126 resultados para HYDROQUINONE


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La sostituzione di materie prime provenienti da risorse fossili con biomasse rinnovabili, utilizzando un processo a basso impatto ambientale, è una delle più importanti sfide della "Green Chemistry". Allo stesso tempo, la sintesi di resine epossidiche fornisce la chiave per la realizzazione di materiali ad alto valore aggiunto. Tuttavia, ad oggi, il 90% della produzione di resine epossidiche è basato sull'uso di bisfenolo A, che ha effetti di xenoestrogeno, ed epicloridrina, tossica e cancerogena. Su queste basi, è stata individuata una strategia sintetica per la sintesi di prepolimeri innovativi per resine epossidiche, che utilizza come substrato di reazione diidrossibenzeni di origine naturale ed evita l'uso di epicloridrina e altri reagenti tossici o pericolosi. La suddetta strategia sintetica è basata sulla sequenza: allilazione dei diidrossibenzeni - epossidazione dei doppi legami ottenuti. In questa procedura non vengono utilizzati drastiche condizioni di reazione e il solvente è acqua, con una catalisi di trasferimento di fase o, in aggiunte di acetonitrile, in un sistema bifasico. La resa complessiva dei due “step” dipende dalla posizione dei due ossidrili nei diidrossibenzeni. Il reagente che porta la resa massima è l’idrochinone (1,4 diidrossibenzene), che, come riportato in letteratura, permette la formazione di resine epossidiche con proprietà simili alle resine di epicloridrina e bisfenolo A. The substitution of raw materials from fossil fuels with renewable biomass using a low environmental impact process is one of the greatest challenges of the "Green Chemistry". At the same time, the synthesis of epoxy resins provides the key to the realization of high added value materials. However, 90% of the production of epoxy resins is based on the use of bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen, and epichlorohydrin, that is toxic and carcinogenic. On these bases, a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of innovative prepolymers of epoxy resins, that uses dihydroxybenzenes of natural origin as reaction substrates and avoids the use of epichlorohydrin and other toxic or dangerous reagents has been identified. The above synthetic strategy is based on the sequence: allylation of dihydroxybenzenes - epoxidation of the double bonds obtained. In this procedure, drastic reaction conditions are dismissed and the solvent used is water with a phase transfer catalysis or, in addition, acetonitrile in a biphasic system. The overall yield of the two steps depends on the position of the two hydroxyls of the dihydroxybenzenes. The reagent that leads to the highest yield is hydroquinone (1,4 dihydroxybenzene), which, as reported in literature, allows the formation of epoxy resins with similar properties to the resins from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin.


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Carboline sind eine große Gruppe von natürlich vorkommenden Alkaloiden, die eine tricyclische Pyrido[b]indol-Ringstruktur gemeinsam habe. Das breite Spektrum biologischer Eigenschaften dieser Verbindungsklasse macht sie zu einem interessanten Syntheseziel. Die größte Herausforderung in der Darstellung von Carbolinen ist die regioselektive Funktionalisierung an den aromatischen Positionen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte ein A ABC-Zugang zu beta- und gamma-Carbolinen entwickelt werden, dessen Schlüsselschritt der Aufbau des Carbolin-Gerüsts durch eine übergangsmetall-katalysierte [2+2+2]-Cycloaddition von 1,6-Diin-Einheiten und Nitrilen ist. Die benötigten Diin-Einheiten wurden in wenigen Schritten ausgehend von 2-Iodanilin durch eine Reaktionssequenz aus Sonogashira-Reaktion mit terminalen Alkinen, N-Tosylierung und N-Ethinylierung mit Alkinyliodonium-Salzen synthetisiert. Eine flexible Funktionalisierung dieser Diine wurde durch palladium-katalysierte sp2-sp-Kreuzkupplungsreaktionen der terminalen Alkine mit Aryl- und Alkenylhalogeniden erreicht. Cp*RuCl- und [Rh(cod)2]BF4/BINAP-katalysierte [2+2+2]-Cycloadditionen der 1,6-Diine mit elektronenarmen Nitrilen lieferte in hoher Regioselektivität beta- oder gamma-Carboline. In Übereinstimmung mit literaturbekannten übergangsmetall-katalysierten [2+2+2]-Cycloadditionen konnte dabei eine starke Abhängigkeit von sterischen und elektronischen Faktoren beobachtet werden. Um das Potential dieser Methode zu demonstrieren, wurde der Einsatz der [2+2+2]-Cycloaddition in Totalsynthese von Lavendamycin untersucht. Lavendamycin, ein aus Bakterien stammendes Chinochinolin-substituiertes beta-Carbolin mit antimikrobieller und signifikanter Antitumor-Aktivität, wurde ausgehend von Hydrochinon und 2-Iodanilin in 14 Schritten und in einer Gesamtausbeute von 29% dargestellt.


