783 resultados para Hearing deficient - Social exclusion
Fragile States is a way of naming this particular category of states that have weak performance, insufficient service delivery, weak administrative and government power, and lack of legal rules. Little consideration is usually made to the fact that their own societies may also be fragile and easily jeopardised by inappropriate economic measures or external events. Poverty traps and social exclusion, unjust inequalities with lack of equity, feelings of insecurity and vulnerability, usually undermine the social fabric. Moreover, the people bear their own internal fragilities, which are based on the lack of capabilities and recognition, and interfere in the relationships between the groups that constitute the society. Therefore, dealing with the issue of fragility requires to consider various decision levels, from the personal one to the State level. Such an approach could allow fragile states to conceive preventive policies that would avoid the surge of a political crisis resulting from the combination of social conflict and individual failure.
Cette thèse porte sur le phénomène de la mobilisation de personnes en situation de pauvreté et d’exclusion dans un acteur collectif existant et à travers les espaces collectifs privilégiés que constituent les organismes communautaires. Elle est composée de trois chapitres. La problématique et l’objet d’étude forment le premier, la méthodologie est présentée dans le deuxième alors que les résultats de recherche, combinés à leur analyse et à leur interprétation, constituent le troisième chapitre. La discussion générale des résultats est incluse dans la conclusion. La particularité de cette thèse réside dans l’appréhension globale du phénomène de la mobilisation, l’examinant dans le contexte spécifique de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion en tant qu’oppressions structurelles, et dans la perspective du développement du pouvoir d’agir (empowerment). Considérant que la mobilisation est le fruit de l’amalgame entre un acteur collectif et une action collective, cette recherche apporte d’abord une nouvelle compréhension de l’espace dans lequel se développe le processus de mobilisation. Elle propose en effet une distinction novatrice entre d’une part l’acteur collectif, entité relativement floue et diffuse, et d’autre part l’organisme communautaire en tant que tel, entité aux frontières bien définies, lequel fournit un espace collectif privilégié pour le développement de la mobilisation. Cette différenciation contribue notamment à mieux appréhender les processus qui s’y déroulent et à mieux cerner le rôle que peuvent jouer les organismes communautaires à cet égard. En examinant finement et avec un grand souci du détail le processus de mobilisation vécu par les individus, de leur premier contact avec un organisme communautaire à leur engagement avec un acteur collectif existant, cette recherche propose une nouvelle construction théorique à propos d’une réalité courante, mais peu explorée jusqu’à aujourd’hui, et fournit des pistes pour accompagner le plus adéquatement possible de tels processus. En se centrant sur les aspects individuels de la mobilisation sans pour autant occulter son caractère intrinsèquement collectif, cette thèse contribue à rendre encore plus explicite la nécessaire intégration entre le personnel et le collectif dans l’appréhension des problèmes sociaux, et permet d’en saisir les nombreux effets sur le plan individuel, spécialement en ce qui a trait à la restauration du statut d’acteur. En plus de démontrer clairement les liens existants entre les processus de mobilisation et de développement du pouvoir d’agir individuel et collectif, cette thèse met en évidence les principales pratiques communautaires qui y contribuent et soulève les principaux défis et les contradictions qui y sont associées. Ce faisant, elle nous semble apporter une contribution au renouvellement des pratiques sociales et communautaires.
Plusieurs travaux de recherche indiquent que des personnes âgées peuvent vivre des situations d’exclusion sociale en raison de leur âge. Celles qui reçoivent des soins palliatifs peuvent de plus être affectées par des situations d’exclusion parce qu’elles sont malades et mourantes. On constate que leur accès à ce type de soins est limité et que certaines pratiques banalisent leur expérience de fin de vie et qu’elles tiennent difficilement compte des particularités du vieillissement. À partir d’une analyse secondaire qualitative de six entrevues, menées auprès de travailleuses sociales, ce mémoire vise à comprendre en quoi leurs pratiques de soins palliatifs gérontologiques engendrent des situations d’exclusion sociale ou encore, comment elles peuvent les éloigner. En plus de contribuer au savoir pratique, ce mémoire rend compte de la diversité des représentations dans ce contexte de pratique et leur influence sur l’intervention. Ainsi, des représentations positives envers les personnes âgées, de même que des pratiques qui considèrent les différenciations individuelles, éloignent des risques d’exclusion. Toutefois, quelques-uns des principes fondamentaux de l’approche des soins palliatifs et des modèles d’accompagnement peuvent contribuer à produire des situations d’exclusion. Ce mémoire identifie, par ailleurs, un ensemble de conditions, relevant ou non de l’exclusion sociale, liées à différents contextes, aux personnes soignées et la leur famille ainsi qu’aux travailleurs sociaux, qui peuvent nuire à l’intervention, ou encore, favoriser des pratiques inclusives. Il termine par quelques pistes d’action susceptibles de promouvoir l’inclusion sociale des personnes âgées en soins palliatifs.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
