178 resultados para Hallucinations


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Background: We and others have described the neurodegenerative disorder caused by G51D SNCA mutation which shares characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). The objective of this investigation was to extend the description of the clinical and neuropathological hallmarks of G51D mutant SNCA-associated disease by the study of two additional cases from a further G51D SNCA kindred and to compare the features of this group with a SNCA duplication case and a H50Q SNCA mutation case. Results: All three G51D patients were clinically characterised by parkinsonism, dementia, visual hallucinations, autonomic dysfunction and pyramidal signs with variable age at disease onset and levodopa response. The H50Q SNCA mutation case had a clinical picture that mimicked late-onset idiopathic PD with a good and sustained levodopa response. The SNCA duplication case presented with a clinical phenotype of frontotemporal dementia with marked behavioural changes, pyramidal signs, postural hypotension and transiently levodopa responsive parkinsonism. Detailed post-mortem neuropathological analysis was performed in all cases. All three G51D cases had abundant α-synuclein pathology with characteristics of both PD and MSA. These included widespread cortical and subcortical neuronal α-synuclein inclusions together with small numbers of inclusions resembling glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) in oligodendrocytes. In contrast the H50Q and SNCA duplication cases, had α-synuclein pathology resembling idiopathic PD without GCIs. Phosphorylated α-synuclein was present in all inclusions types in G51D cases but was more restricted in SNCA duplication and H50Q mutation. Inclusions were also immunoreactive for the 5G4 antibody indicating their highly aggregated and likely fibrillar state. Conclusions: Our characterisation of the clinical and neuropathological features of the present small series of G51D SNCA mutation cases should aid the recognition of this clinico-pathological entity. The neuropathological features of these cases consistently share characteristics of PD and MSA and are distinct from PD patients carrying the H50Q or SNCA duplication.


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BACKGROUND: Members of the general public often lack the knowledge and skills to intervene effectively to help someone who may be developing a psychotic illness before appropriate professional help is received. METHODS: We used the Delphi method to determine recommendations on first aid for psychosis. An international panel of 157 mental health consumers, carers, and clinicians completed a 146-item questionnaire about how a member of the public could help someone who may be experiencing psychosis. The panel members rated each questionnaire item according to whether they believed the statement should be included in the first aid recommendations. The results were analyzed by comparing consensus rates across the 3 groups. Three rounds of ratings were required to consolidate consensus levels. RESULTS: Eighty-nine items were endorsed by >or=80% of panel members from all 3 groups as essential or important for psychosis first aid. These items were grouped under the following 9 headings: how to know if someone is experiencing psychosis; how to approach someone who may be experiencing psychosis; how to be supportive; how to deal with delusions and hallucinations; how to deal with communication difficulties; whether to encourage the person to seek professional help; what to do if the person does not want help; what to do in a crisis situation when the person has become acutely unwell; what to do if the person becomes aggressive. CONCLUSIONS: These recommendations will improve the provision of first aid to individuals who are developing a psychotic disorder by informing the content of training courses.


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Imaging and lesion studies have suggested numerous roles for the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), for example in attention and neglect, social cognition, and self/other processing. These studies cannot establish causal relationships, and the importance and relevance of (and interrelationships between) proposed roles remain controversial. This review examined studies that use noninvasive transcranial stimulation (NTS) to explore TPJ function. Of 459 studies identified, 40 met selection criteria. The strengths and weaknesses of NTS-relevant parameters used are discussed, and methodological improvements suggested. These include the need for careful selection of stimulation sites and experimental tasks, and use of neuronavigation and concurrent functional activity measures. Without such improvements, overlapping and discrete functions of the TPJ will be difficult to disentangle. Nevertheless, the contributions of these studies to theoretical models of TPJ function are discussed, and the clinical relevance of TPJ stimulation explored. Some evidence exists for TPJ stimulation in the treatment of auditory hallucinations, tinnitus, and depersonalisation disorder. Further examination of the TPJ in conditions such as autism spectrum disorder is also warranted.