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Presented here, is the work done with a series of binucleating ligands based on phosphine and phosphine oxide appended p-hydroquinones and their reactions towards various metals sources. The long term goal of the project was to produce coordination polymers that would have novel electronic, magnetic, and optical properties which would be of use in the field of molecular electronics. Binucleating ligands contained a p-hydroquinone motif in which various phosphine- and phosphine oxide substituents have been placed in the ortho position relative to each of the hydroxy position were synthesized. A previously published synthetic method for such lugands utilized n-BuLi to form a phenyl lithium intermediate which was quenched with chlorodiphenylphosphine. This technique was also used to produce a ligand with diisopropylphosphine groups. Phosphine ligands, containing the same structural motif, were also generated using LDA as the lithiating agent. This technique was found to be higher yielding. Phosphine chalcogenide ligands were accessed by further oxidizing the low valent phosphorous centers with either hydrogen peroxide or with elemental sulfur. These ligands were characterized using multinuclear NMR, low and high resolution mass spectroscopy, FTIR, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Their electrochemical properties were explored with cyclic voltammetry. The phosphine appended ligands were used in the synthesis of a several bimetallic complexes. It was found that the ligands readily reacted with NiCp2 and NiCp*2, displacing one of the cyclopentadiene (Cp) or pentamethylcyclopentadiene (Cp*) rings. A cyclopentadiene complexes, containing diisopropylphine, was readily oxidized by[FeCp2]PF6 to give a NMR silent mixed valence complex. Cyclic voltammetry of these complexes showed a number of reversible waves with a large potential separation. The mixed valence compounds also showed a large absorbance band in the NIR region which was assigned to be an intervalence charge transfer. The cyclic voltammetry and NIR spectroscopy suggest that these systems are very capable of efficient metal-to-metal charge transfer. These complexes were characterized by multinuclear NMR, single crystal X-ray diffraction, UV/VIS-NIR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The phosphine oxide ligands were reacted with a variety of different metal sources but limited success was gained in obtaining single crystals, allowing structural characterization of these compounds. Single crystals were obtained from products generated by reacting the diphenylphosphine oxide ligand with (Bipy)Cu(NO3)2 and Cu(NO3)2. In all cases the ligand had been further oxidized to a 2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone motif. In the reaction between the diphenylphosphine oxide ligand and (Bipy)Cu(NO3)2 it was found that the phosphine oxide moiety was involved with intermolecular coordination leading to the formation of a one-dimensional polymer composed of a series of bimetallic complexes tethered together. When NaSbF6 was present in the reaction with (Bipy)Cu(NO3)2 a unique tetrametallic complex was formed. Here the phospine oxide moiety was oriented so that two bimetallic complexes were bound together. If only Cu(NO3)2 was present, a two-dimensional polymeric sheet was formed where the ligand was present in two different coordination modes. The electronic properties of these complexes remained to be assessed.


