748 resultados para HISTONE H2AX
The chemopreventive effects of tributyrin (TB) and vitamin A (VA), alone or in combination, were investigated during the promotion phase of rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Compared to diethylnitrosamine control rats. TB and TB+VA-treated rats, but not VA-treated rats, presented a lower incidence and mean number of hepatocyte nodules and a smaller size of persistent preneoplastic lesions (pPNLs). In addition, TB and TB+VA-treated rats exhibited a higher apoptotic body index in pPNL and remodeling PNL, whereas VA-treated rats presented only a higher apoptotic body index in remodeling PNL. None of the treatments inhibited cell proliferation in PNL TB and TB+VA-treated rats, but not VA-treated rats, exhibited higher levels of H3K9 acetylation and p21 protein expression. TB and VA-treated rats exhibited increased hepatic concentrations of butyric acid and retinoids, respectively. Compared to normal rats, diethylnitrosamine control animals exhibited lower retinyl palmitate hepatic concentrations. All groups had similar expression levels and exhibited similar unmethylated CRBP-I promoter region in microdissected pPNL, indicating that epigenetic silencing of this gene was not involved in alteration of retinol metabolism in early hepatocarcinogenesis. Data support the effectiveness of TB as a dietary histone deacetylase inhibitor during the promotion phase of hepatocarcinogenesis, which should be considered for chemoprevention combination strategies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The combined treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) and retinoids has been suggested as a potential epigenetic strategy for the control of cancer. In the present study, we investigated the effects of treatment with butyrate, a dietary HDACi, combined with vitamin A on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Cell proliferation was evaluated by the crystal violet staining method. MCF-7 cells were plated at 5 x 10(4) cells/mL and treated with butyrate (1 mM) alone or combined with vitamin A (10 µM) for 24 to 120 h. Cell proliferation inhibition was 34, 10 and 46% following treatment with butyrate, vitamin A and their combination, respectively, suggesting that vitamin A potentiated the inhibitory activities of butyrate. Furthermore, exposure to this short-chain fatty acid increased the level of histone H3K9 acetylation by 9.5-fold (Western blot), but not of H4K16, and increased the expression levels of p21WAF1 by 2.7-fold (Western blot) and of RARβ by 2.0-fold (quantitative real-time PCR). Our data show that RARβ may represent a molecular target for butyrate in breast cancer cells. Due to its effectiveness as a dietary HDACi, butyrate should be considered for use in combinatorial strategies with more active retinoids, especially in breast cancers in which RARβ is epigenetically altered.
Part I : A zinc finger gene Tzf1 was cloned in the earlier work of the lab by screening a ë-DASH2 cDNA expression library with an anti-Rat SC antibody. A ë-DASH2 genomic DNA library and cosmid lawrist 4 genomic DNA library were screened with the cDNA fragment of Tzf1 to determine the genomic organization of Tzf1. Another putative zinc finger gene Tzf2 was found about 700 bp upstream of Tzf1.RACE experiment was carried out for both genes to establish the whole length cDNA. The cDNA sequences of Tzf and Tzf2 were used to search the Flybase (Version Nov, 2000). They correspond to two genes found in the Flybase, CG4413 and CG4936. The CG4413 transcript seems to be a splicing variant of Tzf transcripts. Another two zinc finger genes Tzf3 and Tzf4 were discovered in silico. They are located 300 bp away from Tzf and Tzf2, and a non-tandem cluster was formed by the four genes. All four genes encode proteins with a very similar modular structure, since they all have five C2H2 type zinc fingers at their c-terminal ends. This is the most compact zinc finger protein gene cluster found in Drosophila melanogaster.Part II: 34,056 bp insert of the cosmid 19G11