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Les premiers concepts de schizophrénie comprenaient des définitions non-spécifiques sur le trouble schizophrénique. Ce n est qu en 1980 que Crow a proposé la classification la plus connue pour ce trouble: la distinction en soustypes I et II, de symptomatologie positive ou négative, les symptômes du syndrome positif correspondant aux hallucinations et aux délires et ceux du syndrome négatif au repli affectif et à la pauvreté du discours. Bien que la thérapie médicamenteuse présente des avancées dans le traitement de la maladie, la psychothérapie est la plus indiquée pour remédier aux préjudices sociaux et interpersonnels que celle-ci provoque. L objectif de cette étude est de relater une intervention comportementale, dans un Centre de Soins Psychosocial, auprès d une patiente de 19 ans, en utilisant des Exercices de Réadaptation Psychosociale (SAT) en tant que la possibilité de traitement de la schizophrénie. Ce processus a contribué à une réduction du stéréotype de la maladie chez la jeune patiente, considérant qu elle a élargi son répertoire social et a rendu possible des avancées dans les sphères psychologique, sociale et professionnelle.


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Relatamos dois pacientes epilépticos que manifestaram quadro psicótico agudo induzido por topiramato (TPM). Um paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora grave, heteroagressividade, alucinações auditivas e visuais, e delírios de conteúdo paranóide e místico. O outro paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora, despersonalização, desrealização, ansiedade intensa e delírio de que estava perdendo a memória. Ambos os pacientes foram conduzidos ao serviço de emergência e, após a interrupção do TPM em um deles e redução da droga em outro, houve remissão total dos sintomas psicóticos sem necessidade de medicação antipsicótica. Alertamos os clínicos para o risco de surgimento de sintomas psicóticos em pacientes em uso do TPM.


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Dans le cadre du service de gériatrie du Centre de Santé-école de la faculté de médecine de Botucatu (Université de São Paulo), a été établi un programme d'appui à ces soignants avec les objectifs suivants: préserver leur qualité de vie et favoriser de meilleures conditions familiales aux patients. Le programme comprend de 10 à 12 réunions par semaine, de deux heures de durée, coordonnées par deux psychologues. on utilise des techniques de psychodrame centrées sur le rôle du soignant et leurs conséquences sociales et émotionnelles. Les informations théoriques sont transmises au moyen de discussions de groupe et de moyens audiovisuels. Les thèmes suivants sont abordés : signification et motivation du soin donné, signaux d'alertes de fatigue physique et mentale du soignant, les possibilités de se traiter et de demander de l'aide, une méthode d'amélioration de la communication face à une déficience visuelle, auditive et cognitive, une méthode pour favoriser l'indépendance et l'autonomie et surmonter les problèmes relatifs à l'hygiène, la mobilité, l'agression, l'irritation, les hallucinations et les idées délirantes de la personne âgée. Au cours de la première réunion de chaque groupe (qui comprend de 10 à 20 participants) on applique une échelle d'évaluation de l'impact émotionnel sur les soignants (Zarit et al., 1980) et le SRQ (Self Report Questionnaire - Mari and Williams, 1986) qui identifient des désordres psychiatriques. Ces échelles sont reproduites à la fin du programme, pour observer d'éventuelles modifications. Les données obtenues indiquent des changements favorables dans l'expression d'émotions, l'établissement de limites et de retour à des activités de loisirs.


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The article discusses the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia, based on the report of eight clinical cases. It describes and discusses cases of OCD with poor insight, obsessions that seem paranoid delusions or auditive hallucinations, OCD with transient psychotic reactions, OCD with schizotypal personality disorder and schizophrenia with obsessive-compulsive symptoms.