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Background Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disorder in industrialized countries, yet its pathophysiology is incompletely understood. Small-molecule metabolite screens may offer new insights into disease mechanisms and reveal new treatment targets. Methods Discovery (N = 33) and replication (N = 66) of liver biopsies spanning the range from normal liver histology to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) were ascertained ensuring rapid freezing under 30 s in patients. 252 metabolites were assessed using GC/MS. Replicated metabolites were evaluated in a murine high-fat diet model of NAFLD. Results In a two-stage metabolic screening, hydroquinone (HQ, pcombined = 3.0 × 10−4) and nicotinic acid (NA, pcombined = 3.9 × 10−9) were inversely correlated with histological NAFLD severity. A murine high-fat diet model of NAFLD demonstrated a protective effect of these two substances against NAFLD: Supplementation with 1% HQ reduced only liver steatosis, whereas 0.6% NA reduced both liver fat content and serum transaminase levels and induced a complex regulatory network of genes linked to NALFD pathogenesis in a global expression pathway analysis. Human nutritional intake of NA equivalent was also consistent with a protective effect of NA against NASH progression. Conclusion This first small-molecular screen of human liver tissue identified two replicated protective metabolites. Either the use of NA or targeting its regulatory pathways might be explored to treat or prevent human NAFLD.


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We demonstrate how redox control of intra-molecular quantum interference in phase-coherent molecular wires can be used to enhance the thermopower (Seebeck coefficient) S and thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of single molecules attached to nanogap electrodes. Using first principles theory, we study the thermoelectric properties of a family of nine molecules, which consist of dithiol-terminated oligo (phenylene-ethynylenes) (OPEs) containing various central units. Uniquely, one molecule of this family possesses a conjugated acene-based central backbone attached via triple bonds to terminal sulfur atoms bound to gold electrodes and incorporates a fully conjugated hydroquinonecentral unit. We demonstrate that both S and the electronic contribution Z el T to the figure of merit ZT can be dramatically enhanced by oxidizing the hydroquinone to yield a second molecule, which possesses a cross-conjugated anthraquinone central unit. This enhancement originates from the conversion of the pi-conjugation in the former to cross-conjugation in the latter, which promotes the appearance of a sharp anti-resonance at the Fermi energy. Comparison with thermoelectric properties of the remaining seven conjugated molecules demonstrates that such large values of S and Z el T are unprecedented. We also evaluate the phonon contribution to the thermal conductance, which allows us to compute the full figure of merit ZT = Z el T/(1 + κ p/κ el), where κ p is the phonon contribution to the thermal conductance and κ el is the electronic contribution. For unstructured gold electrodes, κ p/κ el Gt⃒ 1 and therefore strategies to reduce κ p are needed to realize the highest possible figure of merit.


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Quinones are ubiquitous in the environment. They occur naturally but are also in widespread use in human and industrial activities. Quinones alone are relatively benign to bacteria, but in combination with copper, they become toxic by a mechanism that leads to intracellular thiol depletion. Here, it was shown that the yahCD-yaiAB operon of Lactococcus lactis IL1403 provides resistance to combined copper/quinone stress. The operon is under the control of CopR, which also regulates expression of the copRZA copper resistance operon as well as other L. lactis genes. Expression of the yahCD-yaiAB operon is induced by copper but not by quinones. Two of the proteins encoded by the operon appear to play key roles in alleviating quinone/copper stress: YaiB is a flavoprotein that converts p-benzoquinones to less toxic hydroquinones, using reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as reductant; YaiA is a hydroquinone dioxygenase that converts hydroquinone putatively to 4-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde in an oxygen-consuming reaction. Hydroquinone and methylhydroquinone are both substrates of YaiA. Deletion of yaiB causes increased sensitivity of L. lactis to quinones and complete growth arrest under combined quinone and copper stress. Copper induction of the yahCD-yaiAB operon offers protection to copper/quinone toxicity and could provide a growth advantage to L. lactis in some environments.