Drosophila melanogaster enthält eine geringe Menge an 5-methyl-Cytosin. Die von mir untersuchte männliche Keimbahn von Drosophila weist jedoch keine nachweisbaren Mengen an DNA-Methylierung auf. Eine künstliche Expression der murinen de novo Methyltransferasen, DNMT3A und DNMT3B1, in den Fliegenhoden, führte nicht zu der erwarteten Methylierungszunahme und hatte keinen Effekt auf die Fruchtbarkeit der Männchen. Auch die gewebespezifische Expression unter der Verwendung des UAS/GAL4-Systems zeigte keine phenotypischen Veränderungen. Hingegen fanden wir auf Protein-Ebene des Chromatins von D. melanogaster und D. hydei spezifische Modifikationsmuster der Histone H3 und H4 in der Keimbahn, wie auch in den somatischen Zellen des Hodenschlauches. Die Modifikationsmuster der beiden Zelltypen unterscheiden sich grundlegend und weichen zudem von dem für Eu- und Heterochromatin erwarteten ab, was auf eine größere Komplexität des „Histon-Codes“ als angenommen hindeutet. Folglich liegt die epigenetische Information in Drosophila wahrscheinlich anstatt auf DNA- auf Protein-Ebene, wodurch Genexpression über die Chromatinstruktur reguliert wird. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor E2F, der eine Schlüsselfunktion im Zellzyklus hat, durch unterschiedliche Transkripte offenbar quantitativ reguliert wird. Unsere Nachforschungen ergaben, dass die drei E2F1 Genprodukte in Drosophila neben ihrer Zellspezifität auch in unterschiedlichen Expressionsniveaus auftreten, was die Annahme einer quantitativen Expression unterstützt. Die verschiedenen Funktionen der multiplen Gene in Säugern, könnten so funktionell kompensiert werden. Die durch die Expression dreier dE2F1-Transkripte vermutete Synthese verschiedener Proteine konnte nicht bewiesen werden.
Backgrounds:Treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) not eligible to high dose therapy represents an unmet medical need. Panobinostat showed encouraging therapeutic activity in studies conducted in lymphoma cell lines and in vivo in patients with advanced hematologic malignancies.Purpose:FIL-PanAL10 (NCT01523834) is a phase II, prospective multicenter trial of the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi (FIL) to evaluate safety and efficacy of single agent Panobinostat as salvage therapy for R/R DLBCL patients and to evaluate a possible relationships between response and any biological features. Patients and Methods:Patients with R/R DLBCL were included. The treatment plan included 6 induction courses with Panobinostat monotherapy followed by other 6 courses of consolidation. The primary objective was to evaluate Panobinostat activity in terms of overall response (OR); secondary objectives were: CR rate, time to response (TTR), progression-free survival (PFS), safety and feasibility of Panobinostat. We included evaluation of the impact of pharmacogenetics, immunohistochemical patterns and patient’s specific gene expression and mutations as potential predictors of response to Panobinostat as explorative objectives. To this aim a pre-enrollment new tissue biopsy was mandatory. ResultsThirty-five patients, 21 males (60%), were enrolled between June 2011 and March 2014. At the end of induction phase, 7 responses (20%) were observed, including 4 CR (11%), while 28 patients (80%) discontinued treatment due to progressive disease (PD) in 21 (60%) or adverse events in 7 (20%). Median TTR in 9 responders was 2.6 months (range 1.8-12). With a median follow up of 6 months (range 1-34), the estimated 12 months PFS and OS were 27% and 30.5%, respectively. Grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia and neutropenia were the most common toxicities (in 29 (83%) and 12 (34%) patients, respectively. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that Panobinostat might be remarkably active in some patients with R/R DLBCL, showing durable CR
