998 resultados para Heavy Ions


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本项工作选择了不同种类、不同电荷态的从低能到高能的多种荷能重离子,对C60薄膜进行了辐照。并且通过多种分析测试手段(Raman、FTIR、XPS、AFM)分析了荷能重离子在C60薄膜中的辐照效应,并对机理进行了研究。同时也研究了低能B离子在碳的三种同素异构体:石墨、金刚石和C60中引起效应的差异。对于以弹性碰撞为主导的低能区,用170keV B离子辐照了碳的三种同素异构体,并从这些辐照样品的Raman谱数据演绎出了C60、金刚石和石墨的损伤截面σ。首次在完全相同的辐照条件下,研究了碳的三种同素异构体对辐照的敏感性和结构稳定性的差异,研究结果表明:C60对B离子辐照的敏感性最强,金刚石次之,相比之下石墨在B离子辐照下结构最为稳定,而且在辐照过程中,随辐照量的增加三种靶材料遭破坏的程度截然不同,表明它们的辐照敏感性差异随辐照量而变化。由XPS谱得知,在最高辐照量下石墨的sp2 C转变不多;而金刚石的sp3 C基本转变成了sp2 C。再次证明在B离子辐照下石墨的结构最为稳定。随着170keV B离子辐照量的增加,C60薄膜的FTIR和Raman谱中各激活模的强度都有不同程度的衰减,最终消失,即C60分子完全被破坏。在B离子的辐照下,C60分子的不同红外激活模和Raman激活模的辐照敏感性和结构稳定性也有差异:在C60分子的4个红外激活模中,T1u(4)对辐照最为敏感,而T1u(2)最为稳定。并率先确定了明显可见的5个Raman激活模对辐照的敏感性和结构稳定性的差异,其中Hg(4)对辐照最敏感,而Hg(3)最稳定。在以非弹性碰撞为主导的高能区,用2.15GeV的Kr离子辐照了多层堆叠的C60样品,辐照样品的分析结果表明:在相同能量或相同电子能损下,C60分子的辐照损伤随辐照量的增加趋于严重;而在相同辐照量下,C60的损伤程度随电子能损的增加而增强;但C60分子的损伤在某居中的电子能损值和辐照量下有一定的恢复。在电子能损相同或相近时,速度较低的Kr离子对C60分子的损伤更为严重,揭示了团簇材料的快重离子损伤建立过程中的离子速度效应。为了研究低速高电荷态离子在C60薄膜中引起的辐照效应,用不同电荷态的Xe离子辐照了C60薄膜。由AFM形貌图可知,不同电荷态Xe离子辐照C60薄膜,使其表面形貌发生了不同程度的改变。其粗糙度随着辐照Xe离子电荷态的不断增加而不断减小


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马蔺子是鸢尾科植物马蔺的干燥成熟的种子。本科植物的种子中富含对醌类化合物,据报道马蔺子甲素具有对γ射线的辐射增敏作用。本文研究了马蔺子甲素的分鉴定,基衍生物的制备以及对荷 S180 小鼠的重离子增敏作用。在研究马蔺子甲素 Q 以及衍生物 Q1-Q8 对荷 S180 小鼠的辐射增敏作用时,分别在有氧和乏氧条件下进行,小鼠被随机分成 6 组,对照组,γ射线照射组,碳离子照射组,背地里纯用药组,γ射线合并用药组,碳离子合并且药级。乏氧条件是通过夹住小鼠的茶瘤肢造成局部缺氧 20 分钟。马蔺子甲素及衍生物用叶温 -80 及生理一盐水稀释,在辐照前用药。γ射线的照射剂量为18Gy,而碳离子选用剂量为 6Gy, 肿瘤体积每隔 2 天测定一次,我们通过计算肿瘤的抑瘤率(IR),增敏比(SER),氧搁置比(OER)发现,在乏氧情况下 Q、Q7、Q8 全并碳离子的增敏比大于有氧情况下,同时氧搁置比降低,而抑瘤率和体外细胞毒率(HCR)的选择性增加。这一结论表明,某些对醌类化合物有选择性的增加乏氧细胞的敏感性。肿瘤中的乏氧细胞一直被认为是放疗不能完全奏效的主要原因,生物还原性药物在肿瘤的治疗中能杀死实体瘤中对射线不敏感的细胞。SR-4233 是一苯并三嗪二氧化物,它已被证明具有放射增敏作用,并且有选择性的细胞毒作用。通过 Beirut 瓜合成了两个(M1,M2) 喹喔啉类化合物,对荷 S180 小鼠的增敏作用实验分为 6 组,在乏氧情况下,单纯碳离子照射的抑瘤率 58.8%,而合并 M2 为 66.36%,合并 M1 为 70.1%。通过紫外光激发 M1 分子的 ESR 谱发现,此类化合物在光激发下发生 O-N=C-C=N-O 体系的的电子转移引起的双键转移,形成氮氧双自由基。推测碳离子可能产生更多的稳定自由基作用于 S180 瘤组织。同时研究了用重离子对乙酰甲喹、喹酰氨醇及 BF0 的结构改性,其可能性及机理通过对其结构与生物活性的分析得到,因为辐照生成的产物复杂且量非常小,分析结构工作困难,然而发现经辐照后搞菌作用明显提高。从这个实验我们和道重离子与药物分子的作用不仅有能量的沉积而且有质量的沉积,这不同于X,γ射线。由于这种原因重离子引起药物结构改变较X,γ射线更重要,重离子作用机制有自己的特点,有待于深入认识,因此加强重离子药物分子改性的基础研究有重要意义。