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Benzene was studied in its target organ of effect, the bone marrow, with the micronucleus test and metaphase chromosomal analysis. Groups of 5 or 10, male and female CD-1 mice were treated with one or two p.o. or i.p. doses of benzene (440 mg/kg) or toluene (430, 860 or 1720 mg/kg) or both, and sacrificed 30 or 54h after the first dose. Benzene-treated animals were pretreated with phenobarbital (PB), 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC), (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF), SKF-525A, or Aroclor 1254. Toluene showed no clastogenic activity and reduced the clastogenic effect of co-administered benzene. None of the pretreatments protected against benzene clastogenicity. 3MC and (beta)NF greatly promoted benzene myeloclastogenicity. Dose response curves for benzene myeloclastogenicity were much steeper with 3MC induction than without. Micronuclei (MN) were 4-6 times higher by p.o. than i.p. benzene administration. This was not due to bacterial flora since no difference was found between germ-free and conventional males gavaged with benzene. A sensitive high-pressure liquid chromatographic method was developed and used to explore the relation between metabolic profiles of benzene in urine and MN after various pretreatments. Phenol (PH), trans-trans-muconic acid (MA) and hydroquinone (HQ) in the 48h male mouse urine accounted, respectively, for 12.8-22.8, 1.8-4.7 and 1.5-3.7% of the single oral dose of benzene (880, 440 and 220 mg/kg). Catechol (CT) was seen in trace amounts. MA was identified by ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Urinary metabolites--especially MA, HQ, and phenol glucuronide--correlated well with MN and were dependent on both the dose and the metabolism of benzene. Benzene metabolism was most inducible by cytochrome P-448 enzyme inducers, by p.o. > i.p., in males > females, and inhibited by toluene. Ph, CT or HQ administered p.o., 250, 150 and 250 mg/kg, respectively, or at 150 mg/kg x 2 after 3MC pretreatment, failed to reproduce the potent myeloclastogenicity of benzene. In fact, only HQ was mildly clastogenic. ^


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Twenty-four base pairs of the human antioxidant response element (hARE) are required for high basal transcription of the NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase1 (NQO1) gene and its induction in response to xenobiotics and antioxidants. hARE is a unique cis-element that contains one perfect and one imperfect AP1 element arranged as inverse repeats separated by 3 bp, followed by a “GC” box. We report here that Jun, Fos, Fra, and Nrf nuclear transcription factors bind to the hARE. Overexpression of cDNA derived combinations of the nuclear proteins Jun and Fos or Jun and Fra1 repressed hARE-mediated chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene expression in transfected human hepatoblastoma (Hep-G2) cells. Further experiments suggested that this repression was due to overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1, but not due to Jun proteins. The Jun (c-Jun, Jun-B, and Jun-D) proteins in all the possible combinations were more or less ineffective in repression or upregulation of hARE-mediated gene expression. Interestingly, overexpression of Nrf1 and Nrf2 individually in Hep-G2 and monkey kidney (COS1) cells significantly increased CAT gene expression from reporter plasmid hARE-thymidine kinase-CAT in transfected cells that were inducible by β-naphthoflavone and tert-butyl hydroquinone. These results indicated that hARE-mediated expression of the NQO1 gene and its induction by xenobiotics and antioxidants are mediated by Nrf1 and Nrf2. The hARE-mediated basal expression, however, is repressed by overexpression of c-Fos and Fra1.


