959 resultados para HIGH-OXYGEN-AFFINITY


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The study was carried out from April 30 until July 13 of 1997 in Adventfjorden (Spitsbergen). Formation of a less saline and warmer surface water (~1 m thick) caused by melting of the ice was observed in the fjord during the first days of May. In summer the less saline surface layer was about 3 m thick. Euphotic depth measured under the ice sheet reached 12 m, whereas load of mineral matter brought with riverine discharge in summer (content of total particulate matter in the fjord reached 1.66 kg/m**2) dramatically reduced euphotic zone depth to 0.35 m. By pigment measurement three phases of phytoplankton development in Adventfjorden were distinguished: (1) spring bloom that has started under fast ice and reached maximum in the mid of May, (2) stagnation period in June, (3) increase of pigment concentration in July, what could indicate start of the next algae bloom. Analyses of chlorophylls and carotenoids revealed that diatoms (chl c, fucoxanthin), and green algae (chl b, lutein) dominated phytoplankton community in the fjord. Moreover, presence of peridinin indicates presence of Dinophyta and alloxanthin - occurence of Cryptophyta. In May and June 1997 phytoplankton appeared mainly in the surface of water, while in July, as a result of inflow of turbulent riverine waters into Adventfjorden, algae cells were pushed down and the highest numbers were observed at depth ~20 m. Great phaeopigments to chl a ratio (= 0.54) found in fjord seston in June and July probably shows strong impact of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton development. High contribution of chlorophyllide a in porphyrin a poll in samples collected under fast ice (chlorophyllide a / chl a ratio = 0.18) reflects the final stage of algal communitie succession in ice, just before spring ice melt and release of biota to oceanic water. Chlorophyllide a content during summer was minor or not detectable, demonstrating that diatom cells were in good physiological condition. High chl a allomer / chl a ratio (average = 0.11 for the period investigated) confirms high oxygen concentration in environment of Adventfjorden.


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An extensive set of conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD)/lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) data obtained within the northwestern Weddell Sea in August 1997 characterizes the dense water outflow from the Weddell Sea and overflow into the Scotia Sea. Along the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre, there is a stream of relatively low salinity, high oxygen Weddell Sea Deep Water (defined as water between 0° and ?0.7°C), constituting a more ventilated form of this water mass than that found farther within the gyre. Its enhanced ventilation is due to injection of relatively low salinity shelf water found near the northern extreme of Antarctic Peninsula's Weddell Sea shelf, shelf water too buoyant to descend to the deep-sea floor. The more ventilated form of Weddell Sea Deep Water flows northward along the eastern side of the South Orkney Plateau, passing into the Scotia Sea rather than continuing along an eastward path in the northern Weddell Sea. Weddell Sea Bottom Water also exhibits two forms: a low-salinity, better oxygenated component confined to the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre, and a more saline, less oxygenated component observed farther into the gyre. The more saline Weddell Sea Bottom Water is derived from the southwestern Weddell Sea, where high-salinity shelf water is abundant. The less saline Weddell Sea Bottom Water, like the more ventilated Weddell Sea Deep Water, is derived from lower-salinity shelf water at a point farther north along the Antarctic Peninsula. Transports of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water masses crossing 44°W estimated from one LADCP survey are 25 ? 10**6 and 5 ? 10**6 m**3/s, respectively. The low-salinity, better ventilated forms of Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water flowing along the outer rim of the Weddell Gyre have the position and depth range that would lead to overflow of the topographic confines of the Weddell Basin, whereas the more saline forms may be forced to recirculate within the Weddell Gyre.