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本工作用兰州重离子加速器提供的2.1GeV的Kr离子分别在空气和真空条件下辐照了多层堆叠的聚苯乙烯薄膜样品,辐照剂量在5 * 10~(10)到3 * 10~(12)ions/cm~2之间,辐照温度在室温附近。辐照后对样品分别进行了傅立叶变换红外光谱和紫外可见光谱的测量,由此研究了快重离子辐照聚苯乙烯产生的物理和化学改性。实验结果表明,聚苯乙烯经Kr离子辐照后发生了降解,包括苯环在内的大部分官能团遭到破坏,相应特征峰的吸光度随辐照剂量和能损的增加而减小。与此同时,辐照还在1650-1750cm~(-1)之间和3300cm~(-1)处产生了新的吸收峰,其分别对应于C=O双键的分子振动和C≡C-H的C-H伸缩振动,表明辐照在聚苯乙烯中产生了炔基。实验发现产生炔基需要离子有足够高的电子能损值,在聚苯乙烯中该能损阈值约为1.0keV/nm。在材料经辐照发生降解的同时,样品的光吸收边界逐渐红移,并伴有透光率的下降。详细的测量显示,在紫外可见区材料吸光度的增加随剂量近似呈线性关系,随能损呈约二次方的指数关系。通过对2.1GeV的Kr离子和1.4GeV的Ar离子辐照结果的比较还发现,快重离子辐照产生的物理化学改性不仅与离子的能损有关,还与离子的速度有关。在同一能损条件下,速度越小,产生的效应就越大。文中用径向能量沉积密度和有效化学反应半径对上述结果进行分析讨论。


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本文简要介绍了快重离子在固体材料,特别是在高分子材料和团簇材料中引起强电子激发效应研究的发展历史、研究现状和基本理论。重点描述了在兰州重离子加速器(HIRFL)上完成的2.1 GeV Kr离子辐照聚碳酸酷CPC)膜的实验和辐照样品的傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR )和紫外/可见光谱(UVIVIS )分析。FTIR分析结果表明,高能Kr离子在PC膜中引起的辐照效应主要是键的断裂和材料的降解。随着电子能损和辐照剂量的增大,材料逐渐碳化,同时有炔基生成。在UVNIS中,380, 450, 500nm波长处的吸光度之差(A-A_0)与剂量近似成线性关系,与电子能损呈确定的指数关系(指数分别为1.69,1.86和2.02);与电子能量沉积密度也近似成指数关系。描述了在HIRFL上完成的2.0GeV Xe离子辐照C_(60)薄膜的实验和辐照样品的FTIR谱、拉曼谱(Raman)和X射线衍射谱(XRD)分析。分析结果表明:2.0 GeV Xe离子辐照C60薄膜引起的损伤过程主要取决于强电子激发,在特定电子能损处,损伤的部分恢复是由于强电子激发的退火效应引起的。快重离子辐照产生的物理化学改性不仅与离子的电子能损有关,还与离子的速度有关。在同样的电子能损下,速度越小,产生的效应就越明显。