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The vitamin K-dependent carboxylase modifies and renders active vitamin K-dependent proteins involved in hemostasis, cell growth control, and calcium homeostasis. Using a novel mechanism, the carboxylase transduces the free energy of vitamin K hydroquinone (KH2) oxygenation to convert glutamate into a carbanion intermediate, which subsequently attacks CO2, generating the γ-carboxylated glutamate product. How the carboxylase effects this conversion is poorly understood because the active site has not been identified. Dowd and colleagues [Dowd, P., Hershline, R., Ham, S. W. & Naganathan, S. (1995) Science 269, 1684–1691] have proposed that a weak base (cysteine) produces a strong base (oxygenated KH2) capable of generating the carbanion. To define the active site and test this model, we identified the amino acids that participate in these reactions. N-ethyl maleimide inhibited epoxidation and carboxylation, and both activities were equally protected by KH2 preincubation. Amino acid analysis of 14C- N-ethyl maleimide-modified human carboxylase revealed 1.8–2.3 reactive residues and a specific activity of 7 × 108 cpm/hr per mg. Tryptic digestion and liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry identified Cys-99 and Cys-450 as active site residues. Mutation to serine reduced both epoxidation and carboxylation, to 0.2% (Cys-99) or 1% (Cys-450), and increased the Kms for a glutamyl substrate 6- to 8-fold. Retention of some activity indicates a mechanism for enhancing cysteine/serine nucleophilicity, a property shared by many active site thiol enzymes. These studies, which represent a breakthrough in defining the carboxylase active site, suggest a revised model in which the glutamyl substrate indirectly coordinates at least one thiol, forming a catalytic complex that ionizes a thiol to initiate KH2 oxygenation.


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Benzene is a ubitiquous human environment mental carcinogen. One of the major metabolites is hydroquinone, which is oxidized in vivo to give p-benzoquinone (p-BQ). Both metabolites are toxic to human cells. p-BQ reacts with DNA to form benzetheno adducts with deoxycytidine, deoxyadenosine, and deoxyguanosine. In this study we have synthesized the exocyclic compounds 3-hydroxy-3-N4-benzetheno-2'-deoxycytidine (p-BQ-dCyd) and 9-hydroxy-1,N6-benzetheno-2'-deoxyadenosine (p-BQ-dAdo), respectively, by reacting deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with p-BQ. These were converted to the phosphoamidites, which were then used to prepare site-specific oligonucleotides with either the p-BQ-dCyd or p-BQ-dAdo adduct (pbqC or pbqA in sequences) at two different defined positions. These oligonucleotides were efficiently nicked 5' to the adduct by partially purified HeLa cell extracts--the pbqC-containing oligomer more rapidly than the pbqA-containing oligomer. In contrast to the enzyme binding to derivatives produced by the vinyl chloride metabolite chloroacetaldehyde, the oligonucleotides up to 60-mer containing p-BQ adducts did not bind measurably to the same enzyme preparation in a gel retardation assay. Furthermore, there was no competition for the binding observed between oligonucleotides containing 1,N6-etheno A deoxyadenosine (1,N6-etheno-dAdo; epsilon A in sequences) and these oligomers containing either of the p-BQ adducts, even at 120-fold excess. When highly purified fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) enzyme fractions were obtained, there appeared to be two closely eluting nicking activities. One of these enzymes bound and cleaved the epsilon A-containing deoxyoligonucleotide. The other enzyme cleaved the pbqA- and pbqC-containing deoxyoligonucleotides. One additional unexpected fact was that bulk p-BQ-treated salmon sperm DNA did compete effectively with the epsilon A-containing oligonucleotide for protein binding. This raises the possibility that such DNA contains other, as-yet-uncharacterized adducts that are recognized by the same enzyme that recognizes the etheno adducts. In summary, we describe a previously undescribed human DNA repair activity, possibly a glycosylase, that excises from DNA pbqC and pbqA, exocyclic adducts resulting from reaction of deoxycytidine and deoxyadenosine with the benzene metabolite, p-BQ. This glycosylase activity is not identical to the one previously reported from this laboratory as excising the four etheno bases from DNA.


