968 resultados para Health behaviors


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INTRODUCTION: There is limited understanding of the association between peer social networks and physical activity (PA), sedentary and screen-related behaviors. This study reports on associations between personal network characteristics and these important health behaviors for early adolescents. METHODS: Participants were 310 students, aged 11-13 years, from fifteen randomly selected Victorian primary schools (43% response rate). PA and sedentary behaviors were collected via accelerometer and self-report questionnaire, and anthropometric measures via trained researchers. Participants nominated up to fifteen friends, and described the frequency of interaction and perceived activity intensity of these friends. Personal network predictors were examined using regression modelling for PA and sedentary/screen behavior. RESULTS: Perceived activity levels of friends, and friendships with very frequent interaction were associated with outside-of-school PA and/or sedentary/screen time. Differences according to sex were also observed in the association between network characteristics and PA and sedentary time. A higher number of friends and greater proportion of same sex friends were associated with boys engaging in more moderate-to-vigorous PA outside of school hours. PA intensity during school-day breaks was positively associated with having a greater proportion of friends who played sports for girls, and a greater proportion of male friends for boys. CONCLUSION: Friendship network characteristics are associated with PA and sedentary/screen time in late childhood/early adolescence, and these associations differ by sex. The positive influence of very active peers may be a promising avenue to strengthen traditional interventions for the promotion of PA and reduction in screen time.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A infecção pelo Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV) é uma das ISTs mais comuns no mundo e possui alto potencial carcinogênico para a cérvice uterina. OBJETIVOS: Identificar possíveis défices de competência para o autocuidado relativo ao comportamento de saúde sexual de mulheres atendidas nas Unidades Saúde da Família Paraíso do Murinin com resultados alterados para HPV e desenvolver estratégias de educação para a saúde que contribuam para comportamentos sexuais saudáveis na prevenção e controle do HPV e suas consequências. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa desenvolvida no município de Benevides, Estado do Pará. Estudo configurado como pesquisa convergente-assistencial (PCA), que teve como referencial teórico o Autocuidado de Orem. A estratégia educacional foi aplicada em 11 mulheres na faixa etária entre 25 e 64 anos, que realizaram o exame de PCCU entre os anos 2011 e 2012 e que tiveram resultado com alterações relacionadas à contaminação pelo HPV. No desenvolvimento da estratégia educacional foi utilizada a técnica do grupo focal, o qual perdurou por dois meses (19/03/13-14/05/2013), com sete encontros grupais. A análise das informações colhidas durante as atividades grupais foi baseada na PCA e no referencial de autocuidado de Orem, com foco nos objetivos definidos, buscando avaliar como a mudança na percepção dos comportamentos de saúde na prevenção e controle do HPV se processava ante a estratégia educacional desenvolvida, norteada pelos preceitos do sistema de enfermagem de apoio-educação de OREM. RESULTADOS: Durante a pesquisa foi identificado défice de competência para o autocuidado na prevenção, tratamento/controle do HPV e nos cuidados apropriados; défice de conhecimentos acerca do HPV, suas consequências e seu enfrentamento; défice de competência para o autocuidado em práticas de vida sexual satisfatoriamente partilhadas; défice de competência quanto ao cuidado relacionado à redução de riscos socioeconômicos; défice de autocuidado em desvio de saúde relacionado ao tratamento e controle do HPV. Posteriormente foram desenvolvidas ações educativas contribuintes para comportamentos sexuais seguros em face do HPV e a outras ISTs. Ao longo do processo educativo as mulheres passaram a demonstrar competência cognitiva quanto à infecção por HPV e competência para o autocuidado em práticas de vida sexual satisfatoriamente partilhadas. CONCLUSÃO E IMPLICAÇÕES: concluímos que as estratégias educacionais utilizadas contribuem na aprendizagem das mulheres infectadas pelo HPV, na medida em que demonstraram sinais deaquisição de competências e habilidades para autocuidado e higiene com vista a práticas sexuais mais saudáveis, de modo compartilhado com seus parceiros. As implicações para a prática assistencial estão relacionadas à necessidade da enfermagem no desenvolvimento de mecanismos para melhor acolher o par sexual como usuários, de acordo com a política de prevenção de ISTs e de promoção de saúde da mulher. Para o ensino, salienta-se a importância de capacitação em serviço para atender a unidade mulher/homem como par conjugal/sexual, como também na formação de profissionais com uma visão abrangente de unidade implicada: o casal, a família. Para a pesquisa, é imprescindível a investigação de comportamentos humanos que mantêm elevada a incidência de papilomavirus humano, no intuito de encontrar estratégias que debelem a incidência e intensifique o controle, o tratamento e a prevenção de agravos pelo HPV.