The first part of the study has focused on the trends in area, production and productivity comparing the state’s performance with of national level performance. Also an attempt was made to understand the trends in commodity price over the years especially in the post liberalization period from the early 1990s. Plantation commodities occupy an important share in the country’s export basket and thereby earning foreign exchange to the national exchequer. Taking into consideration the competitive dimension of natural rubber, cardamom and pepper in the export market was analyzed to see penetration of these commodities in the world market.The second part of the study has tried to understand the plantation workers livelihood by understand the employment generation in the sector. Livelihood assets of plantation workers were analyzed to understand the nature of ownership of various assets. Understanding the poor quality and ownership of various livelihood assets and their relative deprivation the study also tried to understand the income-expenditure patterns and the nature of indebtedness among workers and the factors responsible for deprivation and thereby social exclusion.Area, Production and productivity trends of rubber, pepper and cardamom show a mixed picture. Area, Production trends are impacted greatly by the commodity price of the plantation crops.High correlation exists between commodity price and area and production trends of plantation crops in the state.In terms of Natural Rubber, Kerala experienced a steady growth over the years in terms of area production and productivity as the price of rubber has increasedIn terms of black pepper, the state witnessed a deceleration in growth.In the case of cardamom the area of cultivation declined whereas production increasedProductivity of natural rubber, pepper and cardamom has increased substantially over the yearsEmployment pattern in rubber and spices sub-sector has been analyzed by looking in to the commodity prices so as to see the changes in employment pattern over the years. The study has helped to understand that commodity price and employment generation in plantations are interconnected to such an extent that a fall in the commodity price have greater reverberations on the employment pattern in plantations.Livelihood analysis both in the small and large holdings show that workers belonging to rubber (large and small rubber) plantations have shown better possession of livelihood assets when compared to spices plantation workers as 16.2 percent of the spices sub-sector workers claimed about ownership of house which is considered to be an important and primary livelihood asset.In the case of natural assets like accessibility, availability and duration of water for drinking and other household purposes, the situation of workers in spices plantation still remain poor as around 80 percent of workers depending on public well public taps and canals as source of drinking water.Evaluating financial assets also give clear indication that the road to secure financial assets still remains a distant dream for the workers in plantation sectorEvaluating income and expenditure trends pinpoints to the fact that disparity in terms of income exist among the plantation workersWhile observing the employment though wage levels have improved because of improvement in commodity price of plantation crops, significant improvements are not visible in their livelihood and they remain excluded compared to other sections of the society.
En una sociedad donde el crecimiento económico está aislado del crecimiento social, se tiende a observar, en gran proporción, una calidad de vida marginada, marcada por la exclusión social y la falta de pertenencia, en donde el desempleo, la pobreza, el desplazamiento, etc., son fenómenos que amenazan a largo plazo los procesos competitivos y productivos del país. De cierta forma, el Gobierno, a través de sus instituciones, ha trabajado en la disminución de estas anomalías y ha obtenido resultados no muy significativos; en cierto sentido, cuando se habla de un 48,3% de personas pobres y un 12% de personas desempleadas en Colombia [DANE, 2009], es comprensible. En esta situación, toma importancia el rol en la empresa del sector privado; aquel conjunto de organizaciones con una nueva tendencia en su pensamiento: social en su visión, pública en su imagen y privada en su operación [Restrepo, 2009]. Esta nueva alternativa de adaptación crea escenarios para la aplicación de un modelo que mida la cohesión social ejercida por la empresa y, por consiguiente, una red que genere más impacto en el crecimiento social de la sociedad, equiparable con su crecimiento económico.
La exclusión social en París ha alcanzado niveles alarmantes generando un malestar social importante en los franceses, llegando incluso a transformarse en protestas callejeras como en el caso de los disturbios de 2005. Existe una segregación espacial tácita, vinculada directamente con el origen socio-cultural, el nivel económico e incluso con la orientación sexual de sus habitantes. Este reportaje apunta a resaltar esta grave situación y las iniciativas tomadas por el gobierno de Nicolás Sarkozy y los desafíos que le esperan al nuevo mandatario galo François Hollande. A lo largo de esta investigación periodística se evidencian el origen de las ampliaciones urbanas en la capital francesa, los retos sociales que persisten en el París actual y la multiplicidad de actores sociales que están involucrados. Lejos de haber un consenso, los diferentes actores implicados difieren en las medidas a adoptar para paliar esta segregación. Estas medidas van desde potenciar el transporte público hasta la construcción de viviendas de interés social.
Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED
A presente dissertação tem como temática a Toxicodependência e como objecto empírico de investigação a viabilidade Política, Social e Económica da Criação de uma Comunidade Terapêutica nos Açores. Em termos mais específicos o que se pretende provar cientificamente, é que é mais viável e sustentável a criação de uma comunidade terapêutica nos Açores, do que enviar os utentes para tratamento no território continental português. Utilizando uma abordagem de cariz quantitativo e qualitativo, através de técnicas como a pesquisa e análise documental, questionários por auto preenchimento, entrevistas qualitativas semiestruturadas e a análise de conteúdo, foram as bases metodológicas fundamentais para garantir o suporte explicativo da viabilidade política, social e económica da criação de uma Comunidade Terapêutica nos Açores. Neste contexto foram aplicados questionários a duas amostras distintas. A primeira constituída por profissionais de saúde que trabalhavam na área da toxicodependência para uma análise do ponto de vista técnico. A segunda constituída por membros da Assembleia Legislativa Regional dos Açores e órgãos do Governo Regional para uma análise do ponto de vista político, económico e social. Da análise dos resultados, conclui-se que, quer a análise financeira, quer a análise política, técnica e social efectuadas legitimam a viabilidade da criação de uma Comunidade Terapêutica na Região Autónoma dos Açores.
O presente trabalho analisa as razões que levam os alunos do ensino médio noturno, de uma escola pública de Natal, Brasil, a fracassar nos estudos. A pesquisa considera aspectos políticos, sociais, institucionais e técnicos, já que o assunto envolve fatores internos e extraescolares. Para isso, são consultados professores, pedagogos, alunos e documentos, além da literatura que trata da temática. Teóricos apontam que o fracasso escolar é originado na própria escola, que reproduz valores dominantes e por isso se apresenta como uma instituição excludente que legitima as desigualdades sociais. O aluno, por sua vez, é visto como vítima da exclusão social e educacional, uma vez que lhe falta capital cultural, econômico e social para cumprir às exigências desse modelo de escola, levando-o ao fracasso escolar. Diante disso, é preciso que o professor esteja preparado para superar essa lógica excludente. A escola deve atender às necessidades do aluno-trabalhador, garantindo-lhe o acesso ao conhecimento propedêutico e também profissional. Ao Estado cabe investir mais na educação, valorizar o professor e manter políticas públicas para superar as desigualdades sociais daqueles que dependem da escola pública noturna para ascender socialmente, tornar-se um cidadão livre e capaz de contribuir para a construção de uma sociedade menos desigual.
As part of the broader prevention and social inclusion agenda, concepts of risk, resilience, and protective factors inform a range of U.K. Government initiatives targeted towards children and young people in England, including Sure Start, the Children's Fund, On Track, and Connexions. This paper is based on findings from a large qualitative dataset of interviews conducted with children and their parents or caregiver who accessed Children's Fund services as part of National Evaluation of the Children's Fund research.1 Drawing on the notion of young people's trajectories, the paper discusses how Children's Fund services support children's and young people's pathways towards greater social inclusion. While many services help to build resilience and protective factors for individual children, the paper considers the extent to which services also promote resilience within the domains of the family, school, and wider community and, hence, attempt to tackle the complex, multi-dimensional aspects of social exclusion affecting children, young people, and their families.
As the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change become increasingly apparent, the need for facilitating successful adaptation and enhancing adaptive capacity within the context of sustainable development is clear. With adaptation high on the agenda, the notion of limits and barriers to adaptation has recently received much attention within both academic and policymaking spheres. While emerging literature has been quick to depict limits and barriers in terms of natural, financial, or technologic processes, there is a clear shortfall in acknowledging social barriers to adaptation. It is against such a backdrop that this paper sets out to expose and explore some of the underlying features of social barriers to adaptation, drawing on insights from two case studies in the Western Nepal. This paper exposes the significant role of cognitive, normative and institutional factors in both influencing and prescribing adaptation. It explores how restrictive social environments can limit adaptation actions and influence adaptive capacity at the local level, particularly for the marginalised and socially excluded. The findings suggest a need for greater recognition of the diversity and complexity of social barriers, strategic planning and incorporation at national and local levels, as well as an emphasis on tackling the underlying drivers of vulnerability and social exclusion.
The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.
This work objectives to investigate how the public policies of urbanization and land regularization of the Program of Urbanization of Informal Settlements - PROAP, in Rio de Janeiro allow the social inclusion and the rescue of the citizenship of the poor populations. To reach this objective the two programs of PROAP were analyzed into two communities both beneficed by each one of these programs. First, the social exclusion and how it reflects itself in the form of appropriation of the territory and in the type of housing was deeply analyzed. It leads the analysis of the public policies. As a next step, a brief historical analysis was made to include the PROAP in the historical context, and this was analyzed in each one of its stages. Finally, through a qualitative approaching, the slum of Vigário Geral and the irregular settlement of Ana Gonzaga have been researched, both were chose by their singular characteristics and, according to speech of the inhabitants, it was evaluated how the Program contributes in the social inclusion in these communities.