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目的:木论文重点研究重离子不同剂量离子辐照后DNA损伤程度的变化,以及进而引起的细胞周期改变等现象。为重离子治癌的临床应用积累必要的基础数据。材料与方法:采用兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)加速的碳、氖等重离子辐照体外培养的贴璧肿瘤细胞,以单细胞电泳法(SCGE)检测DNA的损伤程度;以流式细胞技术(FCM)检测细胞的周期改变现象。结果:1.SMMC-7721月干癌细胞经重离子(氖、碳)辐照后,DNA损伤现象明显,表现为单细胞电泳中出现的普遍的拖尾现象(t-test,P<0.001,compared with control。2.80MeV/u 2ONe10+辐照后立即检测发现:2Gy造成100%的细胞损伤:8Gy照射造成80%的细胞严重损伤:且彗尾拖尾长度随剂量增加早.指数关系增长,仔值为0.99058。3.辐照后12小时,若干不同剂量辐照的样品其彗尾长度趋于相同:如05协、Ic)和ZGy辐照样品的彗尾长度分别为132.3±12.8、132.9±9.5和133.1±11.7μm,24h,时为35.0±3.9、35.5±4.1和48.2±6.Oμm,这说明在一定剂量范围内(0.5-2Gy)的辐照下,随着修复时间的延长,细胞DNA的损伤程度将趋于相同。同时,细胞继续孵育12小时,对于0.55-2Gy辐照组来说DNA的损伤情况是24小时内操作最严重的。4.辐照后24小时,0.5-2Gy辐照组埙份明显修复,略高于对照,但是对于4Gy和SGy辐照组仍带有明显的损伤现魏。簇说眼熏离子辐照(>4Gy)所致DNA报伤的不足修复性。5,DNA的损伤将导致细胞通过一系列调节机制抑制细胞周期的进行,为DNA修复系统提供充足的时间进行DNA修复,从而造成明显的细胞周期阳.滞现琢,这在重离子辐照实验中同样得到证实,尤其是S期、G2/M期阻净带现象非常明显。


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A new ion radiation-pressure acceleration regime, the "leaky light sail," is proposed which uses sub-skin-depth nanometer foils irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulses. In the regime, the foil is partially transparent, continuously leaking electrons out along with the transmitted laser field. This feature can be exploited by a multispecies nanofoil configuration to stabilize the acceleration of the light ion component, supplementing the latter with an excess of electrons leaked from those associated with the heavy ions to avoid Coulomb explosion. It is shown by 2D particle-in-cell simulations that a monoenergetic proton beam with energy 18 MeV is produced by circularly polarized lasers at intensities of just 10(19) W/cm(2). 100 MeV proton beams are obtained by increasing the intensities to 2 x 10(20) W/cm(2).


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Studies regarding the radiobiological effects of low dose radiation, microbeam irradiation services have been developed in the world and today laser acceleration of protons and heavy ions may be used in radiation therapy. The application of different facilities is essential for studying bystander effects and relating signalling phenomena in different cells or tissues. In particular the use of ion beams results advantageous in cancer radiotherapy compared to more commonly used X-rays, since the ability of ions in delivering lethal amount of doses into the target tumour avoiding or limiting damage to the contiguous healthy tissues. At the INFN-LNS in Catania, a multidisciplinary radiobiology group is strategically structured aimed to develop radiobiological research, finalised to therapeutic applications, compatible with the use of high dose laser-driven ion beams. The characteristic non-continuous dose rates with several orders of magnitude of laser-driven ion beams makes this facility very interesting in the cellular systems' response to ultra-high dose rates with non-conventional pulse time intervals cellular studies. Our group have projected to examine the effect of high dose laser-driven ion beams on two cellular types: foetal fibroblasts (normal control cells) and DU145 (prostate cancer cells), studying the modulation of some different bio-molecular parameters, in particular cell proliferation and viability, DNA damage, redox cellular status, morphological alterations of both the cytoskeleton components and some cell organelles and the possible presence of apoptotic or necrotic cell death. Our group performed preliminary experiments with high energy (60 MeV), dose rate of 10 Gy/min, doses of 1, 2, 3 Gy and LET 1 keV/µm on human foetal fibroblasts (control cells). We observed that cell viability was not influenced by the characteristics of the beam, the irradiation conditions or the analysis time. Conversely, DNA damage was present at time 0, immediately following irradiation in a dose-dependent manner. The analysis of repair capability showed that the cells irradiated with 1 and 2 Gy almost completely recovered from the damage, but not, however, 3 Gy treated cells in which DNA damage was not recovered. In addition, the results indicate the importance of the use of an appropriate control in radiobiological in vitro analysis.