Metastasierender Krebs ist bei Erwachsenen in der Regel nicht heilbar. Eine Ausnahme stellen testikuläre Keimzelltumoren (TKZT) dar, da über 75 % der Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen metastasierenden TKZT mit einer auf Cisplatin basierenden Kombinations-Chemotherapie geheilt werden können. Zelllinien, die aus TKZT isoliert wurden, behalten diese Cisplatin-Sensitivität in vitro bei. Somit spiegeln Testistumorzelllinien die klinische Situation wider und sind deswegen ein gutes Modellsystem um zu untersuchen, welche Faktoren der Cisplatin-Sensitivität zugrunde liegen. Die Ursachen der Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumoren sind nicht bekannt. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass Testistumorzellen eine geringe Kapazität für die Entfernung von Cisplatin-induzierten DNA-Platinierungen aufweisen. Dieser Defekt in der DNA-Reparatur könnte ein Faktor für die beobachtete Cisplatin-Sensitivität sein. Cisplatin induziert sowohl Intrastrang-Vernetzungen als auch Interstrang-Vernetzungen (ICLs). Die Bildung und Reparatur der Cisplatin-induzierten Intrastrang-Vernetzungen wurde mittels DNA-Slot-Blot, die Bildung und Entfernung von Interstrang-Vernetzungen wurde mithilfe des Comet-Assays untersucht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass die Reparatur von Intrastrang-Vernetzungen in Testis- und Blasentumorzelllinien vergleichbar ist. Somit sind Testistumorzellen in diesem Reparaturweg nicht beeinträchtigt. Im Unterschied dazu zeigte sich, dass Testistumorzellen die ICLs nicht oder nur mit einer reduzierten Kapazität entfernen können.Da die ICL-Reparatur über die Bildung von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) mit anschließender DSB-Reparatur verläuft, wurde die Kinetik der DSB-Reparatur anhand der Immundetektion der Histon-Variante γH2AX, die zur Visualisierung von DSB verwendet wird, verfolgt. γH2AX Foci wurden nach Behandlung mit Cisplatin in Testistumorzellen und Blasentumorzellen gebildet. Anders als in Blasentumorzellen blieb der Prozentsatz an γH2AX-positiven Zellen in Testistumorzellen bestehen. Offensichtlich konnten die Testistumorzellen die Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs nicht korrekt prozessieren, was dazu führte, dass γH2AX Foci persistierten. Da unreparierte DNA-Läsionen eine DNA-schadensabhängige Antwort einleiten können, wurde die Aktivierung der Hauptfaktoren dieser Signalwege untersucht. In den Testistumorzellen zeigte sich eine Erhöhung der p53 Proteinmenge nach Cisplatin-Behandlung. Des Weiteren wurde die durch Cisplatin induzierte Aktivierung von ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2, Bax und Noxa in Testis- und Blasentumorzellen vergleichend untersucht. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass der Reparaturfaktor ERCC1-XPF in Testistumorzelllinien reduziert vorliegt. Um eine mögliche Rolle von ERCC1-XPF für die Reparatur-Defizienz der ICLs und Cisplatin-Sensitivität in Testistumorzellen zu analysieren, wurde ERCC1-XPF in der Testistumorenzelllinie 833K mithilfe eines Expressionsvektors überexprimiert, und der Einfluss von ERCC1-XPF auf ICL-Reparatur sowie Cisplatin-Sensitivität wurde ermittelt. Überexpression von ERCC1-XPF führte zur Reparatur der ICLs in 833K-Zellen und verminderte die Cisplatinsensitivität. Somit scheint die Cisplatinsensitivität der Testistumorzellen, zumindest zum Teil, auf einer verminderten ICL-Reparatur zu beruhen. Des Weiteren wurde in „proof of principle“ Experimenten ERCC1-XPF in der Cisplatin-resistenten Blasentumorzelllinie MGH-U1 mittels siRNA herunterreguliert, und die Auswirkung der Herunterregulation auf die ICL-Reparatur und die Cisplatinsensitivität wurde geprüft. RNA-Interferenz-vermittelte Herunterregulierung von ERCC1-XPF reduzierte die Prozessierung der Cisplatin-induzierten ICLs und verstärkte die Cisplatinsensitivität in MGH-U1 Zellen. Somit wurde in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt, dass die Testistumorzellen in Vergleich zu Blasentumorzellen in der Reparatur von ICLs defizient sind, wobei die verminderte ICL-Reparatur auf die geringe Expression von ERCC1-XPF zurückgeführt werden konnte. Diese ICL-Reparatur-Defizienz könnte, zumindest zu einem Teil, für die Sensitivität der Testistumoren gegenüber Cisplatin verantwortlich sein.
