992 resultados para HD 209458B


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Job dissatisfaction, stress and burnout are linked to high rates of nurses leaving the profession, poor morale and poor patient outcomes. Haemodialysis (HD) nursing is uniquely characterised by the intense-prolonged interaction with patients who require complex technological care. A review of nine papers found that factors affecting job satisfaction were aspects of nursing care, organisational factors and length of time that a nurse has been working in nephrology nursing. Factors affecting job stress and burnout were due to interpersonal relationships with physicians, patient care activities, violence and abuse from patients, organisational factors and a lack of access to ongoing education.


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The paper examines the situation of postgraduate international students studying in Australia, mostly at doctoral level; a group widely seen as sought-after by Australian universities and employers, though also exposed to difficulties in aspects like learning culture, language and temporary employment. The investigation follows a novel path, as an exercise in practice-led research on issues involved in Higher Degree supervision. It is in fact an exercise within an advanced program of professional development for HD research supervisors. It begins by deploying a journalistic method, to obtain and present information. This has entailed the publishing of two feature articles about the lives of scholars for Subtropic, a campus based online magazine in Brisbane, www.subtropic.com.au. The next step is a review of a set of supervisions, citing issues raised in individual cases. Parallels can be seen between the two information-getting and analytical processes, with scope for contradictions. An exegetical statement deals with supervisory issues that have been exposed, and implications for learning, with recommendations for developing the quality of the experience of these students.


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People living with lymphohematopoietic neoplasms (LHNs) are known to have increased risks of second cancer; however, the incidence of second cancers after LHNs has not been studied extensively in Australia. The Australian Cancer Database was used to analyze site-specific risk of second primary cancer after LHNs in 127,707 patients diagnosed between 1983 and 2005. Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated using population rates. Overall, patients with an LHN had nearly twice the risk of developing a second cancer compared to the Australian population. Among 40,321 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), there was over a fourfold significant increase in melanoma, Kaposi sarcoma, cancer of the lip, connective tissue and peripheral nerves, eye, thyroid, Hodgkin's disease (HD) and myeloid leukemia. Among 6,396 patients with HD, there was over a fourfold significant increase in melanoma, Kaposi sarcoma, cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, female breast, uterine cervix, testis, thyroid, NHL and myeloid leukemia. Among the 33,025 patients with lymphoid and myeloid leukemia, significant excess were seen for cancers of the lip, eye, connective tissue and peripheral nerves, NHL and HD. Among the 13,856 patients with plasma cell tumors, there was over fourfold significant increase for melanoma, cancer of the connective tissue and peripheral nerves and myeloid leukemia. Our findings provide evidence of an increased risk of cancer, particularly ultraviolet radiation- and immunosuppression-related cancers, after an LHN in Australia. Copyright © 2010 UICC.


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The head direction (HD) system in mammals contains neurons that fire to represent the direction the animal is facing in its environment. The ability of these cells to reliably track head direction even after the removal of external sensory cues implies that the HD system is calibrated to function effectively using just internal (proprioceptive and vestibular) inputs. Rat pups and other infant mammals display stereotypical warm-up movements prior to locomotion in novel environments, and similar warm-up movements are seen in adult mammals with certain brain lesion-induced motor impairments. In this study we propose that synaptic learning mechanisms, in conjunction with appropriate movement strategies based on warm-up movements, can calibrate the HD system so that it functions effectively even in darkness. To examine the link between physical embodiment and neural control, and to determine that the system is robust to real-world phenomena, we implemented the synaptic mechanisms in a spiking neural network and tested it on a mobile robot platform. Results show that the combination of the synaptic learning mechanisms and warm-up movements are able to reliably calibrate the HD system so that it accurately tracks real-world head direction, and that calibration breaks down in systematic ways if certain movements are omitted. This work confirms that targeted, embodied behaviour can be used to calibrate neural systems, demonstrates that ‘grounding’ of modeled biological processes in the real world can reveal underlying functional principles (supporting the importance of robotics to biology), and proposes a functional role for stereotypical behaviours seen in infant mammals and those animals with certain motor deficits. We conjecture that these calibration principles may extend to the calibration of other neural systems involved in motion tracking and the representation of space, such as grid cells in entorhinal cortex.