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This paper describes the case of a 38 year-old single man with a previous history of social phobia and alcoholism, who presented an unusual pathological belief during the last 9 years. He believe that the muscles of his arms were loose, separated from the bones, and that a green fluid flowed from his shoulders, running under the skin towards his fingers, and returning to the shoulders. He also reported pain, weakness and sensations of loose and fluffy muscles, besides having visual and kinesthetic hallucinations and judgement impairment. No other psychopathological manifestations were observed. There was a worsening of the complaints and depressive symptoms with the use of pimozide and no improvement with fluoxetine, venlafaxine or risperidone. He is presently taking sulpiride. Psychopathological issues and difficulties in diagnosis and treatment are discussed.


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The NMDA receptor (NMDAR) channel has been proposed to function as a coincidence-detection mechanism for afferent and reentrant signals, supporting conscious perception, learning, and memory formation. In this paper we discuss the genesis of distorted perceptual states induced by subanesthetic doses of ketamine, a well-known NMDA antagonist. NMDAR blockage has been suggested to perturb perceptual processing in sensory cortex, and also to decrease GABAergic inhibition in limbic areas (leading to an increase in dopamine excitability). We propose that perceptual distortions and hallucinations induced by ketamine blocking of NMDARs are generated by alternative signaling pathways, which include increase of excitability in frontal areas, and glutamate binding to AMPA in sensory cortex prompting Ca++ entry through voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs). This mechanism supports the thesis that glutamate binding to AMPA and NMDARs at sensory cortex mediates most normal perception, while binding to AMPA and activating VDCCs mediates some types of altered perceptual states. We suggest that Ca++ metabolic activity in neurons at associative and sensory cortices is an important factor in the generation of both kinds of perceptual consciousness.


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Background: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) affect almost all patients with dementia and are a major focus of study and treatment. Accurate assessment of NPS through valid, sensitive and reliable measures is crucial. Although current NPS measures have many strengths, they also have some limitations (e.g. acquisition of data is limited to informants or caregivers as respondents, limited depth of items specific to moderate dementia). Therefore, we developed a revised version of the NPI, known as the NPI-C. The NPI-C includes expanded domains and items, and a clinician-rating methodology. This study evaluated the reliability and convergent validity of the NPI-C at ten international sites (seven languages). Methods: Face validity for 78 new items was obtained through a Delphi panel. A total of 128 dyads (caregivers/patients) from three severity categories of dementia (mild = 58, moderate = 49, severe = 21) were interviewed separately by two trained raters using two rating methods: the original NPI interview and a clinician-rated method. Rater 1 also administered four additional, established measures: the Apathy Evaluation Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index, and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia. Intraclass correlations were used to determine inter-rater reliability. Pearson correlations between the four relevant NPI-C domains and their corresponding outside measures were used for convergent validity. Results: Inter-rater reliability was strong for most items. Convergent validity was moderate (apathy and agitation) to strong (hallucinations and delusions; agitation and aberrant vocalization; and depression) for clinician ratings in NPI-C domains. Conclusion: Overall, the NPI-C shows promise as a versatile tool which can accurately measure NPS and which uses a uniform scale system to facilitate data comparisons across studies. Copyright © 2010 International Psychogeriatric Association.


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ABSTRACT Background: Patients with dementia may be unable to describe their symptoms, and caregivers frequently suffer emotional burden that can interfere with judgment of the patient's behavior. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Clinician rating scale (NPI-C) was therefore developed as a comprehensive and versatile instrument to assess and accurately measure neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in dementia, thereby using information from caregiver and patient interviews, and any other relevant available data. The present study is a follow-up to the original, cross-national NPI-C validation, evaluating the reliability and concurrent validity of the NPI-C in quantifying psychopathological symptoms in dementia in a large Brazilian cohort. Methods: Two blinded raters evaluated 312 participants (156 patient-knowledgeable informant dyads) using the NPI-C for a total of 624 observations in five Brazilian centers. Inter-rater reliability was determined through intraclass correlation coefficients for the NPI-C domains and the traditional NPI. Convergent validity included correlations of specific domains of the NPI-C with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Index (CMAI), the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD), and the Apathy Inventory (AI). Results: Inter-rater reliability was strong for all NPI-C domains. There were high correlations between NPI-C/delusions and BPRS, NPI-C/apathy-indifference with the AI, NPI-C/depression-dysphoria with the CSDD, NPI-C/agitation with the CMAI, and NPI-C/aggression with the CMAI. There was moderate correlation between the NPI-C/aberrant vocalizations and CMAI and the NPI-C/hallucinations with the BPRS. Conclusion: The NPI-C is a comprehensive tool that provides accurate measurement of NPS in dementia with high concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability in the Brazilian setting. In addition to universal assessment, the NPI-C can be completed by individual domains. © International Psychogeriatric Association 2013.