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O presente estudo tem como tema de discussão, o trabalho do Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) como essencial para ações de prevenção e controle do câncer, em conjunto com a equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Direcionou-se o olhar, através dos olhos do ACS, para os riscos e atitudes facilitadoras para o desenvolvimento do câncer, bem como para sinais de alarme. A questão que norteou a pesquisa foi: os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, após receberem devida capacitação, alcançam habilidades suficientes para atuarem no controle do câncer, através de ações da identificação de riscos e educação em saúde? O objetivo principal consistiu em elaborar um modelo de intervenção que contribua para o controle do câncer na Atenção Básica, tendo o ACS como principal mediador. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de intervenção, transversal, de abordagem qualitativa, tendo como objeto de estudo, o trabalho do ACS como um instrumento da ESF para o controle do câncer. Foram selecionados cinco ACS‘s como participantes principais e oito famílias como participantes secundários. Para a produção dos dados usou-se da pesquisa de campo, que transcorreu entre os meses de janeiro a abril de 2014, e contou com o método observacional. Esta produção foi dividida em dois momentos: estudo de eficácia e estudo de eficiência. A análise dos dados foi organizada em duas matrizes interpretativas: considerações acerca das atividades desenvolvidas e o corolário das ações desenvolvidas, cada uma com suas respectivas categorias e temas. Esta análise contou com o suporte teórico-metodológico da análise de conteúdo temática proposta por Bardin (2011). Quanto aos resultados, os ACS‘s, após receberem o trabalho de capacitação, tiveram um bom desempenho nas atividades de investigação e educação em saúde. Em um primeiro momento, a intervenção despertou mudanças positivas no cotidiano das famílias participantes da pesquisa, isto é, após a educação em saúde realizada pelos ACS‘s conseguiram abandonar hábitos de risco que haviam sido identificados. Assim, após implementação do plano prévio de intervenção, evidenciou o modelo aplicável, ou seja, foi possível perceber como deve se organizar e quais os passos devem ser realizados. A presente pesquisa ainda não pode responder se a intervenção elaborada, em definitivo, é capaz de ocasionar mudanças positivas no cotidiano dos participantes a longo prazo e, principalmente, se estas mudanças ajudarão na redução dos índices de câncer. Cabe destacar, para que intervenções como esta tenham sucesso parcerias precisam ser fortalecidas. Pois para que possamos ter uma saúde pública eficiente e, ao mesmo tempo, uma Atenção Básica de qualidade, necessita-se de fato, que todos trabalhem juntos.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O Programa HIPERDIA foi implantado em 2001 na atenção básica devido à gravidade epidemiológica da Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e o Diabetes Mellitus (DM), afecções que podem acarretar sérias complicações incutindo limitações e sofrimento na vida de seus portadores e suas famílias. Nesse contexto, ressalte-se a importância da prevenção primária dessas afecções e de suas complicações. Passado mais de uma década de sua implementação, cabe refletir acerca do impacto nas condições de saúde que o Programa tem gerado entre seus usuários. OBJETIVOS: Elucidar os princípios, a filosofia e a política norteadora do Programa HIPERDIA do Ministério da Saúde (MS); descrever como funciona o atendimento do usuário pela equipe de saúde de um Programa HIPERDIA; explorar os comportamentos de vida e saúde demonstrados pelos usuários do HIPERDIA após sua inserção no Programa. DESCRIÇÃO METODOLÓGICA: Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso segundo Yin (2010) cujo objeto de estudo foi um Programa HIPERDIA executado numa Unidade Básica de Saúde da periferia de Belém-PA. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista com usuários, equipe e gestores do Programa, além da observação direta do campo, consulta de prontuários e da documentação oficial do MS. A análise dos dados obtidos foi feita por meio da estratégia analítica “Contando com Proposições Teóricas” e da técnica analítica “Combinação de Padrão”. RESULTADOS: A precarização da gestão do Programa HIPERDIA ilustrada por deficiências na infraestrutura, insumos, medicamentos e fragilidades na rede de referência e contrarreferência, a demanda espontânea excessiva que sobrecarrega a equipe de saúde alocada em número insuficiente e o contexto de pobreza e violência urbana em que os usuários vivem contribuem para a baixa adesão ao regime terapêutico e limitam a equipe em sua atuação interdisciplinar e integral. Ademais, o modelo de atenção vigente é pautado no tradicional, baseado em consultas e prescrições e que não tem se demonstrado suficiente para atender integralmente às necessidades de atenção ao portador de condição crônica, que requer cuidados prolongados com adoção de estilos de vida mais condizentes e saudáveis. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Grandes desafios se desenham diante dos dados emergidos deste estudo e envolvem ações macrogovernamentais e intersetoriais que promovam melhorias nas condições de vida da população o que requer vontade política para investimento dos recursos necessários. Não obstante a isso, a enfermagem pode dar sua contribuição promovendo cuidado cultural e ações de autocuidado, personalizando o plano de ação e trazendo a corresponsabilidade do usuário e sua família na melhoria de sua condição de saúde.