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Spatial navigation requires the processing of complex, disparate and often ambiguous sensory data. The neurocomputations underpinning this vital ability remain poorly understood. Controversy remains as to whether multimodal sensory information must be combined into a unified representation, consistent with Tolman's "cognitive map", or whether differential activation of independent navigation modules suffice to explain observed navigation behaviour. Here we demonstrate that key neural correlates of spatial navigation in darkness cannot be explained if the path integration system acted independently of boundary (landmark) information. In vivo recordings demonstrate that the rodent head direction (HD) system becomes unstable within three minutes without vision. In contrast, rodents maintain stable place fields and grid fields for over half an hour without vision. Using a simple HD error model, we show analytically that idiothetic path integration (iPI) alone cannot be used to maintain any stable place representation beyond two to three minutes. We then use a measure of place stability based on information theoretic principles to prove that featureless boundaries alone cannot be used to improve localization above chance level. Having shown that neither iPI nor boundaries alone are sufficient, we then address the question of whether their combination is sufficient and - we conjecture - necessary to maintain place stability for prolonged periods without vision. We addressed this question in simulations and robot experiments using a navigation model comprising of a particle filter and boundary map. The model replicates published experimental results on place field and grid field stability without vision, and makes testable predictions including place field splitting and grid field rescaling if the true arena geometry differs from the acquired boundary map. We discuss our findings in light of current theories of animal navigation and neuronal computation, and elaborate on their implications and significance for the design, analysis and interpretation of experiments.


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Background: The prevalence of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients is increasing in Vietnam; however, the impact of ESKD and its treatment on a person’s quality of life (QOL) is not well understood. Objective: This research sought to examine the association between monthly income, comorbidity, length of time on dialysis, social support and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among Vietnamese ESKD patients. Method: Using a descriptive design, 95 patients who were receiving haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) from one hospital in Hanoi, were conveniently sampled. Results: ESKD patients reported having a moderate level of HRQOL. Factors associated with QOL were social support (r= .268, p<.05), comorbid health conditions (r= –.185, p<.05), and length of time on dialysis (r= .182, p<.05). However, monthly income was not significantly related to HRQOL (p>.05). Conclusion: The results seem to indicate that ESKD patients in Vietnam have a high level of support from family members, friends and significant others. There was also a negative impact of comorbid conditions on the QOL of these patients. Based on the results of this study, nurses ought to develop nursing interventions which will lead to a better QOL for patients, and further research into the QOL for ESKD patients in Vietnam is warranted.


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In this paper, we describe a method to represent and discover adversarial group behavior in a continuous domain. In comparison to other types of behavior, adversarial behavior is heavily structured as the location of a player (or agent) is dependent both on their teammates and adversaries, in addition to the tactics or strategies of the team. We present a method which can exploit this relationship through the use of a spatiotemporal basis model. As players constantly change roles during a match, we show that employing a "role-based" representation instead of one based on player "identity" can best exploit the playing structure. As vision-based systems currently do not provide perfect detection/tracking (e.g. missed or false detections), we show that our compact representation can effectively "denoise" erroneous detections as well as enabe temporal analysis, which was previously prohibitive due to the dimensionality of the signal. To evaluate our approach, we used a fully instrumented field-hockey pitch with 8 fixed high-definition (HD) cameras and evaluated our approach on approximately 200,000 frames of data from a state-of-the-art real-time player detector and compare it to manually labelled data.