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The occurrence of white matter (WM) abnormalities in psychotic disorders has been suggested by several studies investigating brain pathology and diffusion tensor measures, but evidence assessing regional WM morphometry is still scarce and conflicting. In the present study, 122 individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) (62 fulfilling criteria for schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder, 26 psychotic bipolar I disorder, and 20 psychotic major depressive disorder) underwent magnetic resonance imaging, as well as 94 epidemiologically recruited controls. Images were processed with the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM2) package, and voxel-based morphometry was used to compare groups (t-test) and subgroups (ANOVA). Initially, no regional WM abnormalities were observed when both groups (overall FEP group versus controls) and subgroups (i.e., schizophrenia/schizophreniform, psychotic bipolar I disorder, psychotic depression, and controls) were compared. However, when the voxelwise analyses were repeated excluding subjects with comorbid substance abuse or dependence, the resulting statistical maps revealed a focal volumetric reduction in right frontal WM, corresponding to the right middle frontal gyral WM/third subcomponent of the superior longitudinal fasciculus, in subjects with schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder (n = 40) relative to controls (n = 89). Our results suggest that schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder is associated with right frontal WM volume decrease at an early course of the illness. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inaccurate wiring and synaptic pathology appear to be major hallmarks of schizophrenia. A variety of gene products involved in synaptic neurotransmission and receptor signaling are differentially expressed in brains of schizophrenia patients. However, synaptic pathology may also develop by improper expression of intra- and extra-cellular structural elements weakening synaptic stability. Therefore, we have investigated transcription of these elements in the left superior temporal gyrus of 10 schizophrenia patients and 10 healthy controls by genome-wide microarrays (Illumina). Fourteen up-regulated and 22 downregulated genes encoding structural elements were chosen from the lists of differentially regulated genes for further qRT-PCR analysis. Almost all genes confirmed by this method were downregulated. Their gene products belonged to vesicle-associated proteins, that is, synaptotagmin 6 and syntaxin 12, to cytoskeletal proteins, like myosin 6, pleckstrin, or to proteins of the extracellular matrix, such as collagens, or laminin C3. Our results underline the pivotal roles of structural genes that control formation and stabilization of pre- and post-synaptic elements or influence axon guidance in schizophrenia. The glial origin of collagen or laminin highlights the close interrelationship between neurons and glial cells in establishment and maintenance of synaptic strength and plasticity. It is hypothesized that abnormal expression of these and related genes has a major impact on the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.


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Background: The anomalous experiences are often an explanatory challenge for psychiatry and psychology about how and why they occur, in addition to signaling gaps in knowledge about human psychological functioning, as hallucinations in non-clinical populations. Objective: It aims to investigate possible psychopathological dimensions of Brazilian samples of persons who claim distinctively contemporary anomalous experiences. Methods: It was used the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, detailed version (MINI PLUS) and the nine diagnostic criteria for the distinction between spiritual experiences and mental disorders with religious content developed by Menezes Junior and Moreira-Almeida. Results: There was evidence that the experiences are typically healthy, although there are indicators of pre-morbid characteristics in the childhood and adolescence of the protagonists of the more complex experiments. There is profitable intersections with healthy squizotype profile, which is still poorly understood. Discussion: The absence of formal mental disorders does not exhaust the possible relations between contemporary anomalous experiences and the mental health field, but reveals complexities that characterize the everyday culture. Martins LB, Zangari W / Rev Psiq Clin. 2012; 39(6): 198-202