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Foraminifera shells from modern sediments document the hydrography of the coastal upwelling region off Northwest-Africa (12-35° N) through the stable isotopic composition of their shells. Oxygen isotopes in planktonic foraminifers reflect sea surface temperatures (SST) during the main growing season of the differnt species: Globigerinoides ruber (pink and white) and G. sacculifer delineate the temperatures of the summer, Globorotalia inflata and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata those of the winter. Oxygen isotopes on Globigerina bulloides document temperature ranges of the upwelling seasons. d18O values in planktonic foraminifera from plankton hauls resemble those from the surface sediment samples, if the time of the plankton collection is identical with that of the main growing season of the species. The combined isotopic record of G. ruber (white) and G. inflata clearly reveals the latitudinal variations of the annual mean SST. The deviation of the d18O values from both species from their common mean is a scale for the seasonality, i.e. the maximum temperature range within one year. Thus in the summer upwelling region (north of 25° N) seasonality is relatively low, while it becomes high in the winter upwelling region south of 20° N. Furthermore, the winter upwelling region is characterized by relatively high d18O values - indicating low temperatures - in G. bulloides, the region of summer upwelling by relatively low d180 values compared with the constructed annual mean SST. Generally, carbon isotopes from the plankton hauls coincide with those from sediment surface samples. The enrichment of 13C isotopes in foraminifers from areas with high primary production can be caused by the removal of 12C from the total dissolved inorganic carbon during phytoplankton blooms. It is found that carbon isotopes from plankton hauls off Northwest-Africa are relatively enriched in 13C compared with samples from the western Atlantic Ocean. Also shells of G. ruber (pink and white) from upwelling regions are enriched in the heavier isotope compared with regions without upwelling. In the sediment, the enrichement of 13C due to high primary production can only be seen in G. bulloides from the high fertile upwelling region south of 20° N. North of this latitude values are relatively low. An enrichment of 12C is observed in shells of G. ruber (pink), G. inflata and P. obliquiloculata from summer-winter- and perennial upwelling regions respectively. Northern water masses can be distinguished from their southern counterparts by relatively high oxygen and carbon values in the "living" (=stained) benthic foraminifera Uvigerina sp. and Hoeglundina elegans. A tongue of the Mediterranean Outflow water can be identified far to the south (20° N) by 13C-enriched shells of these benthic foraminifera. A zone of erosion (15-25° N, 300-600 m) with a subrecent sediment surface can be mapped with the help of oxygen isotopes in "dead" benthic specimens. Comparison of d18O values in aragonitic and calcitic benthic foraminifers does not show a differential influence of temperature on the isotopic composition in the carbonate. However, carbon isotopes reflect slightly differences under the influence of temperature.


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Few studies exist reporting on long-term exposure of crustaceans to hypercapnia. We exposed juvenile South African rock lobsters, Jasus lalandii, to hypercapnic conditions of pH 7.3 for 28 weeks and subsequently analysed changes in the extracellular fluid (haemolymph). Results revealed, for the first time, adjustments in the haemolymph of a palinurid crustacean during chronic hypercapnic exposure: 1) acid-base balance was adjusted and sustained by increased bicarbonate and 2) quantity and oxygen binding properties of haemocyanin changed. Compared with lobsters kept under normocapnic conditions (pH 8.0), during prolonged hypercapnia, juvenile lobsters increased bicarbonate buffering of haemolymph. This is necessary to provide optimum pH conditions for oxygen binding of haemocyanin and functioning of respiration in the presence of a strong Bohr Effect. Furthermore, modification of the intrinsic structure of the haemocyanin molecule, and not the presence of molecular modulators, seems to improve oxygen affinity under conditions of elevated pCO2.


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The role of microorganisms in the cycling of sedimentary organic carbon is a crucial one. To better understand relationships between molecular composition of a potentially bioavailable fraction of organic matter and microbial populations, bacterial and archaeal communities were characterized using pyrosequencing-based 16S rRNA gene analysis in surface (top 30 cm) and subsurface/deeper sediments (30-530 cm) of the Helgoland mud area, North Sea. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was used to characterize a potentially bioavailable organic matter fraction (hot-water extractable organic matter, WE-OM). Algal polymer-associated microbial populations such as members of the Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Verrucomicrobia were dominant in surface sediments while members of the Chloroflexi (Dehalococcoidales and candidate order GIF9) and Miscellaneous Crenarchaeota Groups (MCG), both of which are linked to degradation of more recalcitrant, aromatic compounds and detrital proteins, were dominant in subsurface sediments. Microbial populations dominant in subsurface sediments (Chloroflexi, members of MCG, and Thermoplasmata) showed strong correlations to total organic carbon (TOC) content. Changes of WE-OM with sediment depth reveal molecular transformations from oxygen-rich [high oxygen to carbon (O/C), low hydrogen to carbon (H/C) ratios] aromatic compounds and highly unsaturated compounds toward compounds with lower O/C and higher H/C ratios. The observed molecular changes were most pronounced in organic compounds containing only CHO atoms. Our data thus, highlights classes of sedimentary organic compounds that may serve as microbial energy sources in methanic marine subsurface environments.