Nox4 is a member of the NADPH oxidase family, which represents a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the vascular wall. Nox4-mediated ROS production mainly depends on the expression levels of the enzyme. The aim of my study was to investigate the mechanisms of Nox4 transcription regulation by histone deacetylases (HDAC). Treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and HUVEC-derived EA.hy926 cells with the pan-HDAC inhibitor scriptaid led to a marked decrease in Nox4 mRNA expression. A similar down-regulation of Nox4 mRNA expression was observed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of HDAC3. HDAC inhibition in endothelial cells was associated with enhanced histone acetylation, increased chromatin accessibility in the human Nox4 promoter region, with no significant changes in DNA methylation. In addition, the present study provided evidence that c-Jun played an important role in controlling Nox4 transcription. Knockdown of c-Jun with siRNA led to a down-regulation of Nox4 mRNA expression. In response to scriptaid treatment, the binding of c-Jun to the Nox4 promoter region was reduced despite the open chromatin structure. In parallel, the binding of RNA polymerase IIa to the Nox4 promoter was significantly inhibited as well, which may explain the reduction in Nox4 transcription. In conclusion, HDAC inhibition decreases Nox4 transcription in human endothelial cells by preventing the binding of transcription factor(s) and polymerase(s) to the Nox4 promoter, most likely because of a hyperacetylation-mediated steric inhibition. In addition, HDAC inhibition-induced Nox4 downregulation may also involves microRNA-mediated mRNA destabilization, because the effect of the scriptaid could be partially blocked by DICER1 knockdown or by transcription inhibition.
Somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme (sACE) is crucial in cardiovascular homeostasis and displays a tissue-specific profile. Epigenetic patterns modulate genes expression and their alterations were implied in pathologies including hypertension. However, the influence of DNA methylation and chromatin condensation state on the expression of sACE is unknown. We examined whether such epigenetic mechanisms could participate in the control of sACE expression in vitro and in vivo. We identified two CpG islands in the human ace-1 gene 3 kb proximal promoter region. Their methylation abolished the luciferase activity of ace-1 promoter/reporter constructs transfected into human liver (HepG2), colon (HT29), microvascular endothelial (HMEC-1) and lung (SUT) cell lines (p < 0.001). Bisulphite sequencing revealed a cell-type specific basal methylation pattern of the ace-1 gene -1,466/+25 region. As assessed by RT-qPCR, inhibition of DNA methylation by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and/or of histone deacetylation by trichostatin A highly stimulated sACE mRNA expression cell-type specifically (p < 0.001 vs. vehicle treated cells). In the rat, in vivo 5-aza-cytidine injections demethylated the ace-1 promoter and increased sACE mRNA expression in the lungs and liver (p = 0.05), but not in the kidney. In conclusion, the expression level of somatic ACE is modulated by CpG-methylation and histone deacetylases inhibition. The basal methylation pattern of the promoter of the ace-1 gene is cell-type specific and correlates to sACE transcription. DNMT inhibition is associated with altered methylation of the ace-1 promoter and a cell-type and tissue-specific increase of sACE mRNA levels. This study indicates a strong influence of epigenetic mechanisms on sACE expression.
Chemotherapy modestly prolongs survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer, but strategies are needed to increase its efficacy. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors modify chromatin and can block cancer cell proliferation and promote apoptosis.
Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs do not have a poly(A) tail but end instead in a conserved stem-loop structure. Efficient translation of these mRNAs is dependent on the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). Here we explore the mechanism by which SLBP stimulates translation in vertebrate cells, using the tethered function assay and analyzing protein-protein interactions. We show for the first time that translational stimulation by SLBP increases during oocyte maturation and that SLBP stimulates translation at the level of initiation. We demonstrate that SLBP can interact directly with subunit h of eIF3 and with Paip1; however, neither of these interactions is sufficient to mediate its effects on translation. We find that Xenopus SLBP1 functions primarily at an early stage in the cap-dependent initiation pathway, targeting small ribosomal subunit recruitment. Analysis of IRES-driven translation in Xenopus oocytes suggests that SLBP activity requires eIF4E. We propose a model in which a novel factor contacts eIF4E bound to the 5' cap and SLBP bound to the 3' end simultaneously, mediating formation of an alternative end-to-end complex.