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Dopamine is the biological molecule responsible, among other functions, of the heart beat and blood pressure regulation. Its loss, in the human body, can result in serious diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia or depression. Structurally, this molecule belongs to the group of catecholamines, together with epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The hydroquinone moiety of the molecule can be easily oxidized to quinone, rendering the electrochemical methods a convenient approach for the development of dopamine biosensors. The reactivity of similar aromatic molecules, such as catechol and hydroquinone, at well-ordered platinum surfaces, has recently been investigated in our group. In this paper, we extend these studies to the structurally related molecule dopamine. The study has been performed in neutral pH, since this is closer to the natural conditions for these molecules in biological media. Cyclic voltammetry and in situ infra-red spectroscopy have been combined to extract information about the behavior of this molecule on well-defined platinum surfaces. Dopamine appears to be electrochemically active and reveals interesting adsorption phenomena at low potentials (0.15–0.25 V vs RHE), sensitive to the single crystal orientation. The adsorption of dopamine on these surfaces is very strong, taking place at much lower potentials than the electron transfer from solution species. Specifically, the voltammetry of Pt(1 1 1) and Pt(1 0 0) in dopamine solutions shows an oxidation peak at potentials close to the onset of hydrogen evolution, which is related to the desorption of hydrogen and the adsorption of dopamine. On the other hand, adsorption on Pt(1 1 0) is irreversible and the surface appears totally blocked. Spectroscopic results indicate that dopamine is adsorbed flat on the surface. At potentials higher than 0.6 V vs RHE the three basal planes show a common redox process. The initial formation of the quinone moiety is followed by a chemical step resulting in the formation of 5,6-dihydroxyindoline quinone as final product. This oxidation process has also been investigated by vibrational spectroscopy.


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In the present work, the electrochemical properties of single-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers (BPs) were examined in terms of carbon nanotubes nature and preparation conditions. The performance of the different free-standing single wall carbon nanotube sheets was evaluated via cyclic voltammetry of several redox probes in aqueous electrolyte. Significant differences are observed in the electron transfer kinetics of the buckypaper-modified electrodes for both the outer- and inner-sphere redox systems. These differences can be ascribed to the nature of the carbon nanotubes (nanotube diameter, chirality and aspect ratio), surface oxidation degree and type of functionalities. In the case of dopamine, ferrocene/ferrocenium, and quinone/hydroquinone redox systems the voltammetric response should be thought as a complex contribution of different tips and sidewall domains which act as mediators for the electron transfer between the adsorbate species and the molecules in solution. In the other redox systems only nanotube ends are active sites for the electron transfer. It is also interesting to point out that a higher electroactive surface area not always lead to an improvement in the electron transfer rate of various redox systems. In addition, the current densities produced by the redox reactions studied here are high enough to ensure a proper electrochemical signal, which enables the use of BPs in sensing devices.


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Diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy ("DOSY") is a useful tool for the identification of mixture components. In its basic form it relies on simple differences in hydrodynamic radius to distinguish between different species. This can be very effective where species have significantly different molecular sizes, but generally fails for isomeric species. The use of surfactant co-solutes can allow isomeric species to be distinguished by virtue of their different degrees of interaction with micelles or reversed micelles. The use of micelle-assisted DOSY to resolve the NMR spectra of isomers is illustrated for the case of the three dihydroxybenzenes (catechol, resorcinol, and hydroquinone) in aqueous solution containing sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles, and in chloroform solution containing AOT reversed micelles. © 2009 American Chemical Society.


