815 resultados para Health practices of women
Background. Migraine is comorbid to depression and widespread chronic pain (WCP), but the influence of these conditions on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of individuals with episodic (EM) and chronic migraine (CM) is poorly understood. Objective.-To assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms and WCP in individuals with EM and CM, as well as to estimate the joint impact of these conditions on the HRQoL of these individuals. Methods.-All women aged 18 to 65 years with a first diagnosis of EM or CM from September of 2006 to September of 2008 seen in an outpatient headache service were invited to participate. They were asked to attend a separate appointment in the service, and to bring another woman of similar age that also agreed to participate. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory. Questions about WCP followed the protocol of the American College of Rheumatology. HRQoL was assessed using the Short-Form 36 (SF-36). Multivariate analysis modeled HRQoL as a function of headache status, depressive symptoms, and pain, using quantile regression. Results.-Sample consisted of 179 women, 53 in the EM group, 37 in the CM group and 89 in control group. Groups did not differ by demographics. Mean scores of SF-36 were 53.6 (standard deviation [SD] = 23.5) for EM, 44.2 (SD = 18.5) for CM and 61.8 (SD = 21.5) for controls. In multivariate analysis, SF-36 scores were predicted by a CM status (P =.02; -10.05 [95% CI -18.52; -1.58]) and by a Beck Depression Inventory score (P <.01; -1.27 [95% CI -1.55; -0.99]). The influence of WCP in the SF-36 scores approached significance (P =.08; -0.78 [95% CI -1.64; 0.88]). Age did not contribute to the model. Conclusion.-Women with migraine are at an increased chance of WCP, and the chance increases as a function of headache frequency. Both depressive symptoms and CM independently predict HRQoL status.
The purpose of this study was to explore the psychosexual perspectives of a group of Brazilian men whose wives underwent an elective hysterectomy. A qualitative design based on the narrative analysis method was used to interview 22 husbands. Results showed similarities and differences among husbands regarding the support provided to their wives, the notion of sexual absence in the postsurgical period, the notion of sexual pleasure after the hysterectomy, and feelings regarding the impossibility of having children. The authors conclude that personal care requirements should be identified and satisfied to provide comprehensive and meaningful care.
There exists some discrepancy considering the overall health and well-being of young women in sports and performance domains. The current study aimed to examine self-reported levels of perfectionism, body esteem, and social support among college women participating in organized sports and dance. A total of 103 participants completeda series of questionnaires intended to capture these major variables of interest. Results upheld one of three major hypotheses, specifically in regards to between-group differences for lean and non-lean sport athletes. One of the most important findings wasthat among lean sport participants the relationship between body esteem and social support was statistically significant and positive, and among non-lean sport participants this same relationship was nonsignificant and negative. The applied implication of thisfinal finding is discussed, with particular emphasis on potential strategies for upholding the positive relationship between body esteem and social support among lean sport athletes.
The aim of this study was to evaluate serum and peritoneal fluid (PF) glycodelin-A concentrations in women with ovarian endometriosis. Ninety-nine matched pairs of serum and PF samples were included in our study. The case group comprised 57 women with ovarian endometriosis and the control group 42 healthy women undergoing sterilization or patients with benign ovarian cysts. Glycodelin-A concentrations were measured using ELISA. Endometriosis patients had significantly higher serum and PF glycodelin-A concentrations compared to controls, and this increase was observed in both proliferative and secretory cycle phases. Glycodelin-A concentrations were more than 10-fold higher in PF than in serum and correlated with each other. Intensity and frequency of menstrual pain positively correlated with glycodelin-A concentrations. Sensitivity and specificity of glycodelin-A as a biomarker for ovarian endometriosis were 82.1% and 78.4% in serum, and 79.7% and 77.5% in PF, respectively. These results indicate that Glycodelin-A has a potential role as a biomarker to be used in combination with other, independent marker molecules.
There is limited information regarding oral health status and other predictors of oral health-related quality of life. An association between oral health status and perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHQOL) might help clinicians motivate patients to prevent oral diseases and improve the outcome of some dental public health programs. This study evaluated the relationship between older persons' OHQOL and their functional dentition, caries, periodontal status, chronic diseases, and some demographic characteristics. A group of 733 low-income elders (mean age 72.7 [SD = 4.71, 55.6% women, 55.1% members of ethnic minority groups in the U.S. and Canada) enrolled in the TEETH clinical trial were interviewed and examined as part of their fifth annual visit for the trial. OHQOL was measured by the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI); oral health and occlusal status by clinical exams and the Eichner Index; and demographics via interviews. Elders who completed the four-year assessment had an average of 21.5 teeth (SD = 6.9), with 8.5 occluding pairs (SD = 4.6), and 32% with occlusal contacts in all four occluding zones. Stepwise multiple regressions were conducted to predict total GOHAI and its subscores (Physical, Social, and Worry). Functional dentition was a less significant predictor than ethnicity and being foreign-born. These variables, together with gender, years since immigrating, number of carious roots, and periodontal status, could predict 32% of the variance in total GOHAI, 24% in Physical, 27% in Social, and 21% in the Worry subscales. These findings suggest that functional dentition and caries influence older adults' OHQOL, but that ethnicity and immigrant status play a larger role.