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The use of high linear energy transfer radiations in the form of carbon ions in heavy ion beam lines or alpha particles in new radionuclide treatments has increased substantially over the past decade and will continue to do so due to the favourable dose distributions they can offer versus conventional therapies. Previously it has been shown that exposure to heavy ions induces pan-nuclear phosphorylation of several DNA repair proteins such as H2AX and ATM in vitro. Here we describe similar effects of alpha particles on ex vivo irradiated primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Following alpha particle irradiation pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX and ATM, but not DNA-PK and 53BP1, was observed throughout the nucleus. Inhibition of ATM, but not DNA-PK, resulted in the loss of pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX in alpha particle irradiated lymphocytes. Pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX signal was rapidly lost over 24h at a much greater rate than foci loss. Surprisingly, pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX intensity was not dependent on the number of alpha particle induced double strand breaks, rather the number of alpha particles which had traversed the cell nucleus. This distinct fluence dependent damage signature of particle radiation is important in both the fields of radioprotection and clinical oncology in determining radionuclide biological dosimetry and may be indicative of patient response to new radionuclide cancer therapies.


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High power lasers have proven being capable to produce high energy γ-rays, charged particles and neutrons, and to induce all kinds of nuclear reactions. At ELI, the studies with high power lasers will enter for the first time into new domains of power and intensities: 10 PW and 10^23 W/cm^2. While the development of laser based radiation sources is the main focus at the ELI-Beamlines pillar of ELI, at ELI-NP the studies that will benefit from High Power Laser System pulses will focus on Laser Driven Nuclear Physics (this TDR, acronym LDNP, associated to the E1 experimental area), High Field Physics and QED (associated to the E6 area) and fundamental research opened by the unique combination of the two 10 PW laser pulses with a gamma beam provided by the Gamma Beam System (associated to E7 area). The scientific case of the LDNP TDR encompasses studies of laser induced nuclear reactions, aiming for a better understanding of nuclear properties, of nuclear reaction rates in laser-plasmas, as well as on the development of radiation source characterization methods based on nuclear techniques. As an example of proposed studies: the promise of achieving solid-state density bunches of (very) heavy ions accelerated to about 10 MeV/nucleon through the RPA mechanism will be exploited to produce highly astrophysical relevant neutron rich nuclei around the N~126 waiting point, using the sequential fission-fusion scheme, complementary to any other existing or planned method of producing radioactive nuclei.

The studies will be implemented predominantly in the E1 area of ELI-NP. However, many of them can be, in a first stage, performed in the E5 and/or E4 areas, where higher repetition laser pulses are available, while the harsh X-ray and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) environments are less damaging compared to E1.

A number of options are discussed through the document, having an important impact on the budget and needed resources. Depending on the TDR review and subsequent project decisions, they may be taken into account for space reservation, while their detailed design and implementation will be postponed.

The present TDR is the result of contributions from several institutions engaged in nuclear physics and high power laser research. A significant part of the proposed equipment can be designed, and afterwards can be built, only in close collaboration with (or subcontracting to) some of these institutions. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is currently under preparation with each of these key partners as well as with others that are interested to participate in the design or in the future experimental program.


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Conjugated polymers in the form of thin films play an important role in the field of materials science due to their interesting properties. Polymer thin films find extensive applications in the fabrication of devices, such as light emitting devices, rechargeable batteries, super capacitors, and are used as intermetallic dielectrics and EMI shieldings. Polymer thin films prepared by plasma-polymerization are highly cross-linked, pinhole free, and their permittivity lie in the ultra low k-regime. Electronic and photonic applications of plasma-polymerized thin films attracted the attention of various researchers. Modification of polymer thin films by swift heavy ions is well established and ion irradiation of polymers can induce irreversible changes in their structural, electrical, and optical properties. Polyaniline and polyfurfural thin films prepared by RF plasmapolymerization were irradiated with 92MeV silicon ions for various fluences of 1×1011 ions cm−2, 1×1012 ions cm−2, and 1×1013 ions cm−2. FTIR have been recorded on the pristine and silicon ion irradiated polymer thin films for structural evaluation. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded for RF plasma-polymerized thin film samples before and after irradiation. In this paper the effect of swift heavy ions on the structural and photoluminescence spectra of plasma-polymerized thin films are investigated.