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Organisms in all domains, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya will respond to climate change with differential vulnerabilities resulting in shifts in species distribution, coexistence, and interactions. The identification of unifying principles of organism functioning across all domains would facilitate a cause and effect understanding of such changes and their implications for ecosystem shifts. For example, the functional specialization of all organisms in limited temperature ranges leads us to ask for unifying functional reasons. Organisms also specialize in either anoxic or various oxygen ranges, with animals and plants depending on high oxygen levels. Here, we identify thermal ranges, heat limits of growth, and critically low (hypoxic) oxygen concentrations as proxies of tolerance in a meta-analysis of data available for marine organisms, with special reference to domain-specific limits. For an explanation of the patterns and differences observed, we define and quantify a proxy for organismic complexity across species from all domains. Rising complexity causes heat (and hypoxia) tolerances to decrease from Archaea to Bacteria to uni- and then multicellular Eukarya. Within and across domains, taxon-specific tolerance limits likely reflect ultimate evolutionary limits of its species to acclimatization and adaptation. We hypothesize that rising taxon-specific complexities in structure and function constrain organisms to narrower environmental ranges. Low complexity as in Archaea and some Bacteria provide life options in extreme environments. In the warmest oceans, temperature maxima reach and will surpass the permanent limits to the existence of multicellular animals, plants and unicellular phytoplankter. Smaller, less complex unicellular Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea will thus benefit and predominate even more in a future, warmer, and hypoxic ocean.


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Continuous sedimentary records from an eastern Mediterranean cold-water coral ecosystem thriving in intermediate water depths (~600 m) reveal a temporary extinction of cold-water corals during the Early to Mid Holocene from 11.4-5.9 cal kyr BP. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage analysis shows low-oxygen conditions of 2 ml l**-1 during the same period, compared to bottom-water oxygen values of 4-5 ml l**-1 before and after the coral-free interval. The timing of the corals' demise coincides with the sapropel S1 event, during which the deep eastern Mediterranean basin turned anoxic. Our results show that during the sapropel S1 event low oxygen conditions extended to the rather shallow depths of our study site in the Ionian Sea and caused the cold-water corals temporary extinction. This first evidence for the sensitivity of cold-water corals to low oceanic oxygen contents suggests that the projected expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones resulting from global change will threaten cold-water coral ecosystems in low latitudes in the same way that ocean acidification will do in the higher latitudes.


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To determine the relationship between the spatial dinoflagellate cyst distribution and oceanic environmental conditions, 34 surface sediments from the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea have been investigated for their dinoflagellate cyst content. Multivariate ordination analyses identified sea-surface temperature, chlorophyll-a , nitrate concentration, salinity, and bottom oxygen concentration as the main factors affecting dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the region. Based on the relative abundance data, two associations can be distinguished that can be linked with major oceanographic settings. (1) An offshore eastern Mediterranean regime where surface sediments are characterized by oligotrophic, warm, saline surface water, and high oxygen bottom water concentrations (Impagidinium species, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Operculodinium israelianum). Based on the absolute abundance, temperature is positively related to the cyst accumulation of Operculodinium israelianum. Temperature does not form a causal factor influencing the accumulation rate of the other species in this association. Impagidinium species and Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus show a positive relationship between cyst accumulation and nitrate availability in the upper waters. (2) Species of association 2 have highest relative abundances in the Western Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Sicily/NW Ionian Sea, and/or the distal ends of the Po/Nile/Rhône River plumes. At these stations, surface waters are characterized by (relative to the other regime) higher productivity associated with lower sea-surface temperature, salinity, and lower bottom water oxygen concentrations (Selenopemphix nephroides, Echinidinium spp., Selenopemphix quanta, Quinquecuspis concreta, Brigantedinium spp. and Lingulodinium machaerophorum). Based on both the absolute and relative abundances, Selenopemphix nephroides is suggested to be a suitable indicator to trace changes in the trophic state of the upper waters. The distribution of Lingulodinium machaerophorum is related to the presence of river-influenced surface waters, notably the Nile River. We suggest that this species might form a suitable marker to trace past variations in river discharge, notably from the Nile.