BACKGROUND: Psychological factors are important in the etiology and prognosis of coronary heart disease (CHD). Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) aims to reduce psychological distress, besides other somatic risk factors. Studies have shown that CR is effective in reducing psychological distress, but little is known about gender-specific outcome differences. Our objective was to examine whether women and men benefit equally from outpatient CR in terms of reduction in psychological distress and whether women show more impaired psychological health at baseline of CR than do men. METHODS: We enrolled 441 CHD patients (mean age 58+/-11 years, 79.8% men) who underwent a 12-week outpatient CR program. Psychological dimensions, namely, anxiety, depression, vital exhaustion, social inhibition, and negative affect, were assessed at baseline and post-CR. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), controlling for age, disease severity, and exercise capacity, was applied to test for gender-specific differences at baseline and change between baseline and post-CR. In addition, gender-specific effect sizes were calculated for the change on psychological dimensions. RESULTS: Women and men did not differ on any psychological measure at baseline of CR. The effect sizes show small to moderate treatment effects on the psychological dimensions assessed. Gender had a significant impact on change on the dimensions vital exhaustion (F=5.040(df=1), p<0.05) and social inhibition (F=5.74(df=1), p<0.05). Women showed larger change on social inhibition and smaller change on vital exhaustion than men. CONCLUSIONS: Women and men do not differ in the extent of psychological distress at baseline of CR, which could be explained also by the exclusion of highly distressed women from treatment. CR is less effective among women with regard to vital exhaustion and more effective with regard to social inhibition compared with men in a sample of low distressed patients.
While empirical evidence continues to show that people living in low socio-economic status neighbourhoods are less likely to engage in health-enhancing behaviour, our understanding of why this is so remains less than clear. We suggest that two changes could take place to move from description to understanding in this field; (i) a move away from the established concept of individual health behaviour to a contextualised understanding of health practices; and (ii) a switch from focusing on health inequalities in outcomes to health inequities in conditions. We apply Pierre Bourdieu's theory on capital interaction but find it insufficient with regard to the role of agency for structural change. We therefore introduce Amartya Sen's capability approach as a useful link between capital interaction theory and action to reduce social inequities in health-related practices. Sen's capability theory also elucidates the importance of discussing unequal chances in terms of inequity, rather than inequality, in order to underscore the moral nature of inequalities. We draw on the discussion in social geography on environmental injustice, which also underscores the moral nature of the spatial distribution of opportunities. The article ends by applying this approach to the 'Interdisciplinary study of inequalities in smoking' framework.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of and the relationships between the degree and source of hyperandrogenemia, ovulatory patterns and cardiovascular disease risk indicators (blood pressure, indices or amount of obesity and fat distribution) in women with menstrual irregularities seen at endocrinologists' clinic. Design: A cross-sectional study design. Participants: A sample of 159 women with menstrual irregularities, aged 15-44, seen at endocrinologists' clinic. Main Outcome Measures: androgen levels, body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP & DBP), source of androgens, ovulatory activity. Results: The prevalence of hyperandrogenemia was 54.7% in this study sample. As expected, women with acne or hirsutism had an odds ratio 12.5 (95%CI = 5.2-25.5) times and 36 (95%CI = 12.9-99.5) times more likely to have hyperandrogenemia than those without acne or hirsutism. The main findings of this study were the following: Hyperandrogenemic women were more likely to have oligomenorrheic cycles (OR = 3.8, 95%CI = 1.5-9.9), anovulatory cycles (OR = 6.6, 95%CI = 2.8-15.4), general obesity (BMI $\ge$ 27) (OR = 6.8, 95%CI = 2.2-27.2) and central obesity (WHR $\ge$ 127) (OR = 14.5, 95%CI = 6.1-38.7) than euandrogenemic women. Hyperandrogenemic women with non-suppressible androgens had a higher mean BMI (29.3 $\pm$ 8.9) than those with suppressible androgens (27.9 $\pm$ 7.9); the converse was true for abdominal adiposity (WHR). Hyperandrogenemic women had a 2.4 odds ratio (95%CI = 1.0-6.2) for an elevated SBP and a 2.7 odds ratio (95%CI = 0.8-8.8) for elevated DBP. When age differences were accounted for, this relationship was strengthened and further strengthened when sources of androgens were controlled. When the differences in BMI were controlled, the odds ratio for elevated SBP in hyperandrogenemic women increased to 8.8 (95%CI = 1.1-69.9). When the age, the source of androgens, the amount of obesity and the type of obesity were controlled, hyperandrogenemic women had 13.5 (95%CI = 1.1-158.9) odds ratio for elevated SBP. Conclusions: In this study population, the presence of menstrual irregularities are highly predictive for the presence of elevated androgens. Women with elevated androgens have a high risk for obesity, more specifically for central obesity. The androgenemic status is an independent predictor of blood pressure elevation. It is probable that in the general population, the presence of menstrual irregularities are predictive of hyperandrogenemia. There is a great need for a population study of the prevalence of hyperandrogenemia and for longitudinal studies in hyperandrogenemic women (adrenarche to menopause) to investigate the evolution of these relationships. ^
The vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a rare chronic skin condition that may progress to an invasive carcinoma of the vulva. Major issues affecting women's health were occurring symptoms, negative influences on sexuality, uncertainty concerning the illness progression and changes in the body image. Despite this, there is little known about the lived experiences of the illness trajectory. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the experiences of women with VIN during the illness trajectory. In a secondary data analysis of the foregoing qualitative study we analysed eight narrative interviews with women with VIN by using thematic analysis in combination with critical hermeneutics. Central for these women during their course of illness was a sense of "Hope and Fear". This constitutive pattern reflects the fear of recurrence but also the trust in healing. The eight narratives showed women's experiences during their course of illness occurred in five phases: "there is something unknown"; "one knows, what IT is"; "IT is treated and should heal"; "IT has effects on daily life"; "meanwhile it works". Women's experiences were particularly influenced by the feeling of "embarrassment" and by "dealing with professionals". Current care seems to lack adequate support for women with VIN to manage these phases. We suggest, based on our study and the international literature, that new models of counselling and providing information need to be developed and evaluated.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to describe the (a) symptom experience of women with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and vulvar cancer (vulvar neoplasia) during the first week after hospital discharge, and (b) associations between age, type of disease, stage of disease, the extent of surgical treatment and symptom experience. METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted in eight hospitals in Germany and Switzerland (Clinical Trial ID: NCT01300663). Symptom experience after surgical treatment in women with vulvar neoplasia was measured with our newly developed WOMAN-PRO instrument. Outpatients (n=65) rated 31 items. We used descriptive statistics and regression analysis. RESULTS The average number of symptoms reported per patient was 20.2 (SD 5.77) with a range of 5 to 31 symptoms. The three most prevalent wound-related symptoms were 'swelling' (n=56), 'drainage' (n=54) and 'pain' (n=52). The three most prevalent difficulties in daily life were 'sitting' (n=63), 'wearing clothes' (n=56) and 'carrying out my daily activities' (n=51). 'Tiredness' (n=62), 'insecurity' (n=54) and 'feeling that my body has changed' (n=50) were the three most prevalent psychosocial symptoms/issues. The most distressing symptoms were 'sitting' (Mean 2.03, SD 0.88), 'open spot (e.g. opening of skin or suture)' (Mean 1.91, SD 0.93), and 'carrying out my daily activities' (Mean 1.86, SD 0.87), which were on average reported as 'quite a bit' distressing. Negative associations were found between psychosocial symptom experience and age. CONCLUSIONS WOMAN-PRO data showed a high symptom prevalence and distress, call for a comprehensive symptom assessment, and may allow identification of relevant areas in symptom management.