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Screening of peripheral atherosclerosis is increasingly used, but few trials have examined its clinical impact. We aimed to assess whether carotid plaque screening helps smokers to improve their health behaviors and cardiovascular risk factors.


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BACKGROUND Anxiety disorders have been linked to an increased risk of incident coronary heart disease in which inflammation plays a key pathogenic role. To date, no studies have looked at the association between proinflammatory markers and agoraphobia. METHODS In a random Swiss population sample of 2890 persons (35-67 years, 53% women), we diagnosed a total of 124 individuals (4.3%) with agoraphobia using a validated semi-structured psychiatric interview. We also assessed socioeconomic status, traditional cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., body mass index, hypertension, blood glucose levels, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio), and health behaviors (i.e., smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity), and other major psychiatric diseases (other anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, drug dependence) which were treated as covariates in linear regression models. Circulating levels of inflammatory markers, statistically controlled for the baseline demographic and health-related measures, were determined at a mean follow-up of 5.5 ± 0.4 years (range 4.7 - 8.5). RESULTS Individuals with agoraphobia had significantly higher follow-up levels of C-reactive protein (p = 0.007) and tumor-necrosis-factor-α (p = 0.042) as well as lower levels of the cardioprotective marker adiponectin (p = 0.032) than their non-agoraphobic counterparts. Follow-up levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 did not significantly differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest an increase in chronic low-grade inflammation in agoraphobia over time. Such a mechanism might link agoraphobia with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and needs to be tested in longitudinal studies.


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Literature on hypertension treatment has demonstrated that a healthy life style is one of the best strategies for hypertension control. In exploring the mechanisms of behavioral change for hypertension control, a comprehensive study based on the Transtheoretical Model was carried out in Taiwan during the summer of 2000 with a sample of 350 hypertensive adults living in Taipei urban and rural areas. ^ The relationships among stages of change, processes of change and demographic factors were analyzed for six health behaviors—low fat food consumption, alcohol use, smoking, physical activity, weight control, and routine blood pressure checkups. In addition, differences were assessed between urban and rural populations in changing their behavior for hypertension control. ^ The results showed that rural populations had more difficulties than urban populations in avoiding smoking and engaging in physical activity, and the processes of change being used by urban populations were significantly greater than rural populations. The study findings support a strong association between processes and stages of change. ^ Individuals who use more processes of change will be more inclined to move from precontemplation stage to maintenance stage. Counterconditioning, which is the substitution of alternatives for the problem behaviors, in this study, significantly helped people to change diet, engage in physical activity, and check blood pressure regularly. For example, counterconditioning is eating more vegetables instead of meat, or engaging in physical activity as a time to relax rather than another task to accomplish. ^ In addition, self-reevaluation was the most important process for helping people to engage in physical activity; and social liberation was the most important process for changing diet behavior. The findings in this study may be applied to improve health behaviors among rural populations with low income and low education; however, at the same time, the obesity problems among urban populations should be prevented to control hypertension in Taiwan. ^


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The purpose of this study is to fill a gap in the literature by investigating how an ignored population of women, women over age 50, copes with HIV/ AIDS. Older women are referred to as "invisible victims" with regard to HIV/AIDS. Previous research on coping with HIV/ AIDS focuses mostly on men. Of the research that does focus on women, older women are often overlooked. Although older women are a minority compared to other HIV-infected populations in the US, they are just as deserving of recognition and care as any other population. Data was collected through open-ended, in-depth interviews with four women individually. Recruitment of the sample is from several health institutions serving HIV/AIDS populations. The major topics discussed in the interviews include: demographics, what it is like to live with HIV or AIDS, and way of coping with HIV/ AIDS, including social support, religion, and health behaviors. The data analysis process is a qualitative one, with exploration of major themes and presentation of rich descriptions to illustrate those themes. Results from the data show that in terms of coping, all four participants found it most difficult to cope with a different aspect of living with HIV. Regardless of this finding, participants still employed similar coping strategies. As hypothesized, social support and religious/ spiritual support are important aspects in coping with HIV for all participants. The use of education as a coping mechanism was not an anticipated result. Yet, education was a constant theme, whether it was educating oneself about the disease to better understand it or educating others as to prevent them from contracting HIV. A variety of different positive coping strategies were employed by the participants in coping with their HIV, including altering negative health habits and staying optimistic. Negative coping strategies were also employed, but these seemed to be discussed less throughout the interviews. Overall, the results of this study demonstrate the resilience of these women in terms of finding ways of living with HIV instead of dying from HIV.


