994 resultados para Grupos geradores diesel
In this paper a study on effect of different energization on removal of NOX in diesel engine exhaust has been presented. Here we made a detailed qualitative study of effect of pulsed/ac/dc voltage energizations on the NOX treatment of using conventional wire-cylinder reactor configuration. It was observed that amongst different energizations, pulse energization exhibits maximum NOX removal efficiency when compared to ac and dc energizations. For a given specific energy density, wire-cylinder reactor filled with BaTiO3 pellet gives higher NOX removal efficiency when compared to reactor without pellets under both pulse and ac energization. The dc energization does not have much impact on the removal processes. The paper further discusses the individual energization cases in detail.
Red mud is a waste by-product generated during the processing of bauxite, the most common ore of aluminium. With the presence of ferric oxide, high surface area, resistance to poisoning and low cost, red mud made itself a good alternative to the existing commercial automobile catalyst. The cascading of dielectric barrier discharge plasma with red mud improved the NOX removal from diesel engine exhaust significantly. The DeNO(X) efficiency with discharge plasma was 74% and that with red mud was 31%. The efficiency increased to 92% when plasma was cascaded with red mud catalyst operating at a temperature of 400 degrees C. The NOX removal was dominated by NO2 removal. The studies were conducted at different temperatures and the results were discussed.
Soot generated from the combustion process in diesel engines affect engine tribology. In this paper, two diesel soot samples; from engine exhaust and oil filter are suspended in hexadecane oil and the suspension is used to lubricate a steel ball on steel flat sliding contact at a contact pressure of 1.3 GPa. The friction and wear of the steel flat are recorded. The data are compared with those recorded when the soot is generated by burning ethylene gas. The rationale for the comparatively poor tribology of diesel soot is explored by quantifying the size and shape of primary particles and agglomerates, hardness of single primary soot particles, the crystallinity and surface and near surface chemistry of soot and interparticle adhesion.
In the present work, the spray structure of diesel from a 200-mu m, single-hole solenoid injector is studied using microscopic imaging at injection pressures of 700, 1000 and 1400 bar for various gas pressures. A long-distance microscope with a high resolution camera is used for spray visualization with a direct imaging technique. This study shows that even at very high injection pressures, the spray structure in an ambient environment of atmospheric pressure reveals presence of entangled ligaments and non-spherical droplets during the injection period. With increase in the injection pressure, the ligaments tend to get smaller and spread radially. The spray structure studies are also conducted at high gas pressures in a specially designed high pressure chamber with optical access. The near nozzle spray structure at the end of the injection shows that the liquid jet breakup is improved with increase in gas density. The droplet size measurement is possible only late in the injection duration when the breakup appears to be complete and mostly spherical droplets are observed. Hence, droplet size measurements are performed after 1.3 ms from start of the injection pulse. Spatial and temporal variation in Sauter Mean `Diameter (SMD) is observed and reported for the case corresponding to an injection pressure of 700 bar. Overall, this study has highlighted the importance of verifying the extentof atomization and droplet shape even in dense sprays before using conventional dropsizing methods such as PDPA.
With ever more stringent NOX emissions, it is necessary to examine removal of nitrogen oxide from diesel engine exhaust. This paper describes the study of NOX reduction from 5.9-kW stationary diesel engine exhaust under nanosecond pulse energization. Two plasma reactors characterized by dielectric barrier discharge has been designed, built, and evaluated. One of the reactor designs include nine numbers of electrodes kept in parallel, and the exhaust was allowed to pass axially, whereas the second reactor consists of nine parallel electrodes and the exhaust was allowed to pass radially. The reactors were individually tested for the treatment of nitrogen oxides for gas flow rate of 2, 5, and 10 L/min. Both the reactors have been individually tested, and results show an appreciable removal of NOX with equal discharge volume. From the results, it was found that both the reactors were an efficient NOX removal. With consumption of only 36 J/L, the reactors had shown a considerable 45% DeNO(X) efficiency.
The Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) took an initiative to check the overall benefits of introducing electric buses as a suitable replacement for the diesel buses to tackle the burgeoning pollution in the city of Bengaluru, India. For a trial run of three months, an electric bus was procured from a Chinese company `Build Your Dreams' (BYD). Data were collected by BMTC on the operation and maintenance of the bus. This new initiative, if rightly guided, could have a direct impact on the lives of those in the city. An economic analysis of the running as well as maintenance of the electric buses within the city limits was performed. For comparison, the same analysis was performed for the data from the existing diesel bus operating on the same route. On the basis of the study, it can be concluded that the introduction of electric buses as a means of public transport in the city would be beneficial both economically as well as environmentally. The electric bus also makes much less noise, thereby helping reduce noise pollution and makes less vibration when compared to the diesel bus. This results in a more comfortable journey for the passengers.
