBV drug β-l-(−)-2′,3′-dideoxy-3′-thiacytidine (3TC) was difficult to remove by pyrophosphorolysis, in contrast to ineffective chain terminators such as ddC. This disparity may account for the strong antiviral efficacy of 3TC versus that of ddC. The HBV-RT pyrophosphorolytic activity may therefore be a novel determinant of antiviral drug efficacy, and could serve as a target for future antiviral drug therapy. The strong inhibitory effect of cytoplasmic pyrophosphate concentrations on viral DNA synthesis may also partly account for the apparent slow rate of HBV genome replication.


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Transgenic mice expressing the sequences coding for the envelope proteins of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the liver have been used as a model of the HBV chronic carrier state. We evaluated the possibility of inducing a specific immune response to the viral envelope antigens and thus potentially controlling chronic HBV infection. Using HBV-specific DNA-mediated immunization in this transgenic model, we show that the immune response induced after a single intramuscular injection of DNA resulted in the complete clearance of circulating hepatitis B surface antigen and in the long-term control of transgene expression in hepatocytes. This response does not involve a detectable cytopathic effect in the liver. Adoptive transfer of fractionated primed spleen cells from DNA-immunized mice shows that T cells are responsible for the down-regulation of HBV mRNA in the liver of transgenic mice. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a potential immunotherapeutic application of DNA-mediated immunization against an infectious disease and raises the possibility of designing more effective ways of treating HBV chronic carriers.


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Human hepatitis B virus genome encodes a protein, termed HBx, that is widely recognized as a transcriptional transactivator. While HBx does not directly bind cis-acting transcriptional control elements, it has been shown to associate with cellular proteins that bind DNA. Because HBx transactivated a large number of viral/cellular transcriptional control elements, we looked for its targets within the components of the basal transcriptional machinery. This search led to the identification of its interactions with TFIIH. Here, we show that HBx interacts with yeast and mammalian TFIIH complexes both in vitro and in vivo. These interactions between HBx and the components of TFIIH are supported by several lines of evidence including results from immunoprocedures and direct methods of measuring interactions. We have identified ERCC3 and ERCC2 DNA helicase subunits of holoenzyme TFIIH as targets of HBx interactions. Furthermore, the DNA helicase activity of purified TFIIH from rat liver and, individually, the ERCC2 component of TFIIH is stimulated in the presence of HBx. These observations suggest a role for HBx in transcription and DNA repair.


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Vaccination of two chimpanzees against hepatitis B virus (HBV) by intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA encoding the major and middle HBV envelope proteins induced group-, subtype- and preS2-specific antibodies. These were initially of IgM isotype, and then they were of IgG (predominantly IgGl) isotype. The chimpanzee injected with 2 mg of DNA attained >100 milli-international units/ml of anti-HBs antibody after one injection and 14,000 milli-international units/ml after four injections. A smaller dose (400 microg) induced lower and transient titers, but a strong anamnestic response occurred 1 year later. Comparison with responses in 23 chimpanzees receiving various antigen-based HBV vaccines suggests that the DNA approach is promising for prophylactic immunization against HBV.


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There is a need for more effective therapy for chronic virus infections. A principle natural mechanism for elimination of virus-infected host cells is activation of viral antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In an effort to develop methods of inducing virus-specific CTL responses that might be utilized in therapy of virus infections, we have investigated the effect of B7, a costimulatory factor for T-cell activation. In this study we show that delivery of genes encoding human B7-1 and a viral antigen in the same recombinant viral vector to cells of mice induces a greater viral antigen-specific CTL response than does similar delivery of the viral antigen gene alone. Two recombinant adenovirus vectors were constructed with the foreign genes inserted in the early region 3. One of them (Ad1312) directed expression of the surface antigen gene of hepatitis B virus (HBS); the other (Ad1310) directed coexpression of HBS and human B7-1 (CD80) by means of an internal ribosomal entry site placed between the two coding sequences. When inoculated into BALB/c mice, both vectors induced a viral surface antigen-specific CTL response. The response induced by Ad1310 was stronger than that by Adl312 as measured by a chromium release assay for CTL activity and limiting dilution analysis for CTL precursor frequency, indicating that the B7-1 gene co-delivered with the HBS gene had an enhancing effect on the CTL response against surface antigen. Ad1310 also induced a higher titer of antibody against surface antigen than did Ad1312. This result suggests that expression of a costimulatory protein and a viral antigen in the same cells in vivo induces stronger immune responses than expression of the antigen alone. This could be a novel strategy for development of both preventive and therapeutic vaccines against infectious agents.