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Our national focus and emphasis on the promotion of healthy behavior choices regarding tobacco and other drugs continues to target adolescents. Multiple studies have shown that adolescence is the optimum period for the prevention of substance use initiation as life-long patterns of health behaviors are established during this critical developmental stage. Tobacco use is associated with an increase in morbid and mortal health conditions of which prevalence increases throughout the lifespan. Attention to the antecedents of preventable health conditions aims to modify the risks and identify health promotion factors. Modifying antecedent factors for tobacco initiation in youth and identifying protective factors for successful smoking cessation has major public health implications across the lifespan. Of foremost interest are those risk factors and resultant behaviors that predict a youth's probability of initiating cigarette use and their cessation of cigarette use. Specifically, this dissertation supports previous results identifying intervention variables on the initiation/cessation continuum model especially with the established predictors of smoking (decisional balance and susceptibility) and with more recently identified predictors of smoking (nicotine dependence and withdrawal symptoms) in current and former smokers in a sample of high school students in Austin and Houston, Texas. These results offer insight for the development of appropriate intervention program strategies for our youth. ^


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Few studies have examined predictors of smoking abstinence among Hispanic groups. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the relations of sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related factors with smoking abstinence among a group of Hispanic Spanish speaking smokers. This study utilized previously collected data from Hispanic Spanish-speaking smokers (N = 246) who participated in a study entitled Smoking Cessation Services for Hispanic Smokers in Texas. ^ The first study examined sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related mechanisms that predicted smoking abstinence among this group. Two of the characteristics were related to smoking abstinence, marital status and acculturation level. Being unmarried increased the likelihood of being abstinent at the 12 week assessment (OR = 1.80). Those in the high acculturation group were twice as likely to be abstinent (OR = 2.24). Of the smoking related mechanisms, those with higher positive reinforcement expectancies were less likely to be abstinent (OR = .86), as were those with a higher level of affiliative attachment (OR = .86), a higher level of craving (OR = .78) and a higher tolerance to the effect of smoking (OR = .74). The second study was to examine the relationship of objective measures of socioeconomic status (SES) (income, education, or employment) with smoking abstinence among this group. This study also compared the relationship of a subjective measure of SES (Social Status Ladder) to smoking abstinence. None of the objective measures of SES were related to smoking abstinence at the 12 week assessment. The subjective measure of SES did predict smoking abstinence (OR = 1.9) indicting that those that rated themselves ≤4 on the SES scale were more likely to be abstinent. ^ Although this group was recruited using various methods across the state of Texas, the fact that they preferred to interact with the counselor in Spanish may limit the study findings. The results of this study highlight the need for research to examine specific subgroups of people and understand the special circumstances that influence their health behaviors. Furthering our knowledge of the relations between sociodemographic characteristics and smoking cessation could lead to interventions that reduce disparities in smoking cessation. ^


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Gender and racial/ethnic disparities in colorectal cancer screening (CRC) has been observed and associated with income status, education level, treatment and late diagnosis. According to the American Cancer Society, among both males and females, CRC is the third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer and accounts for 10% of cancer deaths in the United States. Differences in CRC test use have been documented and limited to access to health care, demographics and health behaviors, but few studies have examined the correlates of CRC screening test use by gender. This present study examined the prevalence of CRC screening test use and assessed whether disparities are explained by gender and racial/ethnic differences. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for gender and racial/ethnic group differences using the chi square statistic. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. ^ Results indicated there are disparities in the use of CRC screening test use and there were statistically significant difference in the prevalence for both FOBT and endoscopy screening between gender, χ2, p≤0.003. Females had a lower prevalence of endoscopy colorectal cancer screening than males when adjusting for age and education (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.82–0.95). However, no statistically significant difference was reported between racial/ethnic groups, χ 2 p≤0.179 after adjusting for age, education and gender. For both FOBT and endoscopy screening Non-Hispanic Blacks and Hispanics had a lower prevalence of screening compared with Non-Hispanic Whites. In the multivariable regression model, the gender disparities could largely be explained by age, income status, education level, and marital status. Overall, individuals between the age "70–79" years old, were married, with some college education and income greater than $20,000 were associated with a higher prevalence of colorectal cancer screening test use within gender and racial/ethnic groups. ^