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The modern industrial progress has been contaminating water with phenolic compounds. These are toxic and carcinogenic substances and it is essential to reduce its concentration in water to a tolerable one, determined by CONAMA, in order to protect the living organisms. In this context, this work focuses on the treatment and characterization of catalysts derived from the bio-coal, by-product of biomass pyrolysis (avelós and wood dust) as well as its evaluation in the phenol photocatalytic degradation reaction. Assays were carried out in a slurry bed reactor, which enables instantaneous measurements of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. The experiments were performed in the following operating conditions: temperature of 50 °C, oxygen flow equals to 410 mL min-1 , volume of reagent solution equals to 3.2 L, 400 W UV lamp, at 1 atm pressure, with a 2 hours run. The parameters evaluated were the pH (3.0, 6.9 and 10.7), initial concentration of commercial phenol (250, 500 and 1000 ppm), catalyst concentration (0, 1, 2, and 3 g L-1 ), nature of the catalyst (activated avelós carbon washed with dichloromethane, CAADCM, and CMADCM, activated dust wood carbon washed with dichloromethane). The results of XRF, XRD and BET confirmed the presence of iron and potassium in satisfactory amounts to the CAADCM catalyst and on a reduced amount to CMADCM catalyst, and also the surface area increase of the materials after a chemical and physical activation. The phenol degradation curves indicate that pH has a significant effect on the phenol conversion, showing better results for lowers pH. The optimum concentration of catalyst is observed equals to 1 g L-1 , and the increase of the initial phenol concentration exerts a negative influence in the reaction execution. It was also observed positive effect of the presence of iron and potassium in the catalyst structure: betters conversions were observed for tests conducted with the catalyst CAADCM compared to CMADCM catalyst under the same conditions. The higher conversion was achieved for the test carried out at acid pH (3.0) with an initial concentration of phenol at 250 ppm catalyst in the presence of CAADCM at 1 g L-1 . The liquid samples taken every 15 minutes were analyzed by liquid chromatography identifying and quantifying hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, catechol and maleic acid. Finally, a reaction mechanism is proposed, cogitating the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous phase and the others react on the catalyst surface. Applying the model of Langmuir-Hinshelwood along with a mass balance it was obtained a system of differential equations that were solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order method associated with a optimization routine called SWARM (particle swarm) aiming to minimize the least square objective function for obtaining the kinetic and adsorption parameters. Related to the kinetic rate constant, it was obtained a magnitude of 10-3 for the phenol degradation, 10-4 to 10-2 for forming the acids, 10-6 to 10-9 for the mineralization of quinones (hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone and catechol), 10-3 to 10-2 for the mineralization of acids.


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This work was performing effluent degradation studies by electrochemical treatment. The electrochemical oxidation (EO) hydroquinone (H2Q) was carried out in acid medium, using PbO2 electrode by galvanostatic electrolysis, applying current densities of 10 and 30 mA/cm2 . The concentration of H2Q was monitored by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The experimental results showed that the galvanostatic electrolysis process performance significantly depends on the applied current density, achieving removal efficiencies of 100% and 80 % and 10 applying 30 mA/cm2 , respectively. Furthermore, the electroanalytical technique was effective in H2Q be used as a detection method. In order to test the efficiency of PbO2 electrode, the electrochemical treatment was conducted in an actual effluent, leachate from a landfill. The liquid waste leachate (600ml effluent) was treated in a batch electrochemical cell, with or without addition of NaCl by applying 7 mA/cm2 . The efficiency of EO was assessed against the removal of thermo-tolerant coliforms, total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus and metals (copper, cobalt, chromium, iron and nickel). These results showed that efficient removal of coliforms was obtained (100%), and was further decrease the concentration of heavy metals by the cathode processes. However, results were not satisfactory TOC, achieving low total removal of dissolved organic load. Because it is considered an effluent complex were developed other tests with this effluent to monitor a larger number of decontamination parameters (Turbidity, Total Solids, Color, Conductivity, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and metals (barium, chromium, lithium, manganese and Zinc), comparing the efficiency of this type of electrochemical treatment (EO or electrocoagulation) using a flow cell. In this assay was compared to electro streaming. In the case of the OE, Ti/IrO2-TaO5 was used as the anode, however, the electrocoagulation process, aluminum electrodes were used; applying current densities of 10, 20 and 30 mA/cm2 in the presence and absence of NaCl as an electrolyte. The results showed that EO using Ti/IrO2–TaO5 was anode as efficient when Cl- was present in the effluent. In contrast, the electrocoagulation flow reduces the dissolved organic matter in the effluent, under certain experimental conditions.