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Purpose To investigate hyperopic shifts and the oblique (or 45-degree/135-degree) component of astigmatism at large angles in the horizontal visual field using the Hartmann-Shack technique. Methods The adult participants consisted of 6 hypermetropes, 13 emmetropes and 11 myopes. Measurements were made with a modified COAS-HD Hartmann-Shack aberrometer across T60 degrees along the horizontal visual field in 5-degree steps. Eyes were dilated with 1% cyclopentolate. Peripheral refraction was estimated as mean spherical (or spherical equivalent) refraction, with/against the rule of astigmatism and oblique astigmatism components, and as horizontal and vertical refraction components based on 3-mm major diameter elliptical pupils. Results Thirty percent of eyes showed a pattern that was a combination of type IV and type I patterns of Rempt et al. (Rempt F, Hoogerheide J, Hoogenboom WP. Peripheral retinoscopy and the skiagram. Ophthalmologica 1971;162:1Y10), which shows the characteristics of type IV (relative hypermetropia along the vertical meridian and relative myopia along the horizontal meridian) out to an angle of between 40 and 50 degrees before behaving like type I (both meridians show relative hypermetropia). We classified this pattern as type IV/I. Seven of 13 emmetropes had this pattern. As a group, there was no significant variation of the oblique component of astigmatism with angle, but about one-half of the eyes showed significant positive slopes (more positive or less negative values in the nasal field than in the temporal field) and one-fourth showed significant negative slopes. Conclusions It is often considered that a pattern of relative peripheral hypermetropia predisposes to the development of myopia. In this context, the finding of a considerable portion of emmetropes with the IV/I pattern suggests that it is unlikely that refraction at visual field angles beyond 40 degrees from fixation contributes to myopia development.


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Purpose To design and manufacture lenses to correct peripheral refraction along the horizontal meridian and to determine whether these resulted in noticeable improvements in visual performance. Method Subjective refraction of a low myope was determined on the basis of best peripheral detection acuity along the horizontal visual field out to ±30° for both horizontal and vertical gratings. Subjective refraction was compared to objective refractions using a COAS-HD aberrometer. Special lenses were made to correct peripheral refraction, based on designs optimized with and without smoothing across a 3 mm diameter square aperture. Grating detection was retested with these lenses. Contrast thresholds of 1.25’ spots were determined across the field for the conditions of best correction, on-axis correction, and the special lenses. Results The participant had high relative peripheral hyperopia, particularly in the temporal visual field (maximum 2.9 D). There were differences > 0.5D between subjective and objective refractions at a few field angles. On-axis correction reduced peripheral detection acuity and increased peripheral contrast threshold in the peripheral visual field, relative to the best correction, by up to 0.4 and 0.5 log units, respectively. The special lenses restored most of the peripheral vision, although not all at angles to ±10°, and with the lens optimized with aperture-smoothing possibly giving better vision than the lens optimized without aperture-smoothing at some angles. Conclusion It is possible to design and manufacture lenses to give near optimum peripheral visual performance to at least ±30° along one visual field meridian. The benefit of such lenses is likely to be manifest only if a subject has a considerable relative peripheral refraction, for example of the order of 2 D.


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Purpose: Changes in pupil size and shape are relevant for peripheral imagery by affecting aberrations and how much light enters and/or exits the eye. The purpose of this study is to model the pattern of pupil shape across the complete horizontal visual field and to show how the pattern is influenced by refractive error. Methods: Right eyes of thirty participants were dilated with 1% cyclopentolate and images were captured using a modified COAS-HD aberrometer alignment camera along the horizontal visual field to ±90°. A two lens relay system enabled fixation at targets mounted on the wall 3m from the eye. Participants placed their heads on a rotatable chin rest and eye rotations were kept to less than 30°. Best-fit elliptical dimensions of pupils were determined. Ratios of minimum to maximum axis diameters were plotted against visual field angle. Results: Participants’ data were well fitted by cosine functions, with maxima at (–)1° to (–)9° in the temporal visual field and widths 9% to 15% greater than predicted by the cosine of the field angle . Mean functions were 0.99cos[( + 5.3)/1.121], R2 0.99 for the whole group and 0.99cos[( + 6.2)/1.126], R2 0.99 for the 13 emmetropes. The function peak became less temporal, and the width became smaller, with increase in myopia. Conclusion: Off-axis pupil shape changes are well described by a cosine function which is both decentered by a few degrees and flatter by about 12% than the cosine of the viewing angle, with minor influences of refraction.


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Background The behaviour of tumour cells depends on factors such as genetics and the tumour microenvironment. The latter plays a crucial role in normal mammary gland development and also in breast cancer initiation and progression. Breast cancer tissues tend to be highly desmoplastic and dense matrix as a pre-existing condition poses one of the highest risk factors for cancer development. However, matrix influence on tumour cell gene expression and behaviour such as cell migration is not fully elucidated. Results We generated high-density (HD) matrices that mimicked tumour collagen content of 20 mg/cm3 that were ~14-fold stiffer than low-density (LD) matrix of 1 mg/cm3. Live-cell imaging showed breast cancer cells utilizing cytoplasmic streaming and cell body contractility for migration within HD matrix. Cell migration was blocked in the presence of both the ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, and the MMP inhibitor, GM6001, but not by the drugs individually. This suggests roles for ROCK1 and MMP in cell migration are complicated by compensatory mechanisms. ROCK1 expression and protein activity, were significantly upregulated in HD matrix but these were blocked by treatment with a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, MS-275. In HD matrix, the inhibition of ROCK1 by MS-275 was indirect and relied upon protein synthesis and Notch1. Inhibition of Notch1 using pooled siRNA or DAPT abrogated the inhibition of ROCK1 by MS-275. Conclusion Increased matrix density elevates ROCK1 activity, which aids in cell migration via cell contractility. The upregulation of ROCK1 is epigenetically regulated in an indirect manner involving the repression of Notch1. This is demonstrated from inhibition of HDACs by MS-275, which caused an upregulation of Notch1 levels leading to blockade of ROCK1 expression.


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Background Research has identified associations between serum 25(OH)D and a range of clinical outcomes in chronic kidney disease and wider populations. The present study aimed to investigate vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in dialysis patients and the relationship with vitamin D intake and sun exposure. Methods A cross-sectional study was used. Participants included 30 peritoneal dialysis (PD) (43.3% male; 56.87 ± 16.16 years) and 26 haemodialysis (HD) (80.8% male; 63.58 ± 15.09 years) patients attending a department of renal medicine. Explanatory variables were usual vitamin D intake from diet/supplements (IU day−1) and sun exposure (min day−1). Vitamin D intake, sun exposure and ethnic background were assessed by questionnaire. Weight, malnutrition status and routine biochemistry were also assessed. Data were collected during usual department visits. The main outcome measure was serum 25(OH)D (nm). Results Prevalence of inadequate/insufficient vitamin D intake differed between dialysis modality, with 31% and 43% found to be insufficient (<50 nm) and 4% and 33% found to be deficient (<25 nm) in HD and PD patients, respectively (P < 0.001). In HD patients, there was a correlation between diet and supplemental vitamin D intake and 25(OH)D (ρ = 0.84, P < 0.001) and average sun exposure and 25(OH)D (ρ = 0.50, P < 0.02). There were no associations in PD patients. The results remained significant for vitamin D intake after multiple regression, adjusting for age, gender and sun exposure. Conclusions The results highlight a strong association between vitamin D intake and 25(OH)D in HD but not PD patients, with implications for replacement recommendations. The findings indicate that, even in a sunny climate, many dialysis patients are vitamin D deficient, highlighting the need for exploration of determinants and consequences.


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Video installation, Metrolpolis: Part I-III, using 1-channel HD video with surround sound. At the end of the first decade of the twenty–first century, contemporary culture appears increasingly seduced and absorbed by apocalyptic reveries. Scientists are racing to cryo-preserve genetic material from animals and plant matter in underground bunkers, while filmmakers use the spectacle of computer-generated imagery (CGI) to speculate on the outcomes from dramatic climate change, that we are not yet ready to confront in reality... Premier's new media art prize 2010: http://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/exhibitions/past/2010/premier_of_queenslands_national_new_media_art_award_2010/chris_howlett


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Background Chronic kidney disease is a global public health problem of increasing prevalence. There are five stages of kidney disease, with Stage 5 indicating end stage kidney disease (ESKD) requiring dialysis or death will eventually occur. Over the last two decades there have been increasing numbers of people commencing dialysis. A majority of this increase has occurred in the population of people who are 65 years and over. With the older population it is difficult to determine at times whether dialysis will provide any benefit over non-dialysis management. The poor prognosis for the population over 65 years raises issues around management of ESKD in this population. It is therefore important to review any research that has been undertaken in this area which compares outcomes of the older ESKD population who have commenced dialysis with those who have received non-dialysis management. Objective The primary objective was to assess the effect of dialysis compared with non-dialysis management for the population of 65 years and over with ESKD. Inclusion criteria Types of participants This review considered studies that included participants who were 65 years and older. These participants needed to have been diagnosed with ESKD for greater than three months and also be either receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT) (hemodialysis [HD] or peritoneal dialysis [PD]) or non-dialysis management. The settings for the studies included the home, self-care centre, satellite centre, hospital, hospice or nursing home. Types of intervention(s)/phenomena of interest This review considered studies where the intervention was RRT (HD or PD) for the participants with ESKD. There was no restriction on frequency of RRT or length of time the participant received RRT. The comparator was participants who were not undergoing RRT. Types of studies This review considered both experimental and epidemiological study designs including randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental, before and after studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies, case control studies and analytical cross sectional studies. This review also considered descriptive epidemiological study designs including case series, individual case reports and descriptive cross sectional studies for inclusion. This review included any of the following primary and secondary outcome measures: •Primary outcome – survival measures •Secondary outcomes – functional performance score (e.g. Karnofsky Performance score) •Symptoms and severity of end stage kidney disease •Hospital admissions •Health related quality of life (e.g. KDQOL, SF36 and HRQOL) •Comorbidities (e.g. Charlson Comorbidity index).


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Purpose People with diabetes have accelerated age-related biometric ocular changes compared with people without diabetes. We determined the effect of Type 1 diabetes on amplitude of accommodation. Method There were 43 participants (33 ± 8 years) with type 1 diabetes and 32 (34 ± 8 years) age-balanced participants without diabetes. There was no significant difference in the mean equivalent refractive error and visual acuity between the two groups. Amplitude of accommodation was measured using two techniques: objective — by determining the accommodative response to a stimulus in a COAS-HD wavefront aberrometer (Wavefront Sciences), and subjective — with a Badal hand optometer (Rodenstock). The influences of age and diabetes duration (in years) on amplitude of accommodation were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Results Across both groups, objective amplitude was less than subjective amplitude by 1.4 ± 1.2 D. People with diabetes had lower objective (2.7 ± 1.6 D) and subjective (4.0 ± 1.7 D) amplitudes than people without diabetes (objective 4.1 ± 2.1 D, subjective 5.6 ± 2.1 D). For objective amplitude and the whole group, the duration of diabetes contributed 57% of the variation as did age. For the objective amplitude and only the diabetes group this was 78%. For subjective amplitude, the corresponding proportions were 68% and 103%. Conclusions Both objective and subjective techniques showed lowered amplitude of accommodation in participants with type 1 diabetes when compared with age-matched controls. The loss correlated strongly with duration of diabetes. The results suggest that individuals with diabetes will experience presbyopia earlier in life than people without diabetes, possibly due to metabolic changes in the lens.