Inflammation is a key process in cardiovascular diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the vasculature is a major target of inflammatory cytokines, and TNFalpha regulates ECM metabolism by affecting collagen production. In this study, we have examined the pathways mediating TNFalpha-induced suppression of prolyl-4 hydroxylase alpha1 (P4Halpha1), the rate-limiting isoform of P4H responsible for procollagen hydroxylation, maturation, and organization. Using human aortic smooth muscle cells, we found that TNFalpha activated the MKK4-JNK1 pathway, which induced histone (H) 4 lysine 12 acetylation within the TNFalpha response element in the P4Halpha1 promoter. The acetylated-H4 then recruited a transcription factor, NonO, which, in turn, recruited HDACs and induced H3 lysine 9 deacetylation, thereby inhibiting transcription of the P4Halpha1 promoter. Furthermore, we found that TNFalpha oxidized DJ-1, which may be essential for the NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction because treatment with gene specific siRNA to knockout DJ-1 eliminated the TNFalpha-induced NonO-P4Halpha1 interaction and its suppression. Our findings may be relevant to aortic aneurysm and dissection and the stability of the fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaque in which collagen metabolism is important in arterial remodeling. Defining this cytokine-mediated regulatory pathway may provide novel molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in preventing plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.
Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by expansion of a CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract in ATXN7, a component of the SAGA histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complex. Previous studies provided conflicting evidence regarding the effects of polyQ-ATXN7 on the activity of Gcn5, the HAT catalytic subunit of SAGA. Here I showed that reducing Gcn5 expression accelerates both cerebellar and retinal degeneration in a mouse model of SCA7. Deletion of Gcn5 in Purkinje cells in mice expressing wild type Atxn7, however, causes only mild ataxia and does not lead to the early lethality observed in SCA7 mice. Reduced Gcn5 expression strongly enhances retinopathy in SCA7 mice, but does not affect the transcriptional targets of Atxn7, as expression of these genes is not further altered by Gcn5 depletion. These findings demonstrate that loss of Gcn5 functions can contribute to the time of onset and severity of SCA7 phenotypes, but suggest that non-transcriptional functions of SAGA may play a role in neurodegeneration in this disease.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor, MS-275, on the Fas signaling pathway and susceptibility of osteosarcoma (OS) to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced cell death. OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lungs. We have shown that Fas expression in OS cells is inversely correlated with their metastatic potential. Fas+ cells are rapidly eliminated when they enter the lungs via interaction with FasL, which is constitutively expressed in the lungs. Fas- OS cells escape this FasL-induced apoptosis and survive in the lung microenvironment. Moreover, upregulation of Fas in established OS lung metastases results in tumor regression. Therefore, agents that upregulate Fas expression or activate the Fas signaling pathway may have therapeutic potential. Treatment of Fas- metastatic OS cell lines with 2 μM MS-275 sensitized cells to FasL-induced cell death in vitro. We found that MS-275 did not alter the expression of Fas on the cell surface; rather it resulted in increased levels of Fas within the membrane lipid rafts, as demonstrated by an increase in Fas expression in detergent insoluble lipid raft fractions. We further demonstrated that following MS-275 treatment, Fas colocalized with GM1+ lipid rafts and that there was a decrease in c-FLIP (cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein) mRNA and protein. Downregulation of c-FLIP correlated with caspase activation and apoptosis induction. Transfection of cells with shRNA to c-FLIP also resulted in the localization of Fas to lipid rafts. These studies indicate that MS-275 sensitizes OS cells to FasL by upregulating the expression of Fas in membrane lipid rafts, which correlated with the downregulation of c-FLIP. Treatment of nu/nu-mice with established OS lung metastases with oral MS-275 resulted in increased apoptosis, a significant inhibition of c-FLIP expression in tumors and tumor regression. Histopathological examination of mice showed no significant organ toxicity. Overall, these results suggest that the mechanism by which MS-275 sensitizes OS cells and lung metastases to FasL-induced cell death may be by a reduction in the expression of c-FLIP.