BACKGROUND Fertility is impaired in many survivors of childhood cancer following treatment. Preservation of fertility after cancer has become a central survivorship concern. Nevertheless, several doctors, patients, and families do not discuss fertility and recommendations for fertility preservation in pediatrics are still lacking. Recommendations based on scientific evidence are needed and before their development we wanted to assess the practice patterns of fertility preservation in Europe. PROCEDURES On behalf of the PanCare network, we sent a questionnaire to pediatric onco-hematology institutions across Europe. The survey consisted of 21 questions assessing their usual practices around fertility preservation. RESULTS One hundred ninety-eight institutional representatives across Europe received the survey and 68 (response rate 34.3%) responded. Pre-treatment fertility counseling was offered by 64 institutions. Counseling was done by a pediatric onco-hematologist in 52% (33/64) and in 32% (20/64) by a team. The majority of institutions (53%) lacked recommendations for fertility preservation. All 64 centers offered sperm banking; eight offered testicular tissue cryopreservation for pre-pubertal males. For females, the possibility of preserving ovarian tissue was offered by 40 institutions. CONCLUSIONS There is a high level of interest in fertility preservation among European centers responding to our survey. However, while most recommended sperm cryopreservation, many also recommended technologies whose efficacy has not been shown. There is an urgent need for evidence-based European recommendations for fertility preservation to help survivors deal with the stressful topic of fertility. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2014;9999:1-5. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Endometriosis affects approximately 15% of reproductive aged women and is associated with chronic pelvic pain and infertility. However, the molecular mechanisms by which endometriosis impacts fertility are poorly understood. The developmentally regulated, imprinted H19 long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) functions to reduce the bioavailability of microRNA let-7 by acting as a molecular sponge. Here we report that H19 expression is significantly decreased in the eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis as compared to normal controls. We show that decreased H19 increases let-7 activity, which in turn inhibits Igf1r expression at the post-transcriptional level, thereby contributing to reduced proliferation of endometrial stromal cells. We propose that perturbation of this newly identified H19/Let-7/IGF1R regulatory pathway may contribute to impaired endometrial preparation and receptivity for pregnancy in women with endometriosis. Our finding represents the first example of a lncRNA-based mechanism in endometriosis and its associated infertility, thus holding potential in the development of novel therapeutics for women with endometriosis and infertility.
Forty-nine percent of pregnancies in the United States are unintended and significant numbers of pregnancies are unintended for women of all ages. One possible reason for the high rate is that while 85% of women at risk for an unintended pregnancy use contraception, negative attitudes about the method used make them poor contraceptors. Negative attitudes may prevent the remaining 15% of women from using any method of birth control. This study examined adult women's attitudes toward contraception and its use to see if attitudes correlate with unintended pregnancy. ^ To obtain a sample of women experiencing unintended pregnancies, women obtaining therapeutic abortions were surveyed since almost all women obtaining therapeutic abortions are experiencing an unintended pregnancy. The study used a cross-sectional survey design and included 312 women obtaining abortions at the Planned Parenthood Surgical Services Clinic in Houston in the latter half of 1999. ^ The responses revealed a lack of knowledge about the safety and effectiveness of contraception, particularly for methods other than oral contraceptives and condoms. Thirty-four percent of the participants were uncomfortable buying contraception. While 71% of the participants said their physician recommended their use of contraception, 17% were unsure and 35% did not talk to their physician about contraception on a regular basis. ^ The attitudes of women using contraception were compared with those not using contraception and many differences were seen. Women not using contraception responded with more ‘unsure’ answers and believed contraception was more difficult to use. They felt planning ahead for the use of contraception interfered with the enjoyment of sex (p-value = 0.06). They were less likely to use contraception if their partner disapproved (p-value = 0.01) and more of them believed their church disapproved of contraception (p-value = 0.02). In comparison, women using contraception had negative attitudes about the safety of the pill (p-values = 0.01–0.08) and the effectiveness of the condom (p-value = 0.04). Therefore, the negative attitudes women using contraception had about contraception may interfere with their effective use of birth control. Those not using contraception were found to hold attitudes that may contribute to their non-use of contraception. ^
Alcohol abuse and its related problems are among the most pervasive health and social concerns in the United States (U.S.) today. Women are especially vulnerable to the physical and social devastation of alcohol abuse. Yet, although there is extensive research about alcohol drinking patterns, treatment strategies, and early recovery, there is little information about the factors that facilitate successfully sustained abstinence in women. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the common factors to successful recovery from alcohol abuse among women and to place these factors within both the context of their social networks and the larger social environment. This study draws from the population of New Mexico, where alcohol-related deaths are the highest of any state in the U.S. and the leading cause of death for individuals under the age of 65 years. The study was a focused ethnography of women who had successfully maintained long-term recovery from alcohol abuse. As an ethnographic study, data collection included participant observation, in-depth interviews with 21 women, and the collection of historical and current culturally relevant data. A purposive sampling plan was used to maximize the selection of participants who had used traditional and non-traditional approaches to recovery. As such, the analysis of the success narratives revealed two distinct findings: the first that women used several different trajectories to achieve long-term recovery. Three trajectory typologies were identified from the success narratives and labeled, A.A. as ceremony, A.A. as grounding, and Recovery as self-management. ^ However, within each of these trajectories, variations in successful recovery were seen. The second major finding was that all women articulated an overarching theme of connections as an indispensable aspect of sustained recovery. The success narratives demonstrated the powerful role that connections played in their long-term recovery and the analysis distinguished two unifying concepts of connections—those that focused beyond self (spirituality, social support, and pets) and those that focused toward self (self-nurturance, agency, and identity). This discussion will focus on the implications for clinical practice related to both women who are still actively abusing alcohol and for those who are successfully maintaining long-term recovery. ^