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Education is related to health. In cross-sectional data, education level has been associated with physical functioning. Also, lower levels of education have been associated with health behaviors including smoking, alcohol use, and greater body weight. In school, students may benefit from greater exposed to health-related messages, while students who have dropped out may be more susceptible to influences regarding negative health behaviors such as smoking. ^ Improved school retention might improve long-term health outcomes. However, there is limited evidence regarding modifiable factors that predict likelihood of dropping out. Two likely psychosocial measures are locus of control and parent-child academic conversations. In the current study, data from two waves of a population-based longitudinal survey, the National Education Longitudinal Survey, were utilized to evaluate whether these two psychosocial measures could predict likelihood of dropping out, for students (n = 16,749) in tenth grade at 1990, with dropout status determined at 1992, while controlling for recognized sociodemographic predictors including parental income, parental education level, race/ethnicity, and sex. Locus of control was measured with the Pearlin Mastery Scale, and parent-child academic conversations were measured by three questions concerning course selection at school, school activities and events, and things the student studied in class. ^ In a logistic regression model, with the sociodemographic control measures entered in a first step before entry of the psychosocial measures in a second step, this study determined that lower levels of locus of control were associated with greater likelihood of dropping out after two years (odds ratio (OR) = 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 108 to 1.15, p < .001), and two of the three parent-child academic discussion items were associated with greater likelihood of dropping out after two years (OR = 1.69, CI 1.48-1.93, p < .001; OR = 1.22, CI 1.05-1.41, p = .01; OR = 1.01, CI .88-1.15, p = .94). ^ It is possible that interventions aimed at improving locus of control, and aimed at building parent-child academic conversations, could lower the likelihood of students dropping out, and this in turn could yield improved heath behaviors and health status in the child's future. ^


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Rates of childhood obesity have increased three-fold in the last 20 years, and experts estimate that well over half of adolescents with a Body Mass Index at or above the 95th percentile become obese adults. These trends are even more pronounced in ethnic minority and lower income populations that are disproportionately impacted by obesity and its complications. It would be appropriate, then, to focus obesity interventions on Hispanic children. Television viewing, especially, has been shown to contribute to obesity by increasing caloric intake and decreasing physical activity. Parent involvement has proven to be a critical component in changing children’s health behaviors. In order to explore parents’ motivations for limiting their children’s television viewing, I qualitatively analyzed data from twenty-five interviews with Houston area Head Start parents. Using Grounded Theory, four main categories of concern emerged from the audio-recorded conversations: developmentally inappropriate content, the influence of television, poor health behaviors/outcomes, and general disapproval with television. Developmentally inappropriate content was the most frequently mentioned category with 119 mentions. This included violence, the most common sub-theme. In all, parents were more concerned with television content that produced proximate consequences such as modeling violent behavior or inappropriate language. Content that encouraged behaviors that led to obesity or other delayed consequences were of less concern to the parents. This suggests that future interventions aimed at encouraging Hispanic parents to reduce their children’s television viewing should draw motivation from parents’ concerns about developmentally inappropriate content, rather than focusing on deleterious health outcomes such as obesity. ^


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Background. This culminating experience project was inspired by an independent study conducted at The University of Texas School of Public Health with Dr. Andrew Springer, DrPH, who works on the evaluation of the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program in Travis County, Texas. It was indicated that a social marketing plan could enhance current efforts for the CATCH program. The aims of the project were to (1) review and synthesize literature on social marketing, with a specific focus on diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention; and (2) apply the gained knowledge toward a practical solution – a social marketing plan for the CATCH program.^ Methods. The literature review aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What audiences (ethnic and age groups), settings, health behaviors, and behavioral science theories have been used in social marketing campaigns? (2) What features of social marketing were used (e.g. formative research, segmentation, and the marketing mix - including promotional strategies and communication channels)? (3) What were the outcomes of the social marketing campaigns? The search aimed to identify studies that met the following inclusion criteria: (a) The study explicitly stated that social marketing was used; (b) The intervention promoted physical activity and/or healthy eating; (c) The population was children, adolescents, young adults, and/or parents; (d) Results of the intervention were available in the published literature The literature review includes studies from the past five years (2004 to 2009). After reviewing the social marketing literature, the insight and knowledge gained was applied to develop a social marketing plan for the CATCH program. The plan was guided by Hands-on Social Marketing, A Step-by-Step Guide and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Marketing web course.^