El presente trabajo se realizó en la granja "Santa Rosa" propiedad de la UNA, ubicada en Sabana Grande, Managua El objetivo general del estudio fue: evaluar comparativamente el concentrado comercial y los desperdicios de cocina, sobre los indicadores técnicos del cerdo en producción. Los objetivos específicos fueron: l. Evaluar el comportamiento de las variables ganancia media diaria, ganancia por periodo, peso inicial, peso final, consumo de alimento por animal y por periodo, conversión alimenticia por animal y por periodo de dos grupos de cerdos alimentados, uno con concentrado comercial y otro con desperdicios de cocina; 2. Comparar económicamente las dietas utilizadas. El experimento se analizó en tres etapas productivas (crecimiento, desarrollo y engorde) con dos grupos de cerdos alimentados con: Concentrado comercial (T1) y Desperdicios de cocina (T2). Se utilizaron 16 cerdos Híbridos divididos en dos grupos de 8 animales (4♀ y 4♂ castrados),con peso promedio de 27.5 kg., los animales se pesaron cada 30 días. Las variables evaluadas fueron: ganancia media diaria (GMD), ganancia media por periodo (GMPP), peso inicial, peso final, consumo animal (CA), consumo por periodo (CP), conversión de alimento por animal (Convan) y por periodo (convp). Las variables PI, PF, G.MD. y G.M.P.P. se analizaron como un BCA en arreglo bifactorial considerando los factores: A: Sexo y B: Dietas. Las variables CA, CP, Convan y ConvP se analizaron como un DCA. Se realizó el ANDEVA y pruebas de separaciones de medias para todas las variables. Para relacionar las variables peso inicial con el peso final, se realizó un análisis de regresión. Se realizó un análisis económico por presupuestos parciales. La variable GMD se vio afectada (0.05 %) por la interacción. sexo*dieta, no así por el tiempo, sexo y dieta La GMPP fue afectada (0.05%) dieta y no por el tiempo, sexo y la interacción. sexo*dieta. El peso inicial se vio afectado (0.05%) por el tiempo, la dieta y la interacción sexo*dieta, y no por el sexo. El peso final se vio afectado (0.05%) por el tiempo, sexo, dieta y la interacción sexo*dieta. La Convan, ConvP, CA y CP se observan diferencias significativa pan ambos tratamientos, observándose un mejor comportamiento con el T1. El peso final se ve afectado por el peso inicial en ambos tratamientos, con r2 de 0.99 y 0.97 respectivamente. El tratamiento que presentó mayor fue el T2. Se concluye que: Los desperdicios de cocina son una alternativa de alimentación no convencional viable para los productores; tanto T1 y T2 tuvieron estadísticamente igual comportamiento GMD y GMPP, no siendo así para el peso inicial y peso final que fueron mayores al el T1; El CA, CP, Convan y ConvP fueron inferiores al el T1.De igual forma en ambos tratamientos el peso final dependió del peso inicial en un 99 y 97% respectivamente. El tratamiento que mayor Utilidad Obtuvo fue el de desperdicios de cocina. Económicamente producir un kilogramo de carne de cerdo con desperdicios de cocina es más rentable que hacerlo a partir de alimentos concentrados.
El presente trabajo evaluó el efecto de coberturas muertas procedentes de hojas y ramas podadas de las especies: Simarouba glauca D.C., Clusia rosea Jacq y Giricidia sepuim (Jacq) Steud., sobre la reducción de los grupos de malezas de una plantación de café (Coffea arabica L.), manejada bajo sombra. Para ello se estableció un ensayo en la finca La Nacional, Masatepe, Nicaragua; colocando en las parcelas experimentales, material vegetal cortado de cada una de estas especies, en tres diferentes grosores de cubrimiento. Las malezas procedentes de semillas y de retoños se mantuvieron controladas a los 17, 31, 45 y 65 días después de establecido el ensayo. El testigo promedio 385 individuos por m2 y los diferentes tratamientos promediaron 22 individuos por m2 en malezas de semillas. El testigo para malezas de retoños promedio 619 brotes por m2, los diferentes tratamientos promediaron 85.5 brotes por m2. En el muestreo para determinar biomasa fresca de malezas, hubo diferencias significativas en malezas de semillas y retoños, con promedios de 21 g/m2 para el testigo, comparado con 3 g/m2 para los m2 para los tratamientos en malezas de semillas y para malezas de retoños el testigo promedio 233 g/m2 y en los tratamientos promediaron 52 g/m2. En general los grosores dobles y triples alcanzaron a reducir mayormente las malezas.
This article is the result of experimental studies of the rheologv, viscosities, surface tensions, and atomization of water-methanol and diesel emulsions. The Span 80 and Tween 60 are employed to make three emulsifying agents, Y01, Y02, and Y03, with viscosity of 1.32-1.5 Pa s and HLB values of 5.36, 4.83, and 4.51, respectively. In the water-in-oil emulsions, the aqueous phase is between 10% and 50%; the agent concentration added is 0.8-8.0%. The viscosity of the emulsions is 0.003-0.02 Pa s, and the surface tens ion is 0.04-0.1 N/m. The types and concentrations of agents significantly influence the viscosity of the emulsions, and the higher concentration of the aqueous phase (<50%) in creases the viscosities of the emulsions, especially for higher agent concentration. Interfacial membrane and HLB values of the agents can explain all these phenomena. Higher aqueous phase concentration and agent viscosity results in larger Sauter mean diameter.
Resumen: En el marco de las perspectivas socioculturales actuales (Nelson, 2010) y en las líneas de investigación de alfabetización temprana y familiar (Hannon & Bird, 2004), se analizan 296 situaciones de alfabetización registradas en hogares de 20 niños de 4 años de poblaciones urbano marginadas y 20 niños de sectores medios. Empleando un procedimiento cualitativo (Strauss & Corbin, 1991) se analizaron comparativamente las situaciones registradas en ambos grupos atendiendo al tipo y a la estructura de la situación y a la interacción entre los participantes. Se identificaron diferencias en el tipo y la cantidad de situaciones en las que participaron los niños de ambos grupos. No se observaron diferencias en el interés de los niños por